WELCOME TO THE SHOW! - Another slam dunk from Katz. I've seen other fed's attempts at doing these and, quite honestly, they don't compete. These always get me amped up to read on so Mission Accomplished.
BEHIND THE REVOLUTION: ALEXANDER WEPT - This series is perfect for Impulse for two reasons ... 1) Impulse definitely likes to talk about himself and 2) Impulse is one of the guys that you want to hear more from ... what he's thinking and why he reacted to certain situations like he did. As far as the execution went, Pete did a stellar job. Liked the finish on this one. Good job, Pete.
DORCHESTER STRATTON (c) v. JACK BRYANT - I think everybody knew that JB would pick up the win here as there has to be a 5th match, but, as Pete said, HOW this one ended was the surprise. This match was Main Event caliber - great action, great stipulation, and a lot of moving parts. It's going to be an epic finish, no doubt. Steel Viper's return was awesome ... former TV Champ right there.
HOLLYWOOD'S ON FIRE - Fuckin' fantastic. The JJ/Eddie interaction was good stuff and answered some questions. Nice to see Legion's shadow dealings come into the light and I think Bandit/Devastator are good henchman for him. Legion lighting the set on fire is my moment of the year (that's right, keeping tabs!).
CASH AND THE COMMISH - I wrote this ... not much to comment on. Gave me a chance to get a bit more descriptive and properly introduce the BEAUTIFUL BLONDES. Think I did an "okay" job writing Peter, but it's something I need to work on. Hope people are curious to see where this deal is headed.
CASTOR STRIFE (c) v. IMPULSE - No doubt a tough match to write. It had some good action and I enjoyed the Impulse fall/continuing. I honestly expected Castor to win so the Cult Classic counter was out of nowhere. Way to wrap that one up, Katz. Congrats, Pete. Billy, great run. Looking forward to where this leads these two guys.
CODA MATE - Fun celebration. Calvin making Nova/Harmen being forced to fly as cargo is hilarious. Who in the hell was sitting next to Castor's hospital bed? I must know this!
Hats off to Katz, JN, and Pete.
Congrats to Billy, Ford, Chris, and Teddy on their awards, too.
We had a good 2012 and can't wait to see where '13 leads us. Let's keep on rolling!