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Non-Compassionate Interlude


Jan 1, 1970
(FADEIN: 'THE WOLF' MIKE RANDALLS is standing on the corner of Bourbon Street at the break of dawn. RANDALLS is wearing a long black pancho, blue jeans, a black shirt with a green dragon, black steel toed boots and black hat with a circle rim and Native American-looking artifact in the center. His hat is tipped forward to shade his face. Some hooligans, party-goers looking the worse for wear struggle on down the street by him...)

RANDALLS: "Eddy Love doesn't get it. Lawrence Stanley isn't ready for it. Troy Windham doesn't even know what it is. In a short time, in front of 30,000 rabid, screaming people - Merritt has booked the Playboys against the Claimstakers. Troy, while you may be one of the greatest self-promotion artists this sport has to offer...you are VERY, VERY WRONG about the promotion of this match. I am NOT a Claimstaker. There is no PLAYBOYS vs. CLAIMSTAKERS. It's much worse, Troy. In my eyes, it's me against the world."

"I was foolish enough to believe Hornet's head was in this battle. Its not the first time his (BLEEP) poked thru the wrong hole. Or have we forgotten that this is the same man that bagged your brother's wife and pretended to be his best friend at the same time? You think I have compassion for Ivy, Teri or Hornet? (BLEEP) them. Those two women should see the man for what he really is, an arrogant prick that gets off on exposure and using people for his benefit. After all...it's just business. I told Ivy to leave alot sooner, she didn't listen. She's lucky she only got hurt emotionally. Don't think for a moment that Hornet would protect her over himself - and it's funny that Eli was foolish enough to believe he would. Speaking of which..."

"I was foolish enough to believe Eli Flair would finally stop acting like a little teenage girl trying to find his life and the value in it. But let's face it - he likes being a drama queen. He thrives on it. You think I have compassion for a man that uses his dead wife as motivation to kick in people's skulls? (BLEEP) that. The day he loses his conscience in the ring is the day I can consider him an ally. Until then, he's another casualty waiting to happen. Or as someone once put it - just another lost soul looking for his smile. I don't have time for him. I don't have time for Hornet. I only have time to do what I came here for - and to leave just as fast.

"I was foolish enough to believe that Eddy Love would stop the comic charades and come out and fight me. Maybe I thought by cutting his hair, I wouldn't have to deal with little pigs and midgets running around my locker rooms. I wouldn't have to watch promos of him looking like Billy Buckley and insulting me and everything I've bled for. Love isn't a fighter. He's a prankster. That's why you would like him Troy - he makes you laugh, but in the end...he may be the ticket that sent you to hell. Think about it - in the five years he's been in this sport he's yet to convincingly beat ANYONE in the middle of the ring. Maybe that's why nobody fears Eddy Love - they just laugh at his jokes. That's why nobody runs from Eddy Love, nobody is scared of the class clown. The worst Love can do is make people laugh at my expense. Will I have compassion for Love when he finds out the worst I can do? (BLEEP) no. I've never felt an inch of compassion for anyone that insulted me, disrespected me and ended up broken physically and empty emotionally. Not once."

"I was foolish enough to believe that Chad Merritt would sign the match that Eddy and I requested, instead of selling out to the sponsors and jeopardize Troy Windham's and Eli Flair's career. But where the money lies is where Merritt will dig. The only thing I can say is that if Troy Windham's career ends at my hands - I won't give a (BLEEP) that it happened. If Eli Flair's career ends - it will just be an affirmation that he was never ready for this war in the first place. We're entering dangerous territory, Troy. While you think the battlelines have been drawn - it cuts much deeper than that. If Hornet or Eli become a liability, I'll take them out as fast as they came walking in with me. There are no battlelines in this for me, Troy. Whoever wants to step in that ring against me, I don't care if it's my supposed partners or a Playboy or that punk Stanley - I'll eat their raw heart and spit it out. I'm tired of playing games. The more you play games, the more you're going to realize that anything you do to me - doesn't affect me and won't stop the inevitable, excruciating end."

"Eli wants to run promos about his life at a crossroads. There are NO crossroads. The only intersection is life and death - the path you take leads you down each of the roads. I have no compassion for a man that is trying to find where his heart is - I have no heart. I have no compassion for a man that is valiantly going to fight thru an injury - because that same man has cheaply and vainly put stronger men in worse conditions. I have no compassion for a man that will be best remembered as a jester. There will be no last laugh, Eddy. Just the screaming silence of your pride being ground up and (BLEEP) on. LOVE is an illusion - the precise reason I have no compassion for Stanley. You fall in love with the cheap hooker, you still have to pay. And I have no compassion for a man that will always convince you he's fighting the good fight when's he's got more dirty laundry than any of us. All five of you want sympathy. All five of you want compassion from the masses - (BLEEP) you all. You don't deserve any. You chose this lifestyle, you chose this sport. Deal with it."


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