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Reaver vs Hiroshi


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Fayetteville US
Click,Click, BOOM

(Fade to the ever-present black and white footage that foreshadows a Reaver promo as of late. We can see the reiging Global Xtreme Wrestling World's Television champion standing in front of his signature backdrop with the GXW TV title slung over on shoulder. He is currently wearing a white tank-top, black cargos and his signature boots as he smirks at the camera)

Reaver: Kin Hiroshi, you ought to be on your knees thanking me for this chance right now. Because of that...thing that appeared at ringside during our match, I'm forced to put my title on the line against you one more time. But this time I'm going to put you down for good if I get the chance. You see Kin-I'm a very sadistic person and quite frankly, if I can beat you once, I can do it again. So at this new show Onslaught, you're going to find out first hand just what it means to be dealt with by the "Human Horror Film", but the true question is can you survive? I know I can Kin, but can you?

(The camera moves back as the current television champion moves into his signature "crucifix" pose)

Reaver: Quote the Reaver...Nevermore...

(The screen fades to black with "I Stand alone" by Godsmack playing and the words to be continued appearing on the screen before they too fade away)


Official Unofficial FW Party Pimp
Jan 1, 2000
Drury Lane.
Back in Black

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Jul-20-02 AT 07:31 PM (EDT)]* After an upset in his title match at Global Warfare, Kin Hiroshi has had nothing else on his mind than to make Victoria McCave pay for what she did. That, and finish what was started with Reaver. Hiroshi didn't get to give the audience what it truely wanted to see...Reaver lose the title at Global Warfare. However, thankfully Erik Zieba has taken control of GXW, and granted Kin a rematch to prove to the world that Reaver's victory was a fluke.

A close up swinging shot on a wall moves to reveal a grinning Kin Hiroshi. A shot very reminescent of his days in EWI, but a shot that will now be associated with GXW. Kin's glare hardly flinches from the camera as the shot pulls back to reveal Kin leaning against a wall. Kin's infamous black suit adorns his body, a scarf covers his neck, and a large gold chain hangs down near his waste.


Kin finally reliquishes his pose, and a small man runs in front of him, and unfolds a director's chair that reads "Mr. Hiroshi." The man runs off, and Kin walks forward and slides in front of the chair without losing his gaze with the camera. His smile doesn't fade either as Hiroshi takes a seat in the chair.

Finally the smile fades, and Kin looks at the ground, and brushes a few specks of dirt off of his Italian Loafers. He leans forward, and addresses the camera.

KIN HIROSHI: Reaver...

* Kin leans back in his seat, and takes a deep breath. *

KIN HIROSHI: Reaver...

* Kin folds his arms, and crosses his legs. *

KIN HIROSHI: Reaver. You beat me. One way or another, you beat me. You won the battle, but not without bringing your personal Waterloo upon yourself. I will be the means to your end Reaver.

* Kin unfolds his arms, and rests them on the arms of the chair. *

KIN HIROSHI: A lot of words fly around when people discuss you, Reaver. Sadistic, homocidial, crazy, and maniac are just a few of them. Hell, Reav, you're even the self-proclaimed "Human Horror Film." Is that because whenever you have a match, everyone closes their eyes and wishes they weren't watching you?

* A slight chuckle emerges from Kin's gut, and the man takes a sip out of a water bottle near by his director's chair. *

KIN HIROSHI: Well, "Human Horror Film," do you know where I got this chair at? Not at a flee market, not at Safeway, and not from a friend. In fact, I'm sure a few of the guys in back remember my directoral debut with the film "White Midgets Can't Jump." It was a genius move on my part. While I didn't make much money on the venture, I did make it a cult classic forever. The same thing is going to happen to another "Film" at Onslaught. I'm going to make you famous.

* Kin stands up, and leans against the wall again. The small man runs out in front of him, and grabs the chair as he crosses the screen. *

KIN HIROSHI: Reaver, you beat me in the ring last time, but you had help. This time, no one is going to be able to rescue you from what I can do to you. No one! I have earned the right to hold the Television Title, just like I've earned the right to the Unified World Title. The only problem is, people underestimate me. It's the last mistake that many men have made in this league...

* A grin returns to Kin's face, along with his ominous stare into the camera. *

KIN HIROSHI: I hope you haven't understimated me, Reaver...



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Fayetteville US

(The screen lightens up into the familiar black and white footage of the Reaver's promo and we see the GXW Television champion sitting somewhere in the world with the TV title slung across his chest. The "Human Horror Film" is wearing a black leather jacket, a black and white shirt, and black cargo pants with his signature gloves. The Reaver's sinister green eyes glare at the camera as the champion begins to speak)

Reaver: Kin...Kin...Kin, you're the arrogant one of our little show aren't you? Coming out here and calling yourself the real winner of our match at Warfare...I guess I must have missed something major because I'm sitting here with this...

(The Reaver strokes the TV title with one hand before he continues)

Reaver: While you're left laying on your back, looking up at the spotlights. You see Kin, I don't like you because you're just like the others that just up and left Erik Zieba with nothing for GXW. You're just like the other two wrestler's that owe their careers to EZ in the form of Eddy Love and Evan Aho...now it's your turn to once again pay homage to your "creator", Kin. You see, EZ thought you hadn't been punished enough so at the first of the GXW Onslaught shows, you've been put into your own worst nightmare-another match with the true TV champion of GXW-me.

(The Reaver moves from his sitting position to a standing one, his title still being clutched to his chest by his left arm while his right arm remains at his side, the hand clenching and un-clenching into a tight fist)

Reaver: You see, Kenny, I really don't care if I win or not at this point due to what EZ told me to do. He wants to see you squirm all over that ring, he wants to see your eyes bug out as I lock in every submission hold that I know and that's quite alot. But, the point is that you've crossed a line by saying that at Onslaught you're going to make a "Film out of my defeat" pretty much, yes? I think your next directoral debut is going to end rather badly as you found out the last time you stepped into my world. You see, I could keep regailing you with half-witted slurs against your talent and so forth, but the point of the matter is that the last time we had these...talks...I proved you wrong with actions and not words. So Kin Hiroshi, as a man once said...

(The camera pulls back to show us the Reaver taking the title from his chest and holding it in his left hand as he brings up his right hand and does the "Bring it" geasture)

Reaver: Don't sing it, bring it...Hiroshi. I will be waiting for your answer...my nemesis...Quote the Reaver, Nevermore...

(We fade to black with "Dominion" by Sisters of Mercy playing in the background)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Fayetteville US
Just another victim

(We hear the opening chords of Godsmack's "I Stand Alone" which brings up the infamous black and white footage of the Reaver's promos. We see the "Human Horror Film" standing in front of an old building somewhere in the city. He is wearing his normal street gear which doubles as his wrestling gear with the GXW Television title slung over one shoulder. He looks hard at the camera as he begins to speak)

Reaver: Hirsohi, it's alittle hard to rebuke your words when you don't say a damn thing! At any rate we are only a couple of days away from our appointed match at Onslaught at which I plan to stretch your sorry hide from one end of the ring to the next.

(The Reaver takes a deep breath, almost like he's ashamed of something before he turns to look at the camera again)

Reaver: I know in the last promo that I did that I was going to let my actions do the talking for me, but the fans demanded that I speak again and so do the front office, so there you are. But needless to say that I'm ashamed to have to step into the ring with someone who has absoultly no fashion sense what's so ever. The point is that you've got no skill...no promo talent...no heat to push you into any kind of title matches, so you are playing off your former position as a title holder in EWI. But who went over to the Super Sports Network again? Was it me...or You?

(The Reaver puts one gloved hand on his chin and enters a "thoughtful" pose for a moment and then suddenly snaps his fingers)

Reaver: Ah, it was a certain vain little ##### by the name of Kin Hiroshi who sold out to Got-Fried-Chicken when Erik needed him the most!! Now, you know why you're being treated like a piece of dirt-because when you were going to be needed to take back EWI from the SSN, you were already on the other side...stabbing the rest of us in the back. Basically Kin, soon you every thing that you find scared and everything that you believe in...will become dust once again and not even your precious step-father will come to help you...

(The camera pulls back to once again show us the Reaver taking on his signature "Crucifix" pose)

Reaver: Quote the Reaver...Forever More....

(We fade to black with "The thing I hate" by Stabbing Westward playing)


Official Unofficial FW Party Pimp
Jan 1, 2000
Drury Lane.
A Long Night

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Jul-26-02 AT 02:09 AM (EDT)]


Kin Hiroshi Vs. Evan Aho
Television Title Match​

Surprising Hiroshi, Aho knifehand chops Hiroshi and follows it up taking him down with a corkscrew armdrag. Evan Aho then rolls onto Kin Hiroshi connecting with a knee and hooking his leg.

BS: Aho's at it again! We've got one ... Two ... TH---

GM: NO!! Hiroshi has kicked out again!

As he kicks out Hiroshi gets back to his feet only to be met by an Aho chop. Evan grabs Hiroshi's head again and runs towards the corner smashing Kin's face into it again. Evan Aho, backing up, catches Kin staggering out of the corner and executes the jumping sidekick on him.

BS: And again Aho tries for a pin. We've got one....TWO.... TH---

GM: NO NO HELL NO! Kin Hiroshi kicked out again!!

As Kin is trying to get to his feet again, Evan Aho hits a spinning leg lariat on Kin Hiroshi sending him to the mat once more and follows up with an elbowdrop. Waiting for him to get back up, Evan Aho nails Kin Hiroshi with a belly-to-back suplex. As Kin is slow to get back up he is nailed again with an inverted atomic drop by Aho. Evan Aho climbs to the top of the turnbuckle and executes the diving headbutt on Kin Hiroshi.

BS: He's going for a pin again! One. TWO ... TH---

GM: NO! Hiroshi has kicked out AGAIN!

BS: And look at Aho! He is beside himself!

Evan Aho, frustrated, drags Kin Hiroshi to the floor and takes him down with another chop. Evan Aho then grabs another steel chair, swings, and hits Kin Hiroshi busting him open again. With the advantage, Evan Aho hits a neck-breaker on Kin Hiroshi dazing him, but Aho helps out by tossing Hiroshi back into the ring. As Aho is getting back into the ring Hiroshi shocks him with a series of knifehand chops. '

GM: Oh here comes the comback!

Kin Hiroshi kicks Evan Aho in the head dazing him the first time, but then thrust kicks Evan Aho in the head again droping him to the ground. HIroshi then wraps up Aho with The Jiro-Kin Sleeper taking Aho so far out of the game .... he's out.

Winner: Kin Hiroshi(Wins the EWI Television Title)

* Kin presses the stop button on the VCR remote. He grabs another tape from the shelf, and pops it into the machine. He looks to the camera.

KIN HIROSHI: That was the second time I took out Evan Aho in EWI. Not only that, but it was my first title. The Television Title. Shortly afterwards, SSN disbanded. Reaver, you were right, I was trying to undermind Mr. Zieba, but I was also trying to make a name for myself by aligning with people like Eddy Love, Sky Suicide, and Cole Steele. Did it work? A little, but not as much as I had hoped. Let's take a look at the next week.

* Kin presses play...



Eddy Love Announces Resignment as Head of SSN "A" Team...​

LOVE: Then our first point of disagreement in our little....(Love pauses looking for the right word) family. I thought SSN needed to have not only the greatest American Stars, but also the greatest International star. Things did not start smoothly. Language barrier, ego problems, financial differences of opinion..... but I would not let Kin Hiroshi, or Gottfried keep the SSN roster from adding one final piece to the puzzle, and folks didn't Kin Hiroshi make me look like the genius that I am when he destroyed that paper champion Evan Aho and took the SSN T.V. Title...... Kin Hiroshi a man Eddy Love went to the mat to make SSN...... not once.....

(Eddy and Kin both hold up two fingers)....... but twice.

* Once again, Kin presses stop, and removes the tape while grabbing another.

KIN HIROSHI: And so, SSN's fall into oblivion began. Started over a dispute about yours truely, Kin Hiroshi. Sure, Eddy was a great ring general, but he just didn't have his head on straight out of the ring. He proved that the minute he left EWI. But did I continue to coat-tail along with Eddy? No. I stuck to my guns with a management I knew in GXW. Even with new faces, I still got matches. I mean, I won the GXW Cruiserweight Title, and held it for nearly half a year. Erik Zieba gave me the chance to take the ball and run. I did that, but no one seemed to care. In fact, no one seemed to care about Kin Hiroshi at all until Alex Young started making an appearance in GXW. That's when people started taking notice. People like Chad Dupree, JP, Victoria McCave, and...Erik Zieba. I made a living of trying to get inside McCave's head and let her know what Dupree and JP really are, but she didn't listen. Erik listened to me...

* Kin pops in the third tape, and presses play.



Erik Zieba/Chad Dupree/Kin Hiroshi Interview​

{"Last Action Hero", by Tesla cues up, and Kin Hiroshi and his Mystery Friend walk out onto the entrance ramp. The crowd pops as Kin hi-fives people all the way down to the ring. looks slightly stunned that Hiroshi would dare make an appearance. Zieba looks suspicious, but eager. Kin and his Mystery Friend slide into the ring, and strike poses for the audience. Kin then asks for a mic.}

KIN HIROSHI: Zieba, I've known you a long time, and you've never been one to let me down. We've had our differences before. Hell, I did wear the letters S-S-N across my chest at one time. Times change, Erik, people change.

{Kin directs his look at Dupree, and the two stare at each other. Kin lifts the mic to his mouth.}

KIN HIROSHI: Chad, I don't know if you've heard what I've been saying lately, but your buddy JP has something that doesn't belong to him. Victoria doesn't belong to me, either, but definitely not JP. I've been around this league since its inaugural event, and I've gotten nothing from either you, or Zieba. Nothing up front, that is. I've been wanting to do this to one of you for a long time, but I was never sure who my target was going to be. Then JP and Vicky locked lips and aligned themselves with you Chad. That makes you my target.

{Kin turns to Erik.}

KIN HIROSHI: No offense, Erik, but, we've never seen eye to eye. However, after tonight, I hope that all can change.

{Kin circles Dupree.}

KIN HIROSHI: Not many people like me, that's why I've hauled in my "hired gun" so to speak, and he's itching to be let loose. So, Chad, how about you accept a tag-team match between myself and my friend against you and JP with Victoria McCave in your corner. No outside interference, just the four of us. I would love to make it a handicap match, but I don't trust you weasels anymore than I trust a Ford Taurus. So, what do you say?

CD: You know what Hiroshi? How DARE YOU come out to MY RING and say that? Hell NO you can't have that match! As a matter of fact you are SO FIR …

EZ: Ah … not just yet Chad. I like Kin and it takes a man to admit he was wrong for the SSN ordeal so Kin is welcome to stay in GXW for as long as he wants. And, since this is also … MY RING … I like his little idea. Chad Dupree and JP vs Kin and his mysterious friend. Oh yeah … I think I'll MAKE THAT MATCH!

[Huge cheers from the crowd can be heard throughout the arean.]

CD: WHAT? NO! You can't do that!

EZ: I .. (smiling) just did.

CD: Well then, if you do that then … I'm gonna make a match too!

EZ: Oh really? This should be good. Go ahead make a match. I don't care.

CD: Oh you will cause this feud has been building up for the LONGEST time, but you just haven't seen it. At Global Warfare it'll be a clash of the titans when CHAD DUPREE FACES ERIK ZIEBA!

EZ: (surprised) What? What did you just say?

CD: You heard me drunk boy! I said Dupree versus Zieba at Global Warfare! Then I'll show EVERYONE THERE that you are just a PRETENDER to my THRONE!

EZ: PRETENDER? Oh now you did it! Oh you got your match Chad. Global Warfare I'll show the entire world what I do to promoters who try to cross me, but this time it'll be a physical demostration! Harders felt my wrath! Gottfried felt my wrath! And now … YOU'LL FEEL IT TOO!!! But, before you feel it, you better chalk up cause I'm thinking … X-PERINCE might be a good time for you and Kin to throw down!

CD: I don't care bring it drunk boy!

EZ: Oh don't worry I will, but as for that pretender comment … pretty amusing coming from you considering you've been a poser to my throne since the day I met you. Get ready stud cause now … it's only a matter of time …

['Take a Look Around' - Limp Bizkit starts back up as he, Kin Hiroshi, and Hiroshi's masked friend leave the ring.]

* Kin lets the tape run a bit longer, hits stop, and grabs another tape.

KIN HIROSHI: Reaver, you may want to watch that one again, you see, Erik and I started to set all our differences aside at Genesis. I had to wait 2 weeks until our mutual respect was set in stone. Sure, I did bring back Evan Aho, the man I had bested a year and a half earlier for the EWI Television Title, the man who left EWI for CSWA, the former EWI World Champion. Why did I do it? Because I respect Aho. A lot of people don't like the steps he took leaving EWI, but if people leave, they leave. That doesn't undermind their wrestling abilities at all, Evan has proved that in CSWA by claiming the World Championship there. In my mind a title that I should have. I have beat Aho many times, and I'm sure I can do it again, just like I can beat anyone in GXW. I deserve the Unified World Title. It was because Aho was unloved in this company that he wore that mask for a couple weeks. Then came X-Perience, the match that was suppossed to give me the respect I so deserved from Dupree and company. I still have yet to see that respect, but I don't care, because one man has stood by me since that match.

Erik Zieba.

Hell, Zieba even risked his life by coming down to the ring, and throwing guest ref Victoria McCave from the ring and taking over referee duties. Aho and I won, but our victory was cut short when we were jumped. Not just the two of us, but Zieba too. We were bound by that match in a mutual respect for each other. Even if we don't agree with what decisions are made in respect for GXW, we know each other.

So, maybe next time you start throwing accusations around saying that I am trying to undermind Erik's decisions with GXW you will actually do some research. Even if you don't do research, you'll know all about Kin Hiroshi soon enough in the future.

* Kin tosses the remote down on the end table, and leans back in his chair. *

KIN HIROSHI: Is that enough for you, Reaver? Yes? Well, I'm not even closed to being finished with you. I need to belittle you, right? No. Not anymore, after our last match, I thought it might be fun to put you down some more, but I realized something. Why belittle you, when your ring work can do that for me? There is nothing impressive about you, Reaver. Sure, you have a lot of signature moves. You've held numerous titles, so what? The only title that matters in this business is the GXW Unified Title, and you don't even come close, unlike myself.

I'm "A" material, and Erik Zieba is finally realizing that. I'm finally earning my way to the top since losing the Cruiserweight Championship. But there's a lot of new talent there, and the title will prosper now.

Just like the Television Title will once I grab it from you. See, I barely had to belittle you, but someone else seems to want to look after me as I go into our rematch. "Mr. Irresistible" Johnny Styles. The last thing I need is help against you Reaver. You're the one that needs help, and you proved that when Victoria had to distract me so you could win. "Mr. Disregarable" Johnny Styles, I don't need you to fight my matches for me, I can do fine on my own. I've proven that since dismissing "Wildfire" from my payroll. I'll deal with Styles later, and I hope that management is paying attention, because I'm sure that Styles will be wanting a piece of a veteran in the future.

* Kin leans forward in his chair. *

KIN HIROSHI: Finally, Reaver, do you like old men? Because you seem to be in love with my step-father for some reason. The man raised me, and I love him for that, but I don't need him anymore. I haven't needed him for a long time. The only thing he does nowadays is help my mother run Hiroshi-Berry Muffins with me. If you want to be concerned about me "running" to someone for help it will be Erik Zieba, the man that has stuck with me since my EWI days. Someone you seem to think I'm screwing over. You're the only one I'm really going to be screwing over.

That title will be around my waist come what may, Reaver. But believe me, if you can survive what I put you through, Zieba won't be the only person with my respect. You will have earned it, just like I will have earned that title, and will earn my way to the GXW Unified Title.

* Hiroshi stands, and escorts the camera crew out the front door. They turn, and Hiroshi leans in the door jam. *

KIN HIROSHI: And the next time you disgrace my sense of style, I'll go to my closet and put on my Sarmani suit. It's the best suit that money can buy, and I got it on discout for $100. Can you believe that? It's got to be better than your stained wife-beaters and jeans.

* The camera crew backs further into the hall, and Kin shuts the door in front of them. *



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Fayetteville US
Play the Game

(Once again the camera starts up, but this time we're not shown the usual black and white footage. Instead we are shown a shot of the GXW Television title belt, all fourteen pounds of gold and leather can be seen in all of it's glory)

Reaver's Voice: My entire life I've spent working towards goals. Those goals included becoming a letter winner in the wrestling tournments in high school-I became an NCAA wrestling champion and made my family proud, going to Japan and becoming a famous wrestler there-once again I did what I set out to do, another was to win title after title around the world and I did that. Now, I have another goal...one a little bit darker than people think I'm capable of.

(The shots of the GXW TV title change to shots of the Reaver on a spree of havoc in EWI and GXW. From his debut in EWI to his "Long Hard Road" match with Vadagar to his matches in the tournment to crown him as the new GXW Television champion to his sudden appearence after the MA/Tribal Instinct EWI Tag Team title match to his sudden and violent return a few months ago during the Dumont/Armen match for Jessica Dumont's contract. All of these shots happen as the Reaver continues to speak)

Reaver: You see Kin, there is no more pretending because the GAME IS OVER!! You think that I "love older men" Kin? You think that I wear dirty wife beaters jeans? That is the best insult that you can throw at a man who doesn't care about anyone or anything...

(the shots of the title return as we see it's now being held in the grip of the signature gloves of the Reaver. His eyes are hidden behind a pair of red lensed oakley's)

Reaver: Kin Hiroshi, this little game of bantering is now officially over due to the simple fact that I'm the man who proved you wrong at Global Warfare and I'm going to be more than happy to prove you wrong again in Philly. The only reason why I even mentioned your pathetic excuse of a step-father is because he's not the legend that he makes himself out to be. To be utterly honest with you Kin, if you think that your "Jiro-Kin Sleeper" is going to work on me. Then you've got to remember one simple fact that I know more ways out of submission holds than you've had pieces of ass. So at Onslaught, you'd best be prepared for all hell to break loose because as I said before...THE GAME IS OVER...

(The camera pulls back a little bit more to show the Reaver doing his "Crucifix" pose)

Reaver: Qouthe the Reaver....Forever More....

(We fade to black with "One of a Kind" by Breaking Point playing)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Fayetteville US
Dead Cell

(We once again fade to the signature black and white footage of the Reaver and we can see the champion is sitting in the locker room that has been given to him due to his status as a champion in Global Xtreme Wrestling. However the major things like a table of food and drink and other such things are not in the locker room of the self proclaimed "Human Horror Film", instead we see the Reaver zipping up his boots as he gets ready for a house show match. The GXW Television title is drapped across the black metal and glass table in the middle of the room along with the Reaver's signature black gloves.)

Reaver: Kin, it's a few hours before show time and I rewatched your most recent little promo. Just because on the outside Mister Zieba forgave you for joining the Super Sports Network doesn't mean that he's fully forgiven you. I know the diference and it's huge one and hence why you are forced to show just how much you're sorry to the man to whom you owe your career by stepping into the ring once more with me, the "Human Horror Film". When you step into the ring with me, you're entering my world. You like to talk about all that you've done here in EWI and GXW since you've come here, let's look at my history here shall we? I'm a former member of the Mechanical Animals, one of the most hardcore stables that I've been apart of since I first started wrestling-including the Darkness and the Four Horsemen. I've earned my chance to win the Television title more times than you've had pieces of ass, Kin.

(The Reaver finishes up with his boots and reaches for his gloves and picks them up and starts to slide one over his right hand, still speaking as he does it)

Reaver: Now we come to the heart of the matter, you thinking that you're the best wrestler here and demanding a shot at the GXW Unified title, in other words you want the largest target on your back and you don't care how it gets there do you? You want to prove to everyone that you've got the biggest d### of them all so you can go around with your ego in tow and go around gloating that you've got the big target now. If you want that go right ahead...after I had your head to you that is!

(The Reaver finishes putting on his gloves and then he stands up and grabs the Television title and slings it over his left shoulder)

Reaver: The time for being the careful rookie are long over Kin, the time for you to be holding yourself tall and proving your worth to us all has finally come and if you don't measure up, then I'll personally take you out of the game for good...

(the camera pulls back as the Reaver takes on his familiar pose)

Reaver: Quote the Reaver...Nevermore...

(Fade to black with "The End" by the Doors playing)

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