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John Doe

The Anorexic Ethiopian
Feb 2, 2004
Chicago, IL
Handler Information

Name: ‘Little’ Johnny Rivera
Email Address: Nah fam
Best Way to Contact You: Skype: EpikPhailz
eWrestling Experience: UTA, IWF, EPW, NEW, WFW.
How did you find DEFIANCE? Justin
Are you willing to write matches? Yes. Not great at it, but haven’t written many. So with consistency comes improvement.

Writing Sample

(Wrestleshow 25, show post losing the UTA Championship. http://archive.wrestleuta.com/results/99#828)

A black screen. You turn your television on and excitedly switch to Pure Sports Entertainment. It's just in time as the PSE logo appears on your television. As it fades away, the United Toughness Alliance logo cues up before exploding to reveal a shot of a screaming audience. The word Live appears at the bottom of your screen.
As the camera pans across the fans, our faithful commentators begin to talk.

Blackfront: Welcome ladies and gentlemen to Wrestleshow, live on Pure Sports Entertainment. I'm Jason

Blackfront and with me as always, the one, the only Tommy Ace!
The camera switches to focus on them.

Ace: Thank you Jason, it's exciting to be here. We're live in Leeds, England in the First Direct Arena..

Blackfront: Tonight Dynasty has control thanks to a carefully placed stipulation in Perfection's contract.
Ace: It's great! I love it!

Blackfront: You would. On tap tonight we have-
The sound system begins to play the opening riffs of Perfect Gentleman by Helloween as the crowd erupts in boos and jeers.

Blackfront: Oh come on.

Ace: Show Perfection some respect Jason!

Perfection stands at the top of the stage full suit and tie, dapper and glorious, truly looking like he is running the show tonight, even is sporting a handkerchief in his suit coat pocket. He begins to walk down the ramp as the crowd is slowly building up a chant of Imperfect! Imperfect! Imperfect!. The chant stops Perfection right in his tracks pointing at the people near to him to shut their mouths amongst other threats.

Ace: What disrespect! That man fought his heart out last Wrestleshow and not a single drop of gratitude!

Blackfront: It's not like they aren't saying the truth.

The chant grows and grows almost drowning out Perfection's own entrance music. He finally enters the ring a microphone being passed on to him as the music fades out, the chant however doesn't.

Crowd: Imperfect! Imperfect! Imperfect!

He stands there just absorbing it nodding his head.

Ace: Let the champ speak!

Blackfront: Former champ you mean.

Ace: No! He's still champion in my eyes!

Perfection: Welcome to Wrestleshow Twenty-five! Proudly presented on behalf of Dynasty!

The crowd is building and building, the heat is intense, “Imperfect! Imperfect!”

Perfection: Are you done?

The crowd flares up louder


Perfection paces the ring for a few moments before bringing the microphone to his lips.

Perfection: Last Wrestleshow!

The crowd begins to simmer down.

Perfection: Last Wrestleshow...in this very ring, yours truly was giving a lesson in humility.

Ace: What?!

Blackfront: I'm sorry, did he just say that?

Perfection: It's true. Last Wrestleshow I came into this ring confident, proud, and not fearful of my opponent, Yoshii. I came into this ring expecting the win, expecting to pin him with ease. I came into this ring not as a champion and I left just the same.

The crowd has now went silent, not knowing how to take in what they are hearing pour out of Perfection's mouth.

Perfection: So, where does that leave us? Claude successfully, flawlessly, unequivocally defended his title. Sean and Kathryn successfully and dominantly won the UTA tag team titles, and I...well...I still have my rematch clause.

The smile creeps over the lips of Perfection as the crowd starts back up with the hissing and booing.

Perfection: A lesson of humility, Ungratefuls! The fact that a simpleton could somehow out wrestle the BEST damn wrestler in this company not only makes me question my own inaccuracy but I accept my defeat in honor.

Ace: Honor?! Why?! No! Don't give any honor to that Jap trash who stole your title!

Blackfront: Hey! Watch it with the slurs, we just got this TV deal.

Ace: It's cable, no one cares.

Perfection: Accepting defeat and acknowledging it is important. How can you ever claim to have the IDEOLOGY of Perfection if you ignore flaws? You can't...I CAN'T. And so, tonight, I openly admit...Yoshii pinned me one...two....three.

Perfection begins to mockingly clap with the microphone in hand.

Blackfront: At least he's being honest. I can’t believe I actually said that.

Perfection: I lost! I lost the match, I lost my perfect record, I lost MY title. However, one of those things are able to be taken back!

Ace: Tonight! Say tonight, he's the GM he can book it whatever way he wishes tonight!

Perfection: But that night isn't tonight.

Ace: Awh, come on!

A partial boo from the crowd? Interesting.

Perfection: You don’t deserve such an epic match, here in the UK!

And roll the jeering

Perfection: Now, for those of you snickering in the back at my loss, let me remind you. This IS a professional sport! The Yankee's don't win every game to become World Champions, the Patriots don't win every Sunday to become Champions, and I DON'T WIN EVERY TIME, JUST TO ENTERTAIN THE LIKES OF YOU!!!!

The crowd roars in their Imperfect chant again.

Perfection: Ironic! Ironic that the likes of you...you Ungratefuls, would call ME that! Imperfect. Like any of you or them backstage know what Perfection truly is...what I AM. I don't have the title, fine, but I have control of this show and the means and power to do it again....and again...and again!

Ace: Damn right he does!

Blackfront: For a moment there I thought we were getting a different side of him. Nope. Still a jerk.
Perfection: MY title, the one that sits around that fat heaping waste WILL come back home, don't underestimate my intentions like I did my opponent. Don't think for one second you are safe, Yoshii! In fact, if it wasn't for the Shoot Kings, Dynasty would STILL have the UTA Championship....I would still be champion! So who do I blame....who do I punish?

Blackfront: Punish?

Perfection: Graham Clauson and Thatcher Rex?....You'd think they'd appreciate the fact that we gave them a chance for the Wildfire Championship, not even a thank you. So, because of their interference with my business at Wrestleshow, because they are a constant thorn in my side....

Blackfront: Oh no....

Perfection: We'll just change that match.

Ace: Yes!!!!!

Perfection: To a Canadian Lumberjack match.

The crowd pops, everyone loves violence.

Ace: I knew he'd be a better GM than James Wingate!

Blackfront: I hope you like your job, may not have it after that comment.

The speakers cue back Perfection's music and again the crowd sparks up with their Imperfect chant.

Blackfront: Well folks, Perfection pulling the GM card.. Tonight Graham Clauson and Thatcher Rex in a..
Canadian Lumberjack Match. For you who do not know what that is, it is where the lumberjacks have leather straps to use.

Ace: That is entertainment Jason!

Blackfront: No it isn't Tommy. Plus, we're here in England. Making it a Canadian lumberjack match is just as much disrespectful to the fans as it is to the men in the match.

Ace: No it's not. It's a tribute to Canada's own CBR!

Blackfront: This night will be one to remember. With Dynasty being in charge, I'm worried that memory will be tainted by stuff as tasteless as this.

Ace: Tasteless? That is a word that isn't even in Dynasty's vocabulary!

Blackfront: Well, the action starts right after commercial break. We'll be right back here on Pure Sports Entertainment.

We fade into commercial break.


Title: A Testimony to My Championship
Featuring: Perfection
Date: 10/6/14
Location: The Doll House- New York, New York


New York City, New York, it’s been a while since Perfection has been to Katheryn Velmont Thomas’ The Doll House, it’s become a frequent visit for Dynasty. James has taking a next flight out from Connecticut and the club is hosting only a few staff members who are cleaning and preparing for the evening. Perfection is in the personal office of KVT, he sits on the desk, yet feet are still on the ground, full suit, black tie, white shirt, black suit jacket and pants. Behind him is a large glass window overlooking the entire club below, however, it’s one way glass so the club can’t see the office. Perfection’s hands grip the table as he looks at the floor shaking his head.

“So, we’ve come full circle now, haven’t we, Yoshii?”

He looks up at the camera, hands still gripped.

“A little less than three months ago you stood opposite of me in Dynasty’s ring to try and become the first Ring King of UTA. You and I, fighting for a chance at the UTA Championship….MY championship.”

Perfection reaches behind him and comes out with the UTA Championship it shines and glistens to the light, James turns his head and looks at it as he speaks.

“Now look where you are, in almost the same position I was in August. You have the opportunity to become the next UTA champion and take down me, the pinnacle of this industry. An opportunity…”

He looks up back towards the camera a smile crossing his lips.

“...That will be squandered and wasted, an opportunity that will solidify MY championship reign at your expense!”

James slings the belt over his shoulder and clasps his hands together in a semi-excited fashion.

“Let’s touch on that for just a moment, Yoshii. I want you to sit there and ponder on what exactly you’ve done to earn this belt. I want you to think, as difficult as it is for you to do, about the consequences of stepping into that ring with me.”

Perfection leans forward just slightly his eyes piercing into the lens.

“The lengths of which I’ve gone to beat you for a title shot and the lengths I’d go to retain it are far different in nature…and nature, at it’s core, is very unforgiving.”

He smirks turning it into a grin as he leans back away from the camera.

“At the Ring King finals you were lucky to leave with simply a chair shot courtesy of YOURS TRULY...but….this isn’t the Ring King finals, Yoshii- this is MY legacy at stake. Let’s be clear, if you would have gotten the win over me at Ring King my journey to the championship would've went down a different road but you didn’t, you failed to do such…and do you know why?”

He raises his right hand, the title still draped over his left shoulder and shoots up his index finger.

“It’s your compassion. When I turned and decided to cold clock that scumbag of an agent that leech’s from you off that ring apron all you saw was red. Even if you don’t realize it was deserved and you would've done the same thing had it been Sean Jackson or CBR trying to blindside you.”

James holds his palm out almost sarcastically asking a question.

“And who’s to say they won’t? Who’s to say Sean Jackson won’t take your leg out much like he did to Graham Clauson before my flawless win at Wrestleshow or Sean decides to beat Jed Dye to a pulp with a chair, just like Thatcher Rex.”

Perfection shrugs just slightly before he peers at the camera, deadlock and serious as can be.

“..or....maybe, I’ll do this the old fashioned way. Where I get in the ring, take your knees out myself and beat you down. Where I put on a clinic of chain wrestling and submissions until you tap out.”

Perfection sets his right hand back on the desk and adjusts his belt with his left.

“I wasn’t intimidated back at Ring King just like I’m not intimidated now, because my skills in MY ring…Dynasty’s ring…are unmatched…”

James points at the UTA Championship with his right index finger

“…That’s what MY belt represents, Yoshii! This UTA championship means I’m the best damn wrestler in the company…hell, the world! Every time I enter that ring it’s up to me to put forth my all to retain this belt- unlike our previous champion who’d rather eat Cheetos and rub a peanut butter treat for Peach on his nuts.”

Perfection begins to nod agreeing with what he says next.

“And I will retain this belt, mark my words, because you, Yoshii, are weak.”

His right hand raises and closes to a fist.

“Emotionally…mentally...skillfully. People like you, Yoshi, can’t muster up the talent to beat me and more importantly…WON’T.”

Perfection huffs his face turning to one of aggravation and anger.

“The most bothersome part of it all, you got to this point without having to go through the hurdles I had to. A Chamber Match, a sixty minute Iron Man Match, and more importantly a fractured arm….which you caused!”

His right hand shoots up and he points at the camera.

“You may not hold a vendetta against me for putting a chair to the side of your thick skull, but I’m not done yet! I owe you for what you did to me, Yoshii! Do you think it was easy or a cakewalk wrestling Madman for sixty minutes with a cast?”

Witherhold starts to shake his head smiling innocently.

“I didn’t think so.”

The innocent smile fades quickly to a more serious.

“You couldn’t make it out of a triple threat with a J. Stevenson who just lost to The First Lady of UTA- KVT. Yet, you want to get in the ring with the champion who won his title with one good arm because you think you have a shot?”

Perfection laughs loudly waving his hand in front of the camera. He goes for a few good seconds before catching himself slowing down his laugh and wiping his eye.

“No…no, that can’t be right. You, who couldn’t take the Internet Championship from our very Claude, who continually see’s the arena lights at the hands of Dynasty, wants to challenge the best? You poor, simple man...you’re getting in the ring because someone needs money…Jed Dye.”

The camera closes in on Perfection’s face as his eyes go wide and he puts on a fake image of shock.

“Oh you didn’t know?! Who do you think is pushing for this match, Yoshii? Who do you think has been nagging Wingate for you to be launched into the title picture? Your agent, for his cut.“

James smiles nice and wide as the camera slowly zooms out.

“Jed Dye isn’t helping you out, Yoshii. Hell, weeks ago he could have placed you in a title match against Conrad Teller, a man you can easily twart! Instead, Jed Dye gives you me. A man that sees nothing but the UTA Championship in his eyes and you’ll have to pry this belt from his limp fingers!”

Perfection now stands up and makes his signature walk towards the camera which begins to pan as he walks past and move behind him.

“Men like Jed Dye, my foreign friend, are nothing more than pond scum that need to be skimmed from the surface.”

Wintherhold just shakes his head as he stands in front of Kathryn’s office bar grabbing a rocks glass and filling it with ice. His head turns back towards us.

“He won’t give a damn about you once the money-well runs dry...and when it does where will you be? Without a working visa and on a plane back to Tokyo broke because Jed Dye siphoned off your funds. That’s what men like him do...they take advantage!”

He turns his attention back to the bar, grabbing a bottle of whiskey and pouring it with his right hand, his left maintaining the UTA Championship.

“Just like I plan to take advantage of your weaknesses and lack of wherewithal, Yoshii. Jed Dye and I are a cut from the same cloth, the only difference is I don’t depend on others for my pay day! I earn what I have, I fight for what I have…I DESTROY for what I have!”

He lifts the glass and takes a drink before turning around and facing the camera.

“If it takes me destroying you Yoshii and your career, if it means breaking both my arms this time all to defend this belt- then so be it. This is about claiming that number one spot in this company. You aren’t even number two…or three…yet think you can have this?!”

He nods over at the title that sits there on his shoulder.

“Wake up, big boy. This is MINE; it will be for a very, VERY long time. I’ve went to hell and high water to get to this point and there’s no way I’m going to let the likes of you take it from me!”

Perfection points the glass at the camera his voice raising.

“It’s MY title, MY legacy, OUR Dynasty! This is about the test of a champion, the will of a champion, and imprinting my name into the history books, all while yours gets lost in the shuffle!”

He now walks back towards the camera, taking another sip. The camera pans again as Perfection moves behind Kathryn’s desk.

“I plan to walk out the arena with my title and adding another win to my undefeated record!”

He sets the glass down and places the title in a fashion so its upright and in view. The camera closes in, a shot of the whiskey, the UTA Championship, and Perfection.

“When you boil it down, Yoshii, I have no compassion nor a sense of remorse.”

Perfection leans closer, the camera zooming and cutting the whiskey out of frame.

“I’m not illogical, yet precise and calculated.”

His eyes stare us down, a serious tone to his voice.

“I never seek forgiveness, yet pursue revenge.”

The camera closes in, now it’s just Perfection.

“CBR may have slammed you, Yoshii…”

James squints, a glare still able to be seen.

“...But I plan to break you as a testimony to MY championship reign.”

Now he smirks.

“And there’s no witty puns from Jed Dye than can save you.”



Wrestler(s) Information

Ring Name: Perfection
Height: 6’0
Weight: 222 LBS

Hailing From: Hidden Hills, California

Alignment: Heel

Gimmick: James Witherhold, AKA Perfection to the wrestling world, made his relatively large wealth through venture capitalism (or Vulture Capitalism depending on one's view). He is a strict conservative, frugal to certain extents, and exploits all opportunities when available. He is the “man”, and lavishes in it. He enjoys being booed, he enjoys being hated because in his mind it only equates to jealousy of his success or what he claims to be success.

Wrestling Style: Technical and Chain.

Three Weaknesses:

Showboat. Likes to pose after “big” moves and smack talk which leaves him open for attacks. Usually he can counter in the start of a match, but later on his technique goes yet his boasting doesn’t.

Easily frustrated when things don't’ go his way. Constantly will argue with a referee or roll out of the ring to disrupt the pace of the match. Most notorious for holding “rest holds” too long and giving his opponent an opportunity to also recover.

Doesn’t pace his matches well. Perfection tries to drain out his opponent in a flashy scramble of holds and pins. His technique may be great, his conditioning however is rather poor. As such he loses gas faster than most wrestlers.

Three Strengths:

Amazing technician. If there is one thing Perfection can do best in ring it is chain wrestle and general technical wrestling. He can transition between chain and amateur style wrestling fairly quickly in the start of a match.

Very ring aware. Perfection is always looking at his ring position to exploit the rules and the referee to his advantage. His favorite is ducking between the ropes when corned into a turnbuckle.

ALMOST never gets caught cheating. Tying in that ring awareness with technical skill, Perfection somehow always manages to find an angle where the referee can’t see him pull the tights or exploiting a way to win.


Ten regular move set moves:

Dragon Whip
Shin Breaker
Boston Crab
Dropkick to the (working) knee
Chop block
Heel hook
Inside elbow drop to the thigh
Japanese Whizzer

2-5 trademark moves:

Perfect Package (Fireman's Carry to Cradle Pin)
Glimpse of Fame (STO into second turnbuckle)
Less than Perfect (Punch duck-under to sit-down neckbreaker)

1 Finishing Move: Picture Perfect (Figure Four Leg Lock)

1 "MDK" (murderdeathkill) Finishing Move: Photo Finish (Unprettier/Killswitch)
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I will send you to the bin.
Jan 18, 2008
Aberdeen, Scotland
I'm voting on personal experience alone.

Jay is my guy. I love shooting the shit with him and thoroughly enjoyed our little angle in UTA. Perfection is a good heel, too.

I vote yes.

User Poets

The Shadow Pope
Jan 6, 1995
Top of the Pile

I kid.

On paper, this looks good to me. Effective, hate-able heel, good writer, can carry the ball. Character-wise and story potential-wise, it's a no brainer.

DEF has a pretty good OOC environment, and you have had your moments of not-very-OOC-ness, but on the flipside, Utah sort of encouraged that sort of thing, and you've already worked under Brunk in a fed so you know that sort of thing wouldn't fly here - so that's not an issue.

The only concern I have, and it's a minor one, is that in all the time I've paid attention to Perfection, you've never been one to give and take; you've been "Perfection first, everyone else last." To be fair, I've only fedded with you in an RP fed setting where that's the way it is, and I have no idea if you have any angle fed experience at all - but in angle feds you need to work with people and be willing to give and take, and especially as a heel you need to be willing to show your ass on occasion.

If you're cool with that, then this app is an overwhelming yes from me.

Evan H.

DEF Director of Fun & Good Humor
May 7, 2012
South Tejas
The only concern I have, and it's a minor one, is that in all the time I've paid attention to Perfection, you've never been one to give and take; you've been "Perfection first, everyone else last." To be fair, I've only fedded with you in an RP fed setting where that's the way it is, and I have no idea if you have any angle fed experience at all - but in angle feds you need to work with people and be willing to give and take, and especially as a heel you need to be willing to show your ass on occasion.

If you're cool with that, then this app is an overwhelming yes from me.

Having personally been exclusively a heel in this fed for like seven years, trust me when I say you'll need to be willing to "show your ass" quite a bit.... because in pro wrestling? Heels, in the end (ideally) lose. That's the point. You build your heel heat during the story arc, get a few wins and then transfer it (eventually, depending on the length of the story you're telling) to the babyface you're feuding with in the big culmination. That's not every arc obviously, heels obviously come out on top sometimes, but generally speaking that's basic pro wrestling maths.

Your character will NOT be abused and jobbed here if you're willing to collaborate and contribute creatively.

I'll let Brunk and Lindz pop in and comment before I say yes or no. (fantastic app imo)

John Doe

The Anorexic Ethiopian
Feb 2, 2004
Chicago, IL
To be fair, I've only fedded with you in an RP fed setting where that's the way it is, and I have no idea if you have any angle fed experience at all - but in angle feds you need to work with people and be willing to give and take, and especially as a heel you need to be willing to show your ass on occasion.

If you're cool with that, then this app is an overwhelming yes from me.

I think the "This is Defiance" doc summed it up pretty well for me, Angle vs RP / Hobby vs Game. I would contribute my protectiveness of my character in the RP setting as a not losing in a game. As this is non-competitive, nor do I have interest in competing in that sense, you probably will see more of my ass than you will like.

Evan H.

DEF Director of Fun & Good Humor
May 7, 2012
South Tejas
I think the "This is Defiance" doc summed it up pretty well for me, Angle vs RP / Hobby vs Game. I would contribute my protectiveness of my character in the RP setting as a not losing in a game. As this is non-competitive, nor do I have interest in competing in that sense, you probably will see more of my ass than you will like.

It's a yes from me.

User Poets

The Shadow Pope
Jan 6, 1995
Top of the Pile
I think the "This is Defiance" doc summed it up pretty well for me, Angle vs RP / Hobby vs Game. I would contribute my protectiveness of my character in the RP setting as a not losing in a game. As this is non-competitive, nor do I have interest in competing in that sense, you probably will see more of my ass than you will like.

Then that's the overwhelming yes from me.

...Also... HUGS.


Totally. Obvs.
Dec 23, 2015
*Shakes Hands*

*Forms Dynasty*

Definite Yes from Me, I too credit the UTAH OOC environment not necessarily by those who were in it, but more so by a lack of censorship until something went too far. Jay is a great writer, a consistent writer, and very active. I would love to see Perfection in DEF. I believe Jay would do well here, and I believe he has a good rep amoungst FW people!? maybe? IDK... but hes got a good rep with me!



Jan 1, 2000
The kinds of fuckery that Ben Halkum let fly in UTA will not fly here. Pete and Mikey have already alluded to the differences in environments, but I don't have the time or the patience for it and neither does the rest of the staff.

I voted Jason in based on another handler vouching for him despite knowing and witnesssing in UTA Radio Chat what an OOC headache he was.

If you can keep it on the straight and narrow and be an adult and not cause shit, I think Perfection could fit in well here. You've said you've read the "This is DEFIANCE" doc already. I suggest you take everything in there seriously.

Welcome to DEF.
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