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Historic Moment As WWA Welcomes Female Wrestlers


League Member
May 26, 2011
London, England
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For the first time in over eleven years of itsexistence, the World Wrestling Alliance has opened its doors to the incrediblefemale talent out there in the wrestling world. For a company – and an industry– previously dominated by men, the rise in professional female wrestlers hasbeen impossible to ignore.<o:p></o

When questioned on this historic decision, asenior WWA official had this to say:

“For so long, we resisted the opportunity to bringin female talent. But that was a mistake. The WWA has prided itself onproviding the best showcase of wrestling in the world, with some of the besttalent in the world. There are currently women around the world who are astalented as the men, if not more. Now is the chance for them to prove their worthin one of the longest-running, critically acclaimed wrestling companies outthere.”<o:p></o

With the infamous Independence Day Rumble aroundthe corner – with the winner receiving a Heavyweight title shot – the WorldWrestling Alliance’s decision could not have come at a better time.<o:p></o

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