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OFFICIAL "I like my wrestlers to have pee-pees" THREAD


Mar 11, 2012
Re: ULTRATITLE Rd. 3 Br. 3+4 Unofficial Post-RP Predictions Thread!

Things I've learned from Spooky: Believing another group is weaker is alright, it's only discrimination if you say it out loud.

Also: FW needs to correct where nature f*cked up.

How the fuck did you get any of that from anything I said? Oh wait, you're making shit up wholesale; carry on.

Hey, I'm a goon myself but as I said: I can only accept the terms as originally stated. If YOU are backing down and revoking the life-time bad mothefu**er avatar title, tell me now. I mean, look at it my way: for your challenge, all I'm gaining is the admission from one person that I'm smarter than them. You can't force tolerance. And you're asking me to grow a beard (fair-haired, cannot) and wear a dress in a public location while riding a bike. No deal.


Jan 1, 1970
Re: ULTRATITLE Rd. 3 Br. 3+4 Unofficial Post-RP Predictions Thread!

I godbooked Lindsay Troy over Blaine Hollywood in NFW Ultratitle Season 1. (2004)

How the **** didn't I die?


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Re: ULTRATITLE Rd. 3 Br. 3+4 Unofficial Post-RP Predictions Thread!

Since I seem to be at the center of the controversy here (Bloxham, you're welcome for taking the heat off of you :)), I feel compelled to address this one last time and explain my intentions, rather than continue to have them blown out of proportion.

First, I like what you did with the title there Brunk.


SpookDoom said:
The point of Codine's promo was how Mikey sucked for losing to a girl. I'm saying that berating an opponent for losing to a girl is stupid in the context of e-wrestling, where female characters should have as much of a chance as male characters. I'm not the target audience, I'm writing and expressing my opinions as someone who wants to make e-wrestling as inclusive as possible. In that context, I judge the line upon which the promo is wrapped upon as weak.

Please point out to me the exact line in which Codine directly made fun of Massacre for losing to a girl. Truth be told, I had no clue they had a match and Mikey pointed it out in his counter roleplay. If anything, I discredited the federation as a whole based upon the fact that a female seemed to be their most dominate/notable wrestler. Would WWE, TNA, WCW, etc. be able to garner ratings, fans, etc. if a female was their most notable wrestler? From a heel standpoint, I discredited the competition of the federation from which he came and boasted of in his accomplishments. After all, the entire point of competition in roleplay is to discredit and/or counter your opponent's roleplays/points.

SpookyDoom said:
And quoted here is **** a publicly traded company should never, ever allow on the air!

Codine going after Mikey for losing to a girl is not a heel tactic, it was meant to delegitimize Mikey's quality as a wrestler in the context of a promo. Except what it really does is delegitimize female e-wrestling champions.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but hasn't the WWF/WWE publicly aired segments in which women were humiliated, attacked, assaulted, etc.? I'm fairly certain that the majority of the male wrestlers on the other end received pushes, titles, etc. afterwards. Yet, somehow, within a promo (roleplay), Codine insinuates that a federation that has a female as their top wrestler during its tenure is weak....it makes for holding down the entire female population.

Just to provide a little background knowledge, when I first broke in to e-wrestling it was with the CSWA. My first program that I worked was with a female handler (Mark Vizzachero's girlfriend) and she helped push me along in the company, providing tips along the way (along with Erik Zieba). I have honestly never come across many female handlers during my time in e-wrestling, but I'm fairly certain that you wouldn't find any that would view me or my character in the picture that you're trying to paint.

Personally, I worked as a professional wrestler on the independent circuit along the east coast for about eight years (which contributed to my layoff from the e-wrestling world). During that time, I worked as both a face and heel. My most successful stint was as a champion in which I wrestled girls as a heel. I eventually lost my title to Mickey James (she wrestled as Alexis Laree at the time). Guess who wrote that script at the time....me, as I enjoyed the behind the scenes/writing aspect better than the actual performing. Therefore, I have no personal issues with females in organized sports.

SpookyDoom said:
Popular concensus /= truth.

Based upon those that have voiced their opinion in this thread, who exactly supports your opinion? The popular concensus seems to be interpreting the angle of the roleplays in the ways in which it was intended.

Overall, here's a quick summary....

1. Kendall Codine is a heel (always has been and you can check with those that know me for reference).

2. The progression of Codine throughout this tournament has been that he lacked confidence from the beginning after being away so long (also noted in the story type roleplays posted in the hype section), but as he progresses, he's starting to display more of the heel like qualities that he displayed during his peak as a wrestler.

3. I personally do not hate or dislike women. I have been married for six years and have a daughter. I also own a female boxer. Ultimately, I am surrounded by women (not as many as Jamar though :)).

4. Codine never officially pointed out that Massacre lost to a girl (he did that first in his initial reply). Codine simply discredited the organizations from which he built his career in terms of success. Essentially, the entire point of roleplaying in general.

5. I would never discourage a female handler and/or female wrestler from competing in e-wrestling. In fact, I've invited my wife to pariticipate, but she thinks I'm a nerd.

6. I too have grievances when it comes to other characters in this tournament. For example, I think that it is weak to base a character's story upon the fact that they are supposedly the nephew of an actual wrestler. Furthermore, I think that it is proportionally impossible for a person to be 5'7", 195 lbs., yet be ripped and possibly mistaken as a bodybuilder (while somehow being a high-flying luchador at the same time). I am 5'7" and I can assure you that at any point in my life, if it hit the 195 lb. mark, I would be fat.

Ultimately, you are entitled to your opinion, but I can assure you that your interpretation of the roleplay is incorrect. There's nothing more that I can say on the topic and it most likely won't sway your opinion one way or another. I think it was summed up best with the following....

brusch said:
...Codine's a heel right?

...and Codine made comments that made you angry and not like him? Made him look smarmy and "weak" from your viewpoint, and made you want him to lose?

...k. I'm going to watch both Kills Bill and wash these 11 pages out of my mind now.

My job here is done.


The best handler ever since 2012: He is a gem
Jul 12, 2007
Re: ULTRATITLE Rd. 3 Br. 3+4 Unofficial Post-RP Predictions Thread!

I was going to make a Hulk-a-thon joke here but that was after it all :(


Mar 11, 2012
Re: ULTRATITLE Rd. 3 Br. 3+4 Unofficial Post-RP Predictions Thread!

Please point out to me the exact line in which Codine directly made fun of Massacre for losing to a girl. Truth be told, I had no clue they had a match and Mikey pointed it out in his counter roleplay.

True: Codine is saying that no e-fed should have a girl as its champ and I took it to mean Mikey sucks for losing to a girl. I got the detail wrong, but the point stands: your talking point of Mikey being less than a champ for working in a female-dominated e-fed is weak. Here's the quote from the promo, btw.

Don’t get me wrong Mikey….Lisa Seldon sounds like a formidable foe. I mean, the vary name strikes fear in my heart each time I release it from my mouth. However, one would think that you wouldn’t boast about competition in what seems to be a woman’s wrestling league. There are several things that woman do better than men….




Wrestling SHOULD NOT be one of them.

It's the same quote as last time I quoted you.

If anything, I discredited the federation as a whole based upon the fact that a female seemed to be their most dominate/notable wrestler. Would WWE, TNA, WCW, etc. be able to garner ratings, fans, etc. if a female was their most notable wrestler? From a heel standpoint, I discredited the competition of the federation from which he came and boasted of in his accomplishments. After all, the entire point of competition in roleplay is to discredit and/or counter your opponent's roleplays/points.

That last line ties into what I said: you wanted to discredit Mikey for being champ in an e-fed which pushes female talents as top stars and not for being beaten by a girl but instead Codine is saying e-feds which push female champions sucks. You might be going for heelness for the sake of heelness but as a talking point, the line fails because in e-wrestling, female characters should be as respectable as male characters to remove bias.

The rest of what you wrote is window dressing. If there's a specific point that you think I missed, write it on it's own and I'll address it.


League Member
Apr 12, 2008
Re: ULTRATITLE Rd. 3 Br. 3+4 Unofficial Post-RP Predictions Thread!

When has that ever been the rule?

I'm still quite surprised to see you taking a hardline girls-are-weak position here when your old partner in crime c.apple was ready to push Heidi as the next big thing back in 2002 when even I wasn't ready to do that.

As far as Codine or anyone else saying "LOL you lost to a girl" (or its rough equivalent) in an RP, there's nothing inherently wrong with it, but if someone responded to that with "LOL get with the times dumbass", I'd give the strength-of-argument victory to the responder. Just because it's "something a heel would say" doesn't mean it's a smart thing to say.


Mar 11, 2012
Re: ULTRATITLE Rd. 3 Br. 3+4 Unofficial Post-RP Predictions Thread!

Again, where is that written?

It's from the book of not rating promos on gender bias. Someone wants to play a female wrestler? Not unheard of in real life. Why are you not making it happen?


League Member
Jan 1, 2000
Re: ULTRATITLE Rd. 3 Br. 3+4 Unofficial Post-RP Predictions Thread!

True: Codine is saying that no e-fed should have a girl as its champ and I took it to mean Mikey sucks for losing to a girl. I got the detail wrong, but the point stands: your talking point of Mikey being less than a champ for working in a female-dominated e-fed is weak. Here's the quote from the promo, btw.

And WHERE does Codine directly make fun of Massacre for losing to a girl? Does he discredit Massacre for boasting about his accomplishments in a fed where a female wrestler dominates the organization? Absolutely. Please tell which heel in e-wrestling, WWE, TNA, etc. wouldn't do the same. ALL heels would focus directly on that fact alone in any sport, as the common view in most cultures is that men are superior to women when it comes to athletics. Is it right? No, but from a heel standpoint, absolutely.

That last line ties into what I said: you wanted to discredit Mikey for being champ in an e-fed which pushes female talents as top stars and not for being beaten by a girl but instead Codine is saying e-feds which push female champions sucks. You might be going for heelness for the sake of heelness but as a talking point, the line fails because in e-wrestling, female characters should be as respectable as male characters to remove bias.

Where is it written in the e-wrestling universe that female characters should be as respected as male characters? Perhaps that's your personal opinion, but its not an unwritten rule. Granted I've been away from e-wrestling for quite some time, I'm fairly certain that "rule" hasn't been inserted into the common expectations of this hobby.

Ultimately, my roleplays have been criticized for being sexist (only by you I might add) and the fact that the word "promo" was used "too much" (three times in over 500+ words of typed dialogue). If those are my biggest criticisms, then I can live with it.

AngerManagement said:
KRobinson owns a female boxer?

I own a female boxer as in the breed of dog....just to clarify. I don't want Spooky to report me for harboring female athletes against their will.


Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX
Re: ULTRATITLE Rd. 3 Br. 3+4 Unofficial Post-RP Predictions Thread!

From now on, I'm bashing female characters nonstop, and then, I'm peeing on them. And I will win.




Jan 1, 2000
San Francisco, CA
Re: ULTRATITLE Rd. 3 Br. 3+4 Unofficial Post-RP Predictions Thread!

I just lost to someone who practically raped another character in the fed at knife point as part of his RP..

I'm too depressed to continue this conversation.


Mar 11, 2012
Re: ULTRATITLE Rd. 3 Br. 3+4 Unofficial Post-RP Predictions Thread!

And WHERE does Codine directly make fun of Massacre for losing to a girl?

True: Codine is saying that no e-fed should have a girl as its champ and I took it to mean Mikey sucks for losing to a girl. I got the detail wrong, but the point stands: your talking point of Mikey being less than a champ for working in a female-dominated e-fed is weak.

Does he discredit Massacre for boasting about his accomplishments in a fed where a female wrestler dominates the organization? Absolutely. Please tell which heel in e-wrestling, WWE, TNA, etc. wouldn't do the same. ALL heels would focus directly on that fact alone in any sport, as the common view in most cultures is that men are superior to women when it comes to athletics. Is it right? No, but from a heel standpoint, absolutely.

You might be going for heelness for the sake of heelness but as a talking point, the line fails because in e-wrestling, female characters should be as respectable as male characters to remove bias.

Where is it written in the e-wrestling universe that female characters should be as respected as male characters? Perhaps that's your personal opinion, but its not an unwritten rule. Granted I've been away from e-wrestling for quite some time, I'm fairly certain that "rule" hasn't been inserted into the common expectations of this hobby.

It's from the book of not rating promos on gender bias. Someone wants to play a female wrestler? Not unheard of in real life. Why are you not making it happen?

We're going in circles and any more arguments isn't getting anyone anywhere. I'm out.


League Member
Apr 15, 2012
Re: ULTRATITLE Rd. 3 Br. 3+4 Unofficial Post-RP Predictions Thread!

Why am I not making your weird adherence to a non-existent demand for male/female equality in our pretend world of professional wrestling happen?

Because when I decided to participate in a game that simulates/re-creates the world of professional wrestling, mandating gender equality isn't part of it for me. That seems to be some **** you just made up.


Where's my money, Chad?
Jul 3, 1997
The Silk Road
Re: ULTRATITLE Rd. 3 Br. 3+4 Unofficial Post-RP Predictions Thread!

Why am I not making your weird adherence to a non-existent demand for male/female equality in our pretend world of professional wrestling happen?

Because when I decided to participate in a game that simulates/re-creates the world of professional wrestling, mandating gender equality isn't part of it for me. That seems to be some **** you just made up.

Because only through e-wrestling can we solve the world's problems. Duchess banging Dan Ryan over the head with her Louis Vuitton handbag for the W is just one small step.

So is anybody up for an angle involving Lady Freedom, a bukkake, and an inflatable backyard pool filled with urine and pulled pork? I swear to god it's going to be tasteful.


Main Event Caliber
Apr 16, 2012
St. Louis, MO
Re: ULTRATITLE Rd. 3 Br. 3+4 Unofficial Post-RP Predictions Thread!

Because only through e-wrestling can we solve the world's problems. Duchess banging Dan Ryan over the head with her Louis Vuitton handbag for the W is just one small step.So is anybody up for an angle involving Lady Freedom, a bukkake, and an inflatable backyard pool filled with urine and pulled pork? I swear to god it's going to be tasteful.
I'll enter Czar Nikolai "Ball-Kicker" O'Hanahan, the Russian coconut-throwing basketball kicking woman-hater, into that angle


Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX
Re: ULTRATITLE Rd. 3 Br. 3+4 Unofficial Post-RP Predictions Thread!

We're going in circles and any more arguments isn't getting anyone anywhere. I'm out.


I had SIXTEEN pages in the "how long before Spooky realizes this argument is pointless" pool!

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