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National Champion Seeks Motivated Opponent For Competitive Violence Contest and Fun

Rook Black

Live Long and Pants.
Jul 20, 2007
Bedford, OH
ROOK: "I didn't imagine that I'd ever be doing this."

(FADE IN: ROOK BLACK seated at a desk, leaning back, black cowboy boots on it. He holds a judge's gavel that he amuses himself with by spinning it around in his fingers.)

ROOK: "But I'm getting a little restless. And that's not very good for me. Leads to spending an obscene amount of money on building a robot to body swap with from time to time."

ROOK: "There was a guy here who went by the name of Mike Knox, not to be confused with Impulse, totally unrelated. Who had felt that my initial National Championship victory was completely `un-clean' because I hit the girl I had a crush on with a chair, and set up Knox to eat the retaliation shot, allowing me to roll him up. At least that's how I remember it. Maybe. It had been quite a long while ago."

ROOK: "My point being that he was quite displeased with it, since it was his title to lose at the time."

ROOK: "Well, I guess he got some manner of revenge, since I held that title right up until Legion decided to count a pinfall on me with the help of his own body weight on top of Flyer's."

ROOK: "I felt that was pretty uncool myself."

ROOK: "Fortunately, PRESIDENT MAYFIELD happens to be a very compassionate individual, and set up the means for me to get some pride back."

(ROOK opens the desk drawer and sets the National Title up on the desk.)

ROOK: "Pride is important to folks like me. We do not do well without it. We know this. When it's damaged, we have to repair it. When someone tries to take our pride from us, they are trying to harm an essential component of our survival."

ROOK: "So, all you would be champions, regardless of affiliation and modus operandi, I challenge you."

ROOK: "And ... well ..."

ROOK: "Just because you can't take this title from me doesn't mean that you shouldn't at least try."


Jan 1, 1970
Corporate Corrections

(FADEIN: NFW CORPORATE OFFICES, New York City. On the back wall, a large lettered memo poster states "HOW TO STAND WITH THE WINDHAM CLAN" which looks like a list of rules and regulations. Standing in front of a desk is VICE-PRESIDENT of NEW FRONTIER WRESTLING, FIONA LOVE. LOVE is dressed in a black blouse, matching knee-high skirt, stockings and high heel Dolce Gabbanas. Her black cherry tinged, long brunette hair is in an up-do, bun combo with a few bangs hanging in front of her forehead and just above her Tina Fey glasses. LOVE has her black business planner open, reading some notes as she looks up and smiles for the cameras.)

LOVE: "Hi Rook, sometimes in the ten years of watching promotional clips from our diverse and wonderful roster -- I never know when any of you are intentionally botching each other's names or just suffering from those post-traumatic chairshots we all love to see on TV!"

(LOVE places her planner on the desk, and continues...)

LOVE: "Now as 'AWESOME' as STEVE Knox was for a period of his career, Eddie recently didn't even invite him with a phone call to come back during our southeastern tour. And Rook, when Eddie said "PASS" on the PAST, I was not surprised"

(LOVE shrugs)

LOVE: "The truth is that's his anime A-ha "Take Me On" inspired and mind-bogglingly themed dream sequences aren't what anyone's interested in anymore. We've got the data, done the surveys, added the aggregate scores measured against the market value and it all just comes back as a fact...WEIRD does NOT sell WELL. But even though you're been known to get weird as it gets, Rook...take some pleasure that your Braniac odes and your imaginative times with Suk Kim Jongs Dong SOMEHOW survived High Flyer's psychotic break...and this is SOMEHOW not as weird as Mike Knox's beard or Steve Knox's interpretation of Kung Fu Panda."

(LOVE a disarming smile to the camera and adjusts the bridge of her glasses.)

LOVE: "But I think you did something good this time, Rook...but it wasn't here. See, you challenged THE DARK STORM -- an elite operative assassination squad of New Frontier Wrestling's President. That either you're weird, smart and full of sh(BLEEP!) or weird, smart and you've got BIG BALLS."

(LOVE's Blackberry starts buzzing on the desk)

LOVE: "That's why our PRESIDENT has proposed the following DIRECTIVE to NEW FRONTIER WRESTLING'S ROSTER...or to ANYONE with one of those OPEN CONTRACTS. ...or anyone lurking around WITHOUT a match. If you think you're ready to stand with Rook Black against the Dark Storm, the ELITE operative assassination squad of NFW ...you show up to Tallahassee and sign up to JOIN YOUR NATIONAL CHAMPION. Doing so... may EQUAL a National Championship title shot depending on your performance."

(LOVE picks up her Blackberry, greeting the call with a "HI QUENT!" as the scene FADES TO BLACK.)


'PREZ NOTES' -- You can try and pick up this offer by dropping some RP in the Tallahassee forum as long as you're not booked on the show already!
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