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"Shout out to Kendall Codine"


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
Hey everybody,

This is Patrick Shutt, who handles HellFighter. I know that the deadline for Revolution isn't up yet until later on tonight where I was going to wait until after then to post this shout out, but I really can't wait, I have to do this now and give this shout out once and for all. I have to get this off my chest.

I think that you all have been paying some attention to my match thread between HellFighter and Kendall Codine. I wanted to give a shout out to the handler of Kendall Codine saying DAMN. I knew that you were going to be good, but you proved that you were every bit and more. Here I am I think that I dig down deep and a write a great rp and I am thinking, "Yeah, lets see reply off of that." Thinking that you may not have anything to go off. Then you immediately write an awesome rp that is way better than mine with ease. You didn't even try. I knew you were good, but you really proved it in this rp session just how good you really are. I was just trying to not look boring and make you look good. I have went up against alot of rpers and all of them were oh so good, but I have never went up against someone like you where I was actually so excited about writing another rp. I was so stoked. Everytime I read one your rp replies, I didn't panic because I was like I have another idea for an rp that would add to what we were overall talking about.

In the three years that i have been fantasy wrestling...with HellFighter might I add. I truly feel that I have never had HellFighter evolve before my very eyes before I rped against you. I have never been more happy with a thread and its rps like I have with this one. I still click back on and read not so much mine, but I read your rps just so I can read just how good they are.

But I can not wait to rp against you again. Just thinking of what will happen next in a possible HellFighter/Codine saga.

Well just wanted to pass that off to you. I have to go, but I will talk to you again later. Anybody else who hasn't read how even more awesome that Codine did against hellFighter, just go to the thread and read for yourself.

God Bless,
Patrick M. Shutt


League Member
Jan 1, 2000

Wow man, thanks for the reassuring words. I have to say that this is the "Hellfighter" that I expected to see from the start and I'm happy that we had the opportunity to work with one another again.

As a whole, I have to admit that this is the most fun that I've had in a long time. And its completely reassuring that the majority of the outstanding roleplayers here are not afraid to give credit, where credit is due.

On a side note, when you get a chance, check your hotmail email account when you get the opportunity to do so Patrick....

--Kent (Kendall Codine)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
Okay I will be waiting for my email for whatever it is that you are going to send me and all. Don't know, but I take it that it is some kind of surprise.

But I found out from Chad that they will only count our first three rps...see what you made me do Kent. You made me go over the qouta. This is all your fault. But it was worth. And I hope that everybody enjoys the show that we put on.

I just don't want this to be a one time affair. I hope that we will beable to work against each other again.

Well I gotta go, but I will talk to you again later.

God Bless,
Patrick M. Shutt


League Member
Jan 1, 2000

I sent the email to your hotmail account (which is listed in Hellfighter's bio on the roster page). I sent it a few days ago, so if you haven't received it by now, then it may not have gone through. If you didn't get it, just let me know and I'll send another one....

--Kent (Kendall Codine)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
Hey Kent,

I haven't got any email in my hotmail acount from you. I don't know what is going on with it. It should have come to me. But just in case.

The email address is...


That is the one you used right? If not that then try shutt64024@aol.com

or pshutt@yahoo.com

Or if need be if you have ICQ

my number is 110485987 sirRobinGoodFeather

or contact me on MSN messenger if you have it. Same as hotmail address.

Or if you have Yahoo messenger, my pen is "pshutt"

Well lets try this again, and I hope that your email gets in this time. I gotta go, but I will talk to you again later.

God Bless,
Patrick M. Shutt

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