Match: Austin vs. Chameleon -- I thought that was a great way to set up a feud, and I can't believe I hadn't thought of the awkward post-match interview. I love Millwood doing those, I can't wait for a 'JUST' MARK one.
Segment: HOF. My only bone to pick is Lamont taking that kind of blade job, but whatever... it's not a broken hip, I guess. If Eddie Mayfield doesn't cut a scathing promo back at this, I'm going to be a sad, sad panda. Same for certain guys in the HFC!
What'd you hate?
The Peter Windham opening, while obviously hilarious on so many levels... just was a jarring intro into things. Am I going to take this show seriously? Are we putting this in the 'BEST OF NFW CGI MOMENTS' DVD set? I think if this didn't start the show, more people might have gotten lured into the show versus questioning where is this all gonna go?
What are you hyped for after reading this, if anything?
I loved the development of angles on this show, which I think everyone should hopefully pay attention to. Obviously with the more official debut of 7, the debut of the VCC and the re-emergence of Alex Austin -- it heavily impacted the OSS, Kid Chameleon (WHERE ARE YOU, KEEEEEEEEGUHHHHHHN?) and obviously Lamont's scalp. 'DIRTY MONEY' forming in the face of Bobby Jack was also awesome... and way less jarring to Peter Windham singing his heart out.
Other thoughts?
The Impulse seg is great to help kick off what obviously will be a 'fighting champion' story from the start, which will mix well with the potential list of upcoming challengers we'll be seeing come out of the GPX and various forming factions post-Windham War. I think we're also seeing that the HFC aren't the same type of 'force' as the Windhams with their current numbers. There's no real reason to not go after them if you're the Guild, the Black Market or a strong tag-team.