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League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Orlando U.S.A.
(Scene- Kaui, Hawaii, poolside at a beachfront house, the Powell brothers unwittingly, almost unwillingly follow JT Tyler into the pool house.)

TYLER: Gentlemen, have a seat...(Tyler points to the couches as he heads over behind a desk, and starts typing on a laptop). Just let me finish this email really quick, and I'll be right with you.

ROGER: (uncharacteristically cheerful as he sits down) So what brought you out here?

TYLER: Some darn good retirement...(continues to type)

SCOTT: (sitting down as well) Well, you sure did get yourself a nice little pad here. How much did this place run you?

TYLER: Oh, you know Hawaii, the prices are wild, I just figured, "why not", and set my wife and I up but good. (closes the laptop as the infamous Texan that the Powell's have had dubious dealings with comes out of the backroom).

TEXAN: Now, I didn't arrange his here meetin' so that you boys could sit around and lay down the maure so thick you need hip waders. Guys, remember when I told you way back that I had big plans for you?. Well here he is!

ROGER: (jumping up) WHAT THE (censored)?!

SCOTT: (jumping up as well) THIS IS BULL(censored)! You hired us to do some hits for you! THAT'S (censored) ALL!!!

TYLER: (looking at the Texan) Why do you get out of here for awhile. (looking at the Powells) The man definately knows how to set you guys off.

ROGER: WHAT THE (censored) is going on here?! Who brought us here? YOU OR HIM?!

TYLER: I brought you here...

SCOTT: (interrupting) ...why? did you think if you brought us out here on a vacation did you think you would get whatever you wanted from us?

TYLER: ......noooooo....I brought you out here to catch up. The training can happen later....


TYLER: He didn't tell you?! (muttering) Stupid Texican....I'm retired from wrestling....but your boy out there paid me a lot of money to train you guys.

ROGER: NO WAY! NO WAY! We'll NEVER get out of your (censored) shadow!

SCOTT: What the (censored) do you mean by "training" anyway? We're no rookies!

TYLER: You're right, but you're bumming your gimmick off of others, and you have ni direction....

ROGER: (pounds his hands on the desk) WE'RE DOING JUST FINE!!

TYLER: Oh.....that's right...I forgot....you guys are doing great.... Mr. "I don't wanna be here", you're doing just fine, I forgot you guys are the hitmen that noone hires....I forgot that you guys have blown the chances you've been given in that little promotion "cockring boy" owns.


TYLER: Out of one or two shots...MAYBE...but come on...you are honestly gonna blame you BOTH getting into your little Jeep and losing the match on the bosses? You boys are good, there's no denying that, all I'm saying is, I can make you better....

SCOTT: (sitting back down) Seen "Top Gun" one too many times?

TYLER: Look, I'm getting paid just to talk to you, you have a vacation on me REGARDLESS of what you choose to do, all I'm asking you to do is hear me out before you leave.

ROGER: Alright "yakhead" (sits down)...talk....

TYLER: Well, first of all, let me agree with you by saying that you SHOULD have those tag-belts right now....

ROGER: (VERY sarcastically) ...and here I was wasting this time thinking you wanted something from me...but it took your inspiring statement to change my mind.....it's beautiful.....I think we gotta hug....

(Scott laughs)

TYLER: That was good...but Matt Damon made that speech bellievable in "Titan A.E."...anyway...you guys SHOULD be more successful than you have been...but the problem is you guys are too UN-focused, and re-active.....I can change that. With a just a little re-training.

SCOTT: Speak English...

TYLER: Ok...let me put it like this.....you guys are a couple of Mack trucks...plain and simple....big and powerful....but too easy to lose. I can change you to a couple of cop cars...

ROGER: (holds up a hand) Turning us into "Swat Team II"? Don't think so....

SCOTT: No way...

TYLER: Not at all....What I mean is....do you know that old saying "Don't judge a book by it's cover?" Well right now everyone knows that you're "American Muscle"....I'm saying we leave the cover...but sneak in some "Soldier of Fortune".


SCOTT: No...I think I see where he's going with this....ok...say we agree to this....1. How long woll this be? Permanent? 2. Are you saying you want to be a manager? 3. What's in this for you?

TYLER: (thinking) "Wow, this is easier than I thought" (speaks) Fair questions....1. As long as you give me an honest effort, all I'll need is a couple of weeks, and I guarantee you will be the team you think you are.....2. I'm not a manager...I'm retired, just like I said....I have no interest in being on the road all the time....I'll watch you guys while I'm training you, but I won't get in the way.....and 3. I'm getting paind no matter what, I'll even sweeten the deal for you....

ROGER: (sarcastically) and how's that?

TYLER: (The Texan) is paying me (alotta money) for this....you give me an honest effort, and let's say after 6 TV tapings you guys don't see a noticeable difference, be it with new belts around your waits...or trophies or whatever....if you're even more of the bad(censored) than you are right now....you can have all the money I was paid, and I'll even throw IN (alot more money)for your troubles....

SCOTT: What's the catch?

TYLER: No catch....if you give me an honest effort...not just prance around and ignore everything...the money is yours, and I will leave you alone.

ROGER: No lies?!

TYLER: Why should I lie?

SCOTT: If you screw us over!

TYLER: You get paid....

ROGER: If we don't like what we see....

TYLER: You get paid....

SCOTT: If we take all of this "training" seriously...

TYLER: You will not only be better...but you won't tire out after 5 minutes....

SCOTT: Can't argue that....I don't trust you....but I think I'm in...

ROGER: Me too....

TYLER: You won't regret it...

ROGER: We'd better not.....now where're we stayin?! We have a vacation to be on....

TYLER: The helicopter I rented is waiting to take you to the hotel in Honolulu....you're all set up....

SCOTT: The "ever so rich" JT Tyler does not own a helicopter?

TYLER: You know how much they cost?!

SCOTT: Heh...

(The brothers are walking out the door....and head to the helicopter as Andrea is waiting for them.)

SCOTT: You thinking what I'm thinking?!

ROGER: We let him teach his tricks and say "Oh, we don't like it!" and take his money?

SCOTT: Oh yeah....we just might catch a break after all....

(CUTTO- The poolside office, where JT watches the helicopter take off. His wife Stacy walks in.)

STACY: So you actually got them to go for it?

TYLER: Yeah, if they don't like it, they get what I got paid to do this....all (alotta money)....

STACY: Ummm didn't you get offered 4 times that?

(JT just grins as the scene fades)

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