Pete and Gregg are gaylords.
Other feedback:
-Loved the Rumor Mill. Whoever wrote it (guessing it was Katz) got Millwood's tone exactly right.
-I've always liked Leyenda, he's been steadily getting over, and this card only furthered that. All the 2013 newcomers are really good, in fact, and should be able to step right in to compete for the Triple Crown and TV titles.
On the whole Legion/Impulse, Rook/HFC dust-up:
I've probably talked about this in the past with similar angles, but I'll echo what I've said before: I think the NFW title, sometimes, looks like an upper midcard belt. The NFW champion is often more over outside of NFW (for being its champ) than within the league itself, mostly because there is always something else going on that is more important. I think that's what Pete was getting at, and I'm not sure that the Impulse/Legion outcome helped. I've always believe that the World Title should be the most important thing happening at all times; I know not everybody in this hobby shares that view, but that's just my mindset. With that said, on this particular card, Impulse/Legion was not the most interesting thing going on.
I wouldn't put Rook joining HFC in the same class as Troy showing up or Dan Ryan joining the Windham Clan, because nobody saw those angles coming. HFC has been actively recruiting Rook, who was already a heel, so I think this was just inevitable. We'll see how it plays out, but what I like about this move is that it opens up some great potential matchups. Rook vs. Impulse, Rook vs. Austin, and Rook vs. Leyenda are all hotter because of what happened on this card. The Dan Ryan joining =W= angle actually had the opposite effect, I thought, which is why I never liked that move.
I am excited for some of the things that are coming up, particularly involving my characters and Gregg's, but I hope that Impulse's evolution as champion remains the top story, because the title change has been the source of the league's recent momentum, in my view. It was a fresh coat of paint that probably contributed to the excitement of the new guys; the idea that the league is wide open right now. To keep that going, I feel like Impulse needs to remain the focal point.