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Left in a ‘Cross’ Mood


League Member
Apr 10, 2004
Left in a ‘Cross’ Mood

Cleaver O’Connor shot up in his bed.

His heart raced and he tried to calm himself down by having a few swallows from bedside water glass. Unfortunately, it didn’t seem to work. He spilled from his bed, stubbing his toe on a corner of his bed frame as he walked blindly in the darkness. His fingers probed for a light switch. His groping eventually paid off and he found it, flipping it on and squinting in the bright light. His eyes struggled to adapt for quite a long time before the burning sensation wore off and he could finally focus on the matter at hand.

He fell back onto his bed and let out a gasp, after realizing he had been robbed.

However, his room remained in tact and it seemed as if he had been robbed by something... someone else. Instead of finding his belongings missing, he found that his Greensboro title was missing. Or perhaps it was the undefeated record that he was missing. The last two examples would have been accomplished, had his match not been interfered with.

The person, whose name was shared by the thing Cleaver always prayed to, was the culprit in an unforgivable case of larceny. Nathan Cross. Instead of getting punished for his run-in, it looked to Cleaver as if he were getting rewarded for his deeds done at the last On Time. Instead of a suspension or mere slap on the wrist, Nathan was getting his own chance to win the Greensboro gold at Showtime.

The thought alone made O’Connor queasy, and would be the reason why he wouldn’t sleep tonight. A glass of warm milk or a flock of all the world’s sleep wasn’t going to bring him slumber.

The only thing that could alleviate his insomnia would be revenge.

He became frustrated, then angry, as he plotted to get back at Nathan Cross. He wasn’t quite sure just what he would do, but one thing was for sure.

Something needed to be done, and Cleaver O’Connor was the man to do it.

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