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Long Live THE KING
Mar 16, 2004
[updated:LAST EDITED ON Sep-09-02 AT 12:54 PM (EDT)]"When I said that you've never seen anything like me, and, that you never would again... I wasn't speaking for my health. Do us all a favor – and, in US I mean everybody, the wrestler's backstage, front office officials, our fans, and even the popcorn venders, and ringcrew – don't play on our intelligence. Just because Mark Windham says something doesn't necessarily make it any more valid than what Joe Blow standing on the corner of 'insanity boulevard', with an empty 'Jack Daniels' bottle in his hand, said just moments earlier. You don't know me... and, no... you didn't lie... you don't give a damn about me either. If I died tomorrow, you'd probably shake your head and say: 'Too Bad', but that'd be the extent of it. Don't throw me in the same crowd as this man, or that man, or what you've seen in all your years in this business."

fade- in:

[small]Sean Stevens leaned back against the fence, directly in front of the house, behind him. His location was unclear, but one would assume, he was in his hometown, Orlando, Florida… with Primetime being around the corner. He was clad in a long sleeved, crew neck, black fitted shirt, black sweatpants, with grey stripes down the side, and black quarter cut, boots. His hair was hanging just above his shoulders, and he was sporting a week old, bit of peach fuzz under his chin. He looked down, for moment, collecting his thoughts, before re- focusing his attention to the camera, that had never left his presense.[/small]

"I am Michael Jordan. Muhammad Ali. Wayne Gretzky. Jerry Rice... and Babe Ruth."

[small]He paused again, before grinning ear- to- ear.[/small]

"Well... not exactly, but I think you catch my drift. I pride myself on being the very best this industry has to offer, and if I'm not there yet, I'm damned close. A couple of years ago, I was nothing important here, and while your brother Troy, and Hornet may not have seen anything in me, I saw all that I needed to see in myself. Some people are a dime a dozen... not me. I'm special... one of the ones God put his hand on. ...and, in being special, and in being bold enough to tag myself as the future of this industry, and the very best there is, I fully intend on surpassing any and every accomplishment YOU made here. And, you're right... the CSWA World Heavyweight Championship won't MAKE people look at me the way I intend on being looked at, but it works both ways, because if I NEVER win it, I won't get the attention that I need to get, to prove what I've set out to prove. In your eyes, I'm damned if I do... in mine, I'm even more damned if I don't.

"Unless that kid never had an imagination, it's pretty much safe to say, every kid envisioned themselves being somebody else. You probably idolized Bob Backlund, or Pedro Martinez just as much as I wanted to be the 'Greatest American Hero'. But, one thing's for sure, Mark... you can't judge me now, by how I acted and reacted then. When I was a child I thought like one, reacted to situations like one, and did things children do. When, I became a man...

"...I became what you see before you. ...triple- X."

[small]Sean stuck his hand inside his pocket, and pulled out a cough drop… unwrapping it, he stuck it in his mouth.[/small]

"And, Triple X doesn't want to BE anybody but Triple X. I'm not infatuated with the idea of living the life of another man, and if I were ever presented with the opportunity and choice to either have CSWA's promotional machine stand behind me, and shove me down the throats of America, and be like Hornet, or be Hornet's opponent, my choice would be the latter.

"I'm not coming to Charleston to stand and stare, in awe of you... I'm coming to make you bleed. I'm not wrestling you to add another legend's name to my resume, or to have someone tell me afterwards: 'Nice try... maybe next time'. I'm wrestling you to take your f#ck#ng CSWA World Title. Regardless of which Mark Windham shows up to Charleston – the focused one, or the focused on TROY one – I plan on winning. Why? Because I honestly don't think you can handle me. I don't think an amped, psyched Mark Windham can beat me on my worst day, even though I realize things sometimes have a way of... happening. I *know* you can multi- task. But, I also know something you either are too stupid to know... or deliberately choose not to know... something I've been trying to tell you for weeks now, that you obviously refuse to insert into your thick skull – I am not like anything you've ever seen.

"And, if you want to bow out gracefully, atleast putting up a decent fight. I suggest you forget Troy ever existed for a day. But, who am I? I'm just a kid, right? I'm not Hornet... and, don't have a famous last name... fine. I accept that. But, after I beat you, one- two- three, and you're looking up at the lights, wondering how your long, dramatic, comeback campaign to the title ended on such a sour note...

"...don't say I didn't warn you...

"Oh, and Deacon... this is my title shot."

[small]He smirked.[/small]

If you... not mind... Stay out of my business."

[small]Sean stood where he was for a couple of seconds, before turning his back on the camera, as it recorded his final steps, before fading to an “ON TIME” promo, before finally fading out.[/small]

fade- to- black


Apr 1, 1998
Urbana, OH
(The waning seconds of Triple X's promo flashes on the screen)

>"Oh, and Deacon... this is my title shot."
>[small]He smirked.[/small]
>If you... not mind... Stay out of my business."

(Cut to Deacon)

D: You right. I should mind MY business. For record, legacy of title you covet IS MY business. And if you win title at On Time, and I hope you do, and you degrade it's legacy like current man holding belt. Then YOU will be MY BUSINESS!

(The camera cuts to black, but we still hear Deacon's voice)

D: Oh, and Stevens, next time you try mock me... do 'Mute Freak' version. It get you in less trouble.


Long Live THE KING
Mar 16, 2004
[updated:LAST EDITED ON Sep-11-02 AT 01:52 PM (EDT)]fade- in:

[small]Sean "Triple X" Stevens was inside the dressing room of a local Orlando, Florida gym, staring up at a monitor, flashing Deacon's response to his promo, directed at Mark Windham. He was dressed in a wife- beater, black basketball shorts with white trim, and a pair of black & silver 'Air Jordan XVII' tennis shoes. He ran his fingers through his sweated out, golden locks, before looking to his left, at the camera, sat up on it's tripod.[/small]

"I was gonna play the game with you, Deacon. I really was. I had this cute little comeback all prepared and everything. See, I was gonna have this Triple X wannabee come out here, and dance around in his leotard, and play the role of a mime. It was designed to piss you off. Designed to mock you. To show you that I don't give a flying f#ck about you, who you used to be, what you did here in two thousand, or your threats.

"But, that's not me..."

[small]Sean took two- or- three steps to the right, stopping directly in front of a locker, and banged on it, REALLY hard. A loud: "OOOOWWWWWW" echoed around the room, as the door swung open, and a guy in a black leotard, with golden hair, handcuffed, and gaffed, fell to the locker room floor. ...the camera zoomed in on the letters on his 'tard... they spelled out the name: 'DOUBLE Q'.[/small]

"See, I'm not gonna turn this into a game, 'cause it's not a game. I'm not coming out here to crack jokes, or be witty, because it's not about that.

"You want me to win the CSWA World Heavyweight title? Consider it done. But, I was gonna do that anyway. My thing is this, Deacon... I never have, and I never will need anybody sticking up for me. I know you'll come back and say your comments to Windham weren't necessarily for me, but for the CSWA World Title that you love so much, and that's all fine and well, but when it's on my hour... during 'my time', it's unwanted.

"I'm not out here to start anything with you, but I'm certainly not afraid of the 'trouble' you said I'd be in unless I impersonated a 'Mute Freak' you. Well, f#ck that... you wanna see it so much... do it yourself. I'm sure my rendition of it pails in comparison to yours, seeing how it was your gimmick to begin with."

[small]He paused for a moment, collecting his thoughts.[/small]

"I'm here to do what I do best, Deacon... and, that's kick a## and take names. I'm not the same green Sean Stevens you saw walking around backstage when you were here last... and, you? ...you're not the same dominant World Champion I remember.

"Take THAT into consideration, next time you see fit to stick your nose in my business. Who knows... your name may be the next I decide to take, after I kick your a##.

"And, for the sake of going against your little 'dare'. And, because nobody tells me what I can and can't do... and, actually gets the results they were hoping for. And, because... honestly... I enjoy pulling people's punk card "

[small]He cleared his throat as his seriousness turned into a smile.[/small]

"If you have problem with 'Blue- Eyed Badass' talking like you... [small]His expression shifted back to seriousness[/small] ...do something about it.

"But, let me warn you... no amount of faith talk will be able to save you from where I'll send you."

[small]Stevens turned away from the camera, laughing.[/small]

fade- to- black


Apr 1, 1998
Urbana, OH
Oh my, the language, the humanity

DEACON: I see somet'ing. I see man who say that he not same green kid I saw backstage last time. I see that. You say, I not same man that was champion at THAT time. Again, you right. I not that man, and neither are you. I'm MORE of a man. You see, right now you fight little battle in that little ring. My fight took me out of ring, but fight back took me farther. You not know what I WAS, you never found out. You not know what I AM, because you, the arrogant PUNK you showing me, will NEVER understand. I not try explain what you will never bother to comprehend. You wish disrespect what I am, fine. My Lord was disrespected worse. Who am I to expect more?

You want title? Keep focus on my comment at Mark, and unless you able to 'multitask' as he say, and do so better than a guy much more experienced than you. UNLESS you can, and I know better, you be left 3 second short of title. My comment to Mark has not'ing more to do with you than anyone else. This not about you. In fact, this still ABOVE you until you become part of that legacy. Then, after you there, you understand WHY it important.

As for me, if you want try me, so be it. I not run. You say no amount of faith talk will protect me from where you take me? (Grins) You know NOT'ING of my faith. It took me from just another CSWA wrestler to THE CSWA wrestler. It took me from bed to ring, and though I FAR from where I was, I AM THERE. That alone, more than enough EVIDENCE for me. You want to step in that ring against the faith that SAYS that in THIS weakness (Deacon holds his arm out, seemingly displaying his body) HE will be shown strong? Step in here. Because HIS strength, the STRENGTH that raise the DEAD, can certainly resurrect MY tiny career. You want to test that faith? I MAY not be man I was, but THAT faith has NEVER changed. It changed PEOPLE. And Stevens, maybe YOU be next to change.

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