Fade in...
Same hotel, same swimming pool. Sugawara probably did the 450 Splash over a hundred times by now, not like she was keeping count, but, to this point, she was sick of it. Flat out sick of it. So, she gave it one more go, then promised herself to go eat afterwards.
Standing on the edge of the diving board was nothing now, and she stared at her reflection again. Under her swimsuit, her stomach and chest were horribly red, the impact of the water slowly taking its toll. But she didn't let that stop her; she had one more splash to do before lunch.
Suddenly, someone rushes in through the doors, killing her concentration, and Suga looks up at one of the women who worked behind the counter in the lobby. "Miss Aitsu Sugawara?"
"Hai?" Suga rose an eyebrow, not really liking how she pronounced her name. Guess that Irish people wasn't use to Japanese names, not like she blamed her.
"Yes, you have a phone call in the lobby. They've been trying to get to your room, but apparently you weren't there." The Irish woman smiled. "Would you like to take the call at the lobby or shall I transfer it to your room?"
The lobby was closer, but she figured the room would give her more privacy. She came to a decision, though, walked off of the diving board. "I'll take it in Lobby."
The Irish woman giggled, and Suga gave her a look. "Sorry, but your accent is funny!"
Resisting the urge to push her into the pool, Sugawara grabbed her towel, doing her best to dry herself off in a such short amount of time, then followed the woman into the Lobby. She was dripping still, and the men would stop and stare, commenting to their buddies. Suga just casually walked by them, not giving them a single thought or glance. They did not matter.
The Irish woman handed Suga the phone, and placing it to her damp ear, Sugawara greeted the caller. "Moshi moshi. Aitsu Sugawara here, who is this?"
The voice that replied was strong, and Suga soon realized who it was. She rolled her eyes, as her father went on in Japanese, disgracing her. He had seen her match against Fairhurst, and needless to say, by the way he was carrying on and on, he was not too thrilled. And what was worse was the fact that his voice carried, and soon the entire lobby was staring at her.
(due to the fact that most people don't know Japanese and the fact I'm too lazy to do the Romanji, I'll have it translated in English)
"What were you thinking? Do you find it humorous that you lost?!"
"No, papa."
"You have dishonored her family and your country, Suga-chan! First you leave to crappy country, then you show yourself to those American beasts! Have you no honor?"
Suga said nothing, rolling her eyes again and leaning against the wall as he went on. There was a small puddle on the floor where she stood, and she noticed the janitor glared at her angrily. She turned away. "I have honor..."
She was forced to bring the phone away from her ear, as his voice climbed, his shouting more noticable then ever. The Irish woman looked at Sugawara, who had a look of 'gee you'd think he was in labor or something', before telling herself to screw her family, and she hung up the phone. The lobby was in peace once again. She gave a bow to the janitor, "Goman nasai..."
The janitor just shook his head and left, going to get a mop. Suga slowly turned towards the people staring at her, grinning sheepishly, giving a cheeky smile. "I... forgot to do something at home. Goman nasai mina-san!"
They just nodded, and she lets out a huge sigh, walking back towards the empty swimming pool. What her father said WAS right, however, she told herself, but she shrugged it away, like the towel that was on her shoulders. Her hunger was gone now, so what was the point of eating at all? The camera man followed her the entire time, much to her dismay. That meant Yeh Shen had seen it, all of it.
The woman sat at the side of the pool, letting her feet relax in the cool water. What was the point in doing the 450 Splashes again? That move would help, but certainly it was not to win her the match. Yeh Shen was stronger than that, much stronger. It would take much more, possibly all she had.
Then, she lowered herself deeper into the pool, wading as another thought came into her head. If and when she did win, what else would lay ahead of her? If she should use all her strength to defeat Yeh Shen Li, what was Miso going to be like? What were the others going to be like?
She took a deep breath; this was the test apparently. Wading deeper, only her eyes and forehead were above water now. Her eyes were black orbs of deep concentration, set hard on one thought and one thought only. If this was not for her country, then this would be for her. Yes, it was selfish, perhaps, but she had to win. Her eyes narrowed, her eyebrows knit with anger.
Sugawara practiced her high flying moves now... but that was nothing without someone being thee to take the hits. Her next stop... the gym perhaps? Maybe a guy there would be willing to fight her.
Yes, that was her plans. But for now, she worked on her endurance, going back and forth, swimming as fast and as long as she can.
The camera fades...