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The Illustrious Face-Eater

eating faces

League Member
Dec 12, 2005
i plagiarized Oz' layout.


Name: joe
Email Address: joe@wiseasscomment.com
AIM/Yahoo Messenger: wiseasscomment


Wrestler Name: The Illustrious Face-Eater, Adam Dick

Height: 6'0

Weight: 198 lbs

Hailing From: Salt Lake City, Utah

Handedness: Right, but he masturbates and kicks with the left.

Disposition: Whatever you want him to be.

Gimmick: Pot smoking, incoherrently screaming, violently lashing, revenge scheming piece of sh*t. Unearthed from reality and detached from the sensical.

Ring Attire: A vinyl mask with car-azay designs, a leotard, and a cape. Sometimes, he wrestles in a tuxedo.

Looks: He's skinny and wears a mask. There's not much else to it.

Ring Entrance: Two lacklustre bottle rockets go off right as the song kicks in, and Facey runs out pumping his arms as if the fans love him, even if they don't. He usually air-guitars his way down to the ring, kicking high into the sky for dramatic effect, and often times mocking anyone who may happen to be in the way.

Theme Music: "Bullet" by the Misfits

Tactics/Style: Squirmy Son of B*tch - There are long-standing rumors of Facey bathing in Crisco before each match, which would explain A) the bad acne and B) how slippery he is. With few holds that can contain him due to his small stature and squirmy movements, it is difficult to keep him in intricate or time-consuming holds and maneuvers. One of his favorite methods is luring his opponent into a false sense of security, then turning the tides on them when they least expect it. This doesn't usually pan out as intended, however.

5 Specialty Moves:
-- Fish Hooks (grabbing your lips from behind your head and ripping)
-- Ball Stomp (stomping on your balls)
-- Blunt to the Eye (burning your eye with a lit blunt, followed by the flashing of gang signs)
-- Froggy Punch (a very hard punch to the shoulder with a knuckle poking out, causing a bruise and/or the froggy bump)
-- Slingshot Headbutt to the Balls (a slingshot headbutt to your balls)

Setup Moves:
-- Reverse Brainbuster
-- Wristlock Exploder (depending on the size of the opponent)

Finishing Moves:
-- Eaterplex '05 (Pump Handle to Neck-Drop)
-- Osama'bin'rana (Reverse Huricanrana)
-- Romero Chinlock: Mexican Surfboard w/ Chinlock

-- Small: meaning, you can't hold him.
-- Fast: meaning, you can't catch him.
-- Time-Travel: the first two, but to an insane degree.
-- Spontaneous Combustion: can explode ON COMMAND.

-- Small: meaning, you can destroy him.
-- Stoner: despite being fast, he'll get worn out very easily.
-- Angry: some say he's depressed, but the truth is, he's just an asshole.
-- Spontaneous Combustion: despite being cool, it's not exactly beneficial.

The Illustrious Face-Eater has done it all. Except snort a combination of Extacy and Ketamine off of the back of a Thai Hooker while YYJ videotapes, with Mike Randalls watching through a window from across the street like a stalker using a set of really nice binoculars that he bought from a SkyMall during one of his crazy trips to Bogota. When he gets there, you'll know.

eating faces

League Member
Dec 12, 2005
QUESTION: how do i edit this topic? unlike most of my posts, it is not allowing me... i'd like to add my dice strategy.

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