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Siberian Wrestling in need of talent


League Member
Feb 23, 2006
Hey there, we are currently in a transition period and we're looking for anyone interested in giving us a shot. I have contact info at the bottom of this post, so be sure to contact me if you have any questions. Thanks for checking us out and hopefully you'll give us a shot!

Anyway, Siberian Wrestling is a fed based in...well...Siberia. Wrestlers, more known as fighters to be honest, are sent to a prison like environment where they train/talk about their match/etc. The Warden controls all of their bookings, and feuds go on from there. If you need to be outside the prison, that's fine- there are weekly passes that will enable you to venture outside of your cell. If you'd like more information on this aspect of SW, PM me here or check out the "About Siberia" section of our forums...thats where our rules, OOC and IC, are located at.

OOC, we're a pretty laid back fed. We've been running for about nine months now without any problems or hiccups. Shows are always up on time. Most people roleplay about once a week, though you can roleplay as many times as you like, the best one out of the bunch counts. No drama whatsoever in here, either. Roster stand at around 15 at the moment, and it's always been around that area, so we're always looking for more talent to come on board.

Here is the link to SW: http://siberia.efedhost.com/boards/index.php

If you have any questions about SW, again just PM me or message me on MSN (br2k6@hotmail.com) and I'll be happy to answer your questions. Hope to hear from you soon!

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