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The Cannonball Kidd vs. "Showtime" Steven James


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Warwick USA
Ya Ready?

[updated:LAST EDITED ON May-01-03 AT 10:49 AM (EST)] Fade in to Showtime Steven James sitting at an outside restaurant, he has his bottle of Corona and an empty glass that doesn't seem to be his. A few seconds goes by then Lady Victoria comes and sits. She looks at the empty glass, then at James and begins.

LV: Somebody was thirsty.

SJ: Hey, it ain't mine.

LV: Anyway, how do you feel?

SJ: I feel good, can't wait for that match with Cannonball Kid, my God I've been waiting to kick the ever loving hell out of him for quite some time.

LV: Well you did get your hands on him not too long ago after one of his matches.

SJ: Very true, but I can't wait to beat the hell out of him again. And Lord knows I can't wait to hear his promo. It's gonna be more self-help propaganda and make him look even more of a jackass than he already is.

LV: Maybe, but you've gotta admit, he's not pushover in the ring.

SJ: No, that's true, however it would be unwise of him to take me lightly. Like I've said before, I'm like a shark, I take my time, circling and calculating my spot, then when i see it, i take it, and end it. It's time for him to go to school and experience a beating that's double what i gave him before.

LV: Well, i wish you luck, and thank you for the drink.

SJ: No problem, anytime.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Valiant effort

(Cueup: "Down" by Socialburn)

(Things start out with a black screen. After a few seconds, the words "CANNONBALL KIDD" appear, grow seemingly closer to the camera, and then fade out. They are followed by "A MAN" and "WITH A MESSAGE". After the text is a close-up on Cannonball Kidd's eyes, covered as always by his signature flight goggles)

Cannonball Kidd: It was inevitable, I suppose...deep down, I was hoping that "Showtime" Steven James would realize the futility of trying to get my attention after showing himself to be unworthy of my program, but unfortunately, it seems that said hope had no basis in reality. It was a nice thought, though.

(Camera zooms out, showing Cannonball's full face)

Cannonball Kidd: I mean, it's not like there's any ambiguity as to which of us is the better man. Ever since I made my first appearance in GLCW, I've had nothing but success, except for the occasional surge of tremendous luck on the part of Nemesis. But Mr. James, you seem to have done nothing but lose matches, one after another. I could start naming people you've lost to, but to be honest, I haven't been paying too much attention to your career. Watching you lose gets very boring, very quickly.

(Cannonball sighs)

Cannonball Kidd: But I guess I knew you won't leave well enough alone until I prove once and for all, in a one-on-one match, that I can beat you. Granted, I've already done that once, but it was part of the gauntlet match, so I won't count that, out of the goodness of my heart.

(Camera zooms out to show Cannonball from the torso up)

Cannonball Kidd: Now, ever since you first took issue with me, James, I've pointed out the same thing over and over again. You had the opportunity to be the very first person to benefit from my program, and Lord knows you needed some direction. I told you everything I had to offer, and you threw it back in my face. Since that day, I've told you that you will no longer have the opportunity to benefit from my Message, and that I have more important things to deal with than you. And as I planned out what to say to you today, my feelings were no different - you would once again hear that my program was not for you.

(Cannonball shrugs)

Cannonball Kidd: But then I thought to myself...why am I being so vengeful? It's not as though I've never been vengeful in the past, but I thought I had put those days behind me. A self-actualized person does not hold petty grudges, and as such, I have had a change of heart. As someone who is as far from self-actualized as they come, Showtime, you certainly hold a grudge against me - but maybe, just maybe, there's something I can do about that.

(Cannonball grins in an inspirational manner)

Cannonball Kidd: You see, James, I'm going to give you one last chance to take advantage of my program for self-actualization. I'm willing to put all of the bad blood behind us and start anew. I'm sure you have some doubts about listening to my Message right now, and I can understand that - you and I are not exactly the best of friends right now, and I don't know that we're all that likely to be friends in the future. But my motive is not to be your FRIEND, Showtime - my motive is to help you.

(Zoom back in on Cannonball's face)

Cannonball Kidd: Think about it, James. When was the last time you won a match in GLCW? When was the last time anyone gave you an iota of respect? I know you don't like me, but let's face it - I'm showing you more respect by giving you a second chance than any other GLCW competitor has given you in months. Imagine what it would be like if you were a feared competitor, instead of cannon fodder for people like Suicide and "Stupendous" Stephen Morgan. I can make it happen, James - just say the words, and I can put all this animosity behind us and help you get on your way toward self-actualization.

(Cannonball adopts a very determined look)

Cannonball Kidd: Of all the people I've tried to help so far, Showtime, you're sure to be the most difficult. You're about as far from being self-actualized as is humanly possible, but I still think I can help you. After our match, you and I might still be enemies, but in my mind, it doesn't matter that I might be an enemy towards a few people. Because even if I'm someone's enemy, I'm still a Man...

(Zoom in on Cannonball's eyes)

Cannonball Kidd: ...with a Message.

(Fade out)


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Warwick USA
Lets Go For It

Fade in to Showtime Steven James leaning against a railing on a deck over looking the ocean. It's a beautiful crisp afternoon, the sun is shining and you can hear the seagulls and to top it off the waves crashing down in the background. It's just another day in Rhode Island. Showtime is wearing a Hawaiian shirt and tan shorts, and drinking a Corona. He sips it and begins his promo.

Finally, for a while there i thought summer would never come, and yes, I know, it's still spring but hey, it doesn't look it. You know it's funny, it seems like with every spring it brings a wave of rebirth. Grass emerges, flowers bloom, offspring are born, and yes, even us humans are reborn. You see we, like the weather change. Oh sure summer is wonderful and then fall can be ok, but then winter hits and the weather gets all screwed up, especially in New England. The weather gets cold and bitter, people are miserable, the roads are dangerous to drive on, it seems like winter can bring the low points in our lives. But then spring comes and everybody starts a new.

sips his beer

Now why did i suddenly turn into Robert Frost there you ask? Simple, to prove a point that probably went over your head Kid. You see I know it's been a little while since my hand was held up in victory, and i know my showing in that gauntlet match was nothing short of pathetic, but spring is here, and it's time to start a new. I've been reborn, re-energized, and above all re-focused. That, in itself, is a dangerous combo for you.

About your offer for me to allow you to help me...hhmm, i've gotta say it's definitely a tempting offer, lord knows i haven't been winning a whole lot. Well i'll make a deal with you, once the match is over, we'll decide. Maybe i need someone reliable in my corner...well, we'll see what happens, I can't see the future and i don't have the money to call Ms. Cleo.

So Cannonball, I'll leave you at that, and by the way, it's about freakin time you answered back, where the hell were you son?

[/i]He takes the last sip of his beer, and walk away as the camera fades out.[/i]


League Member
Jan 1, 2000

(Cueup: "Breadline" by Megadeth)

(Things start out with a black screen. After a few seconds, the words "CANNONBALL KIDD" appear, grow seemingly closer to the camera, and then fade out. They are followed by "A MAN" and "WITH A MESSAGE". After the text is a close-up on Cannonball Kidd's eyes, covered as always by his signature flight goggles)

Cannonball Kidd: Desperation...do I know a thing or two about it? Maybe.

(Camera zooms out to show Cannonball's full face)

Cannonball Kidd: An understatement there, of course...in my years spent in the crushing grip of painkiller addiction, I learned a thing or two about desperation. Getting that next fix was priority number one, and if something stood in my way, I wouldn't just let that happen...I'd find a way to get that fix. Of course, I'm well past that now, but I'm not going to forget about what happened to me before I became self-actualized. And as such, I'd like to think I'm a better judge of desperation than most.

(Camera zooms out to show Cannonball from the torso up)

Cannonball Kidd: So when I see desperation in someone else, I take note. And Showtime, if you haven't figured out yet that I'm talking about you, you may be more irrational than I thought. You see, Showtime, I know how much you'd like to be more than just a chew toy for GLCW's top dogs. I wasn't sure about it before, but after seeing your latest promo, it's as clear as day. Your not-so-subtle hint that you might consider listening to what I have to say was duly noted...granted, you said you'd decide after the match is over, but at the rate you've been going, I think it's fairly safe to say we know how THAT will end.

(Cannonball shakes his head)

Cannonball Kidd: And the faux-thoughtful poetry. I've seen that sort of technique before...it is truly the war cry of the desperate man, at least in this business anyway. When professional wrestlers wax poetic, no good can come of it. And I think history will prove my point. You don't have to use bad high-school-literary-magazine poetry to tell me that you want my help, Showtime...I already read your message loud and clear. You don't want to admit that you need my help right now, and while I don't think that's the right choice, it at least shows that you're wise enough to consider it as an option.

(Cannonball grins)

Cannonball Kidd: You want to be born again, do you, James? Well, you're welcome to shop around for ways to do that, but let me tell you this. When I swore off the painkillers and started picking up the pieces of my life, that's what it felt like. Granted, it took a while - self-actualization doesn't come overnight - but if you listen to my Message and follow my program, you're sure to feel born again. I know I did, and I know you can if you do the right thing.

(Zoom back in on Cannonball's face)

Cannonball Kidd: So what'll it be, Showtime? You and I both know you need a change, and you and I both know that if you want to make that change, you're going to need my help. I don't mean to sound condescending, but sometimes that's an effective way of getting people to consider their options. So think about it, James...I'm sure you have a few different options, but of those, I think you'll find that one stands out as the best. I'm more than just an option, Showtime. I'm a Man...

(Zoom in on Cannonball's eyes)

Cannonball Kidd: ...with a Message.

(Fade out)

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