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Throbbin Wood

League Member
Dec 5, 2009
Hey *****es and pimps. I'm new to this website, but I've been doing the wrestling role playing thing for almost a decade now. During that time, I've been both praised and torn apart for my risque adult nature. In the former game I played, I managed to make the Hall of Fame as a Promoter and still get banned twice. There's a lot of great people in that game, I'm not bitter at the owners, it's just that my style doesn't fit with their rules and business plan.

Over a year since my second banning, I took my style of writing and applied it to an actual book. I took one of my wrestlers, pulled them away from the fictional wrestling world, and published the ****ing thing over a month ago. I plan on taking my most controversial character and will start work on his own story (once again, nothing wrestling related), and this story will shock and offend many I'm sure.

Ever since I published that first book, I've missed the role playing. I've missed the interacting with other people and playing off of others. I plan on putting my own book goals ahead of this because it pays the bills, so I won't have a go at this hobby like I use to. But I still want to kill some time on the hobby that honed my style when I was just a dumbass twelve year old, and I hope you lot can take me in.

I am not bringing any of the two big characters from the previous game because one is already published in a book that I hope becomes a bigger series, and the other is already underway in a literary project. All I wanted to do was start off with something new and have fun from here.

So you all know, I'm very open-minded and carefree. You can do anything to my character, and I mean anything. I'll respect other characters because it's only common courtesy in this game, but I pride myself on not taking any of this seriously and being able to work with anything that falls in my lap. I don't care about winning or losing. I don't care if your guy cuts off my guy's dick and throws it in a blender. I actually dare you to do that because it would be hilarious. All I want to do is have fun, tell a good story, and hopefully make someone laugh.

BTW - here is my guy, "The Hebrew Hitman" Eli Scheinberg.


Where's my money, Chad?
Jul 3, 1997
The Silk Road
Wonderful. Clearly you are from outer space, but I think we can accommodate you. Welcome aboard.

Throbbin Wood

League Member
Dec 5, 2009
Wonderful. Clearly you are from outer space, but I think we can accommodate you. Welcome aboard.

That's a nice way to describe my place of origin in the e-fed world. :D This looks like fun. It's going to take awhile for me to get fully use to the set-up, I don't know what to really expect until things get going, but it's going to be exciting nontheless.

What was the name of the book?

PERPETUALLY SQUARE ONE by Justin Hollatz, available on the Amazon Kindle for $0.99. If you don't have Kindle, there's a free app that allows you to get Kindle books on your PC and there's even one for the the iPhone and iPod Touch.

As a warning, it takes a bit of an acquired taste or an open mind to enjoy my work. That goes for both e-fedding and my big projects. I think we're all adults here, so no ill will 'n' all that. :p


Where's my money, Chad?
Jul 3, 1997
The Silk Road
That's a nice way to describe my place of origin in the e-fed world. :D This looks like fun. It's going to take awhile for me to get fully use to the set-up, I don't know what to really expect until things get going, but it's going to be exciting nontheless.

I'm pretty open minded when it comes to RP; good writing is good writing. Not sure where you came across the league, but if you read my advertisement on PTC, I made it clear that people can RP any style that suits them. The only time I'll ask you to write in the typical FWC 'teleplay' format is when you're submitting segments or promos for a card, which basically requires you to use (FADEIN) and (CUTTO), etc. Hell, I could even add that stuff in for you, it's no big deal. For general and match RPs, write however you like. The one RP you did was pretty good, so I wouldn't worry too much about not translating well over here.

Throbbin Wood

League Member
Dec 5, 2009
Ok, sounds easy enough. Using (FADEIN) and (CUTTO) actually seems easier than constantly writing, "the scene fades..." or "we cut to..." It might actually benefit my style once I get use to it.

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