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Old School Poll


Main Event Caliber
Apr 16, 2012
St. Louis, MO
1.) Name / Age / Where You At?

Ben, or Nash to some people / 24 / Chicago

2.) School / Occupation

Arts administrator

3.) What character(s) are you most known for? What "circle" were/are you most active in?

I'm only barely known for Leyenda de Ocho, and I just started in the IWF.

4.) Who do you respect most in this hobby and why?

As a very new member, I'm still getting to know the community and the "names" around here. Lots of respect already for Chad and the Ultratitle judges, as well as Justin for making IWF already seem awesome.

5.) Fantasy Wrestling Dream Match of Choice? What do you want to see?

Space God vs. Big Sauce Man

6.) Favorite Group/Musician/Artist/Hipster

Ben Folds, Radiohead, and Childish Gambino have been played the most in the last few months.

7.) Do you still watch/follow wrestling? If so, still into it? What promotions/performers do you enjoy?

I do...I actually ended up going to this year's Extreme Rules with Jack (jacksonattack), and I routinely love watching old matches. Undertaker is my all-time favorite, though of the current group of active wrestlers, I love Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, Cody Rhodes, CM Punk (when he's wrestling; he hasn't been so good on the mic since last summer). Really excited to see where Antonio Cesaro goes in WWE.

8.) Narrative or Trash Talk? KIDDING!

LARPing. Preferably in Elven garb.

Classy Mike C

League Member
Sep 4, 2004
Manchester, England
1. Mike, 24, London, England (originally from Cheshire)

2. Newspaper Advertising Account Manager

3. Best known for Classy Mike C as part of EUWC back in the day

4. Anyone who turns up and writes something original every week, anyone mad enough to facilitate it!

5. Classy Mike C vs. anyone in the ULTRATITLE final!

6. The Stone Roses, The Smiths, Arctic Monkeys, Blur, The Cribs, The Clash, The Specials...too many to name

7. Still follow WWE and, to a lesser extent, TNA. Only guys who really stand out at the moment for me are Punk, Bryan and Ziggler

8. Braille


New member
Jul 8, 1998
Sierra Vista, Arizona
1.) Name / Age / Where You At?

Erik Z / 41 / Currently in Heidelberg, Germany

2.) School / Occupation

Bachelors in Info Assurance / US Army 21+ years

3.) What character(s) are you most known for? What "circle" were/are you most active in?

"Good God" Kevin Powers, "The Apocalypse" Gabriel Poe, "Risqué" Roseanne Fairhurst, and "The Dark Lotus" Miso - Oh, take your pick HEW, SCW, EWI/Nth/GXW, CSWA, TCW, CWL to name a few.

4.) Who do you respect most in this hobby and why?

There's so many to mention because I respect a lot of people in this game: Kent, Paul, Andy (The HEW and SCW crew), Pat and AJ(from that damn play by mail IWA to FW), Chad and Steve of CSWA, Warren, Bob Morris, Tom, Mad Dog Joe, Pete, Les, Dave, and of course the best guy I thought ever played the game Chad Dupree. It was like a second family cause we always got along, but we did always clash with ideas and how storylines went out and it happens. Everyone wants to see their character move on cause they feel, with their vision, that the storyline would be better that way. We only made the game better for others coming in.

5.) Fantasy Wrestling Dream Match of Choice? What do you want to see?

I want to see Powers and Poe with another world title! BUT, instead I would enjoy seeing a Blade vs Havoc vs Zero three way dance match as well as The Hip Hop Express vs The Dark Carnival (Yeah, Mad Dog I'm callin you out!)

6.) Favorite Group/Musician/Artist/Hipster

NICKLEBACK! Uh .. no! I listen to lots of music I really don't have a favorite. Depends on the mood.

7.) Do you still watch/follow wrestling? If so, still into it? What promotions/performers do you enjoy?

I still follow WWE and TNA. I try to catch ROH when I can. The Internet updates always help :)

8.) Narrative or Trash Talk? KIDDING!

A mix of both because it CAN be done! And quit line by line my stuff - That's sooo 90's (feel the sarcasm) LOL!

Jonathon Winter

League Member
Mar 26, 2006
1.) Name / Age / Where You At?

Kris Barton / 28 / Warrington, Cheshire, UK

2.) School / Occupation

Web Developer

3.) What character(s) are you most known for? What "circle" were/are you most active in?

John Crichton / Jonathon Winters / Jacob McKail known in Primetime Central circles (don't hurt me).

4.) Who do you respect most in this hobby and why?

Probably Andy Hewitt, Ryan Murray, Sean Williams and Jay Faulker.

5.) Fantasy Wrestling Dream Match of Choice? What do you want to see?

Angelo Deville vs Rich Rollins vs Seymour Almasy

6.) Favorite Group/Musician/Artist/Hipster

Foo Fighters / Oasis / Ocean Colour Scene

7.) Do you still watch/follow wrestling? If so, still into it? What promotions/performers do you enjoy?

I only really watch ROH. I would watch Chikara if I could get my hands on their tapes.

8.) Narrative or Trash Talk? KIDDING!

I think there's a place for both, but my PREFERENCE is narrative for RP's, Trash Talk for Hype/in cards. But that's just me. Of course there is room for a certain amount of trash talk in narrative, but I don't feel it should be forced or in your face. That's just my style.

Obviously, Narrative roleplays MUST be about wrestling and the real world.

I'm using Narrative in the Ultratitle Tournament even though it probably goes against the judges and pretty much everyone else's mainly because I have to work hard to get my character out there and known. Writing in first person and not in a direct to camera way thereby subjecting the reading to his mindset and thoughts is just a faster way to do that.

Think I'm doing the right thing? Are my roleplay's really rubbing against your sensibilities? I love constructive criticism.


League Member
Apr 12, 2012
1.) Name / Age / Where You At?

Chris Hopper/ 37 (yes I really *AM* old)/ Bolivar, PA

2.) School / Occupation

Preacher / Graduated from Johnson Bible College with B.S. degree in 1998, Louisville Bible College with a Masters Degree in 2004

3.) What character(s) are you most known for? What "circle" were/are you most active in?

"Too Cool" Chris Hopper, Jake Evans, Scimitar, Tyson Cain, Scotty Blackstone, Shayne Grissom, Larry Watters Jr......and honestly a lot of others over the years.

Mostly in "JTF" until about October of last year when Keegan got me into ACW. Now I'm mostly in this circle and haven't worked with JTF since closing SCWE nearly a year ago.

4.) Who do you respect most in this hobby and why?

Keegan because he has become a dear friend, but also has a very creative mind and is easily one of th emost underrated match writers in e-w....

Chad Merritt.....known him short time.....but checked out the old CSWA site before it disappeared and was amazed at the amount of stuff that got put out. Also anyone who puts a tourney like thsi on deserves props.

Brian Bell....another friend and a guy who has set himself apart as a fed head and a handler both over the years. One of the few involved in this game longer than me.

Jeremy Steigerwald....another amazing handler, but his real strength may be being one of the best match writers in the game, especially when it is with PBP commentary written within it.

There are a ton others....but I'll stop now because after 17 years in the game....I could go on forever.

5.) Fantasy Wrestling Dream Match of Choice? What do you want to see?

"Too Cool" Chris Hopper VS "Lone Wolf" Brody Thunder (JTF guys will get that immediately)

Sean Stevens VS Eric Dane

"Too Cool" Chris Hopper VS "Superstar" Vince Jacobs

6.) Favorite Group/Musician/Artist/Hipster

I really don't have a favorite as I like all kinds of music. I lately got fascinated by the new Goody Mob song when it was performed on The Voice....I dunno....I'm streaky with music...one genre for awhile an dthen switcheroo

7.) Do you still watch/follow wrestling? If so, still into it? What promotions/performers do you enjoy?

Yes. My 5 yr old son is neck deep into wrestling....loves it. We went to Raw 2 nights ago in Pittsburgh and had fun despite a kind of lackluster show. I gave up trying to follow TNA....I think it is a lost cause.

In WWE I am enjoying many of the younger guys. I think Dolph may be the best seller in the business right now and I really enjoy Punk, Bryan, Miz, Shaemus, and even Cody Rhodes.

8.) Narrative or Trash Talk? KIDDING!



UTA Hall of Famer and All-Around Nice Guy
Staff member
Jan 6, 2005
Los Angeles, CA, formerly PA
1.) Name / Age / Where You At?

Thomas Ford / 28 / Los Angeles, with occasional stops in Philadelphia.

2.) School / Occupation

I work in Post Production for the Dr. Phil Show, as well the The Doctors.

3.) What character(s) are you most known for? What "circle" were/are you most active in?

My most well known character is High Flyer, entered into the Ultratitle Tournament as Jack Harmen. He was in IWO/FWLNet back in the day, migrated to EWZine, then the FWO, then PTC/PRIME, before finally making FWCentral my home.

Eddie Cheno's somewhat well known for my time in Joe Campbell's "The Asylum." And I've handled the Disposable Heroes/Pop Culture Phenoms in angle feds ACW/LoC.

4.) Who do you respect most in this hobby and why?

If I can be half the man Warren is, I'll be a better man than I am.

5.) Fantasy Wrestling Dream Match of Choice? What do you want to see?

With my character? I'd love to see Flyer/Hornet, Flyer/Melton, Flyer/Windham, Flyer/JTP and Flyer/Nova before I retire him.

In terms of general matches, I'd love to see the Flying Frenchie take on Joey Melton. I feel like Frenchie would give the best "WTF" response to a Melton promo I can imagine.

Troy Windham vs. "Superstar" Vince Jacobs would be a barn burner.

And Hornet vs. Machina would melt my brain.

6.) Favorite Group/Musician/Artist/Hipster

This fluctuates, but for the last six months, I've been all about Childish Gambino. Perhaps it's my ever living love of the show Community, the fact that I work right next door to the show and I've been able to walk up to him and tell him how awesome of a triple threat the guy is, or just because his lyrics are just so playful. *shrug*

7.) Do you still watch/follow wrestling? If so, still into it? What promotions/performers do you enjoy?

I don't follow wrestling. I go to independent wrestling shows when I have the opportunity. I thoroughly enjoyed the last PWG show, DDT 4, and would highly recommend any former wrestling fan to go check out Chikara, PWG, ROH or any other indi fed that Holz raves about in his blog LIVE AND IN PERSON, to re-convert you.

But I'll catch a good Daniel Bryan/CM Punk moment on youtube or a few days later if I hear it's worth it.

8.) Narrative or Trash Talk? KIDDING!

Personally, I think a strictly narrative roleplay, or a strictly trash talk roleplay, not only sucks but is severely limiting. I'm all about combining both styles into a mashable and delicious stew.


League Member
Apr 11, 2012
Saint Paul, MN
1.) Name / Age / Where You At?

  • Jack / 23 / currently in St. Paul, MN, but moving to Palo Alto, CA, in the late summer
2.) School / Occupation
  • Pursuing a career in Craft Beer
3.) What character(s) are you most known for? What "circle" were/are you most active in?
  • Steve "Axion" Jackson in IWF. Getting my feet wet before I start joining other feds/handling more characters.
4.) Who do you respect most in this hobby and why?
  • Well, I'm just starting and I've been naive enough to let Holzerman coach me up a little, so I'd say he's a bit of a mentor in that respect. Now watch me start a character based on the Count of Monte Cristo who happens to be a Martian looking for nuclear weapons or some sh*t.
5.) Fantasy Wrestling Dream Match of Choice? What do you want to see?
  • I don't know anything, but based on what I've seen so far, I'd love to see a Triple Threat between Triple X, Dan Ryan and Orphan. Also, and I've mentioned this already today, I'd love to have an extended program with Kendall Codine someday.
6.) Favorite Group/Musician/Artist/Hipster
  • I'm a huge metalhead, and like stoner/sludge/doom the most, but Iron Maiden is king.
7.) Do you still watch/follow wrestling? If so, still into it? What promotions/performers do you enjoy?
  • Totes still follow. Went to Extreme Rules with brusch last month and keep up with as many promotions as I can, but mostly WWE and FCW.
8.) Narrative or Trash Talk? KIDDING!
  • Soliloquy

Mad Dog

Original Gangsta
Jan 1, 2000
1.) Name / Age / Where You At?

Joe aka Mad Dog / 35 / Nashville, TN

2.) School / Occupation

No more school for me / Currently between jobs. :-(

3.) What character(s) are you most known for? What "circle" were/are you most active in?

Steel Viper, Aaron Douglas, Tabu, Hip Hop Express, Boogie Smallz, “The Inferno” Carmine Esposito, Shamon, and I think that is about it. There are probably more that I cannot think of. I was apart of the CSWA, GXW, EPW, and NFW.

4.) Who do you respect most in this hobby and why?

Dude…I have a ton of respect for all of the people I have worked with on here for many many years…when I started on *Prodigy back in ’94. Too many to name. I have just enjoyed being able to bounce ideas off of people, work on angles, get great stories developed. That’s how I roll.

5.) Fantasy Wrestling Dream Match of Choice? What do you want to see?

Troy Windham OR Sean Stevens vs. Boogie Smallz (Never got the chance to do it because GXW closed).
Doc Silver OR Eli Flair vs. Steel Viper (Unfinished business from 15 years ago).
Shane Southern OR Kendall Codine vs. Aaron Douglas
Dark Carnival OR The Professionals vs. Hip Hop Express

Just to name a few.

6.) Favorite Group/Musician/Artist/Hipster

I really like Killa Karisma. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ys6GU-oon1I)
And this Boogie Smallz imposter. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbT3vrNe6i4) I hated him at first, but it is growing on me.

7.) Do you still watch/follow wrestling? If so, still into it? What promotions/performers do you enjoy?

Yes, but not like I used to. I watch WWE and TNA. Started watched ROH recently. The weird thing is…I don’t really have a favorite wrestler anymore. I still mark out for Foley, Austin, Jericho, and Trish Stratus (yeah…I love her). I do pay a lot of attention to Layla matches. :)

8.) Narrative or Trash Talk? KIDDING!

Smoke signals, dawg. Puff puff pass.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
5.) Fantasy Wrestling Dream Match of Choice? What do you want to see?
  • I don't know anything, but based on what I've seen so far, I'd love to see a Triple Threat between Triple X, Dan Ryan and Orphan. Also, and I've mentioned this already today, I'd love to have an extended program with Kendall Codine someday.

I know you said you're slowly taking your team getting into the hobby, but I'm over at EPW currently and I would be more than happy to work with you again.


the EX-QUEEN of FW~!
Jan 1, 2000
Greensboro USA
1.) Name / Age / Where You At?

Stephen Thomas/37/Greensboro, North “by Gawd” Carolina

2.) School / Occupation


3.) What character(s) are you most known for? What "circle" were/are you most active in?

“Arrogance” Joey Melton. Mark Windham. Adrian Evans. Jason Mur--- doh. Sammy Benson (no disrespect but I don’t think anyone’s better with Benson.) Those are really the ones I’ve roleplayed with over the last ten years or so.

4.) Who do you respect most in this hobby and why?

Let’s talk about who I don’t respect. Stanton! Billy! Just kidding. Really everyone I’ve worked with for years. If I had to pick a few handlers I admire the most:

Gregg Gethard.
Pete Russo.
Tom Siegel.

Gregg’s created more quality characters than anyone I know. They have a pulse and he’s never written anything unreadable. I think GUNSDUST was really the first roleplay I read of his that melted my mind. “You roll a 6, I roll a 9…..yessssss” Schmid was king of the mountain then and Gregg took him down a notch.

I saw the other day where he posted a 10+ reply war between his own characters in the NFW a few years ago. I just found that in the archives. Are you serious? Who else would do that? Who else would do it and give 100% two-ways? Gregg could run a fed with his own characters and I think most of us would read it. It surprises me he’s afraid of podcasts. He marks out to FW more than any of us.

Pete. I love Pete. Sure, he can be a little surly but he’s created the most over character in FW history. Poison Ivy. The angle he did where Ivy was reportedly killed was genius. So many of us create the typical women you’d expect to see in wrestling. Divas, etc. Pete created the one who COULDN’T but should see in WWE.

I also respect the hell out of Eli Flair. Pete’s never cheated and tried to make Flair witty, or the cocky heel we see everywhere. He’s Eli Flair. And he and Ivy, well I haven’t seen two characters in FW who seem more real.

I also think, if this is possible, he’s underrated in our circles. While Gregg gets into character outlines and marks out creating them, Pete fleshes them out and lets you know what they’re allergic too. We could ***** about fake audiences and what is ‘seen’ or what style works best, but its been a joy watching Pete’s writing evolve over the years. I think he’s the backbone of any fed he enters.

Love me some Pete even if there’s no one I enjoy needling more.

Tom Siegel. Who amongst us has a better attitude in this game? I mean to suck so long at this…and still get up every day. No, I kid Tom. 

He doesn’t get enough credit for his role in the Cameron Cruise Project. I enjoyed working with Tom more than anyone. I’d love to run the CCP with him again some day.

And Katz for the insane amount of work he’s done in NFW over the years. And it all started with Summer camp. Jon put me over more than anyone ever has. He let me really flourish with Melton. I think my best work was done there. I don’t think Randalls/Windham has ever happened, has it Jon? But Melton/Randalls was more fun. He goes with the flow. One of the icons of the CSWA.

And then there’s Brunk. One of the best rp battles I’ve ever had was Windham/ryan in the CSWA. Windham was supposed to go over but the rp was so much fun and I enjoyed writing with Ryan in the match, Ryan winning felt right. We’ve never had a more worthy champion. He’s as good as it gets in a RP battle. Who gives a **** if he disrespected the UT? (just kidding Brunk) that first rp was so good, come on free Ryan. Seriously, if you had to pick one guy to win a match…I think Brunk with Ryan is unbeatable at his best.

And there’s so many others. Chad’s getting enough love so I won’t add on. But really you’re all winners.

5.) Fantasy Wrestling Dream Match of Choice? What do you want to see?

Melton/Flying Frenchie – Bring it, Ford.
Melton vs. Eddy Love
CCP vs. TOS.
Hornet vs JTP, done right. If Chad had kept roleplaying in Crash 50 I think JTP has one loss.
Windham War Games – the sad part is it could probably happen now.

6.) Favorite Group/Musician/Artist/Hipster

U2, Bruce Springsteen.

7.) Do you still watch/follow wrestling? If so, still into it? What promotions/performers do you enjoy?

More or less just when Chad makes me drag Staci over to punish her with a PPV.

8.) Narrative or Trash Talk? KIDDING!

Whatever the judges think!
Last edited:


League Member
Apr 11, 2012
1.) Name / Age / Where You At?
Jarred / 22 / Denver, Colorado

2.) School / Occupation
Metropolitan State College of Denver / Warehouse Supervisor

3.) What character(s) are you most known for? What "circle" were/are you most active in?
I am most know for "The Godfather" Vincenzo Savonarola character. I have been with Professional RPG Wrestling off and on for the last seven years. It is my efedding home.

4.) Who do you respect most in this hobby and why?
I respect any and all successful fed heads. It is their commitment to the hobby that keeps these places running.

5.) Fantasy Wrestling Dream Match of Choice? What do you want to see?
Someday I would like to enter into a match against another formidable handler that tests my limits. Who that may be? I don't know. Perhaps I'll find that person in this Ultratitle tournament.

6.) Favorite Group/Musician/Artist/Hipster
Johnny Cash is my all-time favorite musical artist. I even modeled an efed wrestler after him. Not far behind him would be Aretha Franklin.

7.) Do you still watch/follow wrestling? If so, still into it? What promotions/performers do you enjoy?
I do watch wrestling pretty often, mostly WWE and sometimes TNA. I'm a nostalgic kind of guy. If Ric Flair of Hulk Hogan are on I'll most likely tune in. I enjoy watching modern day wrestlers such as Randy Orton and CM Punk.

8.) Narrative or Trash Talk? KIDDING!
I'm pretty solid in the narrative department, but at times the trash talking just seems to flow torugh my finger tips.


I spoil things.
Jan 1, 2000
Merced, California USA
1.) Name / Age / Where You At?

Tommy Siegel/31/Merced, CA

2.) School / Occupation
Full-time student at Merced College/Part-time Customer Service Clerk at Cigar Monkey

3.) What character(s) are you most known for? What "circle" were/are you most active in?

Cameron Cruise. Erik Mateo. Mercedes Devon. Karla Starr.

4.) Who do you respect most in this hobby and why?

Gregg Gethard.
Pete Russo.
Stephen Thomas
Dave Brunk
Jamar Short

a slew of others really...

I agree with Steve...GG could very well run an entire fed by HIMSELF...with the amount of characters he has, and he's got the amazing amount of energy to keep up with ALL of them....and with as many ideas that he's had, he's got about a million more waiting to be used, I'm sure. That just DEMANDS respect, Sandler-style.

Russo....with the fact that I had a crush on Juliya...and he's a personal friend of hers...CHUMS, if you will...I just hate that man. :) But seriosuly....with how he's handled Knox, Eli, Ivy....I sink down in my seat alittle more whenever I know I'm in the same match with him, because he pushes you so much to be better. He's one of those...you CANNOT have an off day when you RP, because he'll jump on it like a shark. Then the party's over.

Stephen Thomas. It's truly been an honor to even RP in the same circle as Stephen Thomas, let alone work with him. A few months ago I had the opportunity to give alittle bit of an interview for the Efed Guerillas, and while Ernie honestly mistook it for what it wasn't...there is not an ounce of ANYTHING in my body that can allow people to believe that I write Joey Melton for the CCP. That's just how legendary I believe Thomas to be in this game. I've learned an incredible amount of improvement in my characters' just by listening and taking advantage of any clues I can find by working with him.

Tom Siegel. Who amongst us has a better attitude in this game? I mean to suck so long at this…and still get up every day. No, I kid Tom.

You made me choke on my soda, I hope you know. :)

Maybe one day we'll "get the band back together"...who knows....and no...the Shadow does NOT.

Brunk. He's won about 28 titles, and defended four major ones at the same time....I'm pretty sure he knows what he's doing around here. Plus, taking over EPW 8 years ago....he's helped provide so much fun for me and others in Empire, not to mention he's put up with my Jewish carcass for so long....it's amazing. Almost as amazing as when CC pinned Dan Ryan afew weeks ago, but still....(I hearby recognize my future jobbing as "Justifiable", :) )...Heck of a guy.

5.) Fantasy Wrestling Dream Match of Choice? What do you want to see?

GUNS vs. Cruise. That's right, I said it!!

Everyone else pretty much said everything.

CCP vs. TOS.....sure. :)

6.) Favorite Group/Musician/Artist/Hipster

U2, Old Metallica, Sevendust...

7.) Do you still watch/follow wrestling? If so, still into it? What promotions/performers do you enjoy?

I semi-catch RAW when I can, and I've seen the last TNA ppv (I was bored...gimmie a break). As for performers...CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, The Rock, Chris Jericho


Apr 1, 1998
Urbana, OH
1.) Name / Age / Where You At?
Warren - 37 - Ohio (about an hour from Dayton or Columbus)

2.) School / Occupation
Never got the degree (about 70 hours down). Stopped to help take care of my mother and then never really went back. Currently, I supervise residential facility for 9 behaviorally challenged kids but I've done lots of jobs in my 10+ years in this field, and normally switch around every few months to a new job.

3.) What character(s) are you most known for? What "circle" were/are you most active in?

4.) Who do you respect most in this hobby and why?
That's tough. Pete Russo I have stayed in closest contact w/ but I've made lots of friends that I respect greatly - Tom Ford, Tom Seigel, Tom... thumb. Chad Merritt knows a good deal about my life. Travis Beaven is a huge, creative genius. Katz is insane... in a good way.

5.) Fantasy Wrestling Dream Match of Choice? What do you want to see?
For My Character? Old school Mike Randalls vs. Deac or Eddy Love vs. Deac. Current crop? How about Axion Jackson vs. Impulse. Why? Just think it'd be fun.

6.) Favorite Group/Musician/Artist/Hipster
Currently - Thousand Foot Krutch cause their new album is awesome (following another great album). And I say that even if they did agree to let the WWE use a song off of it for this atrocious PPV.

7.) Do you still watch/follow wrestling? If so, still into it? What promotions/performers do you enjoy?
Yep. I watch WWE, or at least follow it. It's DVR'd and I ffwd whatever I don't want to see, which often is their 3 minute matches to bury good talent to big guys. I will watch TNA and ffwd their segments to see solid match work, especially tag teams where they clearly outpace the WWE (but I don't DVR it). Performers? I don't have any favorites. I like how they played this Cena response to the crowd a LOT! It was how they should've done Bret Hart during his heel turn against Austin, not making him bad, just letting the fans boo/cheer as they want and make THEM the heel (in Bret's case). TNA has some solid guys - most of the roster can wrestle they just can't write or perform a storyline. Mark Henry turned into a solid heel that I enjoy. Santino is fun. I like Punk on the mic but find his in-ring stuff a bit over-rated, though he did impress at WM (but that was w/ Jericho who is one of the better performers around).


New member
May 28, 2011
Northeast, PA
1.) Name / Age / Where You At?

John / 36 / Northeastern PA

2.) School / Occupation

Currently between jobs after a layoff. Yay economy!

3.) What character(s) are you most known for?

Bradley Waubash III (FEW)
"Excessive Force" Eric Vanguard (Multiple)
"The Better Man" Shaun Borders (UEW, Various)

4.) Who do you respect most in this hobby and why?

I honestly don't know if I have an answer to this question as I have met alot of great people through this hobby - but to respect them takes alot. I'm not sure if anyone has reached that level.

5.) Fantasy Wrestling Dream Match of Choice? What do you want to see?

Alex Martinez vs. Casey James

6.) Favorite Group/Musician/Artist/Hipster

Favorite Musician without a question is Billy Joel. Huge fan of mellow music, where you can actually understand what the singer is saying and they have a message worth deliverin'

7.) Do you still watch/follow wrestling? If so, still into it? What promotions/performers do you enjoy?

A day without wrestling is like a day without sunlight. It puts me in a bad mood. As TH will verify, I am a HUGE Chikara Pro fan. I also loosely follow some other organizations such as WWE, Impact Wrestling, Ring of Honor, Anarchy Championship Wrestling, Absolute Intense Wrestling, Beyond Wrestling, Inter Species Wrestling and Pro Wrestling Guerilla.

8.) Narrative or Trash Talk? KIDDING!


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