revised 6/4/04

These are a few rules or what I like to call them guidelines for the ESW. I'm sure you have seen these before and they hardly ever change from fed to fed.

A few ground rules:

  1. Whatever you do here, have fun!
  2. No linking of roleplays, post all RP's on the rp board.
  3. Do not use another player's character(s) in your role-plays unless permission is granted.
  4. No personal attacks on another player on the OOC or RP boards.
  5. You're bound to lose here, everyone will, it's part of the game.
  6. No racial remarks, at all.
  7. Keep the graphic sexual content to a minimal.
  8. Do not abuse/mane/kill the Interviewers Lee Cyril, Barry Burton, Nanook.
  9. Orginal characters only in the ESW.
  10. And and all abandoned talent (leaving the fed with out telling me) will become property of the ESW and we will do what we like with the abandoned talent.


And now some guidelines, in other feds this would be consider a "Q&A Form" but I don't have the desire to write a 30 page form that no one reads anyways.

  • We use a sim. ie. Matches are not hand writen.
  • The ESW will be holding a weekly TV show called Ultimate Mayhem on Monday nights. We air nationally across the states and every 5-8 weeks we will hold a Pay Per View.
  • While the ESW isn't a "hardcore" theme fed doesn't mean we won't have gimmick matches. But we won't have a gimmick theme match every week. Try to hold off on having a Gimmick match for PPV's and such. It's kinda meaningless to have a gimmick match against some one when it's your first meeting. We would rather see Gimmick matches in storylines unless you are competing for the Survivor title which is a gimmick themed title.
  • Try to work with your fellow players to help develop ideas for angles and storylines.
  • Attacks on the cards are bound to happen. Don't take them personally and remember, "Pay back is a bitch".
  • So far we have 3 voters. A voting council will decide who wins and who loses. I hope to add 2 more voters in the future and try to keep them non playing voters if I can. Their vote is the final say and they have their reasons for voting for or against you. 2 of our active voters aren't active in the fed, (roleplaying wise) so they will gain nothing for voting against you. if you feel you have been "screwed" in the results, feel free to email me and we'll talk about. I can tell you, They won't vote against you because "They hate me".
  • Here at ESW. We hold only one show a week unless announced otherwise. Therefore there is no such thing as a "House show".
  • A benefit you will all share here in ESW is the official ESW gym. Which is also our offices. It's located in the run down and empty Amsterdam Mall in Amsterdam NY. During the summer we also hold shows on top of the parking garage, rain or shine. This would make a nice background for RP's.
  • Any one who likes to pick OOC fights on the OOC boards will NOT be tolerated.
  • If you have questions or concerns, the staff is here to help you. Just drop an e-mail.
  • The ESW has a couple sister feds and every 3-5 months we get together to have fun and have a joint PPV. You don't have to participate if you don't wish to.

Enjoy and have fun!