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ULTRATITLE Wrestler Profiles


League Member
Apr 9, 2012
ULTRATITLE Wrestler Profile
Wrestler Name
Wrestler Height
Wrestler Weight
Wrestler Age
Theme Music
"(I) Ain't Got Sh!t" by DEF Studios
Wrestler's Finisher
Twist of Fate into an RKO
Wrestler moveset
1. Snapmare
2. Snap DDT
3. Small Package
4. School Boy Pin
5. Running/Flying Crossbody
6. Roundhouse Kick
7. Running/Leaping Bulldog
8. Missile Dropkick
9. Tilt-a-Whirl Headscissors
10. Scoop Slam (on smaller opponents)
11. Headbutt
12. Chicken Wing Submission
Leagues Currently Active In
Brief Biography
Completely new to wrestling.
Brief Roleplay
"Three... two..."

The camera man sticks out his index finger to signal "one," and then he gives Vagabond his cue to begin.

"Hola! My name is Vagabond, I'm 24-years-young, I'll be competing in this year's ULTRATITLE Tournament, and I like long walks on the beach, candlelit dinners at McDonald's, and violent video games.

"Born and raised in the great state of New Hampshire -- REPRESENT! -- I'm also here to represent DEFIANCE WRESTLING. BUT above all else, I'm here to represent myself. If it comes down to me and one of the other DEF-reps to win the whole shebang, you can count on me to do what needs to be done. I take a backseat to no one! Mainly because I don't own a vehicle.

"Just sayin' ..."

The camera man motions for Vagabond to wrap it up even though he just started.

"Say what? I thought we had twenty minutes?"

"We did. But we don't anymore, so let's hurry up."

"So typical... I can't afford jack squat, let alone television time..."

"You're wasting time."

"Whatever. Let's end it. They'll know everything they need to know about me just as soon as I win that tourna--"

TV time is way too expensive. Fade to static.
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Oct 5, 2004
Pittsburgh PA
ULTRATITLE Wrestler Profile
Wrestler Name
Ken Cloverleaf
Wrestler Height
Wrestler Weight
Wrestler Age
Theme Music
"The Wind Below" by Rage Against the Machine
Wrestler's Finisher
Texas Cloverleaf
Wrestler moveset
Moveset forthcoming
Leagues Currently Active In
Brief Biography
Bio forthcoming
Brief Roleplay
RP forthcoming
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Active member
Jun 18, 2004
ULTRATITLE Wrestler Profile
Wrestler Name
Wrestler Height
Wrestler Weight
Wrestler Age
Theme Music
Mariachi version of "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" sung in Spanish
Wrestler's Finisher
Huelga de Tres - A fastball style punch to a kneeling opponent (Aaron Epic style)
Wrestler moveset
Grande Quadrangular - Four-revolution headscissor take down
Expulsion - Hurricanrana on the outside into the guard barrier
Tope suicida
Tope con giro
Spinning heel kick
Michinoku Driver II
Snap suplex
Bridging inverted Indian deathlock
Leagues Currently Active In
Brief Biography
Umpiro is a vampire who also is a Mexican baseball umpire. If you piss him off, he'll drain you of blood, which is why he was kicked out of the Mexican baseball league. He's strict but fair.
Brief Roleplay
Translated from Spanish

When I was an umpire, I always prided myself on my vision, my impeccable judgment on what was a ball and what was a strike. I was the fairest umpire in the land, but try telling that to 8,000 angry Guadalajarans who just saw their season end on a called strike 3. So what if I drained their manager of all his bodily fluids before their eyes for arguing? He didn't even taste that good anyway. He ate too many pintos. Very gassy.

Anyway, while I no longer look at pitches, I now see the moves before they happen. I look and I see many, many cabrons in front of me, but I also see the grand prize. THE ULTRATITLE. Nothing will stand in my way to get to it, not angry managers, not vampire hunters and certainly not Windhams.
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ULTRATITLE Wrestler Profile
Wrestler Name
Leyenda de Ocho
Wrestler Height
Wrestler Weight
Wrestler Age
Theme Music
Final Battle - Doctor Octoroc (Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Game)
Wrestler's Finisher
Actualizar (Shining Wizard into corkscrew Lionsault pin combination)
Wrestler moveset
Eight strikes to opponent in corner
Exploder Suplex
Knee strikes to opponent's ribs in double underhook position
Frontflip Senton
Frontflip Double Axehandle
Moonsault variations
The Tomahawk (tag-team maneuver; tilt-a-whirl into flying headbutt)
Media-Jefe (hanging outside the ring corner with legs wrapped around opponent's throat while opponent in Tree of Woe; referee breaks the hold)
Leagues Currently Active In
Brief Biography
Leyenda de Ocho is from the Rogers Park neighborhood of Chicago...an extremely diverse, if dangerous, part of town. Leyenda grew up surrounded by people who loved him, as well as people who hated him for being white. He never saw himself in terms of color; instead, he bases his identity on the path he decides to take in life. <br><br>The morality of early video games resonated with Leyenda at an early age; he saw heroes with clear paths of righteousness, and villains with purely evil intentions. His upbringing only reiterated the notion of black-and-white morality; the people he met were his friends, or they were gangbangers who wanted to take the neighborhood for themselves. <br><br>As he grew older and became a man, Leyenda decided that he had to draw a line in the sand; either he could become a flagbearer for justice and all that is right in the world, or he could be just as worthless as the gangs who would shoot guns openly in his streets, not caring if the bullets that flew would hit innocent people. He put on the luchador's mask...<br><br>An 8-bit mask, completely pixelated...<br><br>Leyenda realized that the heroes from the games of his youth had it right all along. Thugs don't respond to reason; they can only be put down by a bastion of righteousness, and if no one else was going to be the hero that was needed, Leyenda would be that man.<br><br>The biggest hurdle he faced was the fact that he was a very average-sized man; it is difficult to physically intimidate those who would take over the streets when you're 5'8". As a result, he spent many years training with other under-sized fighters, particularly in the world of wrestling, to tap into the ways he could bring out the best in himself. <br><br>He stands here today, a contender for the ULTRATITLE 2012 belt, as a man devoted to the ideals of the 8-bit heroes of his youth; ruthless, just, and always in the right.
Brief Roleplay
People see the luchador, people see the blocky mask, they hear the music, and they must think, "here comes the comedian"...

That's fine. It isn't news to me that I am not the biggest or baddest man around. I've put up with it my whole life.

The thing is, I see you, tournament entrants...I see you for who you REALLY are. I know who among you are the truly valiant...I see those of you who don't know how villainous you really are. Many among you try to explain yourselves in this "gray area", "oh, I'm not THAT bad, I'm just misunderstood!"

I've seen enough of my friends and family gunned down like dogs to know - shades of gray are just excuses.

I hope to find friends here...but I have been preparing my whole life to defeat any enemy that stands in my way.
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ULTRATITLE Wrestler Profile
Wrestler Name
The Swerve
Wrestler Height
Wrestler Weight
Wrestler Age
Theme Music
Stomp it to my Beat by Bad Boy Bill
Wrestler's Finisher
16. "This Party is Over" When I am in Hurricana position on there
neck, I swing around to the back of there neck and pull a Reverse
Hurricana. I can also pull this move while jump off the ropes or a
turn buckle if needed. If opponent is turned away from me I can pull
this move with out swinging around.
Wrestler moveset
1.) People Run (I run up the persons chest like they where a wall, then
a back flip that turns into a drop kick.)
2.) Bobert Flip (opponent is in the corner, I do a back flip towards
them. I then land on there upper body and pull a monkey flip)
3. Bobby Beamer (Backflip into a leg drop)
4. Arm Drop (I grab the persons arm, and then jump over the ropes.
Their armpit hits the ropes putting all my weight on there shoulder
5. Spinning Toe Hold (Bob does a little Shuffle between spins)
6. The Dancing Camel (He does a front somersault on top of an opponent
face down by their feet, and lands right into a camel clutch)
7. Corner Moon Sault Kick
8. Body Scissors to Bulldog
9. Tornado (while opponent is on the ground I do three Head Spins then
l jump and land a Leg Drop)
10. Springboard Drop Kick
11. Run up Corkscrew Moon Sault Kick
12. Cross Body over ropes
13. B Boy Kick (I pull many break dancing moves and to a kick to the
14. Bulldog
15. Flip Axe Kick
Leagues Currently Active In
Brief Biography
Wrestlers Biography: Bob grew up in a middle class family in Los Angeles. His Uncle Bill was one of the beat break dancer in the world. He started to teach him to Break Dance almost as soon as he could walk. Bob Di`Las or as his friends call him "The Swerve", became the 2004 World Break Dancing Champion. After proving to the world he was an Awesome Break Dancer, he wanted to prove that he could tackle another sport. So he decided wrestling would be a good one. Always a fan of Wrestling, becoming a professional wrestler is a dream for him. He started up in the ACW teaming up with long time friend Amo to become "The Bob and Amo Show", the most popular team the ACW even though they never received Tag Team Gold. During his first couple of month in he started a major feud Wrestler Jack Fury. During a Pay per View Match at Lord of the Ring, Fury threw him chest first into the corner of the ring. This cracked many of his ribs. Ignoring the Doctor's orders he entered the King of the Death Match 04 and was totally destroyed by Yoko. He was sidelined for about 2 months to recover from his injuries. He came back starting a feud with long time rival TNT. During this feud he took TNT on in an Over the top Ropes Challenge where TNT purposely jumped over the ropes making Bob the new Light Weight Champion. He feuded with both Daredevil and Jake Cheng at the same time. With this happening he was able to take the Entertainment Championship and hold both the Entertainment and Light Weight Championships at the same time for about 20 minutes. He is the first and still only person to pull this feat. Bob also had a successful run in the Global Tournament of Champions, placing 3rd out of 64 of the World's Best.

ACW Tag Team Champion (1x)
ACW Entertainment Championship (1x)
ACW Light Weight Championship (1x)
WWA Hardcore Title

Note: This is a different ACW

Brief Roleplay
So I haven't wrestled in 4 years, but what the hell, I'm bored.

That's right! The Swerve is back!

Best Role play ever!
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Sep 11, 1997
Katy, TX
ULTRATITLE Wrestler Profile
Wrestler Name
Jeffrey Roberts
Wrestler Height
Wrestler Weight
Wrestler Age
Theme Music
"Down With The Sickness" by Disturbed
Wrestler's Finisher
Shooting Star Guillotine: A Shooting Star Press Ending in a Knee Across the Throat
Wrestler moveset
running powerbomb
450 splash
dragon corkscrew plancha
flipover into a pin
flying clothesline
Texas cloverleaf
slingshot somersault legdrop
belly to belly suplex
belly to back suplex
head and arm suplex
german suplex
dragon suplex
jumping DDT
figure four leglock
missile dropkick
shooting star press
Leagues Currently Active In
Brief Biography

1. Technical proficiency

Unmatched technical skill with a gift for counters.

2. Agility

Very innovative in his flying attack, which he has become very adept at using in a high impact fashion. Will leap off of anything, no matter the height or risk, tying into....

3. Absolutely fearless

Probably psychotic to some degree. No regard for his own safety and an inhuman resistance to pain. Has been known to be happy when injured.

1. Crazy

Sometimes gets more interested in maiming someone in a new and interesting way than actually winning the match. Diagnosed sociopathic.

2. Loner

Obviously, not the social type. Not likely to inspire help from anyone should he get in a jam.

3. Inner Demons

His inner demons control him - his past and his mindset could help him become one of the greatest ever, or similarly cause him to disappear and never be heard from again. His recent four year absence and reappearance attest to this.
Brief Roleplay
Random RP:

(Fade in from black, back stage after episode 21. We come to see "Falcon" Jacob Venar walking toward the parking lot, all dressed and carrying his gym bag. A gleeful, menacing voice, however, stops him.)

ROBERTS: Well caw caw caw, if it isn't the Falcon.

(Venar stops, giving Roberts his attention. He sighs deeply as he turns around to face his partner to be, still in his ring gear, the maniacal Zouave nowhere to be found.)

VENAR: (looking around) Where's the clown? You know, you really shouldn't be out without your leash.

ROBERTS: (ignores Venar) Impressive work, Venar. And here I thought you were another of these one dimensional nobodies with no vision.

VENAR: Yeah, well I'm just full of surprises, I guess. What do you want?

(Roberts starts to walk around Venar slowly.)

ROBERTS: Now, Falcon, that's no way to talk to your partner... Is it?

VENAR: (scoffs) Partner. Hardly. Is this what you call "talking strategy"?

ROBERTS: I'm not really one for strategy, Falcon. I'm more of a... 'cut em and see how they bleed' kinda guy. The only strategy I'm interested in is ensuring that Lloyd Rees has a very uncomfortable evening. Beyond that, it's all gravy.

VENAR: Gravy, huh? Well then I guess you won't mind when I take the World Championship at the end of the night, as long as you get to make Rees feel uncomfortable.

ROBERTS: Who knows what I'll mind when the moment strikes me? (putting one hand on Venar's shoulder and smiling) Even I don't know what I'll do until I get there.

(Venar looks down at Roberts' hand, and Roberts loses the smile and removes it.)

ROBERTS: Besides, you've never held the big belt have you? Maybe you'd like to be a part of the 'everybody gets a turn with the World Title' tour before we decide to run everything into the ground and shut this place down. Wouldn't that be nice? You could be the champion of absolutely nothing - and what a proud champion you'd make. We can be neighbors in the Ring of Prestige in plaque form.

(Venar glares up at Roberts' sleazy smirk with contempt.)

VENAR: I hope not. Personally, I'd pass on the opportunity. I can hardly stand being forced to team with you. You smell like a greasy clown.

(Roberts chuckles, not out of amusement, more out of anticipated disappointment. He puts his thumb and forefinger on the bridge of his nose, backing away from Venar.)

ROBERTS: You know the jokes are amusing, kid, but with an opportunity like the one you have in front of you, you might want to try and be a little... serious.

(Venar let's his gym bag slide off his shoulder and drop to his side. Then he advances on Roberts with what we can only surmise is ferocity, getting right in his face.)

VENAR: All right, ass hole. You want serious? Here it is. I'm pissed off. Pissed off that after all the sweat and blood that I shed to earn this shot, I get to SHARE it with you. A crazy, washed up hack who couldn't even hold on to that World title with the clown behind you. Look, I don't care what Zouave's intentions are, as far as I'm concerned, this match is a triple threat. You know why? Because instead of ONE person standing between me and the World title, I get to worry about TWO. But you know what? I'm fine with that. I'm used to battling impossible odds, in fact I deal with it on such a regular basis, it was almost uncomfortable to battle Steve Parker tonight. Whatever you and the clown are plotting, bring it the (BLEEP) on. It doesn't change anything. I'm still gonna become World Champion this week, and there isn't a damn thing you or anyone else can do to stop me.

ROBERTS: (holding his ground, mere inches from Venar’s face) Spare me the ‘Inspiring Speeches for World Title Challengers 101’ routine, eh Venar? If you wanna join the ‘Jeffrey Roberts is a lucky hack’ club, by all means, go ahead. But that attitude didn’t help Parker, it didn’t save Chad Kurtis, and it won’t save you. You’re making all of these grandiose proclamations and yet all you are right now is a plucky little underdog who’s finally getting his shot.

VENAR: I earned my shot every step of the (BLEEP)ing way.

ROBERTS: (shrugging his shoulders and whispering at this close range) You might win the title - you might not. But one way or another, someone’s getting hurt very... very badly. It could be Rees, it could be you. So you just decide whether you want to save the world... or continue to live a healthy life in it. Because no matter how many times you tell yourself that Jeffrey Roberts ain’t **** – reality is a busted open skull and a leg stabbed through the muscle by a railroad spike.

VENAR: Oh, you're referring to what happened to Rees. Why did you do that, Roberts, because you couldn't get the job done in the ring? (scoffs) No matter how you slice it, Roberts, you can't get the job done any more. I can. That's why I have this shot. The only reason you're even here is because Zouave couldn't stand to see his little stooge spend ten minutes out of the spot light. I'm perfectly happy taking on the Lemondrop Kid myself while you and your clown wave foolishly from the sidelines.

ROBERTS: And why do you think you even got this shot? You think you earned it? (chuckles) So you won a few matches. We all win matches. You've won matches before and where did it get you? Remember something, kiddo, you're in the main event because we put you there. That's it.

VENAR: Yeah, for some misguided sense of security. If Zouave wants me to win, I'll win. Zouave wants me to lose, I'll still win. That's just the way it is. I'm not gonna back down or lie down for that greasy sideshow freak, I'd sooner tear my own leg off. If you have to take a railroad spike to my head, fine, do it. But I'm not leaving Episode 22 without the World title. You understand that? I got a message for your bloody clown, too. Tell him the Falcon says to go suck on a railroad spike.

ROBERTS: First of all - I said the railroad spike would go through your leg, not your head... and second of all.... there is no second of all.

(Roberts holds his spot and lets the words hang there for a moment – then very abruptly... steps back, and his demeanor becomes very happy go lucky. He gives Venar a lighthearted slap on the back and turns, walking away as he glances back over his shoulder.)

ROBERTS: Don’t worry, Venar. I’ll take care of everything. You just work on killing that bug in your ass.

(Venar leaves the shot as Roberts chuckles, turning to leave.)

ROBERTS: Jesus... you’re so *******ed serious all the time...

(Roberts leaves the shot in the opposite direction Venar did, whistling.

Fade to black.)
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Apr 1, 1998
Urbana, OH
ULTRATITLE Wrestler Profile
Wrestler Name
Mark Maverick
Wrestler Height
Wrestler Weight
Wrestler Age
Theme Music
"Wanted Dead or Alive" Remix
Wrestler's Finisher
"Givin the horns"
Full nelson facebuster
Wrestler moveset
‘Trash-Talkin’ Punches to the face
Side Headlock
Drop Toe Hold/ Elbow Drop to back of head
Flying Head Scissors
Trash Talk/ Lure into Hotshot on Turnbuckle
Eye Rake/ Rope Whip/ Running Face into Mat
Double Leg Takedown/ Punches
Headbutt/ Rope Whip/ Leg Lariat
Straight Leg Lariat
Springboard Dropkick
Facebuster Vertical Suplex
Springboard Flying Back Elbow
Springboard Leg Drop to back of Head
Gibraltar (Rocker) Dropper
Beat Down in Corner/ Choke with Boot
Fireman’s Carry Flapjack
FaceDriver Leg Sweep
Texas Cloverleaf
Top Rope Hurricarana
Top Rope Elbow Drop
Underhook Facedriver
Rope Whip/Flying Forearm
Tree of Woe/ running dropkick to face
ALL moves impract the face area
Leagues Currently Active In
Brief Biography
Mark has been a bit of a vagabond in wrestling. He did some work here and there, but never stayed around long enough to really catch on. In the past 10 years, he's done indy shows occassionally and even less frequent appearances on fWo or CSWA, usually just a bit part.
Brief Roleplay
Been there. Done that. Got the scars to prove it.

For nearly 15 years I've stated that, and I've learned one thing - those scars never go away, they just get a few more added to them.
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League Member
Apr 16, 2012
ULTRATITLE Wrestler Profile
Wrestler Name
Chris Walker
Wrestler Height
Wrestler Weight
Wrestler Age
Theme Music
"Time Is Mine" by Tony Iommi & Phil Anselmo
Wrestler's Finisher
"Greatness Personified": high-angle Texas Cloverleaf, with the knee driven into the back of the opponent for added pressure (think the angle that Jericho used to apply the WCW-era Walls of Jericho)

"Fall from Greatness": modified Tiger Driver, somewhat resembles Tiger Driver '91... used as a backup finisher or to setup the Greatness Personified in big matches... not used often, but almost always lethal when used.
Wrestler moveset
1. figure-four leglock
2. dropkick to the knee
3. standing kneebreaker
4. crucifix kneebar
5. spinning toe hold
6. Fujiwara armbar
7. hammerlock suplex (onto the arm)
8. begging off like a coward
9. eye rake
10. low blow
Leagues Currently Active In
Free Agent/none
Brief Biography
On the surface, Walker is a cocky, arrogant jerk who believes his past success many years ago "entitles" him to success in this generation of wrestling. He invested his money well, and has thus ended up financially set for life so to speak... so his goals in the ring never really relate to the paycheck. He does what he wants, when he wants, without fear of the consequences. His goals in wrestling are simple... prove himself to be as great as he believes he is, and have some fun while doing it.

Beneath that confident demeanor, however, Walker fears the erosion of his skillset from being out of the ring for many years, and prefers to avoid direct confrontation in favor of dirty, underhanded tactics. That's not to say Walker is incapable in the ring... he has a nasty, methodical approach towards tearing down a chosen bodypart that can lean towards maniacal when given the proper motivation. You could argue him as one of the elite technicians in the business when he's focused. But often, he prefers to take the easy way out and cheat/manipulate his way to victories... only for the biggest matches is he ever truly "focused".
Brief Roleplay
Will submit separately if accepted. I assure I can at least hold my own in a legit competitive environment. :)
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League Member
Apr 16, 2012
ULTRATITLE Wrestler Profile
Wrestler Name
Hijo de Sombra
Wrestler Height
Wrestler Weight
Wrestler Age
Theme Music
"Jesus of Nazareth" by (hed) PE
Wrestler's Finisher
The Descent (Evenflow Piledriver)
Wrestler moveset

1: Corkscrew Moonsault 2: Springboard Moonsault 3: T-Bone DDT 4: Reverse DDT 5: Tornado Piledriver

6: Elevated STF 7: 180 Frog Splash 8: Twisting Moonsault 9: Rolling Leg Drop 10: Inverted Piledriver

TRADEMARKS No Bull**** (Modified Tazzmisison Surfboard Stretch) Death From Above (Shooting Star Frog Splash)
Leagues Currently Active In
Brief Biography
Brief Roleplay
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ULTRATITLE Wrestler Profile
Wrestler Name
"Southern Stud" Shane Rothenstein
Wrestler Height
Wrestler Weight
Wrestler Age
Theme Music
"Til I Collapse (Dj Fletch Dubstep Remix)" by Eminem & Nate Dogg
Wrestler's Finisher
Deep South Drop: Rolling Cutter
Wrestler moveset
Russian Legsweep
Cradle Neckbreaker
Top Rope Dropkick
Senton Bomb
Delayed Vertical Suplex
Step Up Enzugiri
Devil Lock DDT
Leagues Currently Active In
Brief Biography
"The Southern Stud" Shane Rothenstein - son of the former wrestler and owner of the WWWA.

The journey has been difficult for the young man. The son of hated promoter/owner Stanley Victor Rothenstein. He's spent nearly the last decade chasing after a break in the industry. It's certainly not that the man doesn't have the "look" of a professional wrestler. He's got the ruggedly handsome looks, the toned physique and most importantly, the training to go along with it.

Shane broke into the business around 1999 after being trained by his father, SVR and Jonathan Prophet. It was a time when the industry was buzzing and booming. A time where a wrestler of his pedigree and caliber should have been main eventing. Instead he was lucky to job out in the opening matches of local indy feds.

By 2004, Shane had all but given up on the business. He had became the laughing stock of the industry, a proverbial black eye on his career tarnished by his last name. He left the industry and worked as an adult entertainer for a few years much to the chagrin of his father. This was not what a Rothenstein does. By 2009 Shane was in a very dark place. Estranged from his father, a mountain of debt and a serious cocaine habit. In early 2010 Shane met his current fiance, Addison, who managed to help bring him from the brink of self destruction. In late 2011, Shane found himself with the itch to find his way back to professional wrestling.

Eight years later he finds himself on the biggest stage in the world. The Ultratitle tournament. 128 participants. 1 winner. Perhaps this would be the break that he was looking for.
Brief Roleplay
Our scene unfolds in a back corner of the Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta Internation Airport. Sitting on a very used light gray cushioned chair is a vaguely familiar face. It's much like seeing someone you've met once or twice. The face is easily recognizable, yet the name doesn't come. Not right away. Our camera zooms in for the slightest moment, drilling in on his icy blue eyes.

As we slowly pan backwards, our person of interest is found to be dressed in a gray suit, a blue dress shirt and a slightly off orange tie. A small gym bag rests along side of his scuffed leather shoes.

When he speaks, his voice is somewhat soft, almost beckoning you to draw closer, making you lean forward to try and hear what he's saying while a gate attendant is making flight boarding announcements.

As you find yourself staring into those blue orbs, his voice becomes your sole focus, everything else washes to white noise.

"For over a decade I've found my passion for this wrestling industry challenged, smashed and destroyed. I was told that I would never step foot onto a main stage. It wasn't because of me at all. It's because of my lineage. I wasn't born into the Rothenstein family by choice, but this, this is my destiny."

A rough hand rises up to brush through his messily spike black hair.

"I've seen the worst that the world has to offer. The drug dealers, the pushers, the peddlers, the dregs of society. I've walked among them, I've walked with them, I've walked as one. I found my hopes, dreams and desires at the end of a pipe."

His eyes close, your focus finally allowing to come back to your surroundings.

"For over ten years I've chased a dream. I've found myself down roads that no man should ever find himself traversing."

We lean forward, his eye lids rising as those blue eyes standout against the redness in his eyes. Yet it's evident this red hue is from caustic tears that had streamed down his face minutes before we arrived.

"I always believed that if you wanted something bad enough, all you had to do was will it to happen, and it would. Those were the beliefs of a naive fool. The one thing that I've come to realize is that if you want an opportunity, you don't wait. You throw yourself headfirst into the rabbit hole. And just like Alice, I haven't a clue as to where I'll end up. But I do know this, when all is said and done, whatever becomes of me will be because of me. What I will achieve will be based on my skills. My talent. I may carry the name of Rothenstein, but anything that I achieve will be because of me, not my name."

A squelching voice interupts our scene as nearby passengers rise and begin heading towards the passenger ramp. We watch as Shane stands up, hands brushing the small wrinkles out of his suit. Before us is a man who was once broken. He's lived in the world of darkness and survived. As he turns and heads towards the congregation of fellow passengers, he takes a moment to pause and turn back towards us. Across his lips tugs a smirk. That same cocky arrogant smirk of his father. He nods his head twice and then turns to disappear into the sea of humanity. Our vision slowly fades out with a lasting thought of revival.
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League Member
Aug 8, 2007
ULTRATITLE Wrestler Profile
Wrestler Name
Lane Cash
Wrestler Height
Wrestler Weight
Wrestler Age
Theme Music
"Life in the Fast Lane" by the Eagles
Wrestler's Finisher
- The Louisville Slugger (Discus Clothesline)
Wrestler moveset
- Eye rake/poke
- Rope burns
- Groin shot (front, mule-kick)
- Spin heel on face
- Rope choke
- Boot on throat choke
- Back rake
- Hair takedown
- Pretend victim of hair takedown
- Stomps
- Tearing Turnbuckle Padding away
- Distraction -> Tights Rollup -> Feet on Ropes
- Stomp, Ring-Around-the-Rosie
- Weapon in Trunks
- Scruff Grab -> Leaping to the Outside
Leagues Currently Active In
Brief Biography
Greatness, that about sums it up.
Brief Roleplay
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Apr 17, 2012
ULTRATITLE Wrestler Profile
Wrestler Name
Wrestler Height
Wrestler Weight
Wrestler Age
Theme Music
Wrestler's Finisher
The End (Spike Sitout Tombstone Piledriver)
Choke Out (Kata-ha-jime)
Wrestler moveset
2: Fischerman's DDT
3: Snap DDT
4: Cobra Clutch Suplex
5: Crucifix Powerbomb 6: Cradle Piledriver
7: Spear
8: Diamond Dust
9: Complete Dust
10: Shotgun Stunner
Leagues Currently Active In
Brief Biography
Soon to come.
Brief Roleplay
soon to come.
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Jan 10, 2004
New York
ULTRATITLE Wrestler Profile
Wrestler Name
Larry Tact
Wrestler Height
Wrestler Weight
Wrestler Age
Theme Music
"Pieces" by Hoobastank
Wrestler's Finisher

Starbreaker: Delayed Fisherman's Suplex into Snap Neckbreaker. Opponent's momentum takes them over into the Snap Neckbreaker when released from Fisherman's in midair.

Tactful Surrender: Rear Necklock. One leg and one arm restrain the opponent's arms. Other arm across the throat; remaining leg putting pressure on opponent's back.

Dive to Blue: Top Rope Elbow Drop.
Wrestler moveset
1. Rolling Takedown [can be modified into pinning combination]
2. Wrap Around Throw [lands on top of opponent]
3. Leg Screw Takedown
4. Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex
5. Kickswing DDT [sometimes rolls through to end up in mounted position]
6. Over-the-shoulder Running Power Slam
7. Spinebuster
8. Swinging Neckbreaker
9. Fireman's Carry into Stomach Buster
10. Abdominal Stretch into Side Slam
22. Backbreaker Submission [opponent bent over one knee]
12. Cross Armbar
Leagues Currently Active In

Brief Biography

Larry Tact has been to many promotions over the years, always bringing his outspoken opinions and sharp tongue along. He's never had a problem clashing with others, whether it be in the ring or on the stick, and carries himself with the confidence he can tangle with any contender.

After running through the indy circuit for a few years, Tact joined the IWF in his professional debut. He was arrogant, wealthy, and saw wrestling as a pursuit of his passion for the sport. He trained with several instructors and partners, intermingling his technician's mindset and skill with power wrestling, making full use of his size and strength. He prides himself on his work ethic in the ring, putting a substantial amount of time into training, preparation, and adapting. This has helped him keep up with the opposition in their own comfort zones, as well as dominate in his own.

Through his time in the pro circuit, Tact's opinion of the wrestling world solidified: anyone who participated in this industry was capable of digging to their lowest and vilest depths, for the sole purpose of making themselves feel above the rest who dove into this industry and stripped themselves of self-respect. As such, they deserved nothing from him, and shouldn't be surprised if they got a taste of their own tactics.

Tact doesn't consider himself squeaky clean, either. He understands what it takes to survive, and that you have to pursue what you want with the utmost vigilence and intensity. When he joins a promotion, it is because he will stop at nothing to achieve his goals. Circumstances of promotions have dictated whether this ruthless attitude has either garnered praise or caused... complications.

Over the years, Tact has battled and ascended through ranks, one after another, competing with opponents of various backgrounds and styles. With his hybrid mat wrestling/power style, he has claimed multiple Championships for himself, and is spoken of in high regard. Larry Tact knows the feeling of victory and reaching goals. More importantly, he has suffered the taste of defeat and experienced loss. In having done this, Tact has the invaluable knowledge of what it takes to work back up to success and has found, at times, it can be even sweeter the next time around. Learning from mistakes, he has put that knowledge to excellent use, molding himself into an even more seasoned in-ring competitor, more vigorous worker, and more ruthless adversary.
Brief Roleplay

We are inside a small charter plane, rocking slightly as the shot comes into view due to turbulence. Shafts of sunset light shine through the uncovered window spaces; little glimpses into the world above the shadowy, conflicted clouds.

We see only one sole passenger on board, and he is Larry Tact. He sits on the seat across from the camera, as it pans over, shaking a little again-- must be a handheld camera. He wears a midnight blue blazer over a blue shirt, the top button undone; a pair of slacks that match the blazer; black shoes; and a Cartier watch. He lifts a hand and brushes some loose strands of his golden blonde hair behind his ear, showing a thoughtful expression while tilting his head on against his closed hand.

"Are you nervous?"

Tact glances past the camera, seemingly at the serene, misty voice doing the filming, and grins a little.

"Nervous about what?"

"Well," the misty voice commented, "It's been some time since you have taken part in a tournament. Much less, one as vast and widely appealing as ULTRATITLE is bound to attract. From all I have heard, there may not be a tournament that grabs the attention of so many, with one simple word."

Tact looked out the window. "I think there have been one or two that gets droves coming from all walks of life, and out of the woodwork, thinking of the potential elder statesmen who may show up for this one. But ULTRATITLE is that powerful. And in this business... power has corrupted so many, it's bound to get a huge draw."

"And what of you? Does that force draw you in?"

"No," Tact said, but then fell silent. He scratches at his chin. "Fanatic, you and I... we lost about a lifetime of memories and good times because I allowed this industry to corrupt me with the allure of gold and dreams. All those years ago... I learned that lesson, it nearly made me want to leave wrestling altogether, before I even hit the pro circuit. No, I haven't been the supreme role model of moral values. I haven't sought out guidance from a Higher Power to rectify the wrongs I've committed. Just the same, I don't run away from what I've done. I face-up to my actions. I live with them, good and bad alike, and I accept it all as a part of myself."

His olive-green eyes lock onto the camera.

"Win or lose, you do it because you have the passion for wrestling. In the end, I won't be the undisputed best-- with as many competitors and promotions out there... the near-limitless match-ups that could be made between the 'best'... nobody can truly be at the top of the entire industry. But I will have my passion for the sport, and I will have had matches that reflect that. There's no title or glory greater than being in the ring, with someone you feel could be your equal, or better, and after a five-star match... finding a way to get the best of it."

"If you go out and do that, every night, every match will arguably be yours to win. And anything is possible. ULTRATITLE is one of the greatest titles of the industry, but it's not the one who selects the person who holds it. When it comes down to it, this is still a battle of skill, emotion, and passion."

Straightening up in his seat, Larry leans forward slightly.

"And through the decade-plus I've been wrestling, that's been infinitely more appealing to me than any tournament for any single title-- even ULTRATITLE."

"You know, Larry," Fanatic said, "Perhaps this would be an opportune time to show what truly does drive you."

What do you mean?"

"That is ... you clearly have the passion for wrestling, and you are accomplished in your philanthropic endeavors. However, the question everyone is being forced to answer in this tournament, whether they know it or not ... what does ULTRATITLE mean to them? What is it that will drive them to their limits ... then beyond? These questions have layers ... they cannot be answered so simply, brushed aside so easily. In your case, your motivations are from the events and people who have shaped your spirit, molded your being. We should use that."

"I'm not sure I follow," Tact replied, curious, "But let's talk it over. ULTRATITLE is the endgame, no doubt. I'm not looking at the end before the game has even started, though. I want to make every match, each round I'm still in this thing... something different. I want this to mark a new way for people to consider Larry Tact. A view they haven't seen before."

"Then," Fanatic said, "Let us seize this opportunity ... ULTRATITLE ... and allow it, and all those who watch, to discover Larry Tact ... rather than view Larry Tact chasing the spotlight that is ULTRATITLE. One will work with the other ... and if the two shall meet ... then all the better."

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League Member
Nov 5, 2005
ULTRATITLE Wrestler Profile
Wrestler Name
"The Devil's Advocate" Javid Dones

Wrestler Height

Wrestler Weight

Wrestler Age
44 (ps: If Anarky is 36, then Javid won the UWA World Title when he was a junior in High School)

Theme Music
"Paint It Black" - Rolling Stones

Wrestler's Finisher

Elegance (cobra-clutch suplex)

Wrestler moveset
knife-edge chop
fist drop
rolling knee drop
delayed suplex
butterfly suplex
side suplex
hip toss
various neck work (chinlocks, headlocks, neck stretches, etc.)

Leagues Currently Active In

Brief Biography (not-so brief)

Javid Dones burst onto the scene in the late 90s, acquiring the Platinum~! UWA World Heavyweight Championship in his first major performance on the professional stage at the Rebirthed UWA's Random Rumble. With his extensive knowledge of history of the ins and outs of the squared circle and his vicious venacular that would make Merriam-Webster blush, Javid was an instant success, with several defenses of his championship along with his aligning with one of the most notorious factions in wrestling history, the jWo.

With his success inside the ring, and vast success in the late 90s stock market, Dones' eye ventured towards outside the ring ventures, to behind the curtain, to ownership of his own federation. With this, Dones undertook ownership of the IWC, and then later of Las Vegas Wrestling (LVW) as well. However, both ventures failed, and nearly a decade of financial comfort veered towards debt-laden discomfort.

First, a marriage in shambles, as his wife Kari left him to marry a rancher in South Dakota. Then, after being expelled from Bobby's Room after a rumored scandalous poker hand involving a second ace of spades, Dones was 86'd from the majority of casinos in Las Vegas, his psyche teetering towards the brink, his bank account plummeting towards empty. Having been banished from The Strip, Javid Dones sought refuge and gained it with the Native American tribes of Oklahoma.

However, this change of scenery wasn't enough, as the tables of the Indian casinos became Dones' psychologist couch, and with it he went into debt with the tribe. Unable to pay his markers, and fearing an arrow through his chest cavity, Dones jettisoned himself towards the cold. To where he couldn't be found. To seclusion. To Iceland!

Hidden in the outreaches of Reykjavik, Iceland, Javid Dones now has one last opportunity to return to his roots. To return to a time and place in his life where his life wasn't in misery. Where he could walkabout without fear. Where he could win his way out of debt. There is one final chance, and that is inside the squared circle.

Brief Roleplay

(OPEN: Plain white wall, a flash of light gleaming off it. The view shifts roughly, downward to an empty plastic outdoor chair and with a rattle and thud comes to a stop. An errant finger glances off the lens, a man comes into view rounding stage right. Adorned in zipped-up brown bomber jacket, greying hair brushed back, un-trimmed beard equally colored and scraggly, JAVID DONES sits down into the view. DONES takes in a breath of frigid Icelandic air as he leans towards the picture to fiddle, adjust, and with a noticeable grimace, leans back into the plastic, gently placing his hands into his jacket pockets.)

JAVID DONES: "Ultratitle... A prestigious championship. One that has evolved through the ages. A historical purview that would peak any wrestling thespian's interest. Joey Melton. Hornet. Doc Silver, old friend. Michael Manson. Through its various machinations, the Ultratitle has withstood the test of father time, and is ready to flourish once more, like the mythical phoenix!

Yours truly can... (clears throat) ...understand the wanting of that feeling.

Through the maze of life, yours truly weaved many a wicked web to the delight of masses, but in recent years... dead ends have abounded. Nary has there been a corner nor track that hasn't led to a wall akin to the one behind yours truly's seat. No stop sign to warn of the impending terminus that impedes progress. Instead... instead its been pure regression.

Here, Javid Dones sits before you, in frigid temperatures, banished to the realm of Reykjavik, Iceland. (JAVID takes hands out of pockets, spreads arms out forward like a priest to his followers)

Here, Javid Dones sits before you, laying witness to a flicker of fire coming from the distance, from beyond the wall.

Here, Javid Dones sits before you, with one final opportunity to right the trajectory. To right the path taken. To right wrongs, and present to all that yours truly has well withstood the ever-quickening ticking seconds of life.

For yours truly, too, shall floruish once more! The wall shall disappear under wing, for I (raises arm to the sky, looks up at it!), Javid Dones, shall too rise like the phoenix!

Rise above the misery, the tortures, the pain and suffering, and piece together an astounding return to the sqaured circle! An epic for the ages shall be written between the ropes' pages, and nothing beyond the wall, competitor nor white walker, shall ground this flight to the flicker of fire.

(JAVID DONES stands up!)

To the flame!

(Puts both arms and face toward the air!)

To the Ultratitle!

(DONES calmly brings his limbs down, takes in a deep breath, gently putting his hands back into his pockets.)

And yours truly shall do it... with Elegance.

It's over. It's really, really, over."


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New member
Jan 3, 2004
New York
Wrestler Name


Wrestler Height


Wrestler Weight

232 lbs.

Wrestler Age


Theme Music


Wrestler's Finisher

Suicide Screwdriver - Vertical Suplex into a jumping piledriver
Burning Hammer - Inverted Spicolli Driver

Wrestler Moveset

Roaring Elbow
Knife Edge Chop
Gut-Wrench Suplex
Enforcer DDT
Various Headbutt
Martial Arts Kicks
Mexican Armdrag
Dragon Leg Screw
Triangle Hold
Octopus Hold
Suicidedriver (All varieties of piledrivers)
Phantom Kick
Spectrevision - Twisting STO
Suicide Legdrop - Front somersault legdrop from the top facing away from the ring
Burning Knuckle - Spinning Backfist
Enforcer Spinebuster
Suicide Enziguri - Back handspring into an enziguri to opponent in the corner

Leagues Currently Active In


Brief Biography

Ulysis Carlos Solian, better known to the world as Suicide, came from humble beginnings. Born in Ponce, Puerto Rico, Solian moved with his family to the Bronx at age four. Soon after settling in the new home, Ulysis lost both his parents in an automobile accident. His mother’s brother and best friend of his father’s, Emanuel Gonzago, took young Ulysis as his own and raised him as his son. During this time, Ulysis began to have a growing interest in the sport of professional wrestling, due to his uncle’s involvement as well as his own father’s legacy in the sport.

Starting early, Ulysis Solian would learn how to hone his craft at the New York Wrestling Alliance, a promotion his uncle had part ownership of. There, he befriended some who would become famous wrestlers themselves in the future, such as Scott Riktor, Larry Tact, Dusty Thompson, Ellis Scott, amongst others. Ulysis started to wrestle at an early age under the moniker “The Prodigal Son of Wrestling”. He was a wrestling prodigy and soon grew at a rapid rate. This drew the ire of some wrestlers, in particular Gideon S. Darkheart and Captain Nappi. Darkheart especially hated Solian due to his younger sister, Celeste, having feelings for him.

All was well for Ulysis in NYWA and his life until the day that would be known as “The Incident”. This day would change Solian’s life forever and permanently close down the NYWA. After “The Incident” took place, Solian fled his home and traveled to Japan to recollect himself. There, he met a legendary Puroresu legend, Hiro Miyamoto, who furthered his training as a professional wrestler. For one year, Ulysis would wrestle with both skill and reckless abandonment for himself. The fans would chant “Seppuku”, meaning honorable suicide, due to giving everything he had when he stepped in the squared circle.

A changed man, Ulysis Solian wanted to go home, but would not show his face. It was then he donned the infamous mask and became none other than The Mysterious Wanderer himself, Suicide. He made his start back in America in a promotion called IWF that was ran in the backyard of the mansion of the owner, Chris Horowitz. Suicide, in his second match back in America, faced off against a man known as Rage. Unbeknownst to both men, they were each facing their best friend. Soon after this, other faces from the past appeared in the IWF, but that did not deter Suicide, as he captured every title within the promotion, including becoming the first ever King of the Deathmatch.

From there, he would join other promotions, capturing titles, making new fans, and wrestle some classic matches with legendary wrestlers like Shawn Hart, Michael Manson, Shane Southern, amongst others.

However, Suicide’s reputation as an enigma would soon hurt his worth as he would mysteriously disappear from place to place at a moment’s notice. No one knows why this happened, but a rumor suggests he wasn’t happy with the level of competition. This, coupled with ongoing problems with his relationship with Celeste, known to most as Mystique, soon sent him into a downward spiral.

It wasn’t until a few years later he appeared at Legacy of Champions under the disguise as S. But he would soon find out that his hidden identity would prove to be his undoing as he would suffer loss after loss. Even after he was revealed to be Ulysis Solian, he would soon know defeat too many times. It was when he reverted back to his old self, not as Suicide, but as the Prodigal Son, that he would soon find fortune smiling upon him, capturing the Relentless Championship. however, his success was short-lived as LoC closed down.

When Legacy of Champions reopened, Ulysis Solian came back, not as S, not as The Prodigal Son, but as The Man, The Myth, and The Legend most of the wrestling world knows him as. The Mysterious Wanderer came back and already had the stack against him as he faced seven men in a Gauntlet Match to win the LoC Underground Championship. He also returned to New ERA of Wrestling where he went undefeated before it went on another hiatus.

Now, no one knows the whereabouts of the Mysterious Wanderer and some have stated he has hung up his trench coat and fedora... this time, for good.

Brief Roleplay

The scene opens inside a living room at a camera angle shot behind a recliner. Within the background is shown a HDTV, where the channel was on ESEN. A reporter was shown talking as small wisps of smoke were floating in the air from a lit cigar in an ashtray right next to it. Overhanging the backrest of the recliner was an article of clothing.

"We just got word that a day after his defeat at the hands of Derecho, Ulysis Solian, better known to the wrestling world as Suicide, has not been seen in Legacy of Champions. Suicide, the former LoC Underground Champion, disappeared after a grueling loss to Derecho, who usurped the title with the help of LoC Legacy Champion, "Superstar" Vince Jacobs.

"This isn't the first time Suicide has disappeared from the eye of the public as he has done so many times in the past, but there are reports that are suggesting that the self-proclaimed "Man, Myth, Legend" may have wrestled his last match."

A hand appears in view of the camera as it grasps the lit cigar gently. The cigar and hand disappear and several clouds of smoke appear above the recliner.

"On a personal note, Suicide is no doubt licking his wounds and feeling sorry for himself. I have had the displeasure of calling his matches in the IWF and let me tell you, the sport is better off without this idiot who hasn't evenmade a dent in being a world-renown quantity."

A light chuckle is heard as the reporter on television was former IWF color commentator, Harry Lyles, a man who, like most in the sport, vilified Suicide.

"Before we go, the ULTRATITLE is coming back and there are still spots available in the tournament to crown a new champion. Over a hundred wrestlers have come from all across the world to compete for the most coveted championship in all of professional wrestling. Time is short but so far the turnout has been tremendous. This 128-man tournament will be one of the largest in the history of this sport, so wrestling fans, be sure to buy your tickets when the matches come to a town near you.

"This is Harry Lyles signing off with Wrestling Around the World!"

The television gets turned off and the butt of a cigar gets thrown into the ashtray. Something is grabbed off camera and when it comes into view, it is revealed to be a black fedora. It stays in view for a few moments before it's tossed away. A sound of someone standing up from the recliner is heard and a couple of seconds later, the article of clothing was grabbed. A familiar symbol in white flashed on the back of it before the camera fades to black...

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Jan 1, 2000
upstate NY

Wrestler Name
Max Blackshire

Wrestler Height

Wrestler Weight
245 lbs

Wrestler Age

Theme Music
"Reckoner" by Radiohead

Wrestler's Finisher
Flatline 29
(Variant of a cross face chicken wing.)

Snap-Driver 7
(Sit-out Turning Brainbuster)

Wrestler moveset
Exploder Lariat
Camel Clutch (aka Humbler)
Top rope Ace Crusher
Crippler Crossface
Suplex Variants
Missile Dropkick
Spike DDT
Havoc Bomb

Leagues Currently Active In
None Currently

Brief Biography
- born January 9, 1978 in a suburb of Liverpool, England.

- believed to have had a difficult childhood. In and out of trouble with the law. Had an immediate and constant bitterness towards his older brother, Cyrus.

- joined Vin Zachary's School of Wrestling in late 1998 along with Cyrus, who had brought Max to the US with him in hopes of helping to turn the angry young mans life around.

- while reports are sketchy and no official charges were filed, *it is believed that Max was somehow involved (responsible?) in the heroin overdose and death of the girlfriend of another student at the school, Smoove. Max would be booted from the school and disappear from Cyrus' life and from the public eye for some time.

- Max would show up in SCW (Superior Championship Wrestling) in 2001, where Cyrus had quickly cemented himself as a star and where Smoove stood as the promotions World Champion. Max worked his way up the roster and tormented Cyrus on the mans quest for gold. The brothers would have several memorable matches, including a "Ring of Fire" match which saw Cyrus literally push and HOLD his dangerous younger brother into a column of flame, burning a good portion of his body. While Cyrus saw it as a necessity, pushed to the very edge, he would go to his grave with regret despite Max's past.

- while Max quietly healed, defying medical expectation and amazing experts the world over, Cyrus would fulfill his quest for the SCW World Championship, wresting it from Smoove in a highly competitive, hard-hitting match. At its climax, just after having his arm raised, Cyrus Blackshire would collapse and die in the center of the ring, having suffered a traumatic brain aneurysm as a result of a terminal, previously undetected brain tumor. This event would go on to haunt and drive Max to greater heights of madness. Death had defeated Cyrus where Max could not.

- several years later, Max resurfaced, this time to GXW/GWE and this time with his sights set on "Triple X" Shawn Stevens. This would be a rivalry which would become nearly as bitter as his sibling rivalry. Stevens has been quoted in interviews as calling Max the "only guy to ever get in (his) head". Blackshire would go on to defeat Stevens in a Razorwire Strap Match by literally tying Stevens wrist to the turnbuckle with Razorwire, *which allowed Max to get the win. Post-match, Max would slit half of Stevens throat with a shard of razor blade. Thankfully, Max never touched a major artery and Stevens received the immediate medical care which would save his life. That stunt would eventually lead to Max's eventual dismissal from GXW.

- made a brief appearance taunting Stevens in EPW but would not stay there long.

- Max would quietly disappear from the US wrestling scene, taking several months off in 2004 before pursuing a tour of Japan. Blackshire would find a home there, remaining in Japan for over 7 years. Becoming a fan favorite respected for his mat work and submission skills, Max Blackshire reinvented himself, seemingly leaving his clouded past far behind.

- in April 2012, Max petitioned to be included in the ULTRATITLE tournament, returning to the United States for the first time in years.

Brief Roleplay

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Apr 1, 1998
Urbana, OH
For those who hate looking through all the pages to find the character they're looking for, I've been nice enough to waste a half-hour of my free time making a table of contents for this little character list. Yeah, go me!


Page One
Derrick Allen, Jesse Ramey, Doc Silver, “Suite” Pete Whealdon, Eugene Dewey, Demon, Latina Fire Go Go Spectacular, “The Ego Buster” Dan Ryan, “The Kochi Cannibal” Freddie Sagawa, Spooky Doom, The Deacon, “The Aftermath” John McDonough, Howard King, Cameron Cruise

Page Two
The True Face, Tarrasque, Showtime, “Jester” Chad Allen, “Triple X” Sean Stevens, “Total Elimination” Eli Flair, Castor V. Strife, “The Blade” Kendal Codine, “The man who used to Fly High” Jack Harmen, “The Dream” Marcus Davis, Joey Melton, Azreal, Jack Eastwood, Rezin, Kevin Watson

Page Three
Anarky, “The Only Star” Eric Dane, Orphan, Jaguar, “The king **** of the **** Mountain” Kristian Keller, “Good God” Kevin Powers, Troy Windham, Gemini, “The Oxonian” “Future Perfect” Blaine Hollywood, Joe The Plumber, Henry Dylan, Shawn Jessica Hart, PhD, “The Main Attraction” Tyler Boyd, Boogie Smallz, Troy Douglas

Page Four
“Southern Hero” Jethro Hayes, “Cool” Cancer Jiles, Ace Andrews, “Daddy” Jared Wells, Kin Hiroshi, The Sergaent, Eddie Whisky, Jason Murray, “The Untamed Fury” Lucious Star, Justin Voss, “The Canadian Wolf” Alex LeBlanc, “The Original Pulp hero” Alias, Pat Gordon Jr., “The Birmingham stallion” Jack Bryant, “The people’s choice” August Joyce,

Page Five
Dom Jacobs, Sammy Brown, Johnny Niles, “Gentleman” Jonathon Marx, Steve “Axion” Jackson, “Simply Sensational” Sean Edmunds, Jeff Andrews, Karl “The Dragon” Brown, "The Godfather" Vincenzo Savonarola, "Big Nasty" Mark McNasty, Max Blackshire, "The Cure" Matt Caje, Larry Tact, King Krusher, Jace Gryphon

Page Six
Zero, El Gordo Grande, "Too Cool" Chris Hopper, Jackson, "Dead End" Derek Martin, Spike Saunders, Cobra, The Phantom Republican, Kevin Hardaway, Jacob McKail, Shamon, Sylo, Cyanide Harvey, Christopher Ryan Eagles, Erik Mateo

Page Seven
AJ Johnson, Troy "The Baller" Franklin, Kiyomori, "The Native American All-American" Alexander Hayes, Jay Connor, Mikey Massacre, "Classy" Mike C, "Registered Sex Offender" Frank Wilkes, Felicia Hart, Dr. Curiosity, Gideon, Vagabond, Ken Cloverleaf, Umpiro, Leyenda de Ocho

Page Eight
The Swerve, Jeffrey Roberts, Mark Maverick, Chris Walker, Hijo de Sombra, "Southern Stud" Shane Rothenstein, Lane Cash, Black, Larry Tact (again?), "The Devil's Advocate" Javid Dones, Suicide, Max Blackshire (again!),


League Member
Apr 11, 2012
Saint Paul, MN
This is a little late, but I wanted to post my longer moveset (and a link to my longer character bio from IWF).

Steve "Axion" Jackson bio

Elbow strike
Double kneedrop to downed opponent
Knee strikes from body clinch into inverted atomic drop followed by clothesline
Standing dropkick
Snapmare into downed dropkick, pectoral stretch or rear naked choke
Diving double axehandle from top rope
Roundhouse and front kicks
Snap Scoop Powerslam
Spinebuster into corner (counter)
Northern Lights Suplex (non-bridging)
Uranage Brainbuster (High angle uranage side slam)
Knee to midsection from Irish-whip
Swinging Hangman's Neckbreaker
Elbow drop form top rope to opponents neck

Axe of Ruin (running backhanded discus double-axe handle strike with theatrics) *Imagine AJ Styles' old discus lariat meeting Kofi Kingston's Trouble In Paradise
Axion Bomb (fist first top-rope senton bomb)
Hopeless Driver (falling scoopslam piledriver with applied chokehold from weakside hand) **USED RARELY**

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