*** OOC - Sorry this took so long to get up. I didn't see Mayfield's spot until today when Katz brought it to my attention. ***
Evan Aho's gym in the basement of his house. Evan busies himself un-wrapping tape from his knuckles after a long workout.
AHO - If the "Reign of Eddie" is characterized by the same insecurites you try to cover with endless self-praise, then leave me out of the footnotes. You've made it loud and clear that you're the FUTURE of CSWA. But who are you trying to convince with all that noise?
I'll start you off with an affirmative, Eddie. You're right, it'll take more than "my seven fans" to intimidate you. Hell, the seven fans that follow my career are probably the same internet smarks who compiled the 'Best of Eddie Micspots' tape. In all likelihood, they're the guys that took the time to sift through your career on video to condense all the watchable match segments into a five-minute highlight film set to PEE-ARE-OH sound bytes and techno music. Their support is hardly something I'd ever need. Even so, I'm sure "all those people in the cheap seats" are enough to cancel out the advantage. The fans hang on someone who can talk a good game Eddie, like yourself.
But for every one of your cute one-liners, I've got three moves to pin you and two to make you tap. I don't do "piss-poor dropkicks", Eddie. I dropkick hard enough to leave you talking out of one side of your mouth... even when you're not holding a cigarette in your lips. Will I do whatever it takes to win this match? I won't need to, wrestling will be plenty satisfy that end.
Lots of PROFESSIONAL wrestlers say they'll do whatever it takes to win. "Whatever" is for the lazy and the desperate. I'm neither. I'm a wrestler and the only advantage I've got is that I take this match as seriously as any match I've ever had. In that respect Eddie, you might as well be Shamon. Because despite all the chest-thumping, collar-popping posturing that you've done, the only thing you are to me is next.
Evan Aho's gym in the basement of his house. Evan busies himself un-wrapping tape from his knuckles after a long workout.
AHO - If the "Reign of Eddie" is characterized by the same insecurites you try to cover with endless self-praise, then leave me out of the footnotes. You've made it loud and clear that you're the FUTURE of CSWA. But who are you trying to convince with all that noise?
I'll start you off with an affirmative, Eddie. You're right, it'll take more than "my seven fans" to intimidate you. Hell, the seven fans that follow my career are probably the same internet smarks who compiled the 'Best of Eddie Micspots' tape. In all likelihood, they're the guys that took the time to sift through your career on video to condense all the watchable match segments into a five-minute highlight film set to PEE-ARE-OH sound bytes and techno music. Their support is hardly something I'd ever need. Even so, I'm sure "all those people in the cheap seats" are enough to cancel out the advantage. The fans hang on someone who can talk a good game Eddie, like yourself.
But for every one of your cute one-liners, I've got three moves to pin you and two to make you tap. I don't do "piss-poor dropkicks", Eddie. I dropkick hard enough to leave you talking out of one side of your mouth... even when you're not holding a cigarette in your lips. Will I do whatever it takes to win this match? I won't need to, wrestling will be plenty satisfy that end.
Lots of PROFESSIONAL wrestlers say they'll do whatever it takes to win. "Whatever" is for the lazy and the desperate. I'm neither. I'm a wrestler and the only advantage I've got is that I take this match as seriously as any match I've ever had. In that respect Eddie, you might as well be Shamon. Because despite all the chest-thumping, collar-popping posturing that you've done, the only thing you are to me is next.