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League Member
Jul 6, 2007
Las Vegas
From: Billy Lovemuscle billy_lovemuscle@hotmail.com
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2007 4:26 PM
To: The Prez president@newfrontierwrestling.biz
Subject: Upcoming shows in England


Hello from England!

I just wanted to thank you for allowing me the opportunity to be a part of New Frontier Wrestling. Things have been all right – so far so good, and it seems like you have a fairly decent operation going on. I think opening up in England is a smart move, because the Brits sure do like fighting! If you get a chance, give the management team a big ‘two thumbs up’ from me if you can. And can you also thank them for actually putting me on the card? I haven’t yet met any of the other wrestlers so I don’t truly know what I’m in for, but I aim to hold my own and prove to you – and the other wrestlers – that I know what I’m doing and can at least hold my own. I’ve been reading up on the rest of the fellows and I think this Maggot guy and I will do just fine. I may even be able to talk him into getting a drink or two afterwards. I don’t know this Felix Red, but I do know that I’ll be able to give this Teresa Q person the old what-for, and maybe shut her never-ending pie hole. Something tells me the fans would all like to see that…

Well, I guess that’s about all. I just wanted to thank you again.


Billy Lovemuscle

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