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Yeh Shen Li vs. Aitsu Sugawara


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
*Fade In...

*Belfast, Northern Ireland...

(Cut to the interior of a makeshift training room inside a hotel suite. The camera reveals dozons and dozons of lit waxed candles spread out all over the room. Kneeling in the center of the room, we see one half of the GXW female tag team, Twin Phoenix standing close to the center of this room. Yeh Shen Li is in a kneeling position doing what appears to be some sort of meditation exercise. Aside from the candles, the smell of Oriental incense fill the room with it's rich aroma. Yeh Shen's head is slightly bowed down with her elegant smooth jet black hair hovering slightly over her eyes. She is wearing; black spandex pants with purple trim, an unbuttoned purple with gold trim Mandarin top exposing a black sports bra, and she is barefoot.)

(After a few moments of meditating, Yeh Shen's eyes open, she flings her hair out of her face, then springs up softly but suddenly. Her then starts moving fluently and swiftly around each of the candles almost like she is dancing with the flames. She moves swiftly around each one doing kicks and punches at each one but not knocking over a single candle over. Instead the wind caused by the swift, fast, movements of her body causes the candles to blow out without actually touching them. She moves around each candle blowing out the candles with her moves. Within a few moments, she has blown out every single lit candle in the room. The remnants of smoke from the candle wick is all that is left as it goes up into the air. She takes a bow and then takes a lighter and lights the candles again to repeat the process. While she is doing that, she glances over at the camera crew for the first time and gives off a suble smile. When she is done lighting the candles, she walks over to a chair and sits down in it looking back at the camera crew. The crew moves into position, let's listen in.)

Yeh Shen Li: "You caught me at a very awkward time. I was in the middle of my training. I have a match to get ready for, and I want to be above and beyond my best. Afterall, my oponant deserves nothing less than the best from me."

(She pauses for a moment while she pushes her hair back out of her face as she glances back at the camera for a regroup in thought.)

Yeh Shen: "Here I am in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Outside of my comfort zone from the United States and my hometown of China. Once again I have ventured out into the unknown. Once again I have stepped into a foreign land to compete against another oponant that is just as known to me as this land. Although her english isn't that great yet. It's no different than my own, so I guess I have no room or place to criticize her for the way she talks. How she talks will not affect how she competes in the ring. Those are two totally different things. I expect for nothing but the best from my oponant, Miss Aitsu Sugawara. Granted, by herritage Japanese and Chinese people are almost mortal enemies, so we will have the inherited right to hate one another. However, I am not a so much as a traditional person so I will go against tradition. I will not fight a person just because our herritage tells us we should fight. I shall only fight for one single purpose."

"I want to win."

"This sole purpose will be the only thing that will drive me to be the best in the GXW. Not because of past offenses, previous wars and feuds, etc. I want only one thing and that is to be the absolutely best in the 2003. To rise above and beyond what is expected of me and this so-called accursed women's division. To show that I can truly compete against the men of this federation. I will rise to be the best that they ever was. I will be the one."

"Now Sugawara, nice name miss former model turned wrestler. It's got a catchy ring to it, and you are quite the dish among the male demographic. I've done a little checking up on you plus I watched how you lost to Fairhurst last week, so I know a little bit on what you do. What I want to know is two things:

1) What are you really doing here in the GXW? Are you just here to be eye candy for little men's fantasies, or are you here for something more? What this boils down to how bad do you want to succeed in this federation?

2) Was your loss to Fairhurst a fluke or will it be a chronic thing? Will you lose to me like you lost to Rosanna last week?"

"Bottomline, of what these questions boil down to. Can you beat me? I'm not some beer belly, American, white trash whore of Babylon like some girls. I know how to fight, I know how to win, and I will do whatever it takes to win that doesn't involve compromising my standards or violating my body and my well being. The American pro wrestling business calls what I do as 'paying my dues' and 'earning my stripes.' I'll call it what I want, but I will win."

"I know that you will do anything to bounce back from you loss to Fairhurst last week Aitsu, but unfortunately you will have to do it some other time. You can not bounce back during my match because I won't let you. I will not let you beat me...especially without a fight. You better have your best against me because your going to need it. Now in that match I will show you just how much of 'your best' isn't good enough to beat me. However, it's too soon to tell at this time. I can't talk what I will do to you until we fight in the Odyssey Arena for Onslaught. So I will hold the idle promises and senseless babbles until after the match when I prove to you that your best couldn't beat me."

"Now I will say this, IF you should defeat me. You will have to do it the old fashion way. You'll have to earn the win. You won't earn the win by scratch, biting, and leaving teethmarks. You will not defeat me by showing some skin and making little boys fantasize about you for the next month. The only way you will have to beat me is by pinning my shoulders to the mat for the 1-2-3. Let's face it, the only way if you do that is by stealing the very breath of life from this vessel called a body. Translation, you will have to kill me to beat me because any other way will not do. I will settle for a loss, and I will not settle for losing to of all people...you. I am not thinking bad about you...yet, but I will not lose. This is my vow. You will have to fight for even the littlest win if you are to succeed in this federation. You will have to fight and kill me to move on. I will take to literally to hell and back when we fight in the ring."

"Get ready my friend because hell is coming and she has wings. She flies swiftly like the wind and devours all in her path. Be prepared for the Phoenix rising from the ashed in the year 2003. See you on Onslaught Aitsu. A fitting name to a fitting end. Your end."

(Yeh Shen stands up from her chair and continues her mediatations in the center of the room where we left her while the wax from the candles slowly melt on the plate. The camera gets the hint and fades the camera out.)



Fade In...

It's a regular hotel, and through the lobby walks Aitsu Sugawara. She seems a bit distracted, not her usual bubbly self. She is thinking of what her next opponent, a fellow Asian like herself, has said earlier. You can tell something in on her mind, as she doesn't even bother with the guys that begin to hoot for her in the lobby. Instead, she gets a room and walks towards the elevator. Before getting on, however, she looks at one of the men there.

"Excuse me, where is pool?" She askes sweetly, and they give her directions. She nods her thanks and then enters the elevator. She looks at the camera, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow. "You like followin' me, right? You are welcomed; you seen Yen Shin Li train, so you want to see me train?"

The camera man says nothing as the elevator starts. Suga stares at him, arms still crossed, a hint of anger in her dark black eyes. In her mind was all of her mistakes at the last Onslaught, even though she did enjoy delivering the take out that the American wanted. It was fun... for the few seconds that it lasted.

"I have very different style of training... much different from Yeh Shen Li."

She thought about her opponent very well, as her past match slowly made room for her upcoming challenge. Did she really want to suceed in this federation? Hell yeah she did.

They reach the second floor, and she shifts positions. "This Yeh Shen Li, she very focused, and competitive by looks. That I see well. She says that Chinese and Japanese have long hatred; I see nothing. I see her, and I see a competitor. Another woman like me doing what she does for living."

Third floor warning dings, and the Japanese woman gets closer to the camera, smiling a bit. "I like that. Yes, I was model. I was Shrine Maiden before, then model, then wrestler. I still fresh; I make mistakes, and I see them."

The bell dings, telling her she's on her floor. She ignores it at first, then hits the button to hold the door. "Yen Shen Li, in Japan we have honor, in China, there is honor as well. If you want to think this as an old country rivalry, go ahead. All that matters now... is me, pinning you in the middle of ring. I see that no submission hold will work, nothing but an old fashion fight."

Reaching for the camera, she pulls it closer, "And... don't expect any scratching from me... I expect a good match from you... let's not disappoint one another."

Finally, she opens the door, grabbing her stuff and leaving, the cameraman staying back as she walks to her room, alone. She has a match to train for, and nothing will get in her way this time.

After a few minutes, the camera man gets a bit of nerve to follow Suga into her room, and Suga greets him there, standing in a well oversized Hamptaro t-shirt. Apparently this is her nightgown, and she gives the camera man a look. "What? You expect me sleep in nude?"

Getting no answer, Suga just shakes her head, turning and running to the bed. She leaps on the edge and backflips, lands, and does it again, over and over again. She speaks as she continues.

"I'll be ready this time; Yeh Shen Li, I look forward to this challenge, and I see it as test now. Am I ready for this federation? Can I make it?"

She stops, turning back to the camera, putting her hands on her hips. "You know, Japanese don't like failure. No Asian country does. And I shall not fail Japan for a second time. This match is for my country... and myself."

Sugawara gives a traditional bow, and the camera fades out.


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
*Fade In...

*Belfast, Northern Ireland...

(The camera cuts to the interior of the hotel room of Yeh Shen Li. For now, she has put away the candles and Oriental incense. We see Yeh Shen sitting indian style on her bed while she watches the television across from her. She appears to be emotionless, but it's obvious that she is in deep thought silently contemplating the words reverberating from the television. The camera shows on the television the most latest promo of Aitsu Sugawara with Yeh Shen on her lips and mind. This is the first time Yeh Shen has listened to Aitsu with her as the sole focus of her her promo, so it's almost like Yeh Shen is silently soaking in the moment. The promo finally ends and Yeh Shen turns the television off with the remote, she then turns her attention to the camera crew ready to catch her response to the words of her would be oponant on Onslaught. Let's listen in.)

Yeh Shen Li: "I got your attention. You have mine. We both know we will do anything we can to win. Losing is the farthest from our minds. We both will not disgrace our countries. We know honor. I didn't neccessarily we personally we mortal enemies, but supposedly our countries tend to be. However, we are oponants fight against one another. We are focused on doing one thing only. We want to win. I almost actually wish we could both win; however the truth is there can only be one winner. One of us has to lose. Let me assure you Aitsu that it won't be me. I'm sorry to say this, but you must face defeat a second time. I cannot lose to you. Nothing personal my Oriental sister, but failure is not my option. I will not fail. I not only have the honor of my Chinese homeland, but I also have the honor of my American citizenship that I must protect and to hold. That right there makes my ambition and desire to win all the more greater. I have no doubt in my mind you will give me your all, but in the end it will not matter. I will be the one still standing. I will be the one who will be proclaimed as the winner. However, win or lose, I will make sure that you fight with honor. You will not be disgraced. I will not allow you to live in disgrace and dishonor. You will fight galliantly and with diligence, but in the end I must defeat you. Only because I have to not because I want to. It is what I must do."

"I know you understand because you have said the same thing to yourself about me. It's etched on your heart. You have determined not to be defeated again. That is more than honorable. You have answered all of my questions that I asked you before. You will be truly a honorable oponant in the ring. Yes you will have to fight me the good old fashioned way, but the next question I ask you is:

Will it be enough to beat me?

I unfortunately answer you saying...NO. You can not and you will not beat me. Still you rush off to face me. Again you have my respect, but respect only goes so far. Once that bell rings, we will be mortal enemies until one of us is left standing. That person will be me. I can not let you beat me. I will not let you beat me. This will all come to pass. You have my vow on my word of honor. For my American and Chinese people, I will prevail. Be prepared for the Onslaught. Your onslaught. Until then."

(Yeh Shen slides back into her meditation exercises as he dillerbately ignores the camera crew making it clear that it is time for them to fade out and leave. They silently comply with her hidden message.)



Fade in...

The camera man flips the switch and the power kicks on as he surveys the hotel's swimming pool. It's not really a special swimming pool, especially when compared to the fancier hotel ones. But it has two things that Sugawara enjoys. The deep end went out to nine feet, and there was a diving board. And Suga enjoyed diving boards; how else to practice her high flying moves without risking an injury other than by a diving board?

The camera turns from the view of the diving board, now turning towards the opened doors. Suga walks through the opened doors, a one piece black bathing suit and a towel in one arm. She notices the camera for a second but ignores it. For once she was not aiming to please the hooting men in the audience, but to practice. Perhaps in this match she can execute the 450 Splash properly...

She can only look forward to this match, and she stood at the edge of the diving board, looking down at her reflection in the crystal water. Her jet black hair was pulled back, to stay out of her eyes. Personally she often hated her reflection, but that didn't matter right now. Nothing did. Nothing but the match.

This was no match, but a real brawl. She knew it would take everything to comeback after a rather humiliating loss. This time she'd be ready.

She spread out her arms, giving a little bounce, then flipping forward, executing a perfect 450 Splash. She hit the water hard, the impact actually causing a bit of pain, but she sucked it up and returned to the service. She could see herself doing it in the match in her eyes, and she nodded. But she had to make it better.

So Sugawara swam, climbing up the side and returning to her position on the diving board. She realized she was taking too much time on it, time that Yeh Shen Li could simply roll out or counter. So she didnt give herself time before doing it again. It was not as smooth as the last one, but she only got up and tried again.

The camera man continued to tape, but the only words he heard from her was her self critiquing, and the words 'I can't lose this'. So, the camera fades away in a halfway jump. She was going to prepare herself, and she was NOT going to fail.

Fade out...


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
*Fade In...

*Belfast, Northern Ireland...

(Cut the the interior of the hotel of Yeh Shen Li. As the camera focuses in on Yeh Shen, she is seen pacing back and forth inside the room almost like a caged animal ready to strike. While she is doing this, she hears a knock at the door, she walks up to the door and opens it up to answer it. On the other side, is her best friend since childhood and tag team partner Trynyty Wang. Trynyty, also Chinese, from Shanghei like Yeh Shen, walks in. Trynyty is wearing; light brown baggy Khaki cargo pants hugging the hips slightly exposing her underwear around the edges, a black halter top/sports bra with a purple with gold lining Gazooks Rockstar unbuttoned shirt over it exposing a firm sexy female sixpack, purple high heel pumps. Trynyty walks in, dropping her bags at the door and gives her best friend a hug. They sit down inside the room and start talking to each other. Let's listen in.)

Yeh Shen: "Trynyty, I'm so glad you're here. I've been caged up here like an animal. I can't wait until Onslaught when I fight in my match."

Trynyty Wang: "That bad, does your oponant have you that much worked up Yeh Shen? What did she say to get you this worked up about?"

Yeh Shen: "That's just it, she really hasn't done anything. I just can't wait to fight her. She hasn't done anything except express the desire to win for her country. In many ways, she is just like me or more like you anyway?"

Trynyty: "What's that supposed to mean?"

Yeh Shen: "It doesn't mean anything. She is bubbling and positive like you, but she is determined to win. She has this passion for life and competition. She does remind me alot like you my friend."

Trynyty: "So why does she have you so psyched up to go into this match. Honestly, I have never seen you this reved up for a match. Not even Miso, Fairhurst, Wilson, or Rowe has even driven you to the point of obsession."

Yeh Shen: "I don't know. I don't think I would call it obsession, but maybe it's because we are so competitive and so passionate for our homelands, we'll do anything we can to win."

Trynyty: "I just wanna know why you're so happy to see me at last?"

Yeh Shen: "Because I'm tired of training by myself. I've been caged up in this hotel room slowly watching the time go by until Onslaught. I've been training, but it's not the same when you're by yourself. I would of went out and trained, but I'm not familer with Belfast yet. I kind of wanted somebody to come with me."

Trynyty: "You knew I was coming in for the show didn't you?"

Yeh Shen: "Yeah, you wanted another reason to cheer for your beloved Zell when he fights our friend HellFighter on X-Perience in the first round of the King of the Cage Tournament."

Trynyty: "Don't go there. That wasn't the sole reason why I flew in. If you like I can leave and go stay somewhere else."

Yeh Shen: "I know it wasn't Trynyty. I was only joking, chill out. I really am glad you are here."

Trynyty: "I've seen a little of this Aitsu Sugawara. She seems like she would be a handful, so I guess you have every right to be psyched up. Just don't let it psyche you out."

Yeh Shen: "You know I won't. I never do."

Trynyty: "Just a tip from your best friend. I watched her latest promo. Some of her training consists of jumping off a high dive repeatedly doing a 450 splash into a 9 foot plus pool."

Yeh Shen: "So?"

Trynyty: "So, she reminds me of somebody training in the Olympics. I hope she realizes this isn't figure skating because if she doesn't know that then you can take that as comfort knowing you will prevail. Olympic hopefuls train almost their entire lives just so they can nail that one spectacular move. Wrestlers and martial artists train day in and night out continuously. We can never be too good. There's always room for improvement, and there is always somebody that might come along who's better than us. However that should compel us to strive to be better. Father taught us that back in Shanghei."

Yeh Shen: "I know you're right."

Trynyty: "Don't let your emotions get the best of you Yeh Shen. You have the passion, the desire, the drive to beat her, but your emotions can and will betray you. Remain focused and clear minded. Takes things one step at a time. If she wants to focus on one single move, let her, but I doubt she will if she is the true competitor you make her out to be. Don't worry, I'll be in your corner and cheer you on."

Yeh Shen: "Just don't interfere regardless of what happens."

Trynyty: "I never do. You are capible of fighting and winning your own matches without my held. I will not interfere. Just think of me as you backup just in case if anybody else gets into the match. I mean we do have quite a few enemies in the division and in the GXW."

Yeh Shen: "You're right. Thanks Trynyty."

Trynyty: "What are friends for? Well off the subject, who are you going for in the Hunter/HellFighter match?"

Yeh Shen: "Well since you and more of the population are going for Zell. Somebody has to root for HellFighter. I'll be cheering for him."

Trynyty: "Wanna put money on that."

(Yeh Shen looks at Trynyty with a sense of shock and surprise while Trynyty smiles back and then laughs out loud.)

Trynyty: "I'm joking. I would never bet on my friend. I do feel that Zell can win. Anyway, regardless of who wins, it will be a great match to watch."

Yeh Shen: "Yeah it will, now what do you say you get me out of this hotel room and help me train for my match. I need to get out and see the sights anyway. I hear this is a beautiful country. It would be foolish of me to miss out while waiting for this one time match. This is wrestling not the Olympics."

Trynyty: "Now you're talking."

(Trynyty leaves her stuff in the room, they grab their coats and start to walk out the door. Trynyty starts to say some parting words as Yeh Shen locks up her room.)

Trynyty: "Yeh Shen, you're uptight. You need to loosin up. I know, you need yourself a man...or at least a really good lay."

Yeh Shen: "Trynyty!?!?!?!?!?!"

Trynyty: "Well you do. After a brief training session, we're going out on this town, and you're gonna get yourself a man, if even for one night."

Yeh Shen: "Okay night on the town, just because I need it, but I am not going out solely to get laid. I'm not some cheap tramp."

Trynyty: "Neither am I, but I know how to lighten up."

Yeh Shen: "Maybe I should of stayed in the hotel room."

Trynyty: "Yeah right."

(Yeh Shen and Trynyty walks down the hall disappearing from sight as they continue talking. The camera slowly fades out.)



Fade in...

Same hotel, same swimming pool. Sugawara probably did the 450 Splash over a hundred times by now, not like she was keeping count, but, to this point, she was sick of it. Flat out sick of it. So, she gave it one more go, then promised herself to go eat afterwards.

Standing on the edge of the diving board was nothing now, and she stared at her reflection again. Under her swimsuit, her stomach and chest were horribly red, the impact of the water slowly taking its toll. But she didn't let that stop her; she had one more splash to do before lunch.

Suddenly, someone rushes in through the doors, killing her concentration, and Suga looks up at one of the women who worked behind the counter in the lobby. "Miss Aitsu Sugawara?"

"Hai?" Suga rose an eyebrow, not really liking how she pronounced her name. Guess that Irish people wasn't use to Japanese names, not like she blamed her.

"Yes, you have a phone call in the lobby. They've been trying to get to your room, but apparently you weren't there." The Irish woman smiled. "Would you like to take the call at the lobby or shall I transfer it to your room?"

The lobby was closer, but she figured the room would give her more privacy. She came to a decision, though, walked off of the diving board. "I'll take it in Lobby."

The Irish woman giggled, and Suga gave her a look. "Sorry, but your accent is funny!"

Resisting the urge to push her into the pool, Sugawara grabbed her towel, doing her best to dry herself off in a such short amount of time, then followed the woman into the Lobby. She was dripping still, and the men would stop and stare, commenting to their buddies. Suga just casually walked by them, not giving them a single thought or glance. They did not matter.

The Irish woman handed Suga the phone, and placing it to her damp ear, Sugawara greeted the caller. "Moshi moshi. Aitsu Sugawara here, who is this?"

The voice that replied was strong, and Suga soon realized who it was. She rolled her eyes, as her father went on in Japanese, disgracing her. He had seen her match against Fairhurst, and needless to say, by the way he was carrying on and on, he was not too thrilled. And what was worse was the fact that his voice carried, and soon the entire lobby was staring at her.

(due to the fact that most people don't know Japanese and the fact I'm too lazy to do the Romanji, I'll have it translated in English)

"What were you thinking? Do you find it humorous that you lost?!"

"No, papa."

"You have dishonored her family and your country, Suga-chan! First you leave to crappy country, then you show yourself to those American beasts! Have you no honor?"

Suga said nothing, rolling her eyes again and leaning against the wall as he went on. There was a small puddle on the floor where she stood, and she noticed the janitor glared at her angrily. She turned away. "I have honor..."

She was forced to bring the phone away from her ear, as his voice climbed, his shouting more noticable then ever. The Irish woman looked at Sugawara, who had a look of 'gee you'd think he was in labor or something', before telling herself to screw her family, and she hung up the phone. The lobby was in peace once again. She gave a bow to the janitor, "Goman nasai..."

The janitor just shook his head and left, going to get a mop. Suga slowly turned towards the people staring at her, grinning sheepishly, giving a cheeky smile. "I... forgot to do something at home. Goman nasai mina-san!"

They just nodded, and she lets out a huge sigh, walking back towards the empty swimming pool. What her father said WAS right, however, she told herself, but she shrugged it away, like the towel that was on her shoulders. Her hunger was gone now, so what was the point of eating at all? The camera man followed her the entire time, much to her dismay. That meant Yeh Shen had seen it, all of it.

The woman sat at the side of the pool, letting her feet relax in the cool water. What was the point in doing the 450 Splashes again? That move would help, but certainly it was not to win her the match. Yeh Shen was stronger than that, much stronger. It would take much more, possibly all she had.

Then, she lowered herself deeper into the pool, wading as another thought came into her head. If and when she did win, what else would lay ahead of her? If she should use all her strength to defeat Yeh Shen Li, what was Miso going to be like? What were the others going to be like?

She took a deep breath; this was the test apparently. Wading deeper, only her eyes and forehead were above water now. Her eyes were black orbs of deep concentration, set hard on one thought and one thought only. If this was not for her country, then this would be for her. Yes, it was selfish, perhaps, but she had to win. Her eyes narrowed, her eyebrows knit with anger.

Sugawara practiced her high flying moves now... but that was nothing without someone being thee to take the hits. Her next stop... the gym perhaps? Maybe a guy there would be willing to fight her.

Yes, that was her plans. But for now, she worked on her endurance, going back and forth, swimming as fast and as long as she can.

The camera fades...


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Springfield, Missouri
*Fade In...

*Belfast, Northern Ireland...

*The next morning...

(Cut to the interior of the hotel room of Yeh Shen Li. The temporary quarters during her stay in Belfast until her scheduled match on Onslaught against Aitsu Sugawara. We see Yeh Shen laying in her queen size bed fast sleep. Althought she is covered up, we see bare skin from the shoulders up on the Oriental beauty. Scattered all over the room are clothes, not only female clothing usually worn by the beautiful vixon, but also we see what appears to be male clothing all over the place. In the background we hear the sound of shower water coming from the bathroom. Suddenly Yeh Shen is awaked by the sound of the telephone. She sits up in her bed keeping herself covered. She rubs her head looking like she is in some kind of pain. She reaches down onto the coffee table, passed the Gideon Bible, and picks up the telephone to answer it.)

Yeh Shen Li: (Still rubbing her head as she holds the receiver to her ear.) "Hello? Oh hi Trynyty. Couldn't you call me in a few more hours or something?"

(On the other end is her best friend and tag team partner Trynyty Wang.)

Trynyty Wang: "Not really. You need to get up so you will be all sobered up and trained so you will beable to fight Sugawara on Onslaught."

Yeh Shen: "What?"

Trynyty: "Yeah, the time is ticking down until you fight her."

Yeh Shen: "Whoa...whoa...whoa, wait a minute, why are you calling me, I thought you were staying here?"

Trynyty: "Well after last night. You do remember last night don't you?"

Yeh Shen: "What about last night?"

Trynyty: "Damn you must of had a great time, better than I thought. Anyway last night you and I got out of the hotel room. Spent almost a whole night on the town, had a little too much to drink, and then really loosened up. Boy Yeh Shen, you really needed to break free."

Yeh Shen: "How much did I have to drink?"

Trynyty: "Oh let's see now, you had about a whole bottle of Irish Whiskey, really strong stuff. Man you can hold your Sahki, but heaven forbid you can hold your whiskey. Those irishmen drunk you under the table. That's still not talking the fun you had afterwards, or the sexy irish red head you came home with, hence why I'm next door and not in the apartment with you."

Yeh Shen: "Sexy irish red head? What are you talking about?"

Trynyty: "I'm talking about background noice I'm hearing in your background, you know the sound of a shower going. Yeah that would be your mystery lover taking a shower."

Yeh Shen: "Are you telling me that I brought somebody back to my hotel with me and had a one night stand with them?"

Trynyty: "Kind of, I was gonna say you had really wild sex. I should know, I didn't think I ever get to sleep. Yeah you were screwing like minks for a lack of a better phrase."

(Yeh Shen looks underneath her covers and now seeing she is completely naked underneath, she then sees all the clothes all over the place, and the hears the sound of the shower going on. The look of total shock appears on her face.)

Yeh Shen: "Oh my God Trynyty. I can't believe I just had sex with a total stranger. This is terrible, and it was right before my big singles match. I have a huge hangover. My head is killing me, what am I gonna do?"

Trynyty: "First off, you didn't just have sex with a total stranger. You had sex with a total, absolute, irish hunk of a stranger. I mean this man was gorgeous. If I didn't have Zell, I would of taken him from you, and then you would of been lonely. Let's face it though, he wanted you in everyway. I guess guys like him have a thing for the sexy, traditional, innocent types. Well you bagged him. You should of seen the women who were jealous of you. You weren't even trying Yeh Shen and this guy drew to you like magnitism."

Yeh Shen: "I get the idea. What am I gonna do?"

Trynyty: "Don't worry Yeh Shen. I'm here, I'll help you get all sobered up for your match. It'll be like you didn't even have one drop after I'm done with you. As for your sexy new conquest, you finally lightened up, and it's not like you weren't training. I mean look at it this way, they say sex is one of the all time best exercises."

Yeh Shen: "Gee I feel so much better Trynyty. Thank you so much."

Trynyty: "You're welcome, now I'll over there in about an hour or so in case you and your new live in lover want to get it on again then we'll meet for lunch and get you sobered up. You'll be more than ready for Sugawara."

Yeh Shen: "I hope so."

Trynyty: "I know so. Now I'm gonna let you go, I will talk to you again later."

Yeh Shen: "Okay bye. See you in a little bit."

(Yeh Shen hangs up the telephone. Just then the bathroom door opens, steam pours out of the door, and a very ruggedly handsome Irishmen walks out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel around his waist. He has a very firm build, red hair, green eyes, white skin, and freckles, he is still a little wet as he walks over to Yeh Shen and gives her a kiss on the cheeck.)

Man: "What's wrong?"

Yeh Shen: "Nothing, I just have a lot on my mind including this match I have to fight."

Man: "Oh I'm sure you'll do fine. I'll see you after your match tonight."

Yeh Shen: "Yeah sure."

Man: "Good, just so you know last night was wonderful, and I'm not leaving you any time soon. I'll see you tonight after your match."

Yeh Shen: "Right."

Man: "By the way, my name's Jerome."

Yeh Shen: "Jerome, please to meet you, my name is Yeh Shen."

Jerome: "I know I'm a big fan of your's."

(Jerome leans into to give Yeh Shen another passionate kiss, at first she refuses, but she very easily gives into her desires. The camera fades out.)


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