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Recent content by JonathonWinters

  1. J

    Transitory Champion

    McKail had seen it all within the wrestling industry. He’d witnessed greatness. He’d wrestlers hit rock bottom and become the lowest of the low. He’d seen wrestlers run themselves into the ground just for the approval of the crowd. But most of all, he’d witnessed transitory champions...
  2. J

    Trash Taking's for Pussies...

    McKail smiled, despite himself, as the latest bout of trash talking morons aired on CSWA television flashed onto the screen, each man trying progressively to act tougher than the last. Are people supposed to be intimidated by this? Scared…? Pfft. Please. If asked, they’ll tell you that there...
  3. J

    For Her

    For Her. It was all for her. Mary didn’t know it, but everything he’d ever set out to accomplished was for her. Accomplishing great feats through the inspiration of a great woman was not one of the most original concepts for Jacob McKail to adopt, but at the moment, originality was the...
  4. J

    Just A Few Questions

    I've recently sent in an application and I have a few questions (please don't think I'm impatient or anything, but I WANT ANSWERS AND WANT THEM NOW j/k :p ). 1. Currently, are the apps open? Or is there a waiting list. 2. How long does one have to wait for a response. 3. Whether I'm accepted...

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