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You know, I debated long and hard over which issue to cover for the latest edition of Rudy's Rant. I could discuss the whole incestual relationship between the Unholy and the Forsaken.  I could take on the whole Merritt/Thomas issue.  

But there’s something I find even more intriguing.

They’re back. Hornet and Vizzack…at exactly the same time…give or take 24 hours. Two men who were once fast friends, or so Vizzack thought, until Hornet did the unthinkable at ELVIS LIVES. And things were never quite the same. We saw the "Greatest American Hero" go to "Takin’ Care of Business." Vizzack assumed the role of the ultimate babyface, especially after being branded with the TCB symbol by Hornet and Ivy.

And then it all fell apart. Vizzack’s title reign fell into disarray as Hornet continued to interfere. Vizzack tried to distance himself…only to be screwed out of the title. And a week later, Hornet was stripped of the title.

Since then, we’ve seen Hornet seem to realize, at least to some small extent, what his change in character has done to those around him. So much so…that the man behind the suit apparently could live with what the Hornet character had made him. I guess the age-old question is…which came first, the Hero or the Businessman.

But what about Vizzack? He returns to an ovation….but does it with a chair…and with a ferocity that we’ve rarely seen from Vizzack. He’s always been the straightforward one….we weren’t used to him coming out from the crowd, chair in hand.

So what's going to happen between the Daredevil and the former Hero?  Vizzack still has a brand to remind him of what Hornet did.  And Hornet's conscience appears to have finally gotten to him...or has it?  

And then....there's Mike Randalls.  "The Wolf," "The Devastating One," whatever you want to call him....Randalls is intense, a little crazy, but incredibly shrewd.  He's pulled off as much as anyone in his career...but he hasn't been around the CSWA since 1998.  He left before the 'new crop' of superstars like Vizzack, Deacon, Love, Powers and Radder established themselves.

The question to ask yourself there is:  what does Mike Randalls want?  And the answer can be only one of two things.  The first is easy....he wants the belt.  The second is a little more complicated....other than Mark Windham and Hornet, not many of the CSWA's roster was around for the days of Randalls' domination.  Eli Flair and Troy Windham are out, and you never know if Mark Windham's going to show or not.

That tells me that Randalls is back because of one man.  Somehow he knew what Hornet would do at TWS.... maybe that's because Randalls has always been able to get inside Hornet's head.  

All I'm sure of is...between the three of them, we're all in for a bumpy ride.

UPDATED 2/1/00

Updated 4/13/00

I'm Rudy Seitzer, and welcome to CSWA Grapevine, where we track down the rumors running rampant here in the world of wrestling.  As always, I have to start with a standard disclaimer:  we cannot verify any of the rumors reported here.  Some may be true, some may be outright false...but they've all been passed to me by various sources.  So don't come crying to Rudy...got it?

With the CSWA's latest hiatus...literally everything is up in the air.... even more so than usual for around here.  Rumor has it that the major factions in the CSWA may change.  The ranks of the Family, the UnHoly and the Forsaken may break apart...or add members we never thought would join up.

With former World Champ Eli Flair out of action, or so we thought, you'd expect him to be resting up, right?  Wrong.  Word has it that Flair is back in the thick of things in a couple of independent promotions.  No word on when he'll make his return to the CSWA.

As Deacon's 'friend' Faith Hannum continues to make her name...and other parts of her...in the CSWA, I decided to see what else I could dredge up on the young woman.  Oddly enough, I found nothing.  I don't mean that I found no dirt...I mean I found nothingNo public records, no credit reports, nada.  That has never happened in my years of reporting (AKA snooping).  Something's fishy here... and it ain't FISH FUND.

JW Locke made his presence known on day one in the CSWA offices as he rearranged the office layout.  Vice-Commissioner Mark Vizzachero reportedly found all his office materials moved to a smaller office down the hall...while Mr. Locke took over the VC's office.  

Rumor continues to swirl regarding three of the most publicized returns in the CSWA.  Mark Vizzack spoke out at SHOWTIME, while both Hornet and Mike Randalls made appearances as well.  So far, only Vizzack has truly spoken out on what his intentions are.

Details are still sketchy after the events of the past few days in the CSWA... so I'll keep you posted as I learn more. 

That's it for now, Fans... I'll keep you posted.