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SLAMTRACK 7: Steve "Axion" Jackson v. "Normal" John Johnson


Main Event Caliber
Apr 16, 2012
St. Louis, MO
Roleplaying thread for Steve 'Axion' Jackson v. 'Normal' John Johnson

1000-word roleplay limit
No stacking allowed whatsoever

Roleplay deadline is Saturday, February 21 at 11:59pm Red Line time

Last edited:


Main Event Caliber
Apr 16, 2012
St. Louis, MO
[Sitting before a laptop webcam, for the first time in months, is the be-targetted masked face of NORMAL JOHN JOHNSON. He sits up and gives a passive scratch to the top of his head.]

NJJ: "Hey guys. Been a while. My name is John Johnson - the people also call me 'Normal'. Makes sense, I guess. I'm not really as 'out there' as a lot of the other wrestlers in Red Line Wrestling."

[John gives a big streeeeeetch of his arms and back before resetting.]

NJJ: "Last time you saw me, things...didn't go so well. Sci-Fi Russ Spackler tapped me out. A little embarrassing for someone like me, I'm supposed to be a submissions guy and all that."

[Awkward pause. Typical.]

NJJ: "What's worse to me though is they're asking me to make one of these videos. Again. Even though I tried to tell Danny and the ownership and all the rest of these Red Line guys that this isn't really my strong suit..."


NJJ: "I'm supposed to talk about how I'm going to win against my next opponent, Steve 'Axion' Jackson. But I don't know, guys...smack talk's not really my thing, you know? And he's really good...at least the tapes they've shown me. Went to Japan and all that, and they hit really hard over there...like all stiff and what have you. And he's all tattooed...tough looking guy."

[John looks from side to side, increasingly anxious as he realizes he has no real point to his current train of thought.]

NJJ: "So listen, like...I don't plan on losing. I'm pretty good too, you know? Like, I've won matches before. Axion is going to be a challenge, but I'm going to go out there and give it all I've got. And hopefully, it won't be another six shows before you see me again...because if I win, then you guys need to take me seriously. Right?"


NJJ: "...Catch!"

[He reaches forward and shuts the laptop.]


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