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UCW's March 24th Revolution!


League Member
Jun 9, 2004
The UCW comes to you LIVE from the Civic Center in Charleston, West Virginia as we continue on the road to Against All Odds!

Fresh off a victory last week, Rob Franklin prepares to go one-on-one with "Cowboy" Jimmy Donovan!

Two competitors trying to rebound from heart-breaking losses face off as Nakita Dahaka takes on Johnny Nash!

Shawn Hart makes his return to the UCW against his first opponent, Beast!

In a controversial tag match, The First teams up with the man that he ambushed last week, Adam Benjamin as they get set to take on Irishred and the man that he made bleed last week, Cameron Cruise!

And in the main event, Commissioner Cloverleaf gives BG Bruce a break as he gives him a shot at the United States Champion, Dakota Smith!

The RP deadline will be Wednesday, March 21st at 11:59 PM EST.

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