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Main Event: Maelstrom vs. "Stupendous" Stephen Morgan


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Mister Main Event

{{...FADE IN: "STUPENDOUS" Stephen Morgan is dressed in his "boating outfit" complete with a red CORDOUAN waterproof jacket, white knee length shorts and sandals. He's standing aboard his yacht, the "SS Stupendous", cruising along Duluth's busy harbor in Lake Superior...}}

"STUPENDOUS" STEPHEN MORGAN: " I would say it's ABOUT TIME, but that would just be cliché' wouldn't it? The whole WORLD KNEW this was coming eventually, and they had time to prepare for it. Now, in just a few short days, all the doubters will have something to sink their faith into ... all the people who had no REAL reason to cheer their champion will now have a REASON to get up in the morning ... all the classless hacks sitting up in the stands chugging their third Miller light, will now have a CHAMPION they can DREAM of being like ... the LADIES will now have somebody up at the top WORTHY of showering their affection on. Yes, GLCW...it is time for STUPENDOUS Stephen Morgan to take his RIGHTFUL place atop the MOUNTAIN of professional wrestling. "

" I hate to say the phrase "I told you so"...but in this case, I really think it's appropriate. I TOLD YOU SO. I told you it wouldn't take long for STUPENDOUS Stephen Morgan to reach the top, I TOLD you that I would be the GLCW World Champion inside of SIX MONTHS, but then again, that was going out on a limb about as much as saying the Cubs are going to win the World Series this year. I am your shining beacon of LIGHT GLCW, the ship WILL be righted and at WIRED, the rightful captain will take the wheel. "

{{...Morgan pauses as he allows the light to reflect off his face. He's staring off into the distance, not really watching where he's going when a large boat horn is heard and a yacht, even bigger than his own, almost hits him. A splash of water from the boats wake drenches a frazzled Morgan who forces the censors to bleep out a few choice words. He finally collects himself and continues...}}.

" You know, I've spent a lot of time over the last week trying to figure out HOW I allowed myself to get PINNED by that no talent Nemesis. Sure, he had a handful of tights, SURE it was a fast count, but I'm STUPENDOUS...I should have been able to overcome all those obstacles. But, with the help of my therapist, and a few boat rides out here on this beautiful lake, I've been able to put that SHAFTING behind me and focus on the future...MY FUTURE, and the FUTURE of the GLCW. "

" Maelstrom, I know you've been watching me. I KNOW you've been paying attention to the HAVOC I've been wreaking on the peasants of the GLCW under card. Admit it, you've been shaking in your BOOTS at the fact that soon enough, you've going to have to put it ALLLLLL on the line against the BEST...and you REALIZE that you're going to be EXPOSED for the fraud you truly are. I know you're going to come out here and ACT all big and bad. You're going to tell me how you're going to tear me LIMB from LIMB...you're going to say how much your SALIVATING at the chance to wrap those massive hands around my neck and squeeze. {{...laughs...}} You see Maelstrom, here's the thing. People around here put up a brave front. They talk about how much of a bumbling idiot I am, how I'm CLUMSY and scared of heights and what-not. But let me tell you this...in NO WAY, SHAPE, or FORM am I scared of you. I know what you're capable of, and well, it just don't bother me. "

{{...Just then another boat almost hits Morgan causes him to veer off and loose his balance. He catches himself just before falling overboard...}}

" LEARN TO DRIVE YOU IDIOT! Alright, well, where was I now? Oh yeah, FEAR. I mean, let's take good ol' Mike Manson for example...I mean, just because I get a little squeamish at some of the things he talks about...I mean, if he were to tell me that he intended to strip the flesh off of my body and feed it to his dead momma, I mean...I would obviously be CONCERNED about that...but AFRAID? No, sir. Not STUPENDOUS Stephen Morgan. So you see, there's nothing you can come out here and SAY that will scare me....and they're NOTHING I've seen you DO yet that scares me. So you could probably save everybody a little time and NOT come out here and flex your muscles and tell me how big of a dent you're going to put in my skull. That kinda' talk never got anybody anywhere. You can be bigger than that. I mean, you're not a walking freak show like Manson, you're just an overmatched champion who's going to lose his title very soon. Apples to Oranges my friend."

" Well as you can see, the sun is setting and I need to get back to dock. So I'll leave you with this my good man. I look forward to seeing you at WIRED. I'll even bring a bottle of the best champagne I can find, and if you're REALLY REALLY nice, I might be able to get you a real Cuban cigar, and we can toast the END of your title reign. "

" Keep dreaming. "

{{...FADE OUT...}}



[updated:LAST EDITED ON Apr-14-03 AT 10:15 PM (EST)](FADE IN:...... a black screen where we see the word "OPIATES" flash quickly by right before we CUTTO Maelstrom who is glaring at us against the same black screen....)

[marquee] OPIATES [/marquee]

MAELSTROM: Ever wonder what it is that truly drives us? What actually is needed to inspire us to go that extra mile? Kinda a double-edged question cuz if ya have to ask then ya really don't know yerself an' if ya DO know then does it mean you've already peaked? No more frontiers? What drives ya Morgan? Or more bluntly.... what will ya CLAIM drives ya? I mean, ya got guys like Anarky and Manson who claim they're in it soley for the pleasure of inflicting pain on others..... an' of course ya have those like Raby seekin' the ultimate fulfillment in something as simple as acknowledgement from their peers..... respect even. Most of the rookies are of course driven by the hypnotic lure of gold straps, money an' fame. All opiates of sorts.... everyone has 'em, few understand its concept.....

(CUTTO:.... another black screen where we see the word "IRONY" flash across the screen, then just as readily, we find ourselves staring at a head shot of Maelstrom upon the same black background)

[marquee] IRONY [/marquee]

MAELSTROM: Ya finally got the break ya wanted Morgan..... a shot for the top title the GLCW has to offer. No more whining or bitchin''bout how yer bein' unfairly passed over by the front office..... suppose someone musta been listenin' or perhaps they simply got tired of yer violins playin'..... who knows? More importantly, who cares eh Morgan? Ya got what you've been whining 'bout.... an' ironically, it all comes on the heels of yer first loss! Somethin' which until now, ya wore an' paraded 'round like yer own personal title. Funny how things work out sometimes..... even funnier still, is when they don't......

(CUTTO:..... the word "COMPROMISE" streaking across a black screen..... cut back to: a profile view of Maelstrom against yet the same black background....)

[marquee] COMPROMISE [/marquee]

MAELSTROM: Will the lure compromise ya Morgan? Will ya allow yer opiate to rationalize ..... to induce ya...... will ya allow it to command yer so-called free will? (chuckles to himself) Yer partner Nikolai Ash did. He persuaded himself he was so introspective, so intellectually superior to everyone but the only person he managed to make blink was himself. Will ya rise above all that an' be "Stupendous" or will ya portray the condensed version an' convert yer moniker to read instead.... "Stupid"? It's all good Morgan, just yankin' yer chain a bit. Yer fifteen minutes are loomin' an' the world is waitin' to see just how yer gonna handle it..... or not.....

(CUTTO:..... a black screen, no scrolling word nor even Maelstrom this time, just his voice as it resonates exaggeratedly throughout.....)

MAELSTROM'S VOICE: Ya give yerself entirely TOO much credit Morgan.... as usual! I'll not bother with beratin' ya..... it's not my style, well usually that is.... 'sides, yer doin' a bang up job of that yerself without even realizin' it. Sure ya got potential.... sure ya got that lil' somethin' extra that sets ya apart from the norm.... but ya know what Morgan? Yer NOT the only one! Anarky's got it! Nemesis has it, as I'm sure you'll silently agree if not openly admit. Even Manson an' yer pal Nikolai had it, though they both fell short of their mark now didn't they? Ya say nothin' I've done scares ya?

(sound of faint laughter is heard)

MAELSTROM'S VOICE: Well, that very statement actually belies yer true concern over me, otherwise, why the need to state somethin' that was never brought up eh? Unless of course it's already festering in the back of yer mind.... my bein' a threat to ya that is. Go figure huh? Ya can't undermine me or play me.... ya can't psyche me out either. Not 'cuz I'm better than ya mind ya, though it's been tried by men more adept at it than you. No Morgan, ya can't do any of those things for one simple reason...... yer not in control of yer opiate! Sometimes Morgan, it simply isn't a question of knowin' what drives ya..... sometimes, it's more a question of WHO is in control.... yer opiate or you.....?

(Maelstrom's last words echo mockingly until it finally dies out and a cesurae ensues just as the word "DOUBT" flashes across the screen.....)

[marquee] DOUBT [/marquee]

(.... and we in turn simply .... FADE OUT .....)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
What Drive Me

{{...FADE-IN: "STUPENDOUS" Stephen Morgan is sitting behind a large oak desk. To go along with his reading glasses, he's wearing a white, long sleeve shirt and red tie. Morgan's conversation on the phone is drowned out by "I'm Better than you" - Metallica. The song fades and we here Morgan's conversation...}}

"STUPENDOUS" STEPHEN MORGAN: " Yes ... OK, thanks. You've helped very much. ... And hey, what about that other thing we discussed about Duluth? ... ... Really? Anarky AND Manson? ... ... Ok, ok ... let's keep this under out hats for now huh? ... Yeah, bye. "

{{...Morgan hangs up the phone and adjust himself. He pulls out a mirror and fixes the front of his hair before finally looking up and noticing the camera...}}

" That thing on? "

{{...The camera shakes up and down in a "YES" response...}}

" You're not going to be playing that first little part on the air are you? "

{{...The camera shakes side to side in a "NO" response...}}

" Fine. Fine. OK. Ready? "

{{...The camera shakes up and down in a "YES" response...}}

" You know Maelstrom, you propose a very interesting question. WHAT drives me? WHAT DRIVES Stupendous Stephen Morgan? I've thought about it LONG and hard, and I'll tell you, it wasn't EASY to come up with this answer. I'm a busy man you understand. I mean between reading Hollywood scripts, managing my portfolio, and dominating the world of professional wrestling, I barely have time to get a pedicure. But after searching the very recesses of my mind, after meditating and talking with my therapist, I've FINALLY come up with what DRIVES me. You ready? "

" A guy named Dave."

" With a guy like that, you don't remember his name very easily, so you can't imagine what I had to go through to find it out. I mean, you can't just ASK HIM can you? He's been my driver for over five years now...how would THAT look? He'll probably get mad and crash me into a tree or something...then where would THAT leave things? I'm not sure WHY you wanted to know that anyway. It's not like you could hire him away from me or anything. He's happy and makes good money. ... well, good enough anyway. {{...smiles...}} I know, it's probably all the drugs talking. That opium can do weird things to your mind. Yeah, I tried it in college once, but it wasn't MY thing. "

" You on the other hand Maelstrom, seem like the perfect candidate for an intervention. Whatever it is you've been smoking has your mind all running around in circles. YOU still think I'm AFRAID of you simply because of the fact that I BROUGHT IT UP??? {{...Morgan swirls his finger next to his temple making the 'crazy' motion...}} Not hardly. That's crazy talk buddy. As a told you before, I'm scared of NO MAN. But you're pretty good at turning my words around and making it LOOK that way. I'll admit, I'm a SLIGHT bit "concerned" about getting into the ring with you. Not because you posses more SKILL, not because you're smarter, and DAMN SURE not because I'm afraid. It's just that, you know, you seem a little "off". I mean, do you think a guy that looks like this ... "

[img http://fwrestling.com/host/glcw/conanmolecule.jpg][/img]​

" ... is of sound MIND? I'm not AFRAID of you because of your talent level, I'm CONCERNED that if you show up like THIS, you'll be in no shape to wrestle. I mean, LOOK at your eyes for Christ sake! I'd SWEAR they were glowing. Geezus I'm going to have nightmares about that! {{...Morgan puts the picture down...}} Now, does THAT look like a guy who hasn't been pumping needles in his veins to you? Not ONLY that, I mean, from the way you talk, it sounds like somebody whacked you in the head with a stupid stick or something like that. I mean, come on, do me a favor and pronounce your "G's" huh? And it's pronounced YOUR not YER. You sound like uncle Jed down in Arkansaw lookin' fer his sister. "

{{...Morgan shakes his head in frustration and takes a drink from a glass of iced tea next to him....}}

" Sorry, sorry. I should resort to childish insults like that. I'm sure many, many, many people have told you that before, and well I'm above that. It's just, well, you make it so EASY. {{...smiles...}} Look, it's hard you know. A hick talking, muscle bound ignoramus like yourself BEGS me to just shout out stuff like that! {{...pause...}} OK, OK, I'm probably getting myself in trouble here...so I'll stop. Look ... Maelstrom, buddy, there really is NO need for hostilities here. You're the world champion, and I WILL BE the World Champion. So as PEERS, we should be able to sit down and have a nice, gentlemanly conversation without insulting each other....right? "

" Look, all I'm asking for here is a fair deal. One shot at you, ONE on ONE. I'm going on record RIGHT NOW as saying that Anarky and Manson need to stay the HELL OUT of our match at Wired. I've worked VERY long and VERY VERY hard to get here, and I don't want MY SHOT ruined by a goat loving freak show and a empty headed buffoon. BAR THEM ALL from ringside I say, and let's fight MANO on MANO, okay? Then, when it's all said and done, when I'm standing over you holding the GLCW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE, ... maybe then Maelstrom, "

" YOU can be the THING that drives me."

" Keep dreaming "

{{...FADE OUT as Morgan laughs...}}


Traveling light.....

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Apr-15-03 AT 10:19 PM (EST)]

(FADE IN..... on a large still shot of Maelstrom upon the back wall. Moments later, we hear footsteps, intermingled with something else, something being dragged. It's at that moment that we see Maelstrom appear in front of his own photographic backdrop. He's dragging the GLCW Heavyweight Title behind him, glancing only momentarily at his "larger than life" image behind him. Before he faces us, he gives his patented faint grin and begins speaking.....)

MAELSTROM: Does that suit ya better Morgan? Does it help to convince yer insecure mind that I'm nothin' more than a deranged steroid induced freak? Does that help to fuel yer ignorance a bit more? Much easier to cast aspersions on somethin' ya can't possibly understand or cope with rather than embrace it eh? Easier to attempt ridiculing such trivial an' petty things such as grammar when ya simply have nothin' intelligent to say, huh Morgan? Why should ya be any different? Manson wasn't..... he went on an' on an' on an' on incessantly 'bout my grammar..... drawin' ASSumptions of stupidity an' such from it..... beatin' his chest over self-inferred intellectual superiority.... he AND yer own good buddy, Nikolai Ash.... yet they BOTH .... STILL.... LOST ..... TO ... ME! They were BOTH humbled by someone they mocked.... someone they felt was dumber than dirt..... someone they GUARANTEED they would defeat.

(shakes his head disparagingly)

MAELSTROM: So what does that say 'bout them eh? What does that say 'bout their supposed 'superior' intellect? What does it say 'bout their own abilities...... 'bout the validity of their words an' promises as they failed 'gainst a man they considered to be beneath them, their inferior? What will it say 'bout YOU Morgan, if ya suffer the same fate? I'm not here to impress anyone by weaving spectacular literary tapestries. Ya see Morgan, yer ignorant innuendos don't phase me..... I mean, yer opinion would actually have to matter in order for me to 'feel' it.... comprende? I gave ya the benefit of the doubt..... an' just as I expected, ya rushed in blindly.... foolishly an' exposed yerself. Do I think ya fear me? Who the F(BLEEP)K knows.... but more importantly, who the F(BLEEP)K cares? I know I don't. Ya see Morgan, it doesn't matter whether ya fear me, respect me, despise me, admire me..... whether yer a friend or a foe.... whether yer a fan or a critic..... it's all the same to me ya see..... my focus won't waver nor will my resolve. Ya can claim' that ya want Anarky an' Manson banned from the ring, anythin' to pump up that ego of yers I suppose..... for all I know ya can be plottin' with them at this very minute while ya front out the side of yer mouth that ya want this to be MANO on MANO.

(purses his lips as he shrugs in an uncaring manner)

MAELSTROM: Funny how EVERYONE who said those very words.... everyone who inferred that very thought.... EXHAUSTED ALL AVENUES, just to try to defeat me! Manson loaded up his elbow an' knee pads with foreign objects but STILL couldn't get the job done. An' Ash had Manson interfere in our first meeting to obtain his tainted win. Now here ya are, fronting integrity... actually thinkin' that I'm buyin' into it.... actually thinkin' that I even care. Ya don't impress me Morgan, not in the least. Yer nothin' more than a parasite.... a parasite feedin' off my heat.

(pauses as he slings the GLCW title carelessly over his shoulder)

MAELSTROM: I have no illusions 'bout my abilities or my limits Morgan. I don't feel the need to convince myself in front of the cameras that I'm good enough.... that I'm the better man.... that I measure up..... wanna know why Morgan?

(smiles widely)

MAELSTROM: Cuz unlike most.... an' that includes YOU Morgan, I'm not hidin' behind shields of bravado.... I'm not attempting to be witty nor do I care 'bout astounding the masses with lucid articulations. I don't prescribe to the concept of "when in Rome".... I'm not 'bout all that BULL Morgan. I do what I want, when I want as I please an' to hell with whoever has a problem with that. I can say, an' more importantly DO all of that cuz ya see,.... my inspirations are NOT helpless dependents such as a need for acceptance.... or a desire for gold.... or the always ill-fated insecure ego. I'm not burdened with all baggage Morgan.....

(pauses as he winks)

MAELSTROM: I always travel light.....

(Maelstrom narrows his eyes and smiles wickedly as he walks off the set, leaving us with his still image on the far wall in the background, that is until, we.... FADE OUT....)​


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
into the darkness

{{...FADE-IN: "STUPENDOUS" Stephen Morgan is pacing back and forth in front of a GLCW backdrop. He pauses and looks at the camera and then opens his mouth to speak, but then he just shakes his head and begins pacing again. This is repeated again, before he finally starts speaking while still pacing...}}

"STUPENDOUS" STEPHEN MORGAN: " OK, what we HAVVVVE here is a FAILURE to communicate. My good buddy Maelstrom, I don't think you're a "deranged steroid induced freak". And I CERTAINLY never, EVVVER said something even similar to that. No sir-ree-bob, no way, not me. I NEVER, NEVER said anything ... not even the first WORD ... about steroids. {{...smiles...}} But you know, you bring up an interesting point. Maybe I should call down to the front office and have Malec bring you a little plastic cup. I mean, I don't really want to put my CAREER on the line against somebody who's got more juice flowing through him than the oranges in Florida. Not saying you DO of course, but you can't be TOO careful can you? "

{{...Morgan stops pacing and stares at the camera...}}

" Now while THAT was an interesting point that you've made, I MUST say that the rest of your little diatribe was hardly audible. What I DID manage to pick out from that verbal excrement you call SPEECH was this the fact that just because you beat MANSON and ASH, that you're going to beat me! {{...laughs...}} Now I admit, getting past Nikolai was an incredible feat, but I saw you pull the tights so don't go putting too much pride into your voice when you claim that victory. And as far as Manson, well...I don't know too many people who HAVEN'T put those shoulders to the mat. So if you think you're putting a little more "FEAR" on my back by bragging about those two wins, well don't bother....because it's NOT working. But I'll tell you this, I'm NOT going to guarantee that I'm going to beat you and take that GLCW World Title. No, that's not really my STYLE. I'm not one that has to SPEAK the truth for it to be known by the masses. They FEEL IT, and that's good enough for me. "

{{...Morgan grins and begins pacing back and forth again..}}

" Something ELSE that's not working here Maelstrom is your obvious disrespect of my standing in this federation. EYE am certainly not one who needs to "feed off your heat" as you say. When I walk through that curtain, you LISTEN real close to those people. I'm not talking about the two-cent WHOR<BLEEP>s in the tenth row showing their <BLEEP>, and I'm not talking about the wife-beating redneck in the nose bleed section who are booing me. No, I'm talking about the TRUE wrestling fans, the people that know a TRUE wrestling talent when they see it. The FAN that LOVES STUPENDOUS Stephen Morgan because he's the best damn wrestler on the face of the planet today and cheer for me. THAT'S "HEAT" Maelstrom...not the maniacal screeching of a twelve year old boy who wants to grow up to look like you because he THINKS it will get him women. "

{{...Morgan stops pacing and stares at the camera again...}}

" You know, somebody told me this morning that you really didn't want to know who DRIVES me around in my limo. You were asking what MOTIVATES me. Well, I think I can answer that in one phrase. "The Pursuit of Happiness". That's right, I do this because I WANT TO. I don't do it for acceptance, Lord knows I don't do it for money, and to tell you the truth, I don't do it for gold belts EITHER. I DO IT simply because I'm the BEST AT IT. There is NO ONE who has ever or WILL EVER match what's up here {{...points at his head...}} or in HERE {{...points at his heart...}} I do this for ME. End of STORY. "

{{...Morgan pauses and stares DEEPLY into the camera ... then BUST OUT LAUGHING...}}


{{...Morgan takes a few seconds to compose himself then centers his gaze back on the camera...}}

" Ok, Ok, maybe that was a little overboard. POINT is Maelstrom, it doesn't MATTER what motivates me. What you should be CONCERNED about is the fact that you've got to step into the ring with me with your gold belt on the line. It's not what GETS ME TO the ring that matters, it's what I DO once I'm INSIDE it. And Maelstrom, in a few days, in Duluth, THAT'S going to be to take the GLCW World title from you. And if you think I'm joking about that, well.... you can just ..."

" Keep dreaming. "

{{...FADE OUT...}}


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Gone until Tuesday

Hey man...just wanted to let you know I'm gone until Tuesday. If the deadline comes between now and then, just wanted to let you know it's been fun RPing against you. I belive it was a first. :)

If the deadline doesn't come before then, I'll try to get something up on Tuesday. Have a good Easter Weekend!



RE: Gone until Tuesday

No problem Jason, I appreciate you giving me the heads up on your being away. I'll respond to your latest post shortly and afterwards, remain idle and wait for your response regardless.

It's definitely been fun RPing against you, as well as challenging (which is what "drives" me... heheheh). And you are right, I do believe this is the first time we've matched wits..... ironic considering how many years we've traveled in the same circles. :D

Enjoy your Easter Weekend Jason!

Joe L.


Door #1

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Apr-20-03 AT 03:24 PM (EST)](FADE IN..... the GLCW Heavyweight title strewn lazily on the floor. Next to it is a table with a stack of magazines sprawled on it... one of the magazines, "Off The Ropes" which has a picture of Maelstrom glaring at us underneath the caption "GLCW's new reality..... or Pulp Fiction?". Another magazine cover, "Inside Wrestling" features Maelstrom with his arms folded across his chest glaring down at the GLCW Heavyweight Title which is laying at his feet, a caption underneath that reads "Has Maelstrom conquered his last Impasse?". Yet another magazine, "The Squared Circle", has a split picture of Maelstrom, one with a single query of "Hero?" on it, showing him dethroning Michael Manson. The other has a query of "Menace?" on it showing Maelstrom striking his own tag team partner Golem in a recent three-way tag match against Manson and the UA. The caption underneath both split views reads "Can the GLCW weather this unpredictable Maelstrom?". Suddenly a pair of Timberlands land heavily on top of the table, crossing themselves in a relaxed manner. The camera pans past the boots, up along the torn, loose-fitting jeans, past the chisled six-pack and massive heaving chest until it finds itself face to face with the stoic expression of the man known simply as .........)

MAELSTROM: ..... so many questions, so many speculations.... yet YOU Morgan.... YOU seem to have all the answers.... or so you'd like us all to believe ya do. Ya think that makes ya unique Morgan? Ya think ya REALLY have me all figured out? Hell, many have thought the same before ya.... guys like Hellion, Massacre, Meloneer, Bothrops, Black Sage, Manson, Jobber, Golem, Copycat, MWG, Edmunds, Michael Sparks, KK, Flatliner, Ash...., (winks) just to name a few mind ya. The list is pretty extensive, so I'll just cut it there okay? Anyhow, nearly all of 'em were top draws in arenas throughout the world at any given time, most world champs many times over... the others, well, they're arguably "soon-to-be" superstars. Despite their varied statuses in the wrestling industry, they ALL have one thing in common.... one thing they can ALL relate to..... they too, thought they had me figured out..... they too, were sadly mistaken!

(pauses as he sighs heavily.... he seems to lose himself in thought momentarily, seemingly glaring at nothing in particular until without warning, he resumes speaking......)

MAELSTROM: Does that mean yer mistaken also Morgan? (nonchalantly shrugs his shoulders) Who can say? Maybe ya are, an' maybe ya aren't. Maybe yer in that very small percentile.... that very exclusive club of those few who've defied the odds an' actually figured me out on that particular night? (smiles briefly) I'm not unbeatable or infallible, but I damn well come closer to fitting that description than just about anyone.... past, present or future! It's no idle boast.... simply fact! Ya got guys like Manson goin' 'round boasting of such trivial things such as bein' the "highest paid" wrestler in the GLCW (mocks a yawn).... guys like Rabesque who boast of not having lost in 3 years..... (grins faintly as he rolls his eyes)..... I say, if yer gonna boast 'bout somethin'..... then boast 'bout something that's REALLY impressive..... like the FACT that I've been wrestling for the better part of six years in more promotions than most will ever be a part of..... an' my losses STILL have NOT reached double digits! Triple digit win column 'gainst a single digit loss column..... how many people can make a claim like that eh Morgan?

(gives a satisfied smile...... then his expression falters as he once again loses himself in thought.... after a few moments, he resumes speaking....)

MAELSTROM: Not too many.... the list would probably entail.... a single-digit number, eh? (begins chuckling to himself) Why am I tellin' ya this Morgan? I mean, it's not like you'd care or anythin'..... maybe yer state of denial just sorta inspired me to speak out..... or maybe, just maybe..... I'm offerin' ya a glimpse into a possible future..... yer proverbial fork in the road....

(smirks as he nods his head)

MAELSTROM: Behind door #1 we have a life-time membership into one of the most EXCLUSIVE clubs in the wrestling industry..... a club whose current members hold one of the most prestigious titles known.... one that sets 'em apart from everyone else.... one that offers 'em instant distinction, instant notoriety..... the title? The ability to say that they're one of that rare breed of men, that have scored that ever elusive "W" 'gainst me! Yer pal Ash managed it, albeit in a questionable manner, but did it all the same ya see. Do ya REALLY believe ya can also? If there's even a sliver of doubt in yer mind, then the answer is a simple, resounding... NO! Which leaves ya to consider what's behind door #2. Behind door #2 reside those with shattered dreams an' broken promises....... those who fell short of what they claimed, those who lacked conviction.

(places his hands behind his head and stretches out)

MAELSTROM: Like it or not Morgan, this upcoming match will impact yer career a lot more than ya can imagine..... a lot more than I bet yer willin' to admit. Yer 15 minutes are fast approachin'.... the world will be watchin', observin' ya. Waitin' to see if ya can deliver what ya promised..... 'gainst a man who not only could care less.... but a man who's offerin' ya a shot at somethin' much more valuable than that GLCW strap...... a shot at immortality.... a shot at Door #1.......

(The cameras slowly pull away from Maelstrom until it focuses solely on the GLCW strap which lays carelessly on the floor, moments later we simply..... FADE OUT.....)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Hey Monty, you don't win this time

{{...FADE-IN: "STUPENDOUS" Stephen Morgan is sitting in the back seat of a limo. He's dressed casually, for him, in khakis pants, and a blue polo shirt. Currently, Morgan is holding a phone in one hand, and a glass of tea in the other...}}

"STUPENDOUS" STEPHEN MORGAN: " ... yeah, yeah ... well he hasn't returned ANY of my calls. ... Uh huh ... OK, well I'm on my way to the arena RIGHT NOW. ... THREE DAYS!! Look, I PAID you to get me in touch with Anarky or Mike Manson BEFORE my World Title match in DULUTH. THAT MATCH IS TONIGHT IDIOT! ... I DID SO TELL YOU WHAT DAY! "

{{...Morgan SLAMS the phone down and squeezes the bridge of his nose between his thumb and fore finger as if he now has a headache. He takes a deep breath followed by a swallow from his glass of iced tea before finally speaking to the camera...}}

" I'm on MY WAY Maelstrom buddy. It's time, it's time. Only a few short hours to go before you have to HOOK IT UP with the MASTER OF DIZ-ASTER, the MIGHTY, MIGHTY "Stupendous" Stephen Morgan. Scared yet? " {{...smiles...}}

" Look, sorry I didn't respond to your latest polluting of the airwaves sooner, but I've been busy conducting some ... uh ... BUSINESS shall we say. So while I have this smidgen of time here, let me say a few words of retort on my behalf. FIRST of all, let me just say to you that MY name is STUPENDOUS Stephen Morgan ... it's not Hellion, it's NOT Joe Massacre, it DAMN sure isn't Manson, Jobber or Edmunds. MORGAN. M-O-R-G-A-N. MORGAN. It can see how you might confuse Morgan with maybe Massacre, or Manson, maybe Meloneer, or Michael Sparks. They all start with M. With your limited intellect and obvious tendency to speak in code, I can see how you might become confused. Let me reiterate, you have NEVER faced me before, you have NEVER beaten me before ... so for you to sit there in your chair, prop your feet up on a stack of gossip magazines, and tell me you're going to beat ME just because you beat everyone else, is just sad. I'm not only SMARTER, better looking, and richer than ALL the people you mentioned...I'm also a better wrestler. Sorry to break the news to you AGAIN Maelstrom, but maybe this time, it'll seep through that small crack in your head and absorb into your pea brain."

" But it's what I've come to expect from you Maelstrom. You're an idiot in the truest since of the word. It boggles the mind that I'm able to sit though your endless banter of who you've beaten...the MIND NUMBINGLY long segways into how many wins you have and how many LOSSES you have. But you know Maelstrom, since YOU brought it up, let me give you a little HISTORY lesson on STUPENDOUS Stephen Morgan. I only broke into the business about six months ago. I started in AAW and drew NUMBER ONE in the Golden Gauntlet. I defeated TWENTY other superstars such as Eddy Mayfield, Doc Silver and Mister Dread to bring home the belt. I defended that title day in and day out until that no talent owner of the federation spent all the funds on booze and women and went bankrupt. So I take a couple of weeks of vacation time ... go up to Aspen to ski and such ... then join GLCW. I immediately make my way up the ranks beating MAN after MAN after MAN until the greatest injustice of my career happened. A nobody named Nemesis hooked my tights after another GRUELING Gauntlet match and pinned me. Now, TECHNICALLY that's not a loss as it was not a ONE on ONE encounter, so I suppose you COULD say that you count MY losses on NO HANDS. {{...smiles...}}

" But none of that is REALLY that important is it Maelstrom? I mean, we're men, we like to brag somewhat and that's understandable right? Some of us have more to brag about that others, but that's beside the point. It truly will come down to who the better man is, and I believe, as do most everybody *I* talk to, that I'm that man. "

" We do agree on one thing though Maelstrom. This IS a defining movement for me. Years from now, when I'm STILL holding the GLCW World Title, people are going to STILL fish back into their wrestling magazines and take a look at the man that started it all. Who knows they may even fish you off the street and do a RETROSPECTIVE or something like that. This match is going to go down in history Maelstrom, but, sorry for you, that you're on the losing end. If you think otherwise, well you can just ... "

" Keep dreaming. "

" See you in a few. "

{{...FADE OUT as Morgan toasts the screen...}}


Coming full circle.... once more....

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Apr-22-03 AT 08:58 PM (EST)](FADE TO..... to a dimly lit room with two chairs facing each other, one chair has a phone on it, the speaker button on it is lit. In the other chair sits a rather large, powerfully built man, the man we know simply as Maelstrom. He drops his head a bit, allowing his long black mane to hang listlessly forward, obscuring his features. At his feet lies the GLCW Heavyweight strap, coiled carelessly over his Timberland boots. He utters something inaudible as he leans forward to rest his elbows upon his knees, his long black mane continues to obscure his face as he stares at the GLCW strap on the ground. He continues mumbling something inaudible as he rocks back and forth slightly. As we creep closer, we begin to make out some of what he's saying......)

MAELSTROM: (mumbling faintly) ..... coming full circle.... coming full circle.....

(suddenly a voice is heard emanating from the speaker phone on the chair)

SPEAKER-PHONE: .... are you still there? I need to get this exclusive in before my midnight deadline.

MAELSTROM: (in a deep gutteral voice) Yeah.... yeah, I'm here....

SPEAKER-PHONE: Okay, lets see, you've managed to capture TOP BILLING and TITLES where ever you go. Just the very mention of your name sells tickets. Some even consider you a legend, an icon, yet it doesn't seem to phase you? I mean, you drag around the GLCW's most prestigious title as though it were nothing more than an after-thought.

MAELSTROM: Legend.... Icon..... God...... Titles..... Billing..... (sighs heavily) ... those things always seem to be the focus for a lot of guys..... guys like Ash.... guys like Morgan.... guys that obviously have the talent and drive to achieve it in time, but ironically enough, may never do so 'cuz they've yet to reach their impasse.... let alone breach it. If any of 'em ever do get to that stage, an' are able to handle it, THEN they'll truly realize that they've finally captured the most precious trophy imaginable. I've managed to capture the billing and a few straps along the way an------


SPEAKER-PHONE: A FEW straps? You've captured titles in nearly every league you've entered.... in just your rookie year you not only became a SIX-TIME WORLD CHAMPION, but you held THREE of those World Titles simultaneously and were also ranked as the #10 contender to UCC Title! And that's not even including the countless regional titles you've captured. And what about this impasse you mentioned? What exactly is that all about?


MAELSTROM: I don't dwell on that stuff, just the ends to my means. It just doesn't drive me the way it does most. I mean, when it comes down to it, WHO THE HELL CARES?! The UCC was one of the most corrupt organizations to ever exist in the wrestling industry so bein' ranked there kinda losses all its intended cache or value. As for the titles, it's an interesting foot-note an' it while it may increase the value of yer contract..... it really won't make any difference when you step through those ring ropes now will it? I mean, best it can do is give ya a psychological edge.... maybe! Even then, it still comes down to what yer ability can get ya..... not yer rep! At least in most feds that is.....

SPEAKER-PHONE: That's an interesting take on things. But you still haven't answered my earlier question about this impasse you speak of?

MAELSTROM: That's right, I haven't.... so move on to yer next question.

(a brief moment of uneasy silence passes until the next question is asked....)

SPEAKER-PHONE: Um, okay. (clears his throat) Well then, what about Stephen Morgan and his insistence that he WILL dethrone you as champion? What do you have to say about that? Do you think it's more arrogance than confidence?

MAELSTROM: No. Actually I believe it's probably a little of both. I do believe that he feels the necessary confidence to BELIEVE he has the ability to win, but at the same time I don't think he's as certain as he makes himself out to be. He carries an attitude, an' that's all good... HELL, my whole life is based on A-T-T-I-T-U-D-E! But attitude can only carry you as far as the ability to back up what ya claim.... an' he's making some really huge claims right now, actually more like guarantees.... guarantees 'bout dethroning me.

SPEAKER-PHONE: Okay.... that brings up my next question. Morgan has continually made some very inflammatory remarks regarding your intellect, or better put, your lack of it. He seems to be following Manson's example. Do you think he's making those comments just to get under your skin or do you believe he really believes it?

MAELSTROM: Whose to say? It could be both, it could be neither. Like ya said, he's doin' the same thing Manson did, an' we all saw what happened to him didn't we? (chuckles) In any event, I really don't care, if he wants to believe I'm just some sorta "all muscle an' no brain" type of opponent, then that's all on him.... he's ultimately gonna have to deal with having his boasts an' guarantees revealed as nothin' more than empty, hollow, pompous threats.

SPEAKER-PHONE: You've recently been drawing a lot of attention from the likes of Anarky as well as Manson, the UA and even some of your own tag team partners. Needless to say, you're creating a lot of heat from both sides of the camp. Doesn't that concern you? Do you think that you have drawn just a little too much attention from too many sources?

MAELSTROM: On the contrary.... there's no such thing as drawing TOO much attention. I welcome it.... hell, I EMBRACE IT! Like I've always said, if anyone ever has a problem with anythin' I say or do, an' I DO mean A-N-Y-B-O-D-Y..... all they have to do is step to me, I'm not a hard man to find.

SPEAKER-PHONE: I understand, but with all due respect, you have guys like ANARKY, MANSON, RABESQUE, THE UA, POE and NEMESIS who can headline anywhere in the world, cutting eyes at you. And Morgan, though he's a relative newcomer, he is by no means a pushover. And of course lets not forget any partners the GLCW may pair you with in future matches.

MAELSTROM: Yeah that's true (laughs faintly) but ya know what? THAT'S WHAT IT'S ALL 'BOUT! I mean really, ya think I came all this way to get the easy matches against losers like Minion?

SPEAKER-PHONE: Hey now, come on. Minion is a LEGITIMATE contender. It's just a matter of time before he'll be contending for a title here in the GLCW.

MAELSTROM: (yawns then starts laughing) Uh huh.... Minion, a major contender? Sure, I suppose if a guy like him could beat a guy like Nevada Smith then anything is possible.... then again, Nevada Smith isn't much to speak of either..... so much for that theory eh?

SPEAKER-PHONE: Well, I don't agree with your assessment about Minion, or Nevada Smith for that matter, but you are entitled to your opinion. But getting back to one of my earlier questions.... WHAT about this impasse and talk of breaching it?

(Maelstrom drops his head into his hands, grasping at his temples as if warding off a sudden headache. He lets out a low groan as he shakes his head from side to side)

SPEAKER-PHONE: Hello, are you still there?

MAELSTROM:(still groaning he begins to mumble faintly....) .... coming full circle... coming full circle....

SPEAKER-PHONE: Does this impasse have to do with some sort of ritual or belief or is it just a front?

(Maelstrom reaches out and .....)

SPEAKER-PHONE: How big of a part will it play in your title defense against Stephen Morgan? Does Morgan know anything about this impa----

(disconnects the phone..... He sits there motionless, elbows on knees, head dropped forward. With a heavy sigh, he shrugs his massive shoulders and sits back in the chair and lets his head drop forward. His long black mane drops listlessly and shrouds his features from us as he groans and stretches long and hard. He then stares pensively at the phone with the receiver off the hook and gives a curious look about the room, half expecting someone but finding no one. He pauses momentarily, deep in thought, then with an unconscious shrug of his shoulders he picks up the GLCW title and drags it in tow behind him as he leaves...... leaves us with questions unanswered...... leaves us with the sounds of the phone buzzing incessantly....... leaves us to simply..... FADE OUT.....)

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