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Questions for the Judges


Where's my money, Chad?
Jul 3, 1997
The Silk Road
I'm not a judge, don't really plan on volunteering for that, but as someone who has A) run a league and B) thrived in this community, as well as a radically different one (PRIME, a PTC league), here is my advice on how to approach FWC judges, for what it's worth...

And this is with all due respect to those judges. It's just my opinion, and for all I know they will disagree with me...

The key to doing well here without changing your whole style to placate our not-so-mysterious council of elders (i.e. the judges), is to find a way to relate all the abstract character development stuff in your RPs to the tournament and matches themselves. Whether you write narrative or script form really doesn't matter much (there are handlers here who've been successful using narrative). But I think the 8,000 word RPs that go deep into character development the way an author would in Chapter 25, without relating much of it to the matches, is way too much culture shock for the folks here.

It's like, if I was signing up for a PTC-style tournament, I would know to start plunging the depths of my character's back story to fill out a novella's worth of material, because that's how you win there. FWC is a pretty open-minded place, but there is a very solid tradition of promo-style trash talk that you would be ignoring at your own peril. Again, that doesn't mean you need to throw your own style out the window and opt for NWA/WWE/ECW style vignettes - not at all. But just keep in mind two things - 1) If your character is an FWC immigrant, chances are nobody knows who he is and assuming prior knowledge in promos designed to flesh out character development is going to hurt you against a good trash talker, and 2) Bringing an abstract promo full circle by relating it to your opponent will only help your cause.

FWC characters have an advantage in that the judges know most of us, and we can kind of get away with throwing out league backstory, but even then...that's not always the case. People tend to frown on endless arguing about **** that went on a thousand centuries ago, so this goes for FWCers too - I suggest talking about your past in a way that informs people as to what the hell is going on. Bringing up history is inevitable, but there's a way to do it without confusing people. We love new characters here, so tell us who your guy is before we hear the details of his third divorce.

REALISM: I can look at the list of judges and tell you right away who's gonna punish your character for being a mafia hitman. I'll let them come out and tell you that. As much as we make fun of unrealistic narrative, I can rack my mind and think of some pretty unrealistic, zany sh*t that was done here and by very successful characters. Jonathan Marx time traveled, Joey Melton made a romantic explosion inside a female competitor, JTP and Felix Red wrestled on enough drugs to kill 5 Courtney Loves, and Castor Strife's valet carved smutty hieroglyphics all over her body with a razorblade. Also: NFW SEASON 2 HAPPENED. So yeah, we've jumped the shark a bit. Still, it usually gets criticized when it does happen, and there are still some solid traditionalists here who don't want to see any of that crap. I'm also 99% sure that committing murders will get you jobbed. The most outlandish things that do get rewarded here are usually comedic, FYI.

Don't use memes, unless your name is Dan Ryan. He's the only one who gets away with it.

Be you, showcase your style, but try and keep your audience in mind. Definitely read some RPs written throughout FWC leagues to get a sense of where the boundaries are. Everyone says, "Just write something good", but I think that's more nuanced than is let on. Depending on how far your home league strays from the vignette-promo style, it might not be a good idea for you to write like it's for them and not us.

The best way I can put it is like this: don't change and placate, but adapt and evolve. FWC is very much a hybrid environment because we've had writers from every community.

Last bit of advice: don't say your character is 32 years old when he's really pushing 40. We will comb your league's archive, and we will find your ass out. This isn't the Little League World Series where you can forge a birth certificate from Panama!

Jesse Ramey

New member
Apr 16, 2007
Harts, WV
Thanks for the advice, it is definitely taken into consideration. This isn't my first venture in FWC though, I guess I've been here a while now considering ACW is affiliated with FWC, it's just a little different for us because we're not nearly as active on these forums and we're angle. Some of us haven't really been in an RP fed in quite a long time, last time I actually handled in one full time was back in probably '00-'01. lol

I also took part in some of the old TEAM stuff that happened on these forums and was in a match at one fed's super show here called Cherry Blossom Chaos.

Thanks again though man, any kind of advice I'm sure not only helps me, but anyone else who isn't used to writing with, around, or for some of the guys who are going to be judging this thing.


League Member
Sep 9, 2004
good thread guys :] informative to the green rp'er (like me)

User Poets

The Shadow Pope
Jan 6, 1995
Top of the Pile
Be you, showcase your style, but try and keep your audience in mind. Definitely read some RPs written throughout FWC leagues to get a sense of where the boundaries are. Everyone says, "Just write something good", but I think that's more nuanced than is let on. Depending on how far your home league strays from the vignette-promo style, it might not be a good idea for you to write like it's for them and not us.

The best way I can put it is like this: don't change and placate, but adapt and evolve. FWC is very much a hybrid environment because we've had writers from every community.

Last bit of advice: don't say your character is 32 years old when he's really pushing 40. We will comb your league's archive, and we will find your ass out. This isn't the Little League World Series where you can forge a birth certificate from Panama!


As an addendum, and I know a lot of people have - but a very good idea would be to post something to the general RP board. I know you needed to do a sample RP to fill out the join form but a lot of people reused an old piece - writing something new and in the here and now would work wonders on letting us know who your character is and where they're coming from so we can have a sense going into the first round.


New member
May 28, 2011
Northeast, PA
I have work drug tests to take care of, so no. However, if you sub my brownies with a Dogfish Head or Ommegang sampler pack, then you got my vote.

I just may have a six pack of Dogfish Head and a pound of BACON in my trunk in Rahway on Saturday. But I have no idea what I should do with it .... *sigh*


Apr 1, 1998
Urbana, OH
Thanks for the advice, it is definitely taken into consideration. This isn't my first venture in FWC though, I guess I've been here a while now considering ACW is affiliated with FWC, it's just a little different for us because we're not nearly as active on these forums and we're angle. Some of us haven't really been in an RP fed in quite a long time, last time I actually handled in one full time was back in probably '00-'01. lol

I can relate, and was in fWo for several years (another angle fed), but it really is like getting back on a bike. It may be uncomfortable at first, but you quickly remember how you did it.

To answer the general question, I will concur w/ most (if not all) of others thoughts. If your character is new to us, consider it as such. Even in doing a novel series, writers must understand that some new people may be picking this up for the first time; the writer must not confuse them, but still provide nuggets and nods to their longtime readers. By all means, give a nod or enrich your character for those who know the character, but keep in mind that if what you're doing will cause someone else to be lost, it's probably best to put it somewhere else.

One thing I will be looking for is that whatever you put, it must be something the opponent could "know". Do NOT put a scene in the wrestler's home and write his deepest, darkest fears, unless that is what the Opponent would know. This is also a responsive writing style, so if you want to write a series where Wrestler is being chased by a Mafia Hitman - fine. But you should expect your Opponent to have knowledge of this. Whatever words are on the screen are words they can rightfully respond to.

As for how one person will go over another? Listen to the podcast, ya slacker!


User Poets

The Shadow Pope
Jan 6, 1995
Top of the Pile
I only ask, because I don't write like the majority of the people here and honestly, I've never really written like the majority of the people that were in the PTC circle either. I try to keep my roleplays around the 1K word limit, and they are majorly driven toward giving some kind of history behind the character.

Like my character at the moment in ACW, he was shot and left for dead the last time anyone had seen or heard from him. So, my current RP series there is telling the story of what happened to him after it all went down and lead to his eventual return. I don't know if something like that would fly here or not, because I was honestly thinking of holding off the story and continuing it here for the tournament. The only problem is, it would not involve anything to do with the tournament and nothing to do with my opponents at all, probably not even wrestling really. So gauging from the responses from judges, it would be a waste here and most likely cause me to lose matches than advance in them. ;)

I'll just do something else. :D

The Ultratitle Hype board would be a good place for this - as general RP.

Balancing the reality of what happened with his trying to forget it/downplay it/work past it and win the Ultratitle is the kind of story I savor. While it wouldn't 'count' toward the match it would certainly influence close decisions.


League Member
Feb 24, 2009
Santa Monica

Hey I was thinking we could do a joint rp series' between our lesbian vampire club owners, who also decide to explore the depths of their wrestling characters and joint love of the vagoo through building a boat they never intend to sail, while booking tickets for a trip to India, just to find ourselves in the depths of the wrestling idiom.


New member
Mar 6, 2012
South Carolina
I wasn't able to make the podcast so I will briefly give what I like to look for as far as rp's.

It's quite simple for me, make it interesting and of course relevant. It really doesn't matter to me how long or short it is as long as it is well written and makes me want to keep reading. I, like much of us, have ADD and if you don't keep me wanting to read then I probably wont read it word for word just skim. Of course you have to mention your opponent in some fashion. For me if you're going to trash talk, make it witty. Don't just say "I'm better than you" or "you said this and I reply with this". The more interesting you make it the better I say.

guess that's enough of your time wasted.

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