Re: HEADSHOT 01 @ RELOADED 16 Available!
I am thrilled and honored that you came to join us.
The National Title and the Triple Crown Championship was a really troublesome legacy. I can remember a conversation with Katz that took place about two years ago I think where he said something to the effect of, "Wow, they're just going to keep blaming you for the booking of this title, aren't they?"
One of the main reasons that I really hoped that this moment would come with LDO was the fact that he was not indifferent to the belt. With the standard response to Rook's success being an attitude that the belt was middling or worthless and that Rook's retaining of it likewise not praiseworthy (fuck you guys, seriously, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you), the fact that LDO took a determined interest in it was the single best thing that could've happened to me. And with that in mind it was a rather easy thing to decide to customize the defense of the belt to LDO, which gave birth to the Final Boss persona. The arc of Rook being this anti-hero figure, but then taking a full turn to the bad guy realm felt like a good reveal, something that could conceivably happen in the arc of a videogame. With LDO literally being the heroic player one, at first idolizing/respecting the Rook character, but then discovering the truth and surpassing him.
But don't think that I threw it away.
Like I had told Warren ages ago when I felt Deacon had come to take the Triple Crown Championship, that I expected to lose the belt but I sure as hell wasn't going to go down without trying my best to keep it. And in this regard, I consider myself super lucky to have had Rook look as strong as he did in the last defense where loss felt quite inevitable.
As for the smartbelt, what could be more cool to LDO than a belt you can play videogames on? do some autographs, then hand a few lucky kids wireless controllers and suddenly you can play a round or two of super smash bros or mario kart at appearances? Not to mention it being hackable, modern, and customizable to the limit of the imagination? Give it a voice and it could even be a character, why the hell not?
In finality, it feels like a genuine privilege to hand the strap over to a creative and enthusiastic guy who I'm sure will go on to do some great things with the Triple Cro- oh, cool, I can start calling it the Triforce now too. And now, like most champions, you have the stressful moment of discovery where you realize that you are very dependant on your challenger in order to give your reign legitimacy.
I can only hope that someone steps up and plays it as straight and genuine as you did for me.