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Survey Saaaaaaaaays....


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Ok guys, first I want to say hello to one and all. My name's Rich and I handle DreamMaker, if ya couldn't tell by my login name. Heh. Anyways, this is a bit of a tradition over in SCW and seeing as I know a total of like TWO people in this fed I want to try and get to know who I'm gonna be rping against. So this will be a two part survey, Part I will be typical OOC questions to get to know you as a handler, Part II will be in character questions, answer them as your character would answer them...or don't :).

Part I - (OOC Questions)

1. Name/Age/Location?

2. Who do you handle?

3. Your top 5 roleplayers (excluding yourself of course)

4. Online Contact Info (if you don't mind other's having it)

5. Hobbies?

6. Roddy Piper. Yay or nay?

Part II - (IC Questions)

1. Name/Age/Place of Birth?

2. Your top 5 toughest opponents here in GXW?

3. Reason you should be next World Champion.

4. Your top 5 favorite moves?

5. Would you trust me as an ally? If not then who?

6. Typical pre-match warmup.

7. Tomorrow is the final GXW show ever, who will you face?

8. Your future boss. Eric Davis or Erik Zieba?

Ok all, hope you enjoy(ed) these questions. I'm sure you've seen better but I'm tired hehe. Take it easy.

- Rich

Mr Main Event

League Member
Jan 1, 2000
State of Confusion
[updated:LAST EDITED ON Apr-05-03 AT 01:53 PM (EST)][font face=georgia,verdana]Part I - (OOC Questions)

1. Name/Age/Location?

Chad Dupree/28/Southern Ohio

2. Who do you handle?

"Mr. Main Event" Rob Sampson

3. Your top 5 roleplayers (excluding yourself of course)

Dave Brunk, Joe Mendelsohn, Erik Zieba, John Miller, Kent Robinson

4. Online Contact Info (if you don't mind other's having it)

AIM: ChadDupree
MSN: chaddupree@hotmail.com

5. Hobbies?

DVD collecting, reading, writing, video games.

6. Roddy Piper. Yay or nay?


Part II - (IC Questions)

1. Name/Age/Place of Birth?

Rob Sampson
Cincinnati, Ohio

2. Your top 5 toughest opponents here in GXW?

John Miller, Zero, Kevin Powers, Chris Lehew, Boogie Smallz

3. Reason you should be next World Champion.

Because Dupree and I have ties. :)

4. Your top 5 favorite moves?

The Headliner (inverted DVD), The Showstopper (superkick), The Curtain Jerker (Vertebreaker), Shining Wizard, and hangman's neckbreaker.

5. Would you trust me as an ally? If not then who?

I don't know you enough to trust you. Right now, I'm on my own and like it that way.

6. Typical pre-match warmup.


7. Tomorrow is the final GXW show ever, who will you face?

John Miller.

8. Your future boss. Eric Davis or Erik Zieba?

As long as my paycheck gets signed, I don't care.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Amsterdam, NY
Part I - (OOC Questions)

1. Name/Age/Location?
Adam Shinder/17/Holland PA and heading to either Syracuse NY or College Park MD

2. Who do you handle?
Troy Douglas and Bad Company

3. Your top 5 roleplayers (excluding yourself of course)
Everyone. Okay, copout answer because I hate dropping names and possibly offending people. That, and I really like everyone's styles.

4. Online Contact Info (if you don't mind other's having it)
AIM: coasterdude85
E-mails: adamshinder@yahoo.com and adam_shinder@georgeschool.org

5. Hobbies?
Writing, reading, Philadelphia sports, obsessing over the NCAA tourney, The Simpsons

6. Roddy Piper. Yay or nay?
I want to say yay, but I must say nay

Part II - (IC Questions)

1. Name/Age/Place of Birth?
a. Troy Douglas/26/Greensboro, NC
b. Skylar Trace/23/Houston TX
c. Vic Hendricks/25/Fort Worth TX
d. Edward C. Fenton/44/Houston by way of Lexington KY

2. Your top 5 toughest opponents here in GXW?
Gemini, Dan Ryan, Rob Sampson, Kevin Powers, HellFighter

3. Reason you should be next World Champion.
Lifelong dream (for Troy)
No one else deserves it (Bad Company)

4. Your top 5 favorite moves?
Fool Me Once(Scorpion Deathlock), The Future(Second Rope Piledriver), Off the Edge(Shooting Star Press), The End(Electric Chair/Facebuster), The Present(Inverted DVD)

5. Would you trust me as an ally? If not then who?
Troy: Sure, why not.
Bad Company: Nope. We don't need nobody.

6. Typical pre-match warmup.
Troy: Short cardio workout plus pushups and situps.
Skylar Trace: Martial Arts
Vic Hendricks: Tae Bo (Eddie wants him to lose weight)

7. Tomorrow is the final GXW show ever, who will you face?
Troy: Chris Lehew and John Miller in a 3-way Dance
Bad Company: Kevin Powers and 'Apocalypse' Gabriel Poe in an inferno match

8. Your future boss. Eric Davis or Erik Zieba?
Troy: Erik Zieba
Bad Company: Screw'm both. Eddie Fenton, about to buy this hole out.


Jan 1, 2000
Part I - (OOC Questions)

1. Name/Age/Location?

R. Ryan Strawsma - 19 - Lafayette, IN

2. Who do you handle?

Stephen Waltz, with Terry "The Idol" Anderson

3. Your top 5 roleplayers (excluding yourself of course)

Don't know many of you, so I'll go with those I'm familiar with: Jeff, Kyle, Chad, Erik, and even you, Rich!

4. Online Contact Info (if you don't mind other's having it)

AIM: Rocko The Otter
E-Mail: RudeFF72@aol.com

5. Hobbies?

Writing, playing music... kind of had a band that I played bass in. We played alternative rock, mostly... that crap you heard in the nineties, but has now been overrun by studio-production glitz-glam TRL bullshit like Kid Rock and Linkin Park (I'm very opinionated on music). Currently finished a short story; I'll post a link sometime once I get it online.

6. Roddy Piper. Yay or nay?

Wait... is this that guy with the kilt? I can't remembe.

Part II - (IC Questions)

1. Name/Age/Place of Birth?

Stephen Waltz - 19 - Kokomo, Indiana

2. Your top 5 toughest opponents here in GXW?

Well, considering, I've only gone against three, I'll name them: Eric Gibson, Derrick Rodgers, and Jay Styles. I'm sure there will be more names after Genesis! ^_^

3. Reason you should be next World Champion.

You wouldn't want to ask me... Terry might drop a few lines of nonsense, but I see no reason for a green kid like myself to take the belt without a hard-fought challenge put ahead of me.

4. Your top 5 favorite moves?

I use the Inverted Powerbomb as a finisher. Terry says I should give it a name, but nothing comes to mind. On occassion, I hit Terry's finisher, the Idolizer... which is a top-rope elbow drop. I like a variety of suplexes, including the T-Bone Suplex. My other favorite moves are the Sit-down Powerbomb and Powerslam.

5. Would you trust me as an ally? If not then who?

Oh, Mr. DreamMaker... it would HONOR me GREATLY to have you as an ally! I would only be apprehensive knowing that if you and I fought together, you would be doing most of the work with your great strength and experience. That would hold me back from growing my own talent. Therefore, I would rather choose to accept you as a more than worthy opponent.

6. Typical pre-match warmup.

I do my usual stretches, and take some advice from Terry. And always, before every match, make a little prayer for the safety of everyone who steps into the ring.

7. Tomorrow is the final GXW show ever, who will you face?

I couldn't answer that at this point. Ask me again in a few months.

8. Your future boss. Eric Davis or Erik Zieba?

Wow! I was completely unaware that there was a STRUGGLE here! Call me clueless!


Ryan - Ian, how do I get to the morgue?

Ian - Just drive away from the YMCA.


Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX
So Rich, bringing the "rich" (pun intended) history in SCW of polls over here? :) I'm game.

Part I - (OOC Questions)

1. Name/Age/Location? Dave Brunk/27/Houston, TX

2. Who do you handle? "The Ego Buster" Dan Ryan, Jeffrey Roberts, Night Cripplers (inactive) and Big Cock McGee

3. Your top 5 roleplayers (excluding yourself of course) Erik Zieba, Paul Brisbin, Chad Dupree, Jamar Short, Jonathan Penley

4. Online Contact Info (if you don't mind other's having it)
AIM: DBrunk211
MSN: dbrunk211@hotmail.com
email: dbrunk01@sbcglobal.net

5. Hobbies? Family stuff, wrestling, sports, music, etc.

6. Roddy Piper. Yay or nay? wrestling, nay...mic spots, I'm fine with

Part II - (IC Questions)

1. Name/Age/Place of Birth?

Dan Ryan/29/Houston, TX

2. Your top 5 toughest opponents here in GXW?

Kendall Codine...sorry, that's my only one

3. Reason you should be next World Champion.

When I want to be the champ again, I will be.

4. Your top 5 favorite moves?

Humility Bomb (layout powerbomb), Humility Deathlock (reverse STF), release dragon suplex, overhead belly to belly suplex, split legged moonsault (for special occasions ;-) )

5. Would you trust me as an ally? If not then who?

I'm open to allies. Trust is another question altogether.

6. Typical pre-match warmup.

stretching, meditation for focus

7. Tomorrow is the final GXW show ever, who will you face?

John Miller

8. Your future boss. Eric Davis or Erik Zieba?



[updated:LAST EDITED ON Apr-05-03 AT 06:28 PM (EST)]Part I - (OOC Questions)

1. Name/Age/Location?
Jeff/18/Southern Ontario

2. Who do you handle?
Christian Sands, the Monsta Boyz, and Dean Matthews

3. Your top 5 roleplayers (excluding yourself of course)
Not going to name names.

4. Online Contact Info (if you don't mind other's having it)
Email: fedge88@hotmail.com.
AIM: Drake Dai

5. Hobbies?
Not much.

6. Roddy Piper. Yay or nay?
Yay. I mark out for Hot Rod.

Part II - (IC Questions)

1. Name/Age/Place of Birth?
SANDS: Christian Sands/25/Barrie, ON, CA
BUFF: Steve Bellows/30/Boise, Idaho
FAT: Baku Lemeban/30/Moorea, Polynesia
DEAN: Dean Matthews/22/Yo mamma

2. Your top 5 toughest opponents here in GXW?
SANDS: John Miller and Boogie Smallz.
BOYZ: The Assassins.
DEAN: Nobody's in my league.

3. Reason you should be next World Champion.
SANDS: Because it's my destiny.
BOYZ: Hell, we'll just stick to the tag belts.
DEAN: 'Cause the rest of these shmucks aren't worthy to lace up my boots.

4. Your top 5 favorite moves?
SANDS: Sandman's Requiem (Surfboard head/arm crossface submission), Sand Blaster (cobra clutch bomb), slingshot backbreaker, overhead belly-to-belly suplex, spear
BUFF: Bellow Bomb (Jacknife powerbomb), Monsta Mash, belly-to-belly overhead suplex, press slam, bearhug.
FAT: Mojo Drop (BANZAI Drop), Monsta Mash, press slam, chokeslam, butt splash.
DEAN: Everything. I can do everything.

5. Would you trust me as an ally? If not then who?
BOYZ: Maybe.
DEAN: Hell no. You can kiss my gorgeous white @ss, peon. Now bring me the newspaper and some Brisk iced tea.

6. Typical pre-match warmup.
SANDS: My little secret.
BUFF: Weights. A lot of weights.
FAT: Double whopper with cheese and king-sized fries.
DEAN: Make up your own warmups. Mine are too damn good for the likes of YOU.

7. Tomorrow is the final GXW show ever, who will you face?
SANDS: Zero.
BOYZ: The Dark Carnival.
DEAN: The whole company in a handicap match. I'd win, too.

8. Your future boss. Eric Davis or Erik Zieba?
SANDS: Neither.
BOYZ: Zieba. We've always been cool with him.
DEAN: What choo talkin bout, Willis? Davis for life. Ratings Boost owns GXW!


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Fayetteville US
Part I - (OOC Questions)

1. Name/Age/Location?
Marcus Lawler/24/Austin Texas

2. Who do you handle?
The Reaver and the "Sandman" Devon Slayton

3. Your top 5 roleplayers (excluding yourself of course)
Everyone in GXW, it's so bloody hard to pick just five you know?

4. Online Contact Info (if you don't mind other's having it)
AIM: scwreaver
Email: reaver_13@hotmail.com

5. Hobbies?
Too many to list. Ranging from Horror Collecting (Movies, Video Games, Action Figures, etc), Music collection, Wrestling, Live Action Role-Playing and many, many others.

6. Roddy Piper. Yay or nay?
Eh, don't know anymore honestly.

Part II - (IC Questions)

1. Name/Age/Place of Birth?
Marcus Slayton AKA The Reaver
Cameron, NC

The "Sandman" Devon Slayton

2. Your top 5 toughest opponents here in GXW?
The Reaver
1. "Apocalypse" Gaberial Poe
2. Hellfighter
3. Dreamaker
4. Paul "Angelus" Dumont
5. Dan Ryan

The "Sandman" Devon Slayton
1. Zell Hunter
2. Kin Hiroshi
3. Inferno
4. "Good God" Kevin Powers
5. The "Messiah" Dallas Winston

3. Reason you should be next World Champion.
The Reaver:
Why would I want to be World Champion when I can be TV champion again or the tag team?

The "Sandman" Devon Slayton:
First things first, I'm going to take the Cruiserweight title before I do anything.
4. Your top 5 favorite moves?
The Reaver:
1. "Multi-Plex" (Rolling German Suplexes)
2. Spinning Tombstone Piledriver
3. Crippler Crossface
4. "Last Rites" (Inverted Swinging Neckbreaker)
5. Fireman's Carry DDT

The "Sandman" Devon Slayton:
1. "Final Breath" (Chokeslam)
2. Osaka Street Cutter
3. "X-Face Halo" (Cobra Clutch Bomb)
4. Clothesline from Hell
5. The "Devil's Touch" (Nightmare on Helm's Street)

5. Would you trust me as an ally? If not then who?
The Reaver:
Hellfighter, Zell Hunter, Twin Phoenix, Eric Gibson, Kendall Codine

Zell Hunter:
None at the present time

6. Typical pre-match warmup.
The Reaver:

The "Sandman" Devon Slayton:
Listening to songs by Godsmack for psyhic up and stretching.

7. Tomorrow is the final GXW show ever, who will you face?

8. Your future boss. Eric Davis or Erik Zieba?
The Reaver:
Erik Zieba.

The "Sandman" Devon Slayton:
Anyone as long as I get paid.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Pittsburgh USA
Part I - (OOC Questions)
1. Name/Age/Location?
John/19... 20 on the 26th of Mizzaaay!/Pittsburgh, PA

2. Who do you handle?
"Steel City Icon" John Miller, The Assassins, Eric "The Dragon" Davis, Devon Sands, Judas

3. Your top 5 roleplayers (excluding yourself of course)
Chad, Dave, Jeff, Zach, and JP.

4. Online Contact Info (if you don't mind other's having it)
Email: mayhemman19@hotmail.com
AIM: Mayhemman19

5. Hobbies?
Well... I used to be the biggest hockey guy ever... but now I've been reduced to work... work... and more work. Oh yeah, and college. That's about all there's time for anymore. Oh yeah, and I occasionally skate, but I suck at it.

6. Roddy Piper. Yay or nay?
Yay back in the day, now he's gone by the way, so nay. Oh shizzle, tight rizzles.

Part II - (IC Questions)

1. Name/Age/Place of Birth?
Miller: John Miller/28/Pittsburgh, PA
Davis: Eric Davis/25/Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Orion: Orion/27/Seattle, Washington
Osiris: Osiris/26/Portland, Oregon
Devon: Devon Sands/20/Barrie,Ontario, Canada
Judas: Jeremy Wray/24/Washington, DC

2. Your top 5 toughest opponents here in GXW?
Miller: Dan Ryan, Rob Sampson, Chris Lehew
Assassins: The Monsta Boyz... but they still suck.
Eric Davis: Please. If anybody here WAS on my level... it would have to be my fellow stablemate... Inferno... although I must remind him that I HAVE won almost every encounter. *ahem ahem*
Devon: I don't have opponents... I have an enemy.
Judas: I've only had the luxury of facing that Dragon Assassin fellow. He was quite the jumpy one.

3. Reason you should be next World Champion.
Miller: To lead GXW to its rightful place... the top.
Assassins: We'll we're gonna be World ChampionS... is that enough?
Devon: I don't give a sh*t about titles...
Judas: Material possessions should not matter, it is the quest that I admire.
Davis: HA! I already was one! I WAS! But did you see it?!?! Of course not! Why would you have? I should be the World Champ because I never lost the belt! NEVER! Nobody ever beat Eric Davis for the title... NO ONE!

4. Your top 5 favorite moves?
Miller: Blast Furnace (Katihajime), Iron Curtain (Razor's Edge), Release German Suplex, Cobra Clutch Suplex, T-Bone Suplex
Davis: All of my moves... they're phenomenal. Have you ever seen them? I swear, God crys when I step into the ring.
Assassins: The Hit (Total Elimination), 450 splash, Assisted Asai Moonsault, Somersault Leg Drop, Wheelbarrow suplex to Hart Attack
Devon: I don't favor anything... where the hell is my brother?
Judas: The man who stands silent performs the best maneuver of all.

5. Would you trust me as an ally? If not then who?
Miller: Face me in a match, then we'll talk.
Assassins: You got any money?
Devon: Do you know where Christian is?
Judas: Every man is brethren.
Davis: Trust??? TRUST???? Erik Zieba has used and abused the word my friend... and I wouldn't be surprised if his brainwashing has already trickled into your thick skull!

6. Typical pre-match warmup.
Miller: Wrapping of the hands... left first, then right. 100 elevated pushups.
Davis: Warmup? Right. I'm hot off the press... anywhere, anytime.
Assassins: Sparring, stretching.
Devon: I cut myself sometimes...
Judas: Meditation, my friend.

7. Tomorrow is the final GXW show ever, who will you face?
Miller: Dan Ryan
Assassins: The Night Cripplers
Judas: On the last day, every man comes face to face with his toughest opponent of all... himself.
Davis: Rob Sampson... because he's a punk ass b*tch... and he's just begging for an ass whipping. Not only that, but the ratings would be as high as Boogie.

8. Your future boss. Eric Davis or Erik Zieba?
Miller: Zieba... Davis is a runt.
Assassins: I dunno... we already had a boss... that didn't work out too well.
Devon: Doesn't matter anyways.
Judas: The better man... for he will be victorious.
Davis: HA! HAAAAAAAAAAHAHA! Is there EVEN a question??? It's time to rock and roll kiddies, here comes the BOOOOOOOOST. 30 days baby... 30 days.


New member
Jul 8, 1998
Sierra Vista, Arizona
Part I - (OOC Questions)

1. Name/Age/Location?

Erik Zieba / 31 / Hammond, Indiana

2. Who do you handle?

GXW Owner Erik Z., Kevin Powers, Gabriel Poe, Roseanne Fairhurst, and Miso

3. Your top 5 roleplayers (excluding yourself of course)

I REALLY can't name anyone, but I'm excluding John since he didn't want to name me ... pray for rough times my friend :)

4. Online Contact Info (if you don't mind other's having it)

AIM: LushPac

5. Hobbies?

Playing this game and spending time AWAY from this game ;)

6. Roddy Piper. Yay or nay?

10 years ago Yay, but now ... Nay

Part II - (IC Questions)

1. Name/Age/Place of Birth?

Erik Zieba / Hammond, Ind
Kevin Powers / Chicago, Ill
Gabriel Poe / Denver, Co
Roseanne Fairhurst / Hobart, In
Miso / Seoul, South Korea

2. Your top 5 toughest opponents here in GXW?

Zieba - Sponsors, editors, backstage politics, renewing contracts, and oh yeah ... that little cruiser named Eric Davis. The five second World Champion ... give me a break.
Powers - There ain't nobody tough around here cause they only WISH they could be the FRANCHISE of GXW!
Poe - The list says it all in the form of Codine, Fasco, Gemini, Sampson, and Brunk
Fairhurst and Miso - We are both in agreement in saying that the damn Sugawara is gonna get her due VERY soon!

3. Reason you should be next World Champion.

Zieba - Why should I hold the belt? I hold the federation!
Powers - World? Man I've DONE THAT! And, after seeing what Zero did to that title I would HATE to have something TARINSHED around my waist! Everyone wants the Franchise title cause they KNOW that's the best thing going in GXW bar F'N NONE!
Poe - The symbol of what everyone desires shall be in my grasp soon, but I have other motives at the moment.
Fairhurst - Hey my girl Miso has the title so I'll let it slide ... for now.
Miso - Why should I be? Perhaps you have not paid attention in your short time in GXW

4. Your top 5 favorite moves?

5. Would you trust me as an ally? If not then who?

Zieba - Although we have had our differences we still think alike and that's why I would always trust Chad Dupree with this federation
The Dark Carnival - There is only one group in GXW

6. Typical pre-match warmup.

Zieba - I look around to see who might be slacking then I get everything ready for a good firing. Ain't no show in GXW without a good firing and I've got my eye on two people as we speak!
Powers - A couple of drinks and a couple of hoes. If that don't warm ya up ... what the hell will?
Poe - To think like my opponent. To get into his mind and consider what he might do ... and then prepare him for a counter he shall never forget.
Fairhurst - I just sit back and relax cause once i get out there it ain't nothin' but showtime!
Miso - I prefer a quiet moment before I go.

7. Tomorrow is the final GXW show ever, who will you face?

Zieba - I don't FACE anyone ... I promote!
Powers - That punk ass named Dan Ryan. I had so much fun beating his ass into the canvas ... why NOT do it again! Oh yeah ... and make it a double event night cause I would take out those chumps that call themselves tag teams in this piece!
Poe - What better than to face my 'son' Kendall Codine and the thorn known as Gemini.
Fairhurst - Those jumping bomb angels from China ... would I give them an ass kicking or WHAT! Add in that woman Sugawara? I would be servin' up some sweet and sour ass kickin' if ya know what I mean!
Miso - I would prefer Sugawara cause I know she would fight with honor ... unlike Twin Phoenix.

8. Your future boss. Eric Davis or Erik Zieba?

Zieba - Eric Davis in charge of GXW? I ain't havin' another Marcus Gottfried around here ... not on my watch!
Powers - You kidding? Zieba! Always a stocked bar when Zieba is in charge!
Poe - Considering the past of this federation I would have to go with Erik Zieba. There have been others, but with Zieba you know where he is coming from.
Fairhurst - I don't know. Maybe Davis could add a bit of excitement around here! (laughs) Who am I kidding! Zieba of course!
Miso - Oh Mr. Zieba I do appricate.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Part I - (OOC Questions)

1. Name/Age/Location?


2. Who do you handle?

'The Messiah' Dallas Winston

3. Your top 5 roleplayers (excluding yourself of course)

EZ, Dave, Chuck, Paul, and Steve-0... oh and honorable mention, Chad... But hell, I've only been in GXW for like a month and I seen a ton of good rper's over here can't wait to work with a bunch of them...

4. Online Contact Info (if you don't mind other's having it)

AIM: TheOutsider456

5. Hobbies?

Doing this... Watchin movies, playing games... playing basketball and just a bunch of different things...

6. Roddy Piper. Yay or nay?

He can work the mic pretty well... so Yay...

Part II - (IC Questions)

1. Name/Age/Place of Birth?

Dallas Winston/ 24/ Tulsa, Oklahoma

2. Your top 5 toughest opponents here in GXW?

DW: Tough opponents? I laugh at the competition...

3. Reason you should be next World Champion.

DW: Because I'm that good...

4. Your top 5 favorite moves?

"The Messiah's Touch" - Frog Splash.... Figure Four... "Messianic Twist" - 3/4 Neckbreaker...

5. Would you trust me as an ally? If not then who?

DW: HAH... Winston trust Dreams... That doesn't even sound right coming out of my lips... Oh and 'The Messiah' is fine on his own. He doesn't need some coattail rider along with him...

6. Typical pre-match warmup.

Stretches, few pushups, few situps...

7. Tomorrow is the final GXW show ever, who will you face?

Kevin Powers or Gaberial Poe... Because TDC knows that 'The Messiah' owns them and it would be great to give them one last ass kickin to send 'em off...

8. Your future boss. Eric Davis or Erik Zieba?



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Bethlehem USA
Part I - (OOC Questions)

1. Name/Age/Location?
Shawn Beckowski/24/Bethlehem, PA

2. Who do you handle?

3. Your top 5 roleplayers (excluding yourself of course)
I don't know enough people in the GXW yet to comment on this.

4. Online Contact Info (if you don't mind other's having it)
Shawn24kdr@hotmail.com, AOL IM Shiny78kdr

5. Hobbies?
Reading, Working out, Clubbin', watching DVD's, playing basketball, listening to music, and basically anything else I can do to have a good time

6. Roddy Piper. Yay or nay?
'Eh, why not. It won't hurt them, I'm sure.

Part II - (IC Questions)

1. Name/Age/Place of Birth?
Shawn Matthews/30/Las Vegas, Nevada

2. Your top 5 toughest opponents here in GXW?
I haven't found one yet, and I doubt I will.

3. Reason you should be next World Champion.
'Cuz I'm the best damn wrestler/entertainer to ever walk the face of God's green earth.

4. Your top 5 favorite moves?
Pisskick superkick, Hot beef Injection DDT, Showtime Shocker, German suplex, Piledriver

5. Would you trust me as an ally? If not then who?
I don't trust anyone, and don't rely on anyone. My success rests in my hands only.

6. Typical pre-match warmup.
Going for a jog while listening to the Rocky soundtrack

7. Tomorrow is the final GXW show ever, who will you face?

8. Your future boss. Eric Davis or Erik Zieba?
I don't care who my boss is, they won't be able to control me anyway.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Part I - (OOC Questions)

1. Name/Age/Location?
Richard Eicke/20/Maxatawny, PA

2. Who do you handle?

3. Your top 5 roleplayers (excluding yourself of course)
Paul Brisbin, Steve J, Adam Shinder, Dave Brunk, Erik Zieba

4. Online Contact Info (if you don't mind other's having it)
E-mail: rich-e-rich@snowboard.com
AIM: b0ardch1ld

5. Hobbies?
E-w, snowboarding, web design and computer programming

6. Roddy Piper. Yay or nay?
Nay, simply because I don't trust him in Vince's hands

Part II - (IC Questions)

1. Name/Age/Place of Birth?
DreamMaker/30/East Rutherford, NJ

2. Your top 5 toughest opponents here in GXW?
Not enough experience yet to say.

3. Reason you should be next World Champion.
How about because I said so?

4. Your top 5 favorite moves?
Chokeslam, airplane spin, In Your Dreams '03, claw hold,
leg drop

5. Would you trust me as an ally? If not then who?
I wouldn't trust myself as far as I could throw myself.

6. Typical pre-match warmup.
Peace and quiet in my locker room, just relaxing.

7. Tomorrow is the final GXW show ever, who will you face?
Zero, to show him just how overrated his punk ass is.

8. Your future boss. Eric Davis or Erik Zieba?
I'll have to go with Zieba on this one.


Jan 1, 2000
Selden USA
Part I - (OOC Questions)

1. Name/Age/Location? Matt Haas, I live in terrorist county, LOL, just kidding, I live on Long Island, NY , 26 years old

2. Who do you handle?
'The Italian Bruiser' Reuben Fasco

3. Your top 5 roleplayers (excluding yourself of course)
Everyone Rp's differently and I'm not one that likes to judge and single out people...

4. Online Contact Info (if you don't mind other's having it)
Or you may page me on AOL Instant Messenger: s/n thebiggapple1287

5. Hobbies?
Comic Books,Drawing,Webdesign, Anime, does Porn count? 'Oh' and Wrestling!

6. Roddy Piper. Yay or nay? Nay! Too old, too fat, over-rated!

Part II - (IC Questions)

1. Name/Age/Place of Birth?
Matt Haas, didnt we go over this already?
26 Years old, I live in NY, but was born in Allentown, PA

2. Your top 5 toughest opponents here in GXW?
Well, I havent been in GXW that long, but my top 2 toughest opponents were Gabriele Poe and Dan Ryan

3. Reason you should be next World Champion.
Because Fasco is one tough S.O.B., and he works his ass off! I work my ass off as well!

4. Your top 5 favorite moves?
the chokeslam, vertabreaker, death valley driver, reverse hangman's ddt, cross hold ddt into a pin from the top rope

5. Would you trust me as an ally? If not then who?
I'm a loner! Fasco stays Neutral

6. Typical pre-match warmup.
Drinking a good beer or munching on a favorite snack before a workout

7. Tomorrow is the final GXW show ever, who will you face?
Who ever the current champion is...

8. Your future boss. Eric Davis or Erik Zieba?

Yeah I admit, dumb jokes, and yeah it's sarcastic but to the point!


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
1. Name/Age/Place of Birth?
Matt Haas, didnt we go over this already?
26 Years old, I live in NY, but was born in Allentown, PA

The Second time around it's (IC) in character answer so you were suppose to put Fasco's name/age/ place of birth... No biggie just thought I'd throw that out there to you...



League Member
Jan 1, 2000
1: Durk E. Warrick 24 Springfield MO

2: Gothac Alchemy
Mystical Illusions

3: Everyone especially Jeff!

4: gothac@yahoo.com

5: Roleplaying Rifts, D&D, Slay Ind., Etc.

6: Nay never yay

1: Goth 26 Siberia Russia
AC 26 Siberia Russia
Mystical Illusions 24 San Francisco CA

2: Most of the people here are new to me sience most of them where not in the EWI when I first started. But from what I have seen everyone is a tough competitor.

3: Ahnnialation, Screaming orgasm, Alchemaic Drop, Asi Moonsault, Hurrancuranna

4: Gothac Alchemy would however MI would not because of his free spirited ways!

5: GA: Streching and playing with the wolves
MI: Shooting someone with a paintball gun!

6: GA: Vicious and Delisious
MI: Alex Williams

7: Hands down EZ for GA. He has been there from day one in EWI and they thank him for it. MI he likes it the way it is why change it!


Official Unofficial FW Party Pimp
Jan 1, 2000
Drury Lane.
Part I - (OOC Questions)

1. Name/Age/Location?

Mike Dove/22 (30 days)/Pullman, WA

2. Who do you handle?

Kin Hiroshi

3. Your top 5 roleplayers (excluding yourself of course)

Jake Dove (Gotta give brother props), Scott Lumley, Dave Brunk, Erik, and Chad

4. Online Contact Info (if you don't mind other's having it)


5. Hobbies?

Fraternity Life, women (don't let my fiance see that), MUSIC, computers, and E-Wrestling

6. Roddy Piper. Yay or nay?

What do Scots wear under their kilts? Shoes...BIG NAY

Part II - (IC Questions)

1. Name/Age/Place of Birth?

Kin Hiroshi/21/Tokyo Japan

2. Your top 5 toughest opponents here in GXW?

There's competition in GXW? Come on, although someone else holds the strap, we know who it really belongs to.

3. Reason you should be next World Champion.

Loyalty, Leadership, and Loving Personality...The Three "L's". Seriously? Because I've earned it. I've beat men three times my size, and I still have energy for more. You want a real champ, then you're looking a foot too high. I can take it, I can run with it, and my balls have already dropped...I'm not able to drop another ball.

4. Your top 5 favorite moves?

Hiroshi-Ma Bomb, Jiro-Kin Sleeper (because it freakin' hurts baby!), Top Rope Gutbuster, Dragonrana, Perfect Plex...oh, do I actually do the moves?

5. Would you trust me as an ally? If not then who?

Allies are for those too weak to fight their own battles.

6. Typical pre-match warmup.

Pullups and standing leaps.

7. Tomorrow is the final GXW show ever, who will you face?

I would run the gauntlet against the former Super Sports Network A-Team, finishing with my mentor, Eddy Love.

8. Your future boss. Eric Davis or Erik Zieba?

I have to answer, this huh? Well, I don't like Davis ever since he dropped the Cruiserweight title on me back in EWI. Zieba has had my back for a long time, and set me and Aho up against Dupree and the "goon squad." Fortunately, Dupree and I have worked things out, and I'm hot on the track of his attacker...

What was the quesion?


New member
Jan 1, 2000
Raton, NM
Seeing I should be back in action soon enough, I better take the survey. :)

Part I - (OOC Questions)

1. Name/Age/Location?

Bob Morris/31/Raton NM

2. Who do you handle?

"The Hero" Marcus Johnson

3. Your top 5 roleplayers (excluding yourself of course)

I think GXW has a bunch of great roleplayers.

4. Online Contact Info (if you don't mind other's having it)

AIM: RatSportRM (although you'll have to e-mail me if you wish to chat at ratrangerm@zianet.com so I can add you to my buddy list)

5. Hobbies?

Civilization III, football cards, watching video tapes, and a little recreation now and then.

6. Roddy Piper. Yay or nay?

On 1985 WWF tapes, yay. On current WWE TV, nay (although I don't even watch the WWE anymore)

Part II - (IC Questions)

1. Name/Age/Place of Birth?

"The Hero" Marcus Johnson/28/Orlando, Florida, since moved to Tampa.

2. Your top 5 toughest opponents here in GXW?

Dan Ryan, Eric Davis, Kevin Powers and a couple who are no longer in GXW.

3. Reason you should be next World Champion.

Already been the World champion. If I do return...you never know what I may decide to pursue.

4. Your top 5 favorite moves?

Hero Conquers All (Crippler Crossface), belly-to-belly suplex out of the corner, flying legdrop, released German suplex, inverted DDT

5. Would you trust me as an ally? If not then who?

Depends on if I return...if I do, perhaps we'll find out together.

6. Typical pre-match warmup.

A little bit of stretching, then just relaxing.

7. Tomorrow is the final GXW show ever, who will you face?

Hmmm...probably Dan Ryan. Never did have that one-on-one rematch.

8. Your future boss. Eric Davis or Erik Zieba?

Right now, I'm not thinking much about who my future boss will be as much as I am thinking about my future, period.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Part I - (OOC Questions)

1. Name/Age/Location?
Kevin James Hunter/22/Fort Smith,AR (campus change)

2. Who do you handle?
Zell Hunter

3. Your top 5 roleplayers (excluding yourself of course)
Patrick, Bob, Ryan, Marcus and EZ

4. Online Contact Info (if you don't mind other's having it)
Email: spyder_rulz@yahoo.com and AIM is gxwzell

5. Hobbies?
Wrestling, teaching soccer, music, movies of bad comedy, video games and role playing games.

6. Roddy Piper. Yay or nay?
Kilt boy, no-too many bad movies from him, you know?

Part II - (IC Questions)

1. Name/Age/Place of Birth?
Zell Hunter/25/Yonkers New York

2. Your top 5 toughest opponents here in GXW?
Eric Davis, Kin Hiroshi, Devon Slayton, Dean Matthews, Hellfighter

3. Reason you should be next World Champion.
Why not?

4. Your top 5 favorite moves?
1. "Spyder Bite" (Shining Wizard)
2. Rolling Clothesline
3. "True Conviction" (Sitting Face First Suplex)
4. "Fallen One" (Dudley Dogg)
6. "Swing Blade" (Swinging Neckbreaker with Cobra Clutch)

5. Would you trust me as an ally? If not then who?
Not you, but I do trust Twin Phoenix and Hellfighter. I also for some odd reason still trust the "Sandman" Devon Slayton. I also trust Eric Gibson and the Reaver and oddly enough, Kin Hiroshi and Kendal Codine.

6. Typical pre-match warmup.
Mediation, stretching, and listening to System of a Down oddly enough is an effective combination for me...

7. Tomorrow is the final GXW show ever, who will you face?
Kin Hiroshi hands down as in a kind of duel between two of the strangest GXW Cruisers.

8. Your future boss. Eric Davis or Erik Zieba?
Zieba has yet to try and screw me over in any manner and plus, I respect him while Davis wants me off the air due to his "Ratings Research"....

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