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The game has changed


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
{{...FADE-IN: Night, or early morning to be precise. Bourbon Street is empty save the few bums sleeping on the sidewalks. CUT-TO: The door of Shane Southern's Bourbon Street apartment balcony as Southern walks through dressed casually in jeans, cowboy boots and a black leather jacket over a white t-shirt. Even thought it's night, Southern's wearing dark sunglasses and his hair is pulled back in a short pony-tail. He drops his overnight bag on the table, sits down, finishes the bottle of Bud light he'd been drinking and just stares off into the distance for a few seconds, before turning to the camera....}}

SHANE SOUTHERN: " The more things change, the more they stay tha' same. {{...shakes his head...}} Just goes ta' show ya' that you can't plan for anythin' in this sport. Just when ya' thought you had it all figured out, JUST when ya' thought you'd found tha' right path, somebody one ups ya', and tha' game changes. "

" I'm not gonna' go off on ah' expletive laced rant like Dan Ryan, I'm not gonna' come out like Hornet n' blame Craig Miles. I've been feelin' SORRY fer MAH'SELF fer too damn long ta' come out here, n' blame ANYBODY else fer what happened ta' ME, on ANYBODY else BUT me. Is Eddy Love gonna' get his ass kicked fer slappin' mah' face n' mockin' mah name? {{...smiles...}} OH HELL YEAH. But that'll come another time, another place. 'Cause ya' see Eddy, yer just another in a long line of wrestlin' "names" that feel like they need ta' come back n' steal tha' show 'cause somebody else is gettin' too much spotlight. Just like Prosser, his band ah' merry men, YOU don't make tha' RULES 'round here. You crawled inta' SHANE SOUTHERN's back yard fella', n' when ya' rile this dog, he <BLEEP>in bites! "

" But ya' know Eddy, I would like ta' THANK ya' fer what ya' did out there last night. Ya' see, fer tha' last few weeks, I've been followin' Aaron Douglas ah'round like ah' little lap dog waitin' fer tha' next BULL <BLEEP> thing he had planned fer me. I did this 'cause I was scared of mah' own demons. Demons, that Aaron Douglas found out ah'bout. But I came ta' realize somethin' while I was gettin' tha' holy HELL beat out uv' me at WAR GAMES...I came ta' realize somethin' when tha' fans actually CHEERED yer name. ANYTHING you do in this sport, no matter WHAT it is, is forgivable by tha' fans. Hornet's proof of that. Mike Randalls is proof of that...YOU'RE proof of that. "

" You woke tha' sleepin' giant Eddy...n' although you get tha' CREDIT, you're also gonna' have to PAY tha' PRICE as well. N' it don't have ta' be ta'day Eddy...You go handle yer business with Deacon and Chris Sheppard....I'll be waitin'. N' when you decide you wanna find out who tha' REAL Southern gentleman is, you just come knockin' on mah' door. I gotta' superkick just waitin' fer ya'. "

{{...Southern pauses again in a moment of reflection, then continues...}}

" Calvin... {{...smirks...} You're an idiot. Was it ALL worth it Calvin? Was it? I mean, you got tha' playoffs, {{...golf claps...} good fer you. But was it worth havin' ta' look over yer shoulder every show? Was it worth it ta' have ta' have nine of ten guys ah'round ya' ever' time ya' step into tha' arena? 'Cause ya' see you, whiney, sniveling, piece of garbage...yer gonna' get yers. There ain't a SOUL on tha' NFW Roster, north AND south, 'cept maybe Eddy n' Joey, that don't want ta' break that pencil neck of yers....ME included. Rest assured Calvin, SOMEBODY will get to ya' before it's all said n' done...n' when it happens, it'll make what Prosser and company did ta' you see like child’s play. "

" See Calvin, before, I could put up with ya'...'cause ta' be honest, you weren’t affectin' me one way or tha' other. You came out, did yer little bit, n' went HOME. But now, NOW you've stepped in MY yard, n' just like yer little buddy Eddy, that's a DANGEROUS place ta' be. You can strip me of points, you can suspend me...but ya' know Calvin, I don't think you've got tha' GUTS. 'Cause you NEED me boy. You think you, Eddy Love and Joey Melton are tha' holy trinity? Well I got news fer you pal, you boys can't carry this promotion like I have. Tha' NFW is MY home...it's MINE...it CAN not, it WILL not survive without me. Consider it a threat, a warnin'...I don't give ah' damn, but you've bitten off more than you can chew now momma's boy, n' that mouthful's gonna' get ya' in a WORLD of <BLEEP> you just escape from. "

{{...Southern again pauses, then reaches in his back pocket and pulls out a piece of paper, he stares at it for a moment and takes a deep breath...}}

" So I've made a decision. CRASH TV, Shane Southern is gonna' let tha' WORLD know, exactly WHY Aaron Douglas had a hold on him. I'm gonna' do it, 'cause in all honesty, I've got more important things ta' worry ah'bout than if tha' FANS can accept mah' legacy. I'm fightin' fer SURVIVAL now. So tune yer TV in Calvin, {{...Southern stands up and stares into the camera...}} ALL of ya' tune in. From Eddy Love to Joe Schmo, come CRASH TEE-VEE, Shane Southern is gonna' exercise some demons so to speak....n' all I can say is...may God have mercy on mah' soul. "

" N' after he does, Eddy, Calvin, NFW...may GOD have mercy on YOURS. "

" Party's Over. "

{{...FADE OUT...}}

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