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Mike'd Up W/ Mike Best and Jason P. Davidson

Mike Best

League Member
Feb 21, 2015
Chicago, IL

Normally not one to shill my shit, but with BATTLEMANIA on the horizon, I urge anyone interested to check out MIKE'D UP tonight (Tuesday). Mike'd Up is a weekly podcast on the High Octane Radio network, hosted by myself and HOW handler Jace Parker Davidson. It's a freeform, shoot the shit, say what's on your mind type podcast and we have received overwhelmingly positive feedback for the few months that it's been running.

Normally, it's all HOW business, but tonight I want to get into a little bit of Battlemania. Anyone in the tournament or from EFG might be interested to tune in, or even be on the show. We have a running chat, and I can call anyone who wants to be on in over Skype.

Mike'd Up begins at 9PM Eastern Time.


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