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Part II - The Interview


League Member
Jul 6, 2007
Las Vegas
Cut to: The poorly-lit interior of a bar that’s seen better days. Billy Lovemuscle sits alone at a table with a bottle of something called Wild Turkey and a half-empty glass. Behind Lovemuscle on the dingy wall is a dart board which has not seen use in a very long time and a very old sign for Pabst Blue Ribbon beer. The scene is extremely quiet… Lovemuscle takes a sip of his drink and makes a hugely exaggerated grimace.

“Neighbors, Ah reckon t’day Ah really AM drinkin’ horse piss, ‘cause this sure ain’t mah usual sweet Kentucky bourbon…”

He places the glass back on the table and looks directly into the camera.

“Ah guess that despite mah efferts Ah done gone an’ offended a few folks. Well, Ah ain’t gonna apologize fer that – in mah way o’ thinkin’ that’s jist them bein’ them, an’ they woulda gone off on somebody anyways. Ah reckon they’re jist ornery people ta begin with, an’ that they’re pickin’ on the new feller. That’s all right, Ah suppose, but Ah did want ta point out a couple o’ things.

“It’d be too gosh darn easy to ask Joe the Plumber if’n he’s got any more outdated homo-sexual references he’d like ta toss at me, like a good George-Michaels-in-the-public-outhouse joke. But then Ah guess when you’ve been inhalin’ turd fumes yer whole life you jist come up with the insults when you can, an’ if they ain’t exactly relative ta today ya don’t really notice. Ah reckon he’s jist happy his brain still works at all.”

Another drink, another grimace.

“An’ it’d be easy ta give credit ta Teresa fer that Lovecraft reference an’ then turn around an’ quote Crowley or Euripides or somesuch ta prove Ah ain’t as lowbrow as she thinks. But the way Ah figger it, people are gonna think what they think no matter what Ah say ta try to dissuade ‘em. You think Ah’m stupid? You go right on thinkin’ that way… But the fact o’ the matter is that these two folks ain’t never seen or met me before, an’ Ah’m pretty damned certain that they ain’t never seen me in a wrasslin’ ring before, so Ah figger they’re jist jawin’ ta cover up their fear. Fear o’ the unknown…fear o’ me…”

(Off-camera: the sounds of someone approaching. “…camera’s worth more than a hundred bucks!”)

Lovemuscle leans in close to the camera.

“Joe, Teresa…Ah ain’t done nothin’ to you personally. You folk’s got a problem with me? We kin always settle things in the ring…”

And suddenly a pool cue is broken over the back of Billy’s head.



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
(The scene opens on Joe the Plumber floating in a black abyss -- well, actually, he's just constructed a play fort out of some black garbage bags and a couple bar stools he found in a dumpster outside a dingy St. Louis pub.)

JTP: "'Eh, punk b*tch, I understand ya probably aren't as edjewmahcated as Ol' Joe, and that's fine -- I ain't never pointed fingers ain't the less fortunate... But when you start flappin' yer gums, sayin' that I'm SCARED of you, then we've got problems -- and that's about the time when Ol' Joe drops the hammer!

"Y'see, Lovemuscle, I ain't scared o' NO MAN! I almost drown in HUMAN SH*T! I woke up to find a 800-pound pig farmer knelt over my body breathin' sweet, sweet life into my body! I threw up liquidy, black sh*t into another man's mouth -- it ran down the back of his throat, and he sorta' smiled and bit my earlobe.

"Was I scared? NO! I probably should've been! But I wasn't! I just grabbed a hold of his cock and gave 'err a violent twist! Honkey fell to the ground and he knew then and there that he just got played via a SUCKA MOVE! Well, Lovemuscle, prepare yourself for the Crown Prince of all SUCKA MOVES, `cause Ol' Joe don't givah damn whether the rules say YADDA YADDA YADDA NO FUN, he's gonna chew ya up like gristle NO MATTER WHAT! You're gonna be a chewed up hunk of fat on the side of my plate, b*tch, and then you'll know that f*ckin' with Joe... BAAAAAAAD IDEA, SON!"


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