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League Member
Jul 1, 2005
Long Island, NY
"Warning, what you are about to see may not be suitable for anyone under the age of 18."

:::::It’s 12:00 noon on a busy afternoon. The clouds are rolling in, hiding the sun from a bright an sunny day. The heat is still high even when the wind blows. Hundreds of people walking on the sidewalks of New York, block to block covered as they pass several cars in traffic. They continue stare as he walks by. His scars are the first thing they notice, but the burns on his back are the last thing they see before they are blinded by everyone walking by.

Through the sliding glass doors and into a building, it looks as if it’s been a very popular place. The tiny waterfall in the front lobby makes the place look very rich and clean. Ladies walking in high heels can be hard passing by on the marble floor while even the sound of his boots makes a presence. The lobby is not very quiet, as employees are running through and taking care of business as they rush to get on their lunch breaks. When a women passes by, she drops a folder, causing a few sheets to drop onto the floor with the CSWA logo printed at the top like a cover letter. Smash does not even take a second to look down to help until the young women bends down to pick up the papers.

Smash glances at the women as her tight skirt rises a bit when she bends down. The lady stops for a second, then stares up to find Jay Smash still staring, but with his hair down over his eyes and a look as if he hasn’t had sleep in a couple of days. The lady notices a black steel chair in his hands with the Gold Rush acceptance sheet held over it. She stands up with the papers and lifts her arm up at Jay Smash.:::::

The Skirt: Are you Jay Smash? It’s… It’s nice to meet you, my name is Kathleen, and I work for the CSWA. You don’t have to wait here in line if you don’t want to… I

:::::Jay Smash takes what Kathleen says as a way to push himself forward. Smash begins to pull people out of line while they watch Jay Smash get closer to the desk. At the front, a buff young man tries to join the Gold Rush tournament to prove how good he is right away, but the desk won’t allow him to participate. The young man argues with the manager at the desk until Smash taps on the young man’s shoulder.:::::

Young Man: Quit it… Listen I’ve got every right to be in that tournament like everyone else and if you don’t accept me I’ll….

:::::Jay Smash taps on the young man’s shoulder once again, this time he turns around to yell at Jay Smash only to find himself at level with the top of his chest. The young man cuts off before saying anything, then he walks out of line, a little shocked to see the EUWC World Heavyweight Championship on the man’s shoulder. When the young man walks away, Jay Smash moves forward and the manager looks up and smiles at Smash.:::::

Manager: Yes sir, how may I help you?

Jay Smash: I’ve received this paper from someone who remains anonymous.

Manager: I’m sorry, we are no longer taking the acceptance sheet up here at the desk, you are going to have to find one of the CSWA employees that are running the Gold Rush tournament, thank you.

Jay Smash: You are a CSWA employee aren’t you?

Manager: Listen sir, as you can see, we are very busy, and… oh my, you’ve got a lot of cuts and bruises there, you should really get those checked… Sorry, you will have to exit the line and find someone that is working on the tournament, okay?

:::::The manager turns his head down with bulging eyes for a moment, then continues to work while both hands down on the desk. Smash stares at the manager for a moment before raising his chair in the air and slamming the steel down on the hands of the manager! The bones can be heard cracking from the shot, while the desk has a dent left in it with the manager’s hands shoved inside. The manager begins to cry out with a loud yell in the lobby that stops everyone from walking and talking. Kathleen runs over and grabs Jay Smash by the arm to turn him around.:::::

Kathleen: What the hell is wrong with you!?

:::::Jay Smash turns back to the manager, grabs his hands from the desk and begins to squeeze as he pulls him forward.:::::

Kathleen: Please stop! We need help! Security!

Jay Smash: Now, can you help me find exactly who I am supposed to give this paper to?

Manager: Ahh, Ahhh, uh, ummm, oh god, Kath-leen, can help you. Sh… sh… she is r… r-running the tournament, please help me, someone, oh god….

:::::Jay Smash drops the manager’s hands, then pulls Kathleen by the arm and begins to drag her through the lobby and towards the elevator. When the elevator doors open, security finally runs down the stairs and to the lobby. The elevator doors shut, and they head up the building while people in the lobby point to the elevator.::::

Kathleen: Let me go! What is wrong with you, do you have any kind of respect for anyone? You are a sick human being!

Jay Smash: I’m accepting the invitation to the Gold Rush tournament. Here.

:::::Jay Smash hands the sheet to Kathleen who grabs it then looks away. Smash continues to stare down at Kathleen till she looks back up at him.:::::

Kathleen: What!

:::::The elevator doors open and both Kathleen and Smash walk out. They walks down the hallway then enter an office where Kathleen walks over behind the desk and Jay Smash stands at the door.:::::

Kathleen: Okay, I want to get this over with as quick as possible because it’s safe to say that I don’t like you and I don’t want to see your face ever again, so if you can get a little closer, sit down and sign a few things that would be just terrific.

:::::Jay Smash does not sit right away, but instead slowly looks around the office, at pictures of Kathleen with several historic wrestlers. He looks calm as he takes a look around, until one picture catches his eye. An image of Kathleen as a child, standing with his father James Smash.:::::

Jay Smash: You’ve met my father…

Kathleen: I’ve met a lot of people Mr. Smash, now please just sign these documents so you can join the tournament, and we can go on with our own lives.

Jay Smash: Why so upset? You don’t think someone else has been thinking about breaking that guys hands and watching him cry? You have never thought about doing something to him?

Kathleen: That’s not the point. Thinking about it and doing it is different.

Jay Smash: That’s bottled up emotion right there. You sound angry on the inside.

Kathleen: Are you my psychiatrist now?

Jay Smash: So you have a psychiatrist for this problem then?

Kathleen: What? No, you’re changing the subject!

Jay Smash: I think I know you very well at this point Kathleen. I can tell you’ve loved wrestling since you were a child. You’ve met some very popular superstars that have probably taught you a lot as a child as they did for me. You were probably a bright student, you made it to college and got a job here in the CSWA, working with wrestlers. I’m sure you have seen me around, I’ve been in several federations before hitting it big. You also probably know a lot about everyone as well, being that bright individual that you are you know that I’ve had some tragedies that have made me the way that I am. I can’t control my urges Kathleen. Some urges are better than others. For example, I had the urge to break that man’s hands downstairs in the lobby, but I also have the urge to push off all these papers from your desk and see what you’re hiding under that tight skirt of yours. And by the sound of it, you are holding back… I can tell there is something on your mind as well… You like scars?

Kathleen: You… You’re wrong about me… I wasn’t that bright in High School, and I didn’t graduate college to get this job. And I have hit that guy downstairs before….

Jay Smash: Really?

Kathleen: Mhmm… Hard.

Jay Smash: Well then… Maybe I should sign these paper now.

:::::Before Smash can lift the pen, Kathleen grabs Smash’s hand. Smash drops his hand away from the pen and watches as Kathleen stands up and walks over to Smash. Smash stays in his seat while Kathleen sits on top of Smash and begins to slowly connect her lips with his. Smash begins to grow more aggressive, then grabs Kathleen up as she locks her legs around Smash’s back. Smash shoves the papers off the desk, then drops Kathleen on the desk. Smash pops the buttons off Kathleen’s skirt, then opens the shirt wide open to reveal her bra. Smash begins to shove his face between Kathleen’s breasts while tearing the bra off her chest. The image is hidden through Kathleen’s shirt, but Smash begins to bite down on her nipple, then sucks away as she moans and scratches her finger nails across Smash’s back. Smash moves down her body, then slips off Kathleen’s panties through her skirt. Smash shoves his head down her skirt as Kathleen grips the edge of the desk and shuts her eyes tight, loving every second.

Before Smash can go any further, there is a knock at the door and an announcement that security is on there way up. Smash’s head comes back from under Kathleen’s skirt as he wipes his mouth off. Kathleen sits up and begins to button her shirt back up while Smash signs the documents on the floor. After Smash signs the documents, he hands them to Kathleen who continues to fix her outfit and clean up the mess on the floor. Security knocks once, when Kathleen helps Smash escape through another room in the office and out a window’s fire escape. The security finally breaks the door down to find Kathleen sitting at her desk with everything back on her desk, and no sign of Jay Smash anywhere.:::::

Security: We’re sorry Miss Kat, we thought that guy from the lobby might still be here. If you hear anything, just call down to the front desk.

Kathleen: Okay, no problem.

Security: Mmm, it smells good in here, new perfume?

Kathleen: Thanks, I’ll call if I hear anything, bye.

:::::The security walks out and shuts the door, leaving Kathleen in her office alone. Kathleen stands up and runs to the window to see if Smash got away, but there was no sign of anyone in the alley out the window. But the documents have been signed, and it is now official… Jay Smash will be at the CSWA’s Gold Rush tournament.:::::


Jan 1, 2000
Jay_Smash said:
"Warning, what you are about to see may not be suitable for anyone under the age of 18."

:::::It’s 12:00 noon on a busy afternoon. The clouds are rolling in, hiding the sun from a bright an sunny day. The heat is still high even when the wind blows. Hundreds of people walking on the sidewalks of New York, block to block covered as they pass several cars in traffic. They continue stare as he walks by. His scars are the first thing they notice, but the burns on his back are the last thing they see before they are blinded by everyone walking by.

Through the sliding glass doors and into a building, it looks as if it’s been a very popular place. The tiny waterfall in the front lobby makes the place look very rich and clean. Ladies walking in high heels can be hard passing by on the marble floor while even the sound of his boots makes a presence. The lobby is not very quiet, as employees are running through and taking care of business as they rush to get on their lunch breaks. When a women passes by, she drops a folder, causing a few sheets to drop onto the floor with the CSWA logo printed at the top like a cover letter. Smash does not even take a second to look down to help until the young women bends down to pick up the papers.

Smash glances at the women as her tight skirt rises a bit when she bends down. The lady stops for a second, then stares up to find Jay Smash still staring, but with his hair down over his eyes and a look as if he hasn’t had sleep in a couple of days. The lady notices a black steel chair in his hands with the Gold Rush acceptance sheet held over it. She stands up with the papers and lifts her arm up at Jay Smash.:::::

The Skirt: Are you Jay Smash? It’s… It’s nice to meet you, my name is Kathleen, and I work for the CSWA. You don’t have to wait here in line if you don’t want to… I

:::::Jay Smash takes what Kathleen says as a way to push himself forward. Smash begins to pull people out of line while they watch Jay Smash get closer to the desk. At the front, a buff young man tries to join the Gold Rush tournament to prove how good he is right away, but the desk won’t allow him to participate. The young man argues with the manager at the desk until Smash taps on the young man’s shoulder.:::::

Young Man: Quit it… Listen I’ve got every right to be in that tournament like everyone else and if you don’t accept me I’ll….

:::::Jay Smash taps on the young man’s shoulder once again, this time he turns around to yell at Jay Smash only to find himself at level with the top of his chest. The young man cuts off before saying anything, then he walks out of line, a little shocked to see the EUWC World Heavyweight Championship on the man’s shoulder. When the young man walks away, Jay Smash moves forward and the manager looks up and smiles at Smash.:::::

Manager: Yes sir, how may I help you?

Jay Smash: I’ve received this paper from someone who remains anonymous.

Manager: I’m sorry, we are no longer taking the acceptance sheet up here at the desk, you are going to have to find one of the CSWA employees that are running the Gold Rush tournament, thank you.

Jay Smash: You are a CSWA employee aren’t you?

Manager: Listen sir, as you can see, we are very busy, and… oh my, you’ve got a lot of cuts and bruises there, you should really get those checked… Sorry, you will have to exit the line and find someone that is working on the tournament, okay?

:::::The manager turns his head down with bulging eyes for a moment, then continues to work while both hands down on the desk. Smash stares at the manager for a moment before raising his chair in the air and slamming the steel down on the hands of the manager! The bones can be heard cracking from the shot, while the desk has a dent left in it with the manager’s hands shoved inside. The manager begins to cry out with a loud yell in the lobby that stops everyone from walking and talking. Kathleen runs over and grabs Jay Smash by the arm to turn him around.:::::

Kathleen: What the hell is wrong with you!?

:::::Jay Smash turns back to the manager, grabs his hands from the desk and begins to squeeze as he pulls him forward.:::::

Kathleen: Please stop! We need help! Security!

Jay Smash: Now, can you help me find exactly who I am supposed to give this paper to?

Manager: Ahh, Ahhh, uh, ummm, oh god, Kath-leen, can help you. Sh… sh… she is r… r-running the tournament, please help me, someone, oh god….

:::::Jay Smash drops the manager’s hands, then pulls Kathleen by the arm and begins to drag her through the lobby and towards the elevator. When the elevator doors open, security finally runs down the stairs and to the lobby. The elevator doors shut, and they head up the building while people in the lobby point to the elevator.::::

Kathleen: Let me go! What is wrong with you, do you have any kind of respect for anyone? You are a sick human being!

Jay Smash: I’m accepting the invitation to the Gold Rush tournament. Here.

:::::Jay Smash hands the sheet to Kathleen who grabs it then looks away. Smash continues to stare down at Kathleen till she looks back up at him.:::::

Kathleen: What!

:::::The elevator doors open and both Kathleen and Smash walk out. They walks down the hallway then enter an office where Kathleen walks over behind the desk and Jay Smash stands at the door.:::::

Kathleen: Okay, I want to get this over with as quick as possible because it’s safe to say that I don’t like you and I don’t want to see your face ever again, so if you can get a little closer, sit down and sign a few things that would be just terrific.

:::::Jay Smash does not sit right away, but instead slowly looks around the office, at pictures of Kathleen with several historic wrestlers. He looks calm as he takes a look around, until one picture catches his eye. An image of Kathleen as a child, standing with his father James Smash.:::::

Jay Smash: You’ve met my father…

Kathleen: I’ve met a lot of people Mr. Smash, now please just sign these documents so you can join the tournament, and we can go on with our own lives.

Jay Smash: Why so upset? You don’t think someone else has been thinking about breaking that guys hands and watching him cry? You have never thought about doing something to him?

Kathleen: That’s not the point. Thinking about it and doing it is different.

Jay Smash: That’s bottled up emotion right there. You sound angry on the inside.

Kathleen: Are you my psychiatrist now?

Jay Smash: So you have a psychiatrist for this problem then?

Kathleen: What? No, you’re changing the subject!

Jay Smash: I think I know you very well at this point Kathleen. I can tell you’ve loved wrestling since you were a child. You’ve met some very popular superstars that have probably taught you a lot as a child as they did for me. You were probably a bright student, you made it to college and got a job here in the CSWA, working with wrestlers. I’m sure you have seen me around, I’ve been in several federations before hitting it big. You also probably know a lot about everyone as well, being that bright individual that you are you know that I’ve had some tragedies that have made me the way that I am. I can’t control my urges Kathleen. Some urges are better than others. For example, I had the urge to break that man’s hands downstairs in the lobby, but I also have the urge to push off all these papers from your desk and see what you’re hiding under that tight skirt of yours. And by the sound of it, you are holding back… I can tell there is something on your mind as well… You like scars?

Kathleen: You… You’re wrong about me… I wasn’t that bright in High School, and I didn’t graduate college to get this job. And I have hit that guy downstairs before….

Jay Smash: Really?

Kathleen: Mhmm… Hard.

Jay Smash: Well then… Maybe I should sign these paper now.

:::::Before Smash can lift the pen, Kathleen grabs Smash’s hand. Smash drops his hand away from the pen and watches as Kathleen stands up and walks over to Smash. Smash stays in his seat while Kathleen sits on top of Smash and begins to slowly connect her lips with his. Smash begins to grow more aggressive, then grabs Kathleen up as she locks her legs around Smash’s back. Smash shoves the papers off the desk, then drops Kathleen on the desk. Smash pops the buttons off Kathleen’s skirt, then opens the shirt wide open to reveal her bra. Smash begins to shove his face between Kathleen’s breasts while tearing the bra off her chest. The image is hidden through Kathleen’s shirt, but Smash begins to bite down on her nipple, then sucks away as she moans and scratches her finger nails across Smash’s back. Smash moves down her body, then slips off Kathleen’s panties through her skirt. Smash shoves his head down her skirt as Kathleen grips the edge of the desk and shuts her eyes tight, loving every second.

Before Smash can go any further, there is a knock at the door and an announcement that security is on there way up. Smash’s head comes back from under Kathleen’s skirt as he wipes his mouth off. Kathleen sits up and begins to button her shirt back up while Smash signs the documents on the floor. After Smash signs the documents, he hands them to Kathleen who continues to fix her outfit and clean up the mess on the floor. Security knocks once, when Kathleen helps Smash escape through another room in the office and out a window’s fire escape. The security finally breaks the door down to find Kathleen sitting at her desk with everything back on her desk, and no sign of Jay Smash anywhere.:::::

Security: We’re sorry Miss Kat, we thought that guy from the lobby might still be here. If you hear anything, just call down to the front desk.

Kathleen: Okay, no problem.

Security: Mmm, it smells good in here, new perfume?

Kathleen: Thanks, I’ll call if I hear anything, bye.

:::::The security walks out and shuts the door, leaving Kathleen in her office alone. Kathleen stands up and runs to the window to see if Smash got away, but there was no sign of anyone in the alley out the window. But the documents have been signed, and it is now official… Jay Smash will be at the CSWA’s Gold Rush tournament.:::::

(CUT TO: Troy Windham, with the ocean behind his terrace.)

TROY: Jay, what is it you exactly smash, other than people's brain cells with your idiocy? Can't anyone find me some competition around here? (FTB)


New member
Jan 1, 2000
Boldon UK
*OOC Comment* I hope you weren't typing that with one hand and with your pants round your ankles! ;)


The Godfather
Staff member
Mar 17, 1988

Don't mind Gregg -- he's determined to reply to anyone and everyone with one-liners just to irk them and spur them on. It's his job as the handler for Troy, after all.



Jan 1, 2000
(CUT TO: Troy Windham, in the CSWA satellite office in New York. He's panicked, flustered. He runs in and sees Katherine, sobbing.)

TROY: Katherine, are you allright?

KATHERINE: Troy... (she leans onto his shoulders.) I love you like an older brother.

TROY: I know, Katherine. You're the little sister I never had, except for the one who was in The Professionals for a few weeks. I look out for you, you look out for me. You're a great help in the office.

KATHERINE: I... I made a big mistake today. I don't know if you caught it...

TROY: What, when you whored yourself out on national television with that retarded wrestler?

KATHERINE: Yes... oh god...

TROY: It's okay. I'm sure you'll get used to whoring yourself out.

KATHERINE: It's not that... I never told him...

TROY: What?

KATHERINE: I have mono... a really bad case of it.

TROY: (he pushes off Katherine) Ewww...

KATHERINE: Don't worry, it's only communicable via borderline rape situations... or simple making out, even... I hope he's okay. He should get a blood test ASAP.

TROY: Yeah... you look pale. Are you allright?

KATHERINE: Yes... but... (cough)... (cough...) I keep on... (cough) coughing up... colors

TROY: Ugh, I hate it when that happens... well, feel better.

KATHERINE: Thanks... I just hope that Jay Smash gets tested.

Troy skips out.



Jan 1, 2000
(CUT TO: Troy Windham, sitting in the television control room at his North Shore Oahu estate, CSWA Unified Title cradled in his left hand.)

TROY: Jay Smash, it has come to my attention that when you forced yourself upon my dear friend Kathleen, you were unaware of her medical history. A few days ago, she was diagnosed with suffering from mononucleosis. I'm sure that you DON'T know what that is, considering how completely ignorant you have shown yourself to be in your brief tenure here in the CSWA. Mono is a highly communicable disease. Again, since you're completely ignorant, allow me to explain it to you so someone of your mongoloid I.Q. can understand. (Troy speaks very slowly.) THIS MEANS THAT YOU CAN GET OTHER PEOPLE SICK. I apologize, Jay Smash, for using polysyllabic words. But since you have contracted a disease which is easily spread, particularly via blood, and belive me, if you show up at Gold Rush, I will see to it that you bleed... I will be filing a complaint with the North Carolina State Board of Licensure to make sure that you are unable to compete in this event as you are medical risk to not just yourself, but to others. Good day. (FTB)


League Member
Jul 1, 2005
Long Island, NY

*Sigh* I hate when people do this... Like I said before, it's just my opinion, and I thought your one liners were kinda dumb and a waste of time. But I just wanna let you know, that technoically, Kathleen was a character of mine, whom you used without my conscent. She was someone I was going to use as a character, and by doing this lame rp about mono, you've ruined it, and now nothing makes sense anymore you ruiner you.

The comments about Jay Smash being a moron is okay, I can over that, because that was totally an in character thing to say, but as a person that has been roleplaying for some time, you've crossed that line just a tad by using one of my characters....

I expect a sincere apology and possibly deleting or changing your rp to not use my character Kathleen. Thank you, and I'm sorry to have to say this, but I wanna have fun just like everyone else in this, and you've definately taken that away so far.




Jan 1, 2000
Jay_Smash said:

*Sigh* I hate when people do this... Like I said before, it's just my opinion, and I thought your one liners were kinda dumb and a waste of time. But I just wanna let you know, that technoically, Kathleen was a character of mine, whom you used without my conscent. She was someone I was going to use as a character, and by doing this lame rp about mono, you've ruined it, and now nothing makes sense anymore you ruiner you.

The comments about Jay Smash being a moron is okay, I can over that, because that was totally an in character thing to say, but as a person that has been roleplaying for some time, you've crossed that line just a tad by using one of my characters....

I expect a sincere apology and possibly deleting or changing your rp to not use my character Kathleen. Thank you, and I'm sorry to have to say this, but I wanna have fun just like everyone else in this, and you've definately taken that away so far.



(Apologies to Chad and everyone not named this guy in advance -- I'm a really nice guy, I haven't had any stupid FW beef in ages, but this needs to get taken care of, stat.)

Hey, buddy, how about you get a grip a little bit? I know you're barely literate and probably a pre-teen, and I know that I have absolutely torn you a new asshole in every note I've tossed your way, and you've shown to no one here any ability to do anything except have annoying colors in your roleplays, but maybe you should just have some fun with what I've tossed you instead of being a big baby about it? Or maybe you should quit and find a league more to your ability, since you're obviously outmatched in the CSWA?

Gosh darn, I "technoically" used a lame bit without "conscent." I am such a ruiner!

Are you going to report me to the FW police again?

Here is my apology to you: I am truly sorry that God gave you fingers so you can type your dreck and waste my time.

measuring stick

(As a Jay Smash promo ends, a TV commercial begins)

Tired of not being able to satisfy your lover?

Tired of your partner gagging, puking, and scratching his eyeballs out because of your genital warts?

Well try Oxi-Med's Genital Warts & Herpes Treatment!

It really works! Just ask Kathleen from CSWA!

(Screen flashes to Kathleen running down the beach)

KATHLEEN V/O: I've had genital warts for almost a full year, and I've tried every medicine known to man. Now that I've found Oxi-Med, I'm convinced that I'll be able to please my lover, without getting those sour looks.


V/O: Side effects include.

(Black screen appears, scrolling white text)



Making out with untalented wrestlers.

And sores in the mouth, that are transmittable.


The Godfather
Staff member
Mar 17, 1988
Now, now, don't make me lock the thread gentlemen.

And remember that the final judging goes through me.

So let's move on. I'm sure Gregg won't use the character of "Katherine" again, I'm sure Jay Smash is a mature, non-preteen literate, and I'm sure that I won't get any more "alerts" on threads because they were considered not funny.



New member
Jan 1, 2000
Boldon UK
So in conclusion:

Jay Smash actually said the phrase "you ruiner you".

Gregg said stuff that made me urinate while laughing.

measuring stick brought some witty banter.

Chad showed why he's the Godfather.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand my presence in the thread just got it more hits than many consider it deserved....I thank you and goooood night! ;)

P.S. E-beef rocks, its funnier than a group of midgets trying to change the tyre of an 18-wheeler!

P.P.S. We all just watched/read about a girl getting raped by a wrestler.

P.P.S. Yeah, I reckon she is now the closest thing to a syphallitic whore we can find on the boards till somebody gives Katz a call.

P.P.P.S. Yeah, I'm bored.


League Member
Jul 1, 2005
Long Island, NY
Woah there killer.

Finding all my spelling errors and being a dick was not what I intended when writing that message. I understand you are a popular guy around CSWA and I'm probably raining on your parade by giving my opinion about you, but there was no reason for me to say it.

So, I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. Honestly, I’ve never been thrown into a problem on any forum for a very long time, and I don’t like when it becomes a long fight about what is good and what is bad about the other guy.

I told you how I felt about you using my character, and I’m sure you and many others wouldn’t feel great if you or anyone else decided to use one of there characters, especially without the proper use. I can easily walk away from this argument by saying sorry to you, I just hope you can find it somewhere in that big heart you’ve got to understand how I feel about what you did, and still, have the common decency to walk away from this as well.

And although I’ve never had a complaint about color usage before, it is merely effect, and does not change what the message sends out about Jay Smash (Besides that fact that at this point, Jay Smash goes for whores with mono.) Hey, he is called “The Disease” Jay Smash after all.


P.S. I usd Microsoft Word for the spelling errors this time. Just in case.


New member
Jan 1, 2000
Boldon UK

CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD.....you need to get all Bill Cosby on this thread, sit them down, explain things, make them cocoa, do that funny walk/expression Bill does, and smooth it over.....Chad is King.


Jan 1, 2000
Jay_Smash said:
Woah there killer.

Finding all my spelling errors and being a dick was not what I intended when writing that message. I understand you are a popular guy around CSWA and I'm probably raining on your parade by giving my opinion about you, but there was no reason for me to say it.

So, I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. Honestly, I’ve never been thrown into a problem on any forum for a very long time, and I don’t like when it becomes a long fight about what is good and what is bad about the other guy.

I told you how I felt about you using my character, and I’m sure you and many others wouldn’t feel great if you or anyone else decided to use one of there characters, especially without the proper use. I can easily walk away from this argument by saying sorry to you, I just hope you can find it somewhere in that big heart you’ve got to understand how I feel about what you did, and still, have the common decency to walk away from this as well.

And although I’ve never had a complaint about color usage before, it is merely effect, and does not change what the message sends out about Jay Smash (Besides that fact that at this point, Jay Smash goes for whores with mono.) Hey, he is called “The Disease” Jay Smash after all.


P.S. I usd Microsoft Word for the spelling errors this time. Just in case.

Hey man, it's all good. Let's just move on from here.

I do owe you an apology for being a dick.

The reason I used your character was because you RP'd her as a CSWA employee. There's a bunch of CSWA characters who are fair game for anyone to use -- different announcers, color commentators, personalities. That's been the policy for years. If your character was brought in differently, i.e. as a separate valet, I wouldn't have used her. I would have made fun of her, but I wouldn't have used her. If I knew you intended to use her, I also wouldn't have touched her. And I won't use her again.

So, let's get back to RPing...


New member
Jan 1, 2000
Boldon UK
Is that because they are so soft?!?! Mwuhahahahahahahahahahahahaha...oh dear, I'm being jobbed for that!

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FWrestling.com was founded in 1994 to promote a community of fantasy wrestling fans and leagues. Since then, we've hosted dozens of leagues and special events, and thousands of users. Come join and prove you're "Even Better Than The Real Thing."

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