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I <3 Dorchester Stratton

Rook Black

Live Long and Pants.
Jul 20, 2007
Bedford, OH
of the GG creations, JJ Deville was tops right up until Dorchester cut that promo on Dan Ryan and Joe with Calvin "helping". So awesome. Great stuff!


Jan 1, 2000
Thanks guys!

That last Dorchester note was a blast to write. Dorchester's one of my favorite characters I've ever written.

One of the things I've tried to do with Dorchester is to not give him any sense of humor whatsoever.

Pretty much all of my characters have a sense of humor. Troy's a legitimately funny "person" with his pop-culture references, and is also unintentionally funny since he thinks he's this huge celebrity out of the ring but is a C-list guy at best. JJ is funny in that he's such a douche but revels in it (and I could see him being like that if he was a real person, but quickly realizing it). Bobby Jack's funny in how sanctimonious he is -- I see him, in "real life" of being a very devout Christian but someone who is really familiar with the worst types of preachers and is really loving taking to the character, since he's only 22 and is still relatively new. August's a great mouthpiece since he can just blab about so many annoying things, which is always funny to a heel wrestling fan.

But Dorchester? Since he became Dorchester, I've tried to make him have absolutely ZERO things to make anyone laugh at. I want him to come off like the absolute biggest jerk possible -- cold, ruthless and the most self-serving person of all-time.

The "coaching" story might be the first scenario he's been in that has any sort of comedy to it. But he's such a slimebag by walking away from EVERYTHING he's boasted about the past year or so. He's just such a snivelling, conniving prick.

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