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You've come to the longest running fantasy wrestling website. Since 1994, we've been hosting top quality fantasy wrestling and e-wrestling content.

GXW UpDate 18 Aug 03 (Revolution)


New member
Jul 8, 1998
Sierra Vista, Arizona
[updated:LAST EDITED ON Aug-17-03 AT 11:11 PM (EST)]Hey Everyone,

Well, we told you that the line up for Revolution would be up soon ... and here it is!

Coming to you from Roberts Arena in Evensville, Indiana ... here is REVOLUTION!

Dragonsblood vs. Sketch

"Vindictive" Vic Reeves vs. Big Cock McGee

Twin Phoenix vs. The Nighthawks (Julia Easter and Angel Garza)

DreamMaker vs. Reuben Fasco

Eric 'The Dragon' Davis vs. Jevon Alexander White

'The Messiah' Dallas Winston vs. 'The Apocalypse' Gabriel Poe

Kendal Codine and Kin Hiroshi vs. John Miller and Boogie Smallz

The Angle Deadline will be on Sunday, 24 AUG 2003, at 11:59PM EST
The RP Deadline will be on Monday, 25 AUG 2003, at 12NOON

The threads are up and this is our last stop before GLOBAL WARFARE!

Erik Z
Co-Owner GXW

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