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League Member
Aug 8, 2007
IDENTITY GUARD - Solid segment that keeps the story rolling along. Cool to see factions breaking out in The Guild - Lucky Seven seemingly aligning w/ Austin and Viper sticking w/ Castor. I also really like all the promo material from STRYFE thus far. Of course, I already figured out who it is, but it's still fun!

TRIPLE CROWN CHAMPIONSHIP - This match was good for both characters. Austin looks strong and is built up a bit more as a legit contender. LDO picks up a win in his first title defense and keeps earning those resilience points. That's good facein'.

TEDDY BEAR PICNIC - YES! Teddy Alexander steamrolls LDO post-match! Makes an immediate impact. Welcome back, Voss! Excited to see Teddy back in action and to hopefully write/brainstorm with you again.

A PHILADELPHIAN NIGHTMARE - Voss not missing a beat w/ Teddy here. Basically lays it out where he's been and that he's back (dangerous as ever)! I am excite! </Borat>

WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP - Well-written match ... read it in one sitting. I didn't feel like it "ran long" or anything. Good job, Pete. I like the strategy from everybody during the match - fit the characters well. Everybody looked good. Might have helped to have a pop-up scoreboard appear after all the falls - seems like something they'd definitely do on TV. Could have integrated that into your "counter". I know it would have helped me keep track of where everybody was at! Knowing what we know, I don't really understand the logic behind the ending. Aside from that, good match. Congrats, Ford!

User Poets

The Shadow Pope
Jan 6, 1995
Top of the Pile
WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP - Well-written match ... read it in one sitting. I didn't feel like it "ran long" or anything. Good job, Pete. I like the strategy from everybody during the match - fit the characters well. Everybody looked good. Might have helped to have a pop-up scoreboard appear after all the falls - seems like something they'd definitely do on TV. Could have integrated that into your "counter". I know it would have helped me keep track of where everybody was at! Knowing what we know, I don't really understand the logic behind the ending. Aside from that, good match. Congrats, Ford!

Wasn't sure exactly how to incorporate that into the match narrative. I probably could've done so with the 10 minute intervals but I just didn't think of it.

Not sure what you mean by not understanding the logic behind the finish but I assume you mean "Why was there so much tension around Jack Bryant not tapping out?" I wasn't given much direction for this one other than what you and Ford gave me for strategy, plus "Harmen wins." The idea that Impulse had Bryant in a submission hold at the end, to my thinking, showed that Impulse wasn't giving up no matter what the score was.

I wanted that moment to be like Bryant's "Steve Austin WM13" type moment. Bryant knew how much time was left, and he had two main emotions in this match (to my way of thinking) - hatred for Harmen and pride in his own ability. He could've given in to the hatred for Harmen and submitted, thus tying it up Harmen vs. Impulse for overtime in hopes that Impulse could win and thus "get another shot" later, but his pride overtook that and he couldn't bring himself to submit, even for a specific reason.

So now, with Impulse out of NFW the tension is between Jack Harmen, the wily rookie whose strategy paid off where his in - ring skills fell short, vs. Jack Bryant, who was too willful and single minded to ever give up, no matter what the cost or what the reason.

My apologies if I misread JB.


League Member
Aug 8, 2007
Yeah, something like a (SCOREBOARD POPUP: IMPULSE 1 BRYANT 0 HARMEN 0 ) would have worked w/ the NFW TELEPLAY, where on-screen stuff gets written out.

And no, don't think you misread JB at all.

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