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Season 2 Feedback


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
Now that PrimeTime has been posted ... I'd love to see what you guys thought of the second season.

Please tell me whatever you want... it could be things you liked, things you absolutely hated, any suggestions you may have .. what you'd like to see in the future.

I take all these things into account as I make changes to the rules and the general running of the fed ... so they're important!

Once again, thanks everyone for such a great season. I had a lot of fun seeing what everyone came out with.


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
* Tact Response

I can't think of too many constructive criticisms to give Season Two, as I thought the changes made after Season One were good improvements.

I will say I thought PrimeTime was the most fun I've had, being involved in the card, in a long time-- and not for winning (that was certainly great icing), but for all the RPing, angle and matchwriting that was done during the time. Huge thanks to Karl for his collaboration over the course of the season. I thought things wove together incredibly smooth storyline-wise. He certainly deserved MVW honors. Also enjoyed the program between Hart/Suicide/Tact and the ideas we worked on. It was great having the chance for a classic match, and the writing delivered it.

I would definitely encourage people to try and collaborate on angles during the season-- even if it's only for a one or two show program. Mike and Tom did a great job with The First's continual spiral into madness, and Cruise buying in on the plan to swindle another title shot.

It was sad to see Scott step away, but I hope Chaos (or whoever he wants!) makes a return. ;)

I can't think of much else. I still like the flow of the Cyberstrikes and Premier events, so I wouldn't change any RP period lengths or deadlines. I thought the 2-RP limit worked well.

I'll post up any suggestions if I think of them in the next day or so... work's been slamming me for the past week or two, so I haven't been able to think of much else than 'work,' 'sleep,' and 'eat.'

Oh yeah.. let's not see Season 3 open with any Mr. Entertainment SHOOT promo! :p

Glad to see New ERA roll on.


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
* Suicide Response

I thought Season 2 was very good, although the only sour note on it is the lack of handlers in the league. Hopefully we'll get more new blood to participate in Season 3.

I'm really glad I came back and wished I had a more concrete angle for the season, but seeing as I joined a couple of matches into Season 2, I did the best I could. Would have loved to have that four-way match, but I understand why Scott had to leave. I know the Tact-Hart-Suicide storyline/feud could have been better if Ryan had contributed more, but his health means way more than anything here. I'm glad he's doing much better.

Some of the newer faces like Yossi Hayat and Richard Dweck have been refreshing and I'm glad they are participating quite frequently. Their stock can only go up from here.

I like Stanton's storyline with The First and his interactions with Cameron Cruise and Jonathan Marx were very cool and am looking forward to what he has planned with Season 3, though judging by The First's match with Marx at PrimeTime, I'm sure that feud's going to only continue.

Karl has always been money with his writing, so it is definitely no surprise that Mr. Entertainment was the Most Valuable Wrestler this season.

Got to give credit to Jeff for pulling double duty with Fanatic and Larry Tact, but I wouldn't expect anything less from him.

Should be a very interesting and exciting season coming up.

Excellent job keeping the wheels turning, Sean.


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
* Entertainment Response

Season 2... wow! There was a lot going on, some really nice little stories in with the big ones, and it definitely felt like more of a complete fed-wide season than season 1.

The newer faces, I am really enjoying. Dweck and Hayat are going to be interesting to watch in Season 3; they did really well coming in when they did and have been huge parts of the show.

It's a shame to see "The Magnificent One" lose a "loser-leaves-town" match. Hopefully it's not the last we see; the match we had in Season 1 was a real favourite of mine to RP for, and I hope we can work together again with the new 2-RP limit :)

In other storylines, The First and Jonathan Marx was a fun one. It looks like it's going to carry on as well, which should be interesting since we didn't really have any storylines carry over from Season 1 per se. An inter-season story will add some great continuity.

Chaos... wow... what a way to go! Not quite out on top, with Mr Entertainment keeping the belt, but what a way to go! I'm still getting goosebumps reading that segment. Chaos has always been a great character and I was pleased to get to work against him, even if my internet at the time was totally screwed up (*insertrantatisphere*). Again, I'm hoping it's not the last we see of Scott and Chaos.

Tom Siegel with Cameron Cruise... he's so easy to work with that it's always a joy. He definitely pushed me in our two matches, which I think came out with how easily I was able to write the RPs. Cruise is such a talent, so great on the stick, and works so well in matches with Mr Entertainment that it's always a pleasure to see those two names against each other. Very fun.

Suicide's back! Enough said. I love Suicide (the proper one, not the TNA one!). Him and Larry was good to see, with Hart being Hart. Really good feud there.

Fanatic... well, Jeff in general. That was a hugely fun storyline to carve out. It's always nice to work with someone to build something that elevates both characters, and I think we managed that. Seeing where Fanatic goes as champion will be interesting, especially with the score tied in one-on-one matches at 2-2 (3-2 to the big E with Battlebrawl :p).

And as for Mr Entertainment - writing him is so easy now, I've hit my stride with the character, especially this season with the matches against Hart, Cruise, Chaos, First/Cruise, and Fanatic. I feel in a great place with him moving into season 3. I couldn't say that without the great competition here and the constant soundboards that Tom, Jeff and Sean have been, whether in PM or just by being great opponents. Being named MVW for me is a reflection of the overall standards here, and boy it was fun ^_^

Can't wait for Season 3. And feedback for CS 09, 10 and Primetime :p


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
* Tact Response

Some more notes...

I was also impressed by Richard Dweck and Yossi Hayat. Facing Fanatic in your debut isn't easy (at least I'd hope not!), so I was pleased to see how Hayat took the loss in stride. In fact, it didn't seem to phase him at all, as he went on to bank a title shot. I like the way the character finished, with the autism just another point to show how great he is by overcoming it, rather than as something to apologize for when it flares up. I can see Hayat continuing to develop and build on his success in Season 3.

I've seen teen wrestlers in FW before, and they usually don't work out. The characters are difficult to run, imo, because they have an easy target: youth. But Dweck seems to be the real deal, I'm glad to see a true 'youth of the sport' and how he'll continue to progress.

It would have been great if Michael Montgomery stuck around. He was another new character to New ERA that was coming along well. I think he was just starting to find his stride later in the season, as the RPs were improving. I hope his handler returns and really starts to make some waves for 'the Magnificent One.'

I really think there are some interesting storylines to be run in New ERA, with the current roster. We've seen how a lot of people seem to have good chemistry (Hayat/Dweck; First/Marx; Cruise/Entertainment; Suicide/Hart/Tact; Entertainment/Fanatic, to name some..), and I think that's great for a fed. It'll be fun to watch even more pairings be created in Season 3, and see what feuds develop.

It's also positive to see that the veterans are invested, and a few fresh faces are sticking around. I hope those trends keep up!


Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
I want to offer one bit of feedback:

I loved the cooperation between handlers to create angles that culminated at the premier event. Usually I have a rough outline of one or two matches I'd like to see .. and then go from there and see what develops over the season. This time I didn't even have to... you guys worked together to give me some great stuff.

THAT is what made this season such a success in my eyes.

It makes it so much more fun when you have people who toss ideas your way ... it gives them control over their character's destiny and helps show that the time they invest really affects the quality of the fed.

It ALSO has also impacted the MVW both seasons. In Season 1, the points received by First help put him over the edge to claim the honor. In Season 2, the points received helped Mr. Entertainment maintain the lead he had before angle points were factored in. Sometimes the RP averages are within or even under 1 point of each other.

I'd love to see more angles being tossed around.

Other than that, I think everyone really put effort into Season 2. We had some no-shows of course and some of which were very surprising. But the rest of you picked up the slack and pulled through.

I really look forward to Season 3. I hope you all do as well.

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