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Reissued Radio Request


Jan 1, 2000
upstate NY
hey guys -

i'm going to try to put together a Radio Show leading into this upcoming Revolution and need your help. Just need to pull things together QUICKLY, b/c the tail end of this week just looks NASTY w/ work.

The show will be based around the news, rumors, angles leading into the show - including possibly a lil focus on each upcoming match, depending on the feedback received. this is your chance to preview and "tease" whatever angles, twists or turns you may have in store for Revolution - or even further ahead. Give me anything you've got, the sooner the better.


If your wrestler got a little banged up at B:B'04 and that may play a factor in their upcoming match? lemme know about it. give me details. anything to flesh out your characters, give it some reality, and add some interest in the upcoming revolution. if you're new to the fed and want to maybe leak out some hype for the debut? give me the details, and i'll get the word going. give me stuff to work with, and i'll give it "air-time", hehe. Even if we've discussed topics for the show to touch on in an IM convo -- please email me the details anyway, just to ensure their inclusion to the radio show.

If i'm going to be doing this, I want to go all-out, and can't do it alone. This is a chance to get some extra attention for the fed, and your work and characters, let's take advantage of it. Right?

hope to hear from all of you :)
... and soon.


Jan 1, 2000
upstate NY
Closed For Season Due to Lack of Interest

ok, fellas -

i've decided to hold off on the 2nd edition of the radio show until AFTER this upcoming revolution gets posted. i was probably jumping the gun in posting the initial message. i wasn't expecting 30 emails, but i WAS expecting more than 3, hehe. s'all good.

it probably makes most sense to wait AFTER this show, anyhow, since people are still (hopefully) coming back from the kinda lull the fed was in for a bit. since this Revolution marks the start/continuation-from-B:B'04 of a LOT of new angles, storylines, and energy, a radio show scheduled for just AFTER revolution would probably be a show to talk about.

thank-you to the people who did send me something. it was good stuff, and i'll hang onto it - i think there's some (from at least one of you) that i could use in the future. thanks again! much appreciated. :p

you'll be hearin' from me-
-paul ;)

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