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I'm just me


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
{{...FADE-IN: SHANE SOUTHERN is sitting on his Bourbon Street balcony. In front of him, on the table is a glass of tea. Southern picks a lemon out, begins to pull the seeds out of it and toss them over the side. When he's done, he squeezes the lemon into the tea, stirs it, and takes a sip...}}

SHANE SOUTHERN: "Ahhhh...refreshing. {{...grins...}} Just like you Craig. A refreshing change from all tha' serious, gloom and doomers 'round here like Trip, Flair, n' Aho. I can always count on YOU mah' friend ta' give ol' Shane Southern quite ah' laugh. Square dancin' {{...nods his head and smiles...}} Now THAT'S original. In fact, with all tha' rhymin' n' stuff...I was gonna' nominate that little piece for promo of tha' WEEK. Yeah, it was THAT good mah' man. Hats off ta' ya'....but then I saw tha' spot on Troy, n' I 'bout fell out man. You musta' stole writers from Letterman or somethin'...'cause that stuff was classic. " {{...smiles...}}

" It's really what I've come ta' EXPECT from you Craig. I mean, if ya' can't BEAT 'em...make FUN of 'em. Right? Is THAT you're logic here? See I'm just tryin' ta' figure out WHY a man who just got his ass handed ta' him onna' southern platter, would come out in fronta' tha' WORLD n' beg for MORE. Let's face it Craig, I told ya' this before our last match...you ain't got tha' SKILLS anymore ta' beat me. Yer hangin' 'round 'cause yer smart, yer witty, and ya' gotta' decent PARTNER...otherwise, you'd be 'roundin' out tha' mid card with yer buddy Shamone. But hey, don't take MAH' word for it huh? [..BLEEP..] it, I don't expect ya' to anyway. See Craig, tha' PROBLEM lies in tha' fact, that just 'cause you can make people laugh, it don't make you ah' GOOD wrestler...n' unless you can make me laugh once we step into tha' ring at BEE-OH-BEE, then it don't look good fer you. "

" I don't know what else ta' say ta' you Craig. I ain't like you, I'm not gonna' throw out insult after witty insult, 'cause that just ain't me. I'm not like Troy. I'm not gonna' come out here n' talk about a movie career, or how much I mean to tha' CSWA. I'm NOT Eddy Mayfield. I'm not gonna' come out here n' tell tha' world for tha HUNDREDTH time that I wrestled a good match against Evan Aho...'cause EYE beat Evan Aho. I'm NOT Tom Adler. I'm not gonna' justify tha' fact that I SUCK n' can't beat any top contenders, by sayin' that I don't need ta' prove mah'self. I'm NOT Deacon. Mah' faith is private, n' I PRACTICE what I preach. I'm NOT Lawrence Stanley. I don't run around wonderin' what MIGHT have been. I'm NOT Guns. I don't latch on as tha' straight man to a two man comedy act...n' ride tha' heat wave to tha' top. "

" I'm SHANE SOUTHERN. I'm tha' man that's gonna' show ALL of YOU what bein' tha' best in tha' BIZ truly means. It means you ain't gotta' be tha' best talker, you ain't gonna' be tha' BEST mat technician, you ain't gotta' be tha' fastest, tha' smartest, or tha' strongest. All you gotta' DO, Craig Miles, is win more than anybody else. THAT makes you tha' best, n' quite frankly, THAT'S who Shane Southern IS. "

" I'll see YOU at BEE-OH-BEE. "

" Party's Over. "

{{...FADE OUT as Shane toasts the camera...}}


League Member
Apr 16, 2004
Pardon Me?

Lemme see if I have this right. I suck because I haven't beaten anybody? You had to be talking about somebody else, right?

Because AS champion, I'm the man who's BEATEN Cruise. Who's BEATEN Stanley. Who's BEATEN Aho. Who's BEATEN Windham.

You, AS Champion? Stanley... Lehew... and Miles. One of which I beat twice... one I WILL beat at One Time... and another nobody even knew a couple of months ago.

And, low and behold... I actually BEAT the CHAMPION to be able to call myself one. You beat some shmuck from another federation who I'm not sure has even won a match in this place yet.

Further, I'm the man your new best friend BEGGED to help him. Which, by every estimation, pretty much makes you first runner up in that department too.

What really sucks is that I can't even come out here and throw you a bone and say you've clearly saved your best stuff for the NFW. But, given that for about the last six months NFW has stood for No F'n Wrestling, I can't even offer their current and soon to be former champion that.

But, hey... you think you're the s#!t? Good. Because you're gonna get two chances to prove it in one night.



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
You heard me

{{...FADE-IN: Shane Southern is standing in front of a Battle of the Belts backdrop dressed in an old NFW "Party's Over" T-shirt, jeans and cowboy boots. His hair is pulled neatly into a ponytail behind his head, and a toothpick hangs out of the side of his mouth. The CSWA US Title is over his shoulder...}}

SHANE SOUTHERN: " Tom, Tom, Tom. {{...shakes his head...}} It's truly sad now what you've resorted to. Comparing opponents. It's truly tha' ramblin's uva' desperate man. All those names you just mentioned? I beat 'em all Tom. Well...'cept fer Windam, n' who knows what tha' future holds on that one. Ya' see Tom, I'm not gonna' stand up here n' engage ya' inna' pissin' match 'bout which title is more important, n' whose beaten higher caliber opponents. THAT games fer guys like YOU who just wanna' try n' elevate themselves through WORDS more than actions. See Tom, yer usin' that belt you got as an EXCUSE not ta' have ta' go any further. Since you can't win tha' big one, you're tryin' ta' make what you GOT tha' big one. It's tha' desperation of a man who's loosin' it Tom. Sendin' tha' Diamond Exchange out to do yer dirty work...high tailin' it from explosive situations, it all points to tha' end of tha' line fer you Tom. "

" But you'll never admit it. You're full of excuses, n' that's tha' thing I hate tha' most. You've always gotta' reason...conspiracy, interference, whatever...it's never YOU, it's never YOUR fault, ever'body's against Tom Adler. {{...laughs...}} Please. NOBODY cares about you anymore Tom....'cept maybe Eddy Mayfield who though he could get a little heat back by crownin' yer skull with a chair. Talk about tha' WRONG guy ta' nail there. Nobody care 'bout yer past, present OR future."

" N' by tha' way Tom. I ain't NFW champ no more...not that it matters in tha' LEAST bit here. WHY you should givva' damn about what I'm doin' in another federation is BEYOND me. You've run out of good material now my friend. Maybe you n' Eddy n' Craig should put yer differences aside n' borrow their writers...maybe they could come up witha' nice comedy routine fer ya' insteada' this crap yer spewin' now. "

" So you've come out, you've said all tha' cliche' phrases, you've done tha' worn out "I'm better than you because I beat more people than you 10 years ago trip." You've done tha' "You suck in another league" bit, and you've done tha' "My belt is better than your belt" promo. What's left now Tom? You gonna' come out here and insult my accent? That's 'bout all you got left I assume. But you keep on talkin'. You keep on diggin' yer hole deeper n' deeper. I'll be MORE than happy ta' prove ya' wrong at BEE-OH-BEE. "

" Party's OVER. "

{{...FADE OUT...}}


League Member
Apr 16, 2004
Pal, I've been diggin this whole for over ten years.. and I haven't seen one yet I can't climb out of.

As for you? Let's get something straight, Shane. I'm about the only person IN this place who's given you any credit. I said all along that my gripe wasn't with you but the way you had to win the belt. And I didn't even blame YOU for that.

I said all along that you probably could have won that belt that night if the champion had given you the opportunity. But, he didn't. And you're upset with me because I seem to think a belt WON over the CHAMPION is better than a belt won by DEFAULT.

And, I said all along that you would have the opportunity to regain some respect for that belt.

But, it seems that rather than simply admit I'm right, and admit that you AREN'T a better champion than I am, you'd rather come out here and tear me down by saying cute original phrases like "You Suck" and run down my opponents.

Well, Shane, I didn't run down your opponents. But, if you wanna run down mine, go right ahead. Because, seeing as how I've pretty much beaten everybody you have as champion and more, all you're really doing is running down yourself and proving my point.

Now, I'd like to play the compassionate one and tell you how sorry I am that you feel slighted. But, I'm not.

I'm not sorry that I came back to this place after four years and still garnered more money then you will make in the next three years.

I'm not sorry that the NFW finally realized that the hack talent it's been pushing over there wasn't gonna cut it and dumped you as champion only to offer better contracts to people like Flair and Triple X.

And, I'm not sorry that your new best friend admitted on national television that he couldn't fend off the Intruders and GXW without me and had to settle for you when I decline.

No, Shane, I'm not sorry for any of it. Why? Because despite what you and every other bleeding heart seems to think, I feel no need to appologize for success. I earned it.

You want the props? You want the private parking space and your name on the big goodie bag? You've got YOUR chance to earn 'em at Belts.

Just know this ahead of time, Shane. I don't care whether you're still champion when our match comes around or not. And, I won't be appologizing for the results of THAT either.


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