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The Road to ?


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
(FADE-IN: Shane Southern sits in a doctors office across from a very nice looking female doctor. Southern hasn't heard the last few sentences for two reasons. One: the excellent, surgically enchanced breasts on the doc, and two: he's heard it all before.)

" Stop wrestling. "

" One wrong move and you may never walk again. "

" Why are you doing this to yourself? "

" You have nothing to prove. "

" I'm going to recommed you see the staff psychologist. "

(That's a new one)

Southern snapped out of his trance and stared at the doc.

SOUTHERN: "'Scuse me? "

DOC: " It's clear to me that you have some issues. It's not only what you're doing to your body, but what you're doing to your mind. Just from what you've been through over the last month, I'd ... "

SOUTHERN: " What da' YOU know ah'bout what I've been through? "

DOC: " I've seen it on TV, you're a ticking time bomb. "

SOUTHERN: (smiles) " Listen lady, I don't know what you've seen on TEE-VEE, but that ain't tha' half of what's goin' on with me. But I can assure you, that all is wired OK in mah' brain. I don't need no shrink. "

DOC: " Are you sure? "

(All of a sudden, the doctors face turns into that of Vivian Ryconick. Southern is speechless as the "doc" gets up and goes to the door.)

DOC: " The doctor will see you now. "

SOUTHERN: " I thought YOU were the doctor. "

(The woman gets up and opens the door. A man walks through wearing a white doctors coat with splotches of blood up and down the coat. Southern stares, dumbstruck, at the man we now see to be Mike Manson.)

MANSON: " I brought you a prescription Shane. "

("Manson" holds out a Pez despener and then jumps on top of Southern begining to beat him to a pulp.)

(Southern awoke with a start. A nurse with the same face of the doctor in his dream is staring at him.)

NURSE: " The scope went fine Mr. Matherne. "

SOUTHERN: " Shane. "

NURSE: " Shane. We're going to give you a few hours to recover from the anasthesia and the doctor will send you home. "

SOUTHERN: " Which Doctor is that? "

NURSE: " Doctor Mike. "

SOUTHERN: " Mike? "

NURSE: " Yes, Mike Fishbaum. He'll be in around 3:00. I'll see you then. "

SOUTHERN: " Nurse? "

NURSE: " Yes? "

SOUTHERN: " Is this the hospital Joey Melton is in? "

NURSE: " Why yes, it is. "

SOUTHERN: " How is he? "

NURSE: " I can't release that information Mister Ma...Shane. "

SOUTHERN: " Can I get a room number? We're old friends. "

NURSE: (smiling) " 401. "

SOUTHERN: " Thanks. "


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