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RELOADED in Charleston...AIRS! (REALLY!)


League Member
Aug 8, 2007
Awesome, will give better feedback when I'm not using my phone.

User Poets

The Shadow Pope
Jan 6, 1995
Top of the Pile
Show was great.

I really enjoyed how JJ just got more and more egotistical and it turned around to bite him on the ass. Even when he stole the belt, he was totally in the sh*thouse for his ego. And I enjoy the fact that the admittedly - played - out - "Heel owns the company" angle is being used both ways - the Windhams are responsible for their actions as co-owners.

Dane vs. Duk was what it was - a good intro for Eric Dane, I think he'll make an impact at Brawl.

EMT Tags I summarized, the Windham insurgence at the end was a nice touch.

JJ vs. JB - Someday, SOMEDAY... JJ Deville will have to win a title by winning a match, and I think he's going to get verbally eviscerated for it.

Castor vs. Stratton/Impulse vs. Ryan - The injuries handicapped my matchwriting ideas for Impulse/Ryan but I think they paid off nicely, and I hope the match was decent enough, I'm glad to see Impulse and Castor get another chance to blow their feud off - if I had to decide (I'm glad I didn't have to), I'd have to say this is the match that makes the most sense for the World Title finals.



Jan 1, 2000
I did a whole big review of this only to see it get eaten! GAH!

I didn't write any of this show, so this was all completely new to me (although I did know a few things that were coming).


1) I just wanted to say awesome job to everyone who wrote August De La Rossi. You guys were MASTERSFUL at incorporating him in there -- not once did anything jump out at me as something he wouldn't say. Great work taking a really new guy and running with him.

2) The JJ/Windham Clan stuff was great. The only thing I knew was about the TV Title. Everything else was all Katz. I absolutely loved it -- JJ's ego was running so out of control and he cost The Windham Clan (for now) the ultimate prize of the NFW World Title around Dan Ryan's waist. Troy came in and completely took back the reigns and JJ completely crumbled under the weight of his mentor. And now he LITERALLY has to pay back everyone for shutting down the show.

But he still walked away with a "consolation" prize of the TV Title, albeit under dubious means. Biron -- GREAT JOB writing that match. I don't think I even have moves up for JJ (will do that this week, I promise!) but you really nailed him as a cheap shot artist.

JJ's been one of the toughest characters I've ever written. His CSWA storyline was really simple: Chump lackey to the stars who gains some self-confidence and becomes an emerging superstar. But I never thought I could play him in another league because his backstory was so important to the gist of the character. But I figured out a way to make him the single biggest douche I've ever roleplayed -- he's the wrestling version of that jerk in your office who enjoys making someone down the food chain clean out the fridge.

Awesome job.

3) Billy -- MAJOR kudos for writing a really intense match w/ Castor and Dorchester. I loved it! You guys all sewed together a great storyline for him that summed up perfectly where I wanted it to go. This whole part of his storyline started when The Windham Clan chumped Calvin. Calvin's a NFW lifer and swore revenge. Dorchester didn't see things that way and put his goals above those of The Dynasty -- and even was a major reason why The Windham Clan has 50% control. His actions had consequences. And now he doesn't have the title... AND has to deal with Joe... by himself!

4) Impulse vs. Castor is the perfect way for the title to be determined. I love that they were partners the last time they were in the ring together -- former arch-rivals who have come full-circle. They're both like that in the whole bigger war in NFW -- they're both smaller pieces in a larger game but because of their determination and grit, both are finding a way to make a grab at the brass ring.

5) The very, very, very ending was a huge surprise to me and I loved it.


Jan 1, 1970
A post got eaten!? BUT THE BOARDS AUTO-SAVE NOW! GAH! Hope it was GG's internet connection.

I'll respond to more stuff if anyone's going to be posting anymore feedback...please also express anything you DON'T like. Sometimes learning what makes everyone tick, helps me understand how to heel out on the audience. As awful as that sounds, it's true. But also sometimes, I learn things I do need to fix, etc.


Anyway...FIRST...thanks to everyone on the props. I apologize for the 3-week turnaround, it EASILY could have been 2 with the AWESOME MATCHWRITING TURNAROUND. JUST AWESOME. With or without JJ Deville's shutdown angle (which just bought me more time).

I was definitely nervous writing that much Windham Clan material as Gregg's always handled that. Most specifically, Troy and August as they're more of Gregg's personality/style, etc. JJ's easy to me because he's just such a snide piece of SH*T. That's more like me!

If you read the preceding BRAWL and were like Legion our resident conspiracy theorist, you knew something was up. So did Eddie as paperwork gets leaked to him first...and he also knew he'd be a target for the two guys most likely not joining anyone's side. Part of my little delay was in figuring out how to best justify in writing how the attacks that would happen. Then GG dropped the JJ delays the show into place and as unfathomable as the scenario would work, keep in mind that the 7/4 RAW was taped last week after CM Punk's rant the week prior. Way different scales, but I actually did imagine that the crowd was in on it from an OORP standpoint...which luckily, we truly never address on NFW shows.

Deville's power-lusting ego trip that screws up everyone poignantly starts coming to a halt by him grabbing the whole Clan to ensure a match he's ALREADY RIGGED would have MORE protection. Props on Biron making JJ so despicable in the moment, while taking the loss in stride for JB's character to develop. But it's still the first time a real weakness is exposed within the Windham Clan. I'm interested to see in not only how Troy handles JJ, but what Dan Ryan's going to demand out of this.

Before anyone jumps for joy about JJ, just keep focused on his reactions. Troy took back the reigns, but you could see in JJ's eyes that he wasn't changing anytime soon. It may get worse before it gets better.


With the revealed attacker...just wondering if anyone figured it out by WHO got attacked and his one sentence yell in the parking garage -- that it was JTP before the reveal?

CASTOR/DORCH -- after seeing what Billy went for, I figured it needed to end with Dorchester going for it all. This is a harken back to SKings/HWC match I wrote. Dorch had kept the 'suicide backyarder' under wraps until that bump. The difference in him now, he didn't jump out of the ring at the Guild...but at Castor...who in poetic justice moves and locks in the ANDERSON ARMBAR, twenty minutes after the first time we really hear Malik Anderson go off on anyone. If Dorchester's not paranoid enough by now...well, who are we kidding? He definitely is. Dorchester also TAPS OUT. That's big for me on the character and how far across the heel brat spectrum he's gone. DC Stratton would've passed out before tapping.

IMPULSE/RYAN -- Essentially, I wanted that final moment to push across that Ryan wasn't going down unless he got shot through the head. He knew he was screwed from the attack, but didn't care. Impulse literally has to chop him down at the attacked knee to finally get the killshot, which I still think in Impulse's head is under dubious terms...but not enough, where he's completely content in the win considering the opening tit-for-tat exchange with Ryan before the bell rang.


Dorchester vs. Dan Ryan in a Lumberjack match for #1 Contender to the winner of Impulse/Castor. It's an extension of the storylines that are driving us. They're the ones that vacated the title. Now, this lead-up is the great way to absolve and reshift everything with that. Dorchester's sold out everyone and now has no friends, no allies across NFW. Dan Ryan's efforts will only embolden Troy Windham to strengthen the core of the Clan. However, not all of the Clan are happy. There's going to be alot of paranoia out of that one...SPEAKING OF WHICH...

JTP: WELCOME BACK DEVIN!? There was no loud grunt. There wasn't full fan support. He holds Stratton and Ryan primarily responsible for where he is right now. and if Devin RP's in the next couple weeks, JTP will be involved outside the ring as a possible lumberjack or more. JTP may be in his own mad world where he doesn't care about his actions... Which blinded him to...

NOVA: WELCOME BACK CHRIS!? ...notice the scar, notice the chair? That's my only hint on why he may have killed JTP. I won't lie, I'm hedging my bets. If I don't have to...we won't have a completely catatonic Joe and some SICK, SICK things for me to play around with. (KATZ EVILLY LAUGHS! NFWites start crying in fear!)

IMPULSE vs. CASTOR: There was never a proper ending to this one the first go-round from an RP standpoint, which contrasts quite a bit with how much is tied between them and how far they've come from an in-story standpoint. We're in V.4, and we're looking at alot of what was the backbone from V.3. But in terms of who's gonna BRING IT with the RP's for the BELT-MATCH, I'm most excited about that for Pete/BFF since they unfortunately didn't have that opportunity in the TV Title feud.

...not that we're a strict RP-fed or anything...but hey, THIS IS FOR THE GOLD, BABY!


Just Like Law-Jesus
May 15, 2005
The wrong side of the bong slide.
Hello again, show feedback thread. I missed you!

As I've been 'waiting in the wings' so to speak since early May when I told Katz I was interested in returning, I've been reading up on shows that I missed to get a feel for where the Frontier is. But this is the first show (or second if you count the "If 6 was 9" lead-up from the most recent BRAWL) Nova's actually been involved in...I guess 2 1/2 years?

And it was a DOOZY! Honestly, SUPERCRASH III may have been the most recent uber-event, but I think I enjoyed this show more because of how seamless the events of the evening seemed to move along. I don't think more than a couple of in-show "minutes" passed by without something happening which directly pushed forward the Mayfield-Windham Clan-general ownership chaos that is becoming the mark of NFW v4's storyline arc. The Dorchester-HWC stuff comes to mind. The way that came out as both its own storyline element and a feed-in to the bigger goings-on was fantastic. The hilarious commentary dynamics between H'Wood, O'Connor and August really glued things together as well, especially in moments where the focus was on characters either on the periphery or not really involved with the Windham Clan-NFW shenanigans.

My favorite thing about the show was probably the handling of the Windham Clan members, which is funny because Gregg just said he basically had nothing to do with them for this show. Not being overly familiar with any of them before I started reading in anticipation of Nova's return, I really felt like their individual personalities came through in impressive fashion on this show, JJ most of all obviously since he's been occupying the spotlight recently. Seriously, the segment with Troy dressing down JJ was probably the most interesting and real interaction between two e-fed characters on a show that I've read in a long, long time. And JJ screwing himself by overloading on his own rigged match...that's just great stuff.

While I'm thinking about it, I just want to toss some props out for the little "show-let" which preceded the posting of RELOADED. I'm sure it was annoying for people who were waiting to see their match results, but from my perspective, this is maybe what I love the most about NFW. Eddie yelling at everyone, telling them not to bring weapons on the bus...there's nothing better to me than shows where it feels like the roster is an organism, one whole thing with lots of personalities and little parts making it up. I don't know if that makes sense. Another example would be Season Two and the bus rides where the Western Conference roster was divided up onto buses and forced to mingle en route to one of the shows. I personally didn't take advantage of the opportunity to write some great on-bus segs with Ford and Aaron Dillon (handling Brandon Yongblood at the time) but I still thought "Wow, there's a togetherness here where the characters aren't isolated beings vying for gold independently but actually part of a fed culture or something..." That's how I felt reading the end of the RELOADED Holds Court show. Anyway, enough on that.

Impulse/Castor will be a match worthy of the big strap. Pete and Billy are two of FWC Land's finest, and I look forward to the looming RP battle. I love that Ryan and Dorchester are still a part of it by virtue of someone getting to face the eventual champ. In a fed full of contendah's, these guys belong where they are.

I'm intrigued by Eric Dane. He's kind of an anti-Impulse, still getting that same kind of slow-build but as a dominant force instead of perennial loser/underdog. High Flyer's acting like, well, a Neighborhood Lunatic and I love what Ford does with him, so I'll be paying attention to where he takes it from here. Rook and Doc C, another two of my favorites, were absent from this one but that's not necessarily a bad thing given how much was going on with this show.

Obviously I was kinda in on the goings-on for this show and knew JTP would be back, but I'm still fired-up for the prospect of more disgusting goodness from DWoodz. My respect for the character (and the handler) takes a comfortably pathetic leap beyond fan worship. That is all.

Finally, for my part, it's great to back. Katz is a Grandmaster of Closing Shows and he did this one right. The biggest allure of NFW over other feds to me is collaborating with him and seeing where we can take the Nova character, and I'm pumped right now for the possibilities. I'm hoping underemployment can foster the same kind of creative workings from me that the crazy end-times of college spawned lo those several years ago when Katz and I ruminated ponderings of the Astral Plane and Dildoniites and Mike Randalls' Locker Room. I have to say from what I've read and seen out of handlers recently, this may be the strongest footing NFW has been on storyline-wise since the end of the ULTRATITLE Season format.


Where's my money, Chad?
Jul 3, 1997
The Silk Road
High five for underemployment spawning creative juices! ::high fives:: YEAAAAAH! I knew I wasn't the only one! Woo!

(Yes I will post real feedback soon)


Jan 1, 1970

May your next RP make Viggo Mortensen slap around Peter Jackson while screaming AND sobbing, "WHY COULDN'T YOU HAVE CREATED BEAUTY WITH ME SUCH AS THIS!"


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