Yep.. I shilled my radio show! What now!?
Ray has inspired my with his reviews to start doing some of my own. After all, constructive criticism helps all of us grow and become better writers. I've been one of those people who usually skims events and never really sits down and reads them, but I decided to change that. It's not fair to anyone who puts in the work to not have it read so I'm going to start reading the shows each and every week and throw up my own thoughts on them.
So I figured no better place to start than Warriors 2!
Show Opener
Clan Avispa vs Digital Underground
Synopsis: Yeah.. Titan and Register are Fuelled by Ignorance, but they will always be Digital Underground to me thanks to my days spent with them in Tornado Wrestling. The match was short and to the point where we saw Clan Avispa get the W over Register and Titan. It did its job in showing that Titan and Register are not happy with the loss and I could sense a bit of frustration.
Thoughts: While it was short and to the point.. I felt there was a bit too much description in it and it took away from the match. I found myself asking when the next move was and all I found was more description. I can understand to a new reader they might want the information, but it was a little excessive. That's the only thing I didn't like about the match, otherwise it was pretty nice.
That's the Magic
Synopsis: Chavez has a colorful conversation with his associate, Keith Kane. He scores some new ring gear, but there seems to be a foreshadowed warning by Kane about who Chavez should trust. Kane paid Chavez his share but eluded to something more devious behind the gift he gave.
Thoughts: I loved this segment.. It was probably my favorite on the entire card. It helped develop both characters rather well and the line of the night for me had to be "Guys with that much muscle are usually missing two things. One, the rest of their pecker and two, a brain" I read that at work and it caused my co-workers to wonder why I suddenly broke into laughter. Well done.
Underground Tournament
Citizen vs Mike Extreme
Synopsis: The match showed a battle between Mike Extreme and Citizen which was short and sweet that saw Citizen pick up the win with a vicious knee strike after hitting a DR Driver that would make Davey Richards seem like a terrible wrestler... oh wait.. Davey Richards IS a terrible wrestler. Citizen then stared down Derecho at the end as he moves on in the tournament.
Thoughts: For an Underground match, it didn't feel too extreme. It was pretty much a standard wrestling match with a lot of show of power and toughness, which works because it helps establish Citizen as a tough individual. But this is the Underground division.. there's the toughness Citizen got himself across as, and then there's toughness to hang in the land of hardcore. Not saying it needs to be a sabu vs terry funk match, but some weapons here or there would have helped the match along.
Are You Serious, Bro?
Synopsis: Woo Woo Woo, You Know It! Really good segment here which shows the International Champion, Rush, stoned out of his ****ing mind. He then eludes Damien Lee and heads to the ring for his match against JCON. A title match nevertheless.
Thoughts: If there ever was a segment that screamed foreshadowing, this segment was it. Not in a bad way because it was painfully obvious Rush would be losing his title, but it made you feel bad for Rush. Damien Lee's concern for Rush while trying to negotiate a deal with someone, I assume will be debuting soon, was pretty good and it made you connect with the characters while give a sense of drama and humor at the same time. I liked this segment a lot.
International Championship
Rush(c) vs Jonathan Conspiracy
Synopsis: Rush's demons got the better of him. This was a no contest from the beginning that saw JCON pick up the win and the International Championship... a title he's held in the past.
Thoughts: JCON is your new champion and during the match, they mentioned JCON's failed attempt at getting the Relentless title from Nashvillian which can become the seeds to something bigger, otherwise, why mention it? Rush fell and it should be an interesting story involving his character. In the meantime, we can enjoy a new International Champion. The match wasn't really a match per se, but it did it's job of getting the point across, which was enhancing the segment which came before it. Nicely done.
Tokyo Dreaming
Synopsis: A teaser for Marcus Davis live from Tokyo.
Thoughts: It's a video package.. it hypes something for the next Intense. Short, Sweet, plenty of substance to make you look forward to the next show
Underground Tournament
Reno Davis vs One Eye
Synopsis: Here we have a nice confrontation between One Eye and Reno Davis. They got a little dirty with a steel chair and even the Underground Champion came out and watched this one as well. In the end, Reno Davis smacked the broken english right out of One Eye to move on in the tournament.
Thoughts: I wrote it.. I will refrain from commenting. I'll let someone else critique my work.
Synopsis: Chris Titan is fighting the voices in his head on whether or not to blame Chris Register for their loss earlier in the evening. Reno Davis shows up fresh off his win and serves up a dose of reality to Chris Titan about the jOlt "originals" being given the WWE/ECW originals treatment. Reno steps over the line and Titan lays him out. I smell feud .. or at least a match!
Thoughts: This was very nicely done. I loved this segment. The mental conflict you thought was going to happen between Titan and Register was sidelined by some bold words by Reno Davis. Reno has a point about the jOlt originals and Titan took those comments to heart and a little personally. I'm excited to see where this goes.
Pissing in the Cornflakes
Synopsis: This already gets points for pissing in something that is of a higher tier than a Cheerio. jOlt's final champion, a triple crown champion at that, hopped the guard rail and made his presence known. Kenjiro Ito has returned and he returned with some candid thoughts about who should be featured on jOlt programming. He is the future of wrestling afterall, along with several other nicknames!
Thoughts: Here we have a debut segment of Kenjiro Ito. I understood the fact that he was a bit ticked off that jOlt neglected him, but I think the overuse of profanity kind of made the segment feel a bit weak. I think a toning down of profanity and using some stronger verbiage in place could have amped up the feeling. It did drive home the general notion of the segment, which is the ultimate goal. Kudos for that.
Sorry to Inform You
Synopsis: Derecho announces the edict passed down from the Board, stating he can't defend his title until Divide and Conquer, but he can face anyone who was eliminated from the tournament if they take up his challenge.
Thoughts: Again.. my own work.. someone else can say what they want about it.
Synopsis: Jason Rau takes up Derecho's challenge and jumps him from the start. Derecho then displays what a monster he is and why he's the Underground Champion. He puts Jason Rau down and the referee had to stop the match because he was out cold. It didn't stop Derecho from hitting his finisher on top of a ladder and send Rau out on a stretcher!
Thoughts: Again... my work... not my place to comment... although I will say this. Dan had in the notes that this was supposed to open the show. I read the show and don't see it anywhere at the top. Then I see it as the main event. A segment earlier in the show referenced the announcement of Derecho's title not being on the line when it hadn't happened yet because of that. I think the detail was overlooked and there should have been some editing done so it felt right because it was a little out of place. That's the only comment I'll say about it.
Standing at the Edge of the Flames
Synopsis: Here we see Phoenix and One Eye backstage where they have a conversation. One Eye feels Phoenix disrespected him by saying it only take "one eye" to see the difference between victory and defeat. Phoenix and One Eye are seemingly building a relationship here (no homo), but there doesn't seem to be full trust yet.
Thoughts: It's an interesting development. Don't know if I would close the show with this as this seems like a mid-show segment, but seeing what was before the main event, it would be kind of hard to balance that in so this is where it fit most. It got the job done and the message was delivered well. I liked the segment, just disliked the placement.
Overall thoughts: This was a solid showing from jOlt. Things were set in motion and there were some great segments that really stood out and did their jobs in developing both stories and characters. In the segment department, substance-wise, nothing here disappointed. The matches were a little on the short side, but that's ok.. it's tv.. not ppv, but it seems a few could have focused more on action rather than description. I know it's a novel format, but when you describe things for 2-3 sentences and have a quick mention of a move and go back to describing, it just makes it a little cumbersome to read. That might just be my own personal preference talking... but that's why this is called an opinion. I'm neither right nor wrong.. just giving out some food for thought.
If I were to give this show an overall grade.. I'd say B
Hope you enjoyed my thoughts... if I got anything wrong, my apologies, but I did read this on a cell phone screen at work at 3 in the morning lol
Ray has inspired my with his reviews to start doing some of my own. After all, constructive criticism helps all of us grow and become better writers. I've been one of those people who usually skims events and never really sits down and reads them, but I decided to change that. It's not fair to anyone who puts in the work to not have it read so I'm going to start reading the shows each and every week and throw up my own thoughts on them.
So I figured no better place to start than Warriors 2!
Show Opener
Clan Avispa vs Digital Underground
Synopsis: Yeah.. Titan and Register are Fuelled by Ignorance, but they will always be Digital Underground to me thanks to my days spent with them in Tornado Wrestling. The match was short and to the point where we saw Clan Avispa get the W over Register and Titan. It did its job in showing that Titan and Register are not happy with the loss and I could sense a bit of frustration.
Thoughts: While it was short and to the point.. I felt there was a bit too much description in it and it took away from the match. I found myself asking when the next move was and all I found was more description. I can understand to a new reader they might want the information, but it was a little excessive. That's the only thing I didn't like about the match, otherwise it was pretty nice.
That's the Magic
Synopsis: Chavez has a colorful conversation with his associate, Keith Kane. He scores some new ring gear, but there seems to be a foreshadowed warning by Kane about who Chavez should trust. Kane paid Chavez his share but eluded to something more devious behind the gift he gave.
Thoughts: I loved this segment.. It was probably my favorite on the entire card. It helped develop both characters rather well and the line of the night for me had to be "Guys with that much muscle are usually missing two things. One, the rest of their pecker and two, a brain" I read that at work and it caused my co-workers to wonder why I suddenly broke into laughter. Well done.
Underground Tournament
Citizen vs Mike Extreme
Synopsis: The match showed a battle between Mike Extreme and Citizen which was short and sweet that saw Citizen pick up the win with a vicious knee strike after hitting a DR Driver that would make Davey Richards seem like a terrible wrestler... oh wait.. Davey Richards IS a terrible wrestler. Citizen then stared down Derecho at the end as he moves on in the tournament.
Thoughts: For an Underground match, it didn't feel too extreme. It was pretty much a standard wrestling match with a lot of show of power and toughness, which works because it helps establish Citizen as a tough individual. But this is the Underground division.. there's the toughness Citizen got himself across as, and then there's toughness to hang in the land of hardcore. Not saying it needs to be a sabu vs terry funk match, but some weapons here or there would have helped the match along.
Are You Serious, Bro?
Synopsis: Woo Woo Woo, You Know It! Really good segment here which shows the International Champion, Rush, stoned out of his ****ing mind. He then eludes Damien Lee and heads to the ring for his match against JCON. A title match nevertheless.
Thoughts: If there ever was a segment that screamed foreshadowing, this segment was it. Not in a bad way because it was painfully obvious Rush would be losing his title, but it made you feel bad for Rush. Damien Lee's concern for Rush while trying to negotiate a deal with someone, I assume will be debuting soon, was pretty good and it made you connect with the characters while give a sense of drama and humor at the same time. I liked this segment a lot.
International Championship
Rush(c) vs Jonathan Conspiracy
Synopsis: Rush's demons got the better of him. This was a no contest from the beginning that saw JCON pick up the win and the International Championship... a title he's held in the past.
Thoughts: JCON is your new champion and during the match, they mentioned JCON's failed attempt at getting the Relentless title from Nashvillian which can become the seeds to something bigger, otherwise, why mention it? Rush fell and it should be an interesting story involving his character. In the meantime, we can enjoy a new International Champion. The match wasn't really a match per se, but it did it's job of getting the point across, which was enhancing the segment which came before it. Nicely done.
Tokyo Dreaming
Synopsis: A teaser for Marcus Davis live from Tokyo.
Thoughts: It's a video package.. it hypes something for the next Intense. Short, Sweet, plenty of substance to make you look forward to the next show
Underground Tournament
Reno Davis vs One Eye
Synopsis: Here we have a nice confrontation between One Eye and Reno Davis. They got a little dirty with a steel chair and even the Underground Champion came out and watched this one as well. In the end, Reno Davis smacked the broken english right out of One Eye to move on in the tournament.
Thoughts: I wrote it.. I will refrain from commenting. I'll let someone else critique my work.
Synopsis: Chris Titan is fighting the voices in his head on whether or not to blame Chris Register for their loss earlier in the evening. Reno Davis shows up fresh off his win and serves up a dose of reality to Chris Titan about the jOlt "originals" being given the WWE/ECW originals treatment. Reno steps over the line and Titan lays him out. I smell feud .. or at least a match!
Thoughts: This was very nicely done. I loved this segment. The mental conflict you thought was going to happen between Titan and Register was sidelined by some bold words by Reno Davis. Reno has a point about the jOlt originals and Titan took those comments to heart and a little personally. I'm excited to see where this goes.
Pissing in the Cornflakes
Synopsis: This already gets points for pissing in something that is of a higher tier than a Cheerio. jOlt's final champion, a triple crown champion at that, hopped the guard rail and made his presence known. Kenjiro Ito has returned and he returned with some candid thoughts about who should be featured on jOlt programming. He is the future of wrestling afterall, along with several other nicknames!
Thoughts: Here we have a debut segment of Kenjiro Ito. I understood the fact that he was a bit ticked off that jOlt neglected him, but I think the overuse of profanity kind of made the segment feel a bit weak. I think a toning down of profanity and using some stronger verbiage in place could have amped up the feeling. It did drive home the general notion of the segment, which is the ultimate goal. Kudos for that.
Sorry to Inform You
Synopsis: Derecho announces the edict passed down from the Board, stating he can't defend his title until Divide and Conquer, but he can face anyone who was eliminated from the tournament if they take up his challenge.
Thoughts: Again.. my own work.. someone else can say what they want about it.
Synopsis: Jason Rau takes up Derecho's challenge and jumps him from the start. Derecho then displays what a monster he is and why he's the Underground Champion. He puts Jason Rau down and the referee had to stop the match because he was out cold. It didn't stop Derecho from hitting his finisher on top of a ladder and send Rau out on a stretcher!
Thoughts: Again... my work... not my place to comment... although I will say this. Dan had in the notes that this was supposed to open the show. I read the show and don't see it anywhere at the top. Then I see it as the main event. A segment earlier in the show referenced the announcement of Derecho's title not being on the line when it hadn't happened yet because of that. I think the detail was overlooked and there should have been some editing done so it felt right because it was a little out of place. That's the only comment I'll say about it.
Standing at the Edge of the Flames
Synopsis: Here we see Phoenix and One Eye backstage where they have a conversation. One Eye feels Phoenix disrespected him by saying it only take "one eye" to see the difference between victory and defeat. Phoenix and One Eye are seemingly building a relationship here (no homo), but there doesn't seem to be full trust yet.
Thoughts: It's an interesting development. Don't know if I would close the show with this as this seems like a mid-show segment, but seeing what was before the main event, it would be kind of hard to balance that in so this is where it fit most. It got the job done and the message was delivered well. I liked the segment, just disliked the placement.
Overall thoughts: This was a solid showing from jOlt. Things were set in motion and there were some great segments that really stood out and did their jobs in developing both stories and characters. In the segment department, substance-wise, nothing here disappointed. The matches were a little on the short side, but that's ok.. it's tv.. not ppv, but it seems a few could have focused more on action rather than description. I know it's a novel format, but when you describe things for 2-3 sentences and have a quick mention of a move and go back to describing, it just makes it a little cumbersome to read. That might just be my own personal preference talking... but that's why this is called an opinion. I'm neither right nor wrong.. just giving out some food for thought.
If I were to give this show an overall grade.. I'd say B
Hope you enjoyed my thoughts... if I got anything wrong, my apologies, but I did read this on a cell phone screen at work at 3 in the morning lol
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