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Hudson River Wrestling. It's like a solid gold candybar.


League Member
Jun 4, 2007
This is Hudson River Wrestling. The new face of professional wrestling.

Er... So much as a dinky fed with a cable access deal that is stationary in the Hammerstein Ballroom in Manhattan can be a "face" of professional wrestling.

HRW is a stomp fed, based on the idea that good wrestling and promoes can carry a fed, without having to worry about all that pesky "pyrotechnics" and "backstage segments" and "drama-y storylines about peoples wives getting pregnant with their son's daughter's kid while dad pulls a gun on his boss and then a zombie rushes into the mob and starts dancing to Thriller".

As the HRW website says, "HRW is a fed focused on making wrestling entertaining, for the fans and for the talent involved. With a focus on ground-level advertising, and a profile so low it's nearly nonexistent, HRW is a stomp fed in the purest form. Based out of the historic Hammerstein Ballroom in New York City, the HRW is run to be a fed focusing on wrestling, not on overblown storylines or silly theatrics. Simply put, HRW is wrestling, not a glorified soap opera with half-naked men rolling around together."

Run for seven months now by precisely two people(In kayfabe. In real life, just one.), HRW has become one of the shining jewels in the World Wrestling Alliance's interfederational crown... and yet, HRW hasn't bothered having a WWA World Heavyweight Championshop title shot, Double Crown title shot, or World Tag Team Championship title shot. But the time swiftly approaches for this to happen, and HRW is always looking for new people to help make it better.

http://jimsardonic.com/hrw/ is the HRW website, and we want everyone who is looking for something to do with themselves to truck on up to NYC and work themselves to the bone for the best damn fed in the borough of Manhattan.


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