Welcome to FWrestling.com!

You've come to the longest running fantasy wrestling website. Since 1994, we've been hosting top quality fantasy wrestling and e-wrestling content.

Interested in competing on a higher level?


League Member
Sep 3, 2004
If you haven't been able to compete for the world title in a while or believe you are world title material then this is for you. We are looking to beef up our World Title division. This means should you join us you will be getting World Title shots on a regular basis. In our fed once you are on a high level you don't have to step down. You don't have to compete for lower titles once you prove you can hang on a certain level. Only problem is, we need to grow and our world champion has not been defeated since he won the title. He's nearing the end of his first month as champion. We need somebody tough enough to join us and try to beat him. We are looking at having a large World Title battle royal to see if anybody can stop him. If you are interested then please check out this link and click on forums to join us.


About FWrestling

FWrestling.com was founded in 1994 to promote a community of fantasy wrestling fans and leagues. Since then, we've hosted dozens of leagues and special events, and thousands of users. Come join and prove you're "Even Better Than The Real Thing."

Add Your League

If you want to help grow the community of fantasy wrestling creators, consider hosting your league here on FW. You gain access to message boards, Discord, your own web space and the ability to post pages here on FW. To discuss, message "Chad" here on FW Central.

What Is FW?

Take a look at some old articles that are still relevant regarding what fantasy wrestling is and where it came from.
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