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Stacy Jones

League Member
Feb 21, 2015
There's a difference between giving criticism and completely shitting all over someone for something as small as using colour in RP's.

He is entitled to his opinion, everyone is, but if you're going to give your opinion on this kind of thing, you don't shit all over that person. We all work hard on our RP's and of course I'm going to take it personally if someone tells me that I'm a shitty, uncreative writer just because I used colour in my RP's!

If someone doesn't like people using colour, I have no issues with people telling me that, but they should be telling me in a way that doesn't completely shoot me down by calling me a shitty writer.

I know this is a hobby, I do this because I enjoy writing and I am always happy to hear any kind of criticism on my work but there's a respectful way to do it and Ben didn't do that so you bet I'm going to be pissed about it. Nobody wants someone telling them they're a shitty, uncreative writer just because they do something that person doesn't like.

If anyone on here doesn't like people using colour or people writing in a certain way, say it like 'I personally don't like the use of colour or I personally don't like the way this or that was written', don't go and say 'Oh you're a shitty, uncreative writer because you use colour' or whatever, there's a certain level of respect involved and if someone can't make a criticism in a respectful manner, well they just need to take a long hard look at themselves.

I came here to have fun and show other people my writing, I didn't come here for someone to shit all over my work and say that I'm an uncreative shitty writer just because I did something they don't like.

Jesse Ramey

New member
Apr 16, 2007
Harts, WV
I see.

Totally right, many people being upset is completely my e-fed's fault.

Chad didn't like the way I handled it on the site he pays for and runs, so i respectfully pulled it off of his server. From what I can see, it's on you people now.

I never blamed you for the problem Ben, I just know from what I've been told that one of the judges that is a part of UTA had admitted to saying in a UTA atmosphere that one of the judges had ranked Mike Best low for some reason or another. Then Best got his confirmation that it was me when Colin was questioning shady judging on an EFG and I tried to solve the problem for him by looking into it. The Mike Best situation was told to be the issue and Colin thought that Jorden Snow had ranked Mike Best low for shady reasons and at that point I came out and said it was me who had ranked him low and explained why I had to Colin. To which Colin accepted my reasoning and knew I hadn't done it out of any kind of spite or malice, but my acknowledging of the situation spawned what happened thereafter. My list would have been public knowledge regardless after the match was posted, but the fact that other people saw fit to talk about it beforehand is the problem and the only judge who has admitted talking about it said it happened at UTA. I'm not pointing fingers, that was a complete admission that it happened on behalf of that judge. So, unless Jorden Snow is the one who made the situation worse then the only other person it could have been was Keegan, because I only spoke to Jorden, Keegan, and Chris about my judges ballot because they approached me about.


Reverend Asshole
Jan 16, 2006
I never blamed you for the problem Ben, I just know from what I've been told that one of the judges that is a part of UTA had admitted to saying in a UTA atmosphere that one of the judges had ranked Mike Best low for some reason or another. Then Best got his confirmation that it was me when Colin was questioning shady judging on an EFG and I tried to solve the problem for him by looking into it. The Mike Best situation was told to be the issue and Colin thought that Jorden Snow had ranked Mike Best low for shady reasons and at that point I came out and said it was me who had ranked him low and explained why I had to Colin. To which Colin accepted my reasoning and knew I hadn't done it out of any kind of spite or malice, but my acknowledging of the situation spawned what happened thereafter. My list would have been public knowledge regardless after the match was posted, but the fact that other people saw fit to talk about it beforehand is the problem and the only judge who has admitted talking about it said it happened at UTA. I'm not pointing fingers, that was a complete admission that it happened on behalf of that judge. So, unless Jorden Snow is the one who made the situation worse then the only other person it could have been was Keegan, because I only spoke to Jorden, Keegan, and Chris about my judges ballot because they approached me about.

You know Mike Best is not in the UTA right?

And that anything talked about prior today from the UTA was in the UTA only members chat, in which we do have two of the judges apart of the product.

Oh and we promoted Battlemania in our show results. You know that too right?

To be quite honest, I believe the drama started when you made your PUBLIC post about Best. He didn't help the situation either, but how dare you say it came from my fed when everything was private discussions. How dare you, say this is my fed's fault, but point fingers at Mike and such.

Fuck off with that. You fucking drama queen.

Jesse Ramey

New member
Apr 16, 2007
Harts, WV
You know Mike best is not in the UTA right?

And that anything talked about prior today form the UTA was in the UTA only members chat, in which we do have two of the judges apart of the product.

Oh and we promoted battlemania in our show results. you know that too right?

To be quite honest, I believe the drama started when you made your post about Best. he didn't help the situation either, but how dare you say it came from my fed when everything was private discussions. How dare you, say this is my fed's fault, but point fingers at Mike and such.

Fuck off with that. You fucking drama queen.

Honestly, I've never had any problems with you, but I don't know if you're just reading bits and pieces of what I said or just zoning out what you don't want to see.

Said judge in question, admitted saying that one of the judges had ranked Mike Best low in your members only chat. If it happened there then it's just as easily that anyone within UTA could have said something about it to anyone else outside of UTA.

The drama had been going about the issue before my post was even made, so I'm failing to see how that started everything. People thought there was an issue and when I tried to clear things up it ended up that whatever rumors were going around about shady judging had been about me the entire time.

I also fail to see how defending myself when I'm called out on a personal level, not in character, is being a drama queen. Before this entire debacle of a mess had happened I've kept to myself, and stuck within my own circle. Quite frankly the biggest reason I didn't want anything to do with Battlemania to begin with was because of the potential for crap like this happening, and the only reason I stuck my neck out on the line for any of this was because I've been such good friends with Ernie for so long and it was something he wanted to do.

He's never shot down anything I've ever told him he wanted to do and far be it from me to do the same thing to him.


Reverend Asshole
Jan 16, 2006
Ben, he just hates us cause he ain't us.
Peanut butter and jealous.

No, it's just trying to deflect the situation onto others when he was apart of the problem.

I wanted to walk away from replying to this here, but when I have someone who can't just man up and say "Well, maybe it didn't go as well as we thought it would guys. Sorry." trying to say our e-fed, as a whole, is the reason for this "drama" I take offense.

Was my feedback written in a disrespectful way? Yes, I was full of emotions. Did I remove it when I read Chad's post and realized I was wrong? Yep.

Why is Ramey still trying to shove his problems on me/my fed?

What a poor example as a respected leader in my personal opinion.


Reverend Asshole
Jan 16, 2006
Said judge in question, admitted saying that one of the judges had ranked Mike Best low in your members only chat. If it happened there then it's just as easily that anyone within UTA could have said something about it to anyone else outside of UTA.

Hey dumb fuck.. this means that SOME judge of Battlemania said it to someone outside of the judges first.

This is totally on you guys.

Once again. Fuck off you fucking drama queen.

Jesse Ramey

New member
Apr 16, 2007
Harts, WV
Point in case, I was not a leader in any of this, again see zoning out and not reading what I say in full. I had no part in the planning or anything else to do with this tournament other than being a judge. We were told from day one that our opinions on anything outside of judging were pretty much useless and we could just keep them to ourselves. I stepped in two days before the match was posted to offer my assistance as a writer.

Deflecting a situation onto your fed? No, a member of your roster who was a judge flat out told Keegan that he had discussed the fact that Mike Best was ranked low on a particular judges ticket in your member's only chat. I fail to see in the very least how pointing out a fact that was given to someone is deflecting in the least little bit.


Reverend Asshole
Jan 16, 2006
I had no part in the planning or anything else to do with this tournament other than being a judge.

Meaning you are partially responsible for this debacle.

We were told from day one that our opinions on anything outside of judging were pretty much useless and we could just keep them to ourselves. I stepped in two days before the match was posted to offer my assistance as a writer.

Well, someone took the liberty to not care and talk. Whether it was you or not, it was a JUDGE.

Deflecting a situation onto your fed? No, a member of your roster who was a judge flat out told Keegan that he had discussed the fact that Mike Best was ranked low on a particular judges ticket in your member's only chat. I fail to see in the very least how pointing out a fact that was given to someone is deflecting in the least little bit.

Wouldn't have been discussed if you judges would have been fair, unbiased, as well as stayed to yourself. I'm sure it was talked about in many places since you judges where the ones who fucked up. Get my fed's name out of your dirty whore mouth.

Point in case, I was not a leader in any of this, again see zoning out and not reading what I say in full.
How's that for reading your whole post.

Fuck off you fucking drama queen.


Apr 6, 2012
At least the boards utility bills will be low this month. All this heat is gonna keep this place nice and toasty for a while.


Staff member
Jun 26, 2009
Who called it that letting Polowy be involved with anything FW related was a mistake?

Oh yeah, that was me. Can somebody confirm that?

Also, I'd like to personally congratulate everyone who participated, whether you sucked or not, you tried, which is more than a lot of people can say. I hope somebody throws some flour on this fire and we can get padt it and onward (hopefully) to the next ULTRATITEL (sometime before the end of 2017) competition.


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