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What makes an E-Fed good?



We got lots of people running leagues on our site and some have taken off and others have not, though I cannot figure out what makes some of the leagues succeed and others fail.

For example, we've got one league: 100percent Wrestling which has an original approach, good guidelines, and is an affiliate of an established E-Fed NEWA, yet only four members have signed up.

Other leagues with no real backstory and fill up in no time. I was really excited about 100percent and signed up, yet I can't very well roleplay if no one else joins up. So, I'm asking, if you had to list 4 or 5 key attributes for an E-Fed to be successful could you? What should I recommend to people who setup shop on our site to get them off on the right foot?



Active member
Jun 18, 2004
1- A dedicated, reputable fedhead. YOu want someone who knows how to book, can write a match or two and who will be dedicated to getting quality results out on time or as close to that as possible.

2- An honest OOC atmosphere that promotes constructive feedback without people getting pissy, teamwork and collaboration and general good will.

3- Handlers who give a damn about the fed and the hobby in general.

Those three will make any fed good.


I guess I knew that... so how does a fed that's starting out present those qualities to potential members? If no one will join their fed to begin with, how can they demonstrate their card writing ability and punctuality?

I've suggested that users post sample events, using made up wrestlers to recruiting boards or write a detailed history of the league. These help demonstrate writing style and seriousness.

There appears to be some critical mass of members that must be reached before anyone will take you seriously, perhaps ten. Once a league has ten active members, others will take the time to check it out and see if they should join. Getting those first ten can be difficult.

So, any suggestions on starting out?


Lethal Enforcer

I like a unique product and relaxed occ environment, where noone, takes this stuff too seriously, or takes things too personally relating to it. Absence of favoritism and politics are also a major plus for me.
The dedication from the rpers and staff are a given, with any fed. If the people in it, could care less about it, why should anyone else?

JT Stylez

No Boss Ice or Ric Krazy, they embody the absolute worst traits, as it relates to undesirable things in e-wrestling.

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FWrestling.com was founded in 1994 to promote a community of fantasy wrestling fans and leagues. Since then, we've hosted dozens of leagues and special events, and thousands of users. Come join and prove you're "Even Better Than The Real Thing."

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