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Hyping The Sh*t Outta The Mag! ;-)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Ok guys its me, its me, its the RICH to the E, or something like that with a quick update on the mag.

A July "issue" looks to be very promising, it'll be out at the end of July to be exact. As of right now there are 4 articles in the works.

I'm thinking about adding a fifth article, sort of like "Droz's Two Cents", where every month a member of the roster can speak his piece in kayfabe form. Meaning you stay in character as far as the writing goes, but its the person behind the in-ring persona that will be doing the talking. Essentially you could say whatever you wanted about the behind the scenes things, it wouldn't really be a platform to further feuds or anything of that nature.

If you guys could think of anything else that might work in the mag leave a message here or drop me a line at rich-e-rich@snowboard.com and I'll see what we can work out.


p.s. - I realize that you won't know if your ideas conflict with what we already have but I didn't wanna give away everything in the mag unless necessary. I'll let ya know if your ideas will work or not ;-).

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