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Let's talk about ewrestling: Clusterfuck endings.


League Member
Jun 4, 2007
I started watching wrestling the Nitro after Fall Brawl '98.

Yes, that was the very height of nWo supremacy. I saw more clusterfuck endings and stable beatdowns than any impressionable young lad should. And I would say that probably colored my viewpoint.

On this last show, we had a lot of clusterfuck endings and some people don't seem too psyched about 'em, but I'll always be okay with 'em... When done right. A good clusterfuck ending and thousand runins and stable beatdown needs to either have the faces holding their own thanks to plucky determination and risk-taking, numbers being even, or sheer ability. Which I'd say we got to see a few times on the show, but more completely...

If the faces are gonna get beaten down, they need to be setting something up for the future. With my busting my ass to establish myself as such, Tom is now the number one guy directly opposed to the bad guys who shall remain nameless for those who haven't read http://www.defiancewrestling.com/content.php?p=results&id=33 , with Christian Light the number one face in the fed. (It's two different distinctions, goddamnit). I tried to make sure to include some others in the mix so they could get to enjoy the fun of this, but I also left room open for anyone else to join us in the STABLE WARZ 2012 with Tom's requests for allies to step up and join him.

So that's something set up for the future. And now we get the fun of a big stable angle with two opposing groups right off the bat. Box and his Moral Majority aren't gonna like the bad guys because they challenge his supremacy, Tom and the Good Fight(I need a better name for this group) are the obvious foes for 'em, and there's spots for everyone else to do stuff with this angle IF THEY WANT.

White and his Private Holdings could easily be an impartial third party whose allegiance changes from minute to minute.

Dentari and the Made Men can set themselves up to be a competing force to the Moral Majority against the bad guys.

This can be really cool, and it will be helped...


What do you guys think about clusterfuck endings?

Evan H.

DEF Director of Fun & Good Humor
May 7, 2012
South Tejas
I started in on wrestling in like late '94, early '95 WCW. So yeah, I feel you on the love affair with stables and huge fuck off brawls. As far as ewrestling goes I've worked stable and dual handler teams for years now when I really think about it. Started my original character in a stable in like late '99 early 00's (with Sloan, believe it or not) went on to have my self titled character and my cousin's (Adam Burke) tag for fucking ever back in the NeWA in IWA. My favorite Defiance period was when I worked Hydra w/ Heidi and Greer.

So yeah. Cluster fuck brawls and stable warfare rules. With the trios division starting up, this shit is going to be nuts. I'm going to make it my personal goal to not only WIN the trios titles but make them more sought after than the world title.

Moral Majority > you.

And that's a SHOOT~!



League Member
Sep 17, 2012
I'm mixed on run-ins/clusterfucks. On one hand, there is the side of me who loves lucha like AAA, who loves the trios heel teams/super stables who foul each other and run rampant. Lawless promotions make things too crazy, though. I love my NJPW as well. Clearcut winner/loser, majority of time. So I can take it with a side order of pretzels, its all entertaining e-fed wise. As long as there is no handicap b.s bouts I'm all good. I can't STAND constant handicaps in any form of wrestling. -nods-

As for where my character Borchard goes from here, I'm excited by the possibilities. I'll be ringing PM bells once the green light shines.


Apr 6, 2012
The first wrestling event I ever saw, evar, was Wrestlemania IX. It was a good couple of years after that when I was treated to my first real experience of a stable, and that was the Million Dollar Corporation. To my knowledge, they worked much like the Heenan Family, very rarely getting involved in each others' matches.

I used to go over the road to a friend's house and watch Wrestlemania V on a regular basis. Heenan was involved in 5 matches that night, and as far as I remember, none of his other guys got involved in any of the others' matches.

I never used to watch WCW as we didn't seem to get it over here, and if we did I didn't know where to find it. So WWF/E was, is and probably always will be the source my fondest memories.

Sure they had beat downs and shit with people making saves, but it always seemed to be the heel high tailing it as soon as the cavalry came down, or getting hit by a couple of moves before getting out of dodge. There never seemed to be a time when the heels stuck around when one guy hit the ring and then waited until three or four more came down.

Even these days, the most notable stable of the past 5 years is probably The Nexus. They came down, trashed shit and stood tall their first few nights. After that people started to fight back. Cena would hit the ring and The Nexus would scarper. Maybe Cena got his hands on one of them, maybe not. But they never stuck around to find out.

I'm all for trios action ending in a six man brawl. Don't get me wrong there, and a four on one beatdown with somebody/somebodies making the save has it's place, definitely. But when you get the entire locker room emptying and it's not to separate two bitter rivals... I'm not so sure that's always going to work.

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